Embodiments of the disclosure are directed to algorithms for deterministically decoding Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes with up to r errors beyond the (d−1)/2 hamming distance in error patterns that occur with very high probability, which improve the raw bit error rate (BER) coverage of BCH and soft-BCH (SBCH) codes.
A widely known and broadly used BCH soft decoding scheme due to Chase deterministically decodes BCH codes by randomly flipping weak bits and then performing full hard decision (HD) BCH decoding per flip. Other prior-art fast Chase decoders use partial decoding per iteration, but the decoder covers smaller range of error patterns. The fast Chase of Wu, et al., increased soft decoding capability in comparison to Chase soft decoding, which offered an improvement over the classical HD BCH decoder. However, the prior art algorithms require essentially t+r operations per iteration by processing entire error-locator-polynomial (ELP)-type polynomials, and can decode only when the number of weak bits that are errors≥r+1.
Embodiments of the present disclosure provide methods of: (1) finding and proving a dimension bound to the linear space solutions of the (t+r)-key-equations; (2) Reduction of the core processing to a small evaluation set that is linked to an r-size linear basis of the key equations; (3) Vast computational sharing between iterations; and (4) Combinatorial ordering that govern the solution of related linear equations. Embodiments of the present disclosure afford complexity reduction when there are more errors in the set of weak bits. Embodiments of the present disclosure further provide soft decoding capability beyond Wu's algorithm.
Algorithms according to embodiments of the present disclosure use r operations per iteration by passing from an evaluation set of a basis to ELP-type polynomials, can decode when the number of weak bits that are errors≥r−1, and provide a substantial reduction in complexity as the number of errors in the weak bits increases. A design according to embodiments of the disclosure enables decoding whenever the number of weak bits that are errors≥r+1 and
and also whenever the number of weak bits that are errors≥r−1 and
where w is the number of weak bits, c>0, and C>0 is the complexity budget.
According to an embodiment of the disclosure, there is provided a computer-implemented method of Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) soft error decoding, including receiving a codeword x through a communication channel, wherein the received codeword x has τ=t+r errors for some r≥1, wherein t=(d−1)/2 and d is a minimal distance of a BCH code; computing a minimal monotone basis {λi(x)}1≤i≤r+1⊆F[x] of an affine space V={λ(x)∈F[x]:λ(x)·S(x)=λ′(x) (mod x2t), λ(0)=1, deg(λ(x)≤t+r}; wherein λ(x) is an error locator polynomial, S(x) is a syndrome, and F[x]=GF(q) wherein q=2m for m>1; computing a matrix A≡(λj(βi))i∈[w],j∈[r+1], wherein W={β1, . . . , βw} is a set of weak bits in x; and processing for every subset W′⊆W by retrieving from memory a set W″=R(W′), computing BW′ by adding one row to BW″ and performing Gaussian elimination operations on BW′, wherein R(W′) is reliability probabilities of the bits in W′. When a first r′ columns of BW′ are a transpose of a systematic matrix and deg(λ(x))=t+r′, wherein 1≤r′≤r, the method further includes performing computing u(x)=gcd(λ(x), λ′(x)), wherein λ′(x) is a derivative of λ(x); computing λ(Φ\W′) and deducting from it Zλ(x),Φ wherein Zλ(x),Φ={(β∈Φ:λ(β)=0}, when u(x) is a scalar in F*; adding a pair (λ(x), Zλ(x),Φ) to set a L of all (r′, λ(x), Zλ(x),Φ)) such that 1≤r′≤r, λ(x)∈V′r′, |Zλ(x),W|≥r′+1, and Zλ(x),Φ|=t+r′, when |Zλ(x),Φ|=t+r′; and outputting the set L.
According to a further embodiment of the disclosure, the one row added to BW″ is an arbitrary odd-square polynomial in the codeword x.
According to a further embodiment of the disclosure, the method includes forming the error locating polynomial from coefficients in the set L, and flipping channel hard decisions at error locations found in the received codeword.
According to a further embodiment of the disclosure, λ(x)∈Vr′ is unique and λ(β)=0 for every β∈W′, when the first r′ columns of BW′ are a transpose of a systematic matrix.
According to a further embodiment of the disclosure, the method includes terminating the processing of W′ when deg(u(x))≥1.
According to a further embodiment of the disclosure, the method includes terminating the processing of W′ when the first r′ columns of BW′ are not a transpose of a systematic matrix or deg(λ(x))≠t+r′.
According to a further embodiment of the disclosure, the method includes, before computing u(x)=gcd(λ(x),λ′(x)), computing, for every r≥ρ≥r′+2 and a pair (W1, λ1(x)) such that λ(x)∈V′ρ and W1⊆W with |W1|=ρ+1, wherein λ1(x)∈Vρ is a unique polynomial such that λ1(W1)=0, λ1′(β) for every β in W1.
According to a further embodiment of the disclosure, the method includes terminating the processing of W1 when for any β in W1, λ1′(β)=0.
According to an embodiment of the disclosure, there is provided a non-transitory program storage device readable by a computer, tangibly embodying a program of instructions executed by the computer to perform method steps for a Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) soft error decoding. The method includes receiving a codeword x through a communication channel, wherein the received codeword x has τ=t+r errors for some r≥1, wherein t=(d−1)/2 and d is a minimal distance of a BCH code; computing a minimal monotone basis {λi(x)}1≤i≤r+1⊆F[x] of an affine space V={λ(x)∈F[x]:λ(x)·S(x)=X′(x)(mod x2t), λ(0)=1, deg(λ(x)≤t+r}, wherein λ(x) is an error locator polynomial, S(x) is a syndrome, and F[x]=GF(q) wherein q=2m for m>1; computing a matrix A≡(λj(βi))i∈[w], j∈[r+1], wherein W={β1, . . . , βW} is a set of weak bits in x; constructing a submatrix of r+1 rows from sub matrices of r+1 rows of the subsets of A such that the last column is a linear combination of the other columns; forming a candidate error locating polynomial using coefficients of the minimal monotone basis that result from the constructed submatrix; performing a fast Chien search wherein the candidate error locating polynomial is verified; and flipping channel hard decision at error locations found in the candidate error locating polynomial and returning the decoded codeword x.
According to a further embodiment of the disclosure, constructing a submatrix of r+1 rows from sub matrices of r+1 rows of the subsets of A such that the last column is a linear combination of the other columns includes processing for every subset W′⊆W by retrieving from memory a set W″=R(W′), computing BW′ by adding one row to BW″ and performing Gaussian elimination operations on BW′, wherein R(W′) is reliability probabilities of the bits in W′. When a first r′ columns of BW′ are a transpose of a systematic matrix and deg(λ(x))=t+r′, wherein 1≤t′≤r, the method includes performing computing u(x)=gcd(λ(x), λ′(x)), wherein λ′(x) is a derivative of λ(x); computing λ(Φ\W′) and deducting from it Zλ(x),Φ wherein Zλ(x),Φ={β∈Φ:λ(β)=0}, when u(x) is a scalar in F*; adding a pair (λ(x), Zλ(x),Φ) to set a L of all (r′, λ(x), Zλ(x),Φ) such that 1≤r′≤r, λ(x)∈V′r′, |Zλ(x),W|≥r′+1, and |Zλ(x),Φ|=t+r′, when |Zλ(x),Φ|=t+r′; and outputting the set L.
According to an embodiment of the disclosure, there is provided a computer memory-based product, including a memory; and a digital circuit tangibly embodying a program of instructions executed by the computer to perform a method or a Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) soft error decoding.
According to a further embodiment of the disclosure, the memory is at least one of a solid-state drive, a universal flash storage, or a DRAM.
Let m>1, q=2m, F=GF(q), d is minimal distance of the BCH code, t=(d−1)/2, and α be primitive elements of F. 1<n<2m is the BCH code length and k=n−2t is the code dimension. Consider a BCH code whose evaluation set is A={α1, . . . , αn}, and parity check matrix is H=(αi·j such that 1≤i≤2t, 1≤j≤n).
A codeword X=(x1, . . . , xn)∈GF(2)n was transmitted and a word Y=(y1, . . . , yn)∈GF(2)n is received. The error word is e=Y−X=(e1, . . . , en) and E={αu such that eu=1} is the set of error locations. The decoder computes a standard BCH syndrome: [S0, . . . , Sd-2]T=H·Y=H·e, which is a vector in F(d-1). The syndrome polynomial is
The receiver tries at first to decode with the standard Berlekamp-Massey (BM) algorithm combined with a Chien search. If it fails it proceeds with a proposed fast soft decoding according to an embodiment of the disclosure. Failing BM means that the received word has τ=t+r errors for some r≥1. The set of errors locations is denoted by E0={α1, . . . , ατ}⊆A, where E0 is unknown to the decoder. The following algorithm succeeds whenever the number of errors is 1≤r′≤r. Initially the soft decoder observes a set W⊆A of weak bits. Typically w≡|W|<<n. The error locator polynomial (ELP) polynomial is defined by:
Set E={1/β:β∈E0}. For β∈F it holds that β∈E iff λ*(β)=0. The task of the following soft decoding algorithm is to first find λ*(x) and then E. Evoking the BCH key equations, the following affine polynomial space is defined:
V={λ(x)∈F[x] such that λ(x)·S(x)=λ′(x)(mod xd-1), and λ(0)=1,deg(λ(x))≤t+r},
By the above λ*(x)∈V, and it has been proved that dim(U)=dim*(V)≤r, and
U={λ(x)∈F[x] such that λ(x)·S(x)=λ′(x)(mod xd-1), and λ(0)=0,deg(λ(x))≤τ}.
Note also that U=V+λ(x) for every λ(x)∈V.
When |E∩W|≥r+1, an algorithms according to an embodiment has complexity
W can be determined, e.g., by log-likelihood ratios, such that this will be the common case. In fact, the larger |E∩W| is, the faster the algorithm becomes.
Following the above notations, set m≥1, q=2m, F=GF(q), and let d=2t+1 be the code minimal distance and t+r (t≥r≥1) the maximal number of errors that ensuing algorithm can correct. This section provides an overview of the BCH soft decoding procedure without the details of the ECC and BCH context, without details of the building of the basis to V, and mathematical proofs.
In an embodiment, a false alarm (FA) means any processing, beyond minimal, of a polynomial, checked by the algorithm, which is not the actual ELP. In particular, it includes unnecessarily activating the computationally heavy Chien search. An algorithm according to an embodiment has a built in mechanism that minimizes the usage of Chien search and reduces other verifications when FA emerges. In particular an algorithm according to an embodiment foresees bursts of FAs and detects them with reduced complexity. Such FAs may result from an ELP with multiple errors in the weak bits.
In a standard BCH soft decoding algorithm, called a Chase algorithm, each probe requires a Chien search, performed by q×t products, while an algorithm according to an embodiment requires O(r) products on average, a massive reduction. The proof of the low expected number of Chien search is based on two BCH probability bounds, known as probability bounds 1 and 2 (PB1, PB2), which state that a false alarm probability is upper bounded by q−1, or even q−s, with s>1 in some cases of interest.
For N≥1, b(x)=Σ0≤k<Nbkxk∈F[x] is called odd-square if for all 0≤k<(N−1)/2: bk2=b2k+1. In the following overview the main input of an algorithm according to an embodiment is a random odd-square polynomial b(x)∈F[x]. This is a generalized form of a syndrome polynomial.
A polynomial B(x) can be transformed into to a binary vector. For example, if B(x)+1+x+x3+x5, the binary vector is 110101.
Note that a computation of the GCD (greatest common divisor) of two polynomials of degree≤N with the Euclidean algorithm can be performed with N2 products.
A theoretical justification of the algorithms presented below is provided in the Appendix that follows this Detailed Description.
In this general setting the input of the algorithm is:
(1) b(x)∈F[x], an arbitrary odd-square polynomial—this is the binary codeword;
(2) integers (t, r, n, m) where 2m>n>t≥r≥1, n>w≥r≥1 and F=GF(2m);
(3) sets W⊆Φ⊆F* wherein F* is a finite field, such that n=|Φ| and w=|W|.
Here Φ stands for the evaluation set of the code, which is an auxiliary calculation that assists in the decoding, and W for the weak bits as explained below. The weak bits are those for which the probability of being correct is low.
Setting, Notations, Processing Principle, and Running Memory
For 0≤r′≤r define:
2t,t+r′,b(x)≡{λ(x)∈F[x]:λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod x2t),deg(λ(x))≤t+r′,λ(0)=1},
r′={λ(x)∈F[x]:λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod x2t),deg(λ(x))=t+r′,λ(0)=1},
and write
W={β1, . . . , βW}, where the βi are the probabilities and indices of the weak bits.
Note that it can be assumed without loss of generality that dim(V)=r. ♦
For every λ(x)∈F[x] and a set U⊆F, define
Take 1≤r′≤r. Note that by the uniqueness lemma, if λ(x)εVr′ is separable, and for Z⊆F, |Z|≥r′, Z is a zero set for λ(x), i.e., λ(Z)={0}, then λ(x) is the only polynomial in Vr′ for which Z is a zero set. ♦
Definition. For Q⊆W define Q*={i∈[w]:βi∈Q}.
and for Q⊆W define AQ to be the matrix obtained from A by omitting all rows that are not in Q* and BQ is the unique reduced row echelon (RRE) matrix, also referred to as a semi systematic matrix, whose row space is equal to the row space of AQ.♦
A matrix B is called systematic if B=[I, C], i.e., B is the concatenation of I and C into one matrix, where I the unit matrix. ♦
Set Ordering and the Processing Principle.
The subsets of W are ordered by a total order, <, typically lexicographic, e.g. a depth first order, wherein for any W1 and W2, subsets of W such that |Wi|≤r+1, if W1<W2 then W1 is processed before W2. There is a mapping R such that for every W′⊆W, 1≤|W′|≤r+1 there is W″=R(W′)⊆W′, which is unique, with |W″|=|W′|−1, such that the following holds:
(1) Running memory. For every W′⊆W and j≡|W′|≤r+1, the running memory stored before W′ is processed, contains {WW′(i):i∈[j]} where Ø=W(0)<W′(1)<W′(2)< . . . <W′(j)=W′ and for i∈[j]: |W′(i)|=i, and R(W(i))=W(i−1), which implies that the running memory is very small.
(2) Computation sharing. For every W′⊆W with |W′|≤r+1, when W′ is processed the decoder computes at first BW′. It is performed after retrieving from memory the matrix BR(W′), and then performing a minimal amount of delta Gaussian elimination operations to compute BW′. It takes an average of O(r) products per W′.
An algorithm according to an embodiment is a list decoder, which is a decoder whose output a list of codewords. One codeword in the list is the original valid codeword. The output is the set L, which is an array of codewords, of all (r′, λ(x), Zλ(x),Φ) such that:
1≤r′≤r,λ(x)∈V′r′,|Zλ(x),W|≥r′+1, and |Zλ(x),Φ|t+r′.
An algorithm according to an embodiment computes first, at step 102, a minimal monotone basis of V: {λi(x)}1≤i≤r+1⊆F[x], and then, at step 103, computes the matrix A defined above, and computes also:
Methods for computing the minimal monotone basis of V and the matrix A are known in the art.
(ii) At step 104, an algorithm according to an embodiment goes through every set W′⊆W, with |W′|≤r+1, in accordance with the order <. When W′⊆W, with r′+1≡|W′|≤r+1, is processed the decoder retrieves from the running memory W″=R(W′), which is read data and reliability probabilities, and computes a basis BW′ by adding the polynomial vector b(x) as one row to BW″ and performing a minimal number of Gaussian elimination operations to yield a set of codewords. If, at step 105, the first r′ columns of BW′ are a transpose of a systematic matrix, there is an instant check that tells the decoder if there exists a unique λ(x)∈Vr′ such that λ(β)=0 for every β∈W′. If the answer is positive and, deg(λ(x))=t+r′, the following steps take place, otherwise the processing of W′ ends at step 109, where the set L is output.
(s1) At step 106, apply the Euclidean algorithm to compute u(x)=gcd(λ(x),λ′(x)).
(s2) At step 107, if u(x) is a scalar in F* (i.e, λ(x) is separable) compute λ(Φ\W′) (i.e. Chien search) and deduct from it Zλ(x),Φ, otherwise if deg(u(x))≥1 the processing of W′ ends at step 109.
(s3) At step 108, if u(x) is a scalar and |Zλ(x),Φ|=t+r′, the pair (λ(x), Zλ(x),Φ) is added to L.
As mentioned above, this processing requires O (r) products on average instead of the standard O(r3) in a prior art scheme.
Comments and Further Reduction of False Alarm in Some Distinct Cases
(1) Following (i), in an algorithm according to an embodiment, the computation of λ(U) for λ(x)∈Vr′ and a subset U⊆F, e.g. Chien search when U=Φ, is done in a fast mode that requires r′ products for each β, instead of t+r′ in the standard method. This is due to the fact that λ(x)−λr+1(x) is a linear combination of {λi(x)}1≤i≤r′⊆F[x].
(2) It follows from the Probability Bound 2 (PB2), described in the appendix below, that in BCH decoding, for W′⊆W, with |W′|=r′+s (s≥1) the probability that there exists λ(x)∈V′r′ which is not the ELP such that λ(W′)={0}, is upper bounded by q−s/(1−q−2). Observe that if s=1, then no product of λ(x) will appear again in the algorithm.
(3) Suppose that s=a+1, where a≥1 and r≥r′+a+1=r′+s and there exists W′⊆W with |W′|=r′+s, and a separable λ(x)∈V′r′, such that λ(W′)={0}. Such event can be portrayed as an event of an overflow of zeros within W per a polynomial in V, in comparison to its degree.
(4) It follows from the supposition in (3) that for every 1≤b≤a such that: r′+2b≤r and r′+1+a+b≤w, take any mutually different β1, . . . , βb∈W\W′, and define:
λ1(x)≡(1−β1·x)2 . . . (1−βa·x)2·λ(x) and W1≡W′∪{β1, . . . ,βa}.
It holds that λ1(x) might be processed, unnecessarily, by an above algorithm according to an embodiment as part of the handling of the subset W1. The likelihood of this unwanted occurrence follows from the fact that:
deg(λ1(x))=t+r2+2b,W1⊆W,|W1|=r′+a+b+1,a≥b, and λ1(W1)={0}.
While the incidence of (3) is very rare in the case that λ(x) is not an ELP, (see (2) above), it can occur sometimes when λ(x) is ELP. It depends on the input of the algorithm. When (3) occurs, for some λ(x)∈V′r′, in an embodiment, the decoder performs the following preliminary step, (s0), prior to (s1) under the following condition with respect to the minimal r′ that satisfies (3):
(s0) For every r≥ρ≥r′+2 and a pair (W1, λ1(x)) such that λ(x)∈V′ρ and W1⊆W with |W1|=ρ+1, wherein λ1(x)∈Vρ is the unique polynomial such that λ1(W1)=0, the decoder computes λ1′(β) for every β in W1, and if for any β in W1, λ1′(β)=0, the processor ends the processing of W1.♦
Observe that if λ1′(β)=0 for some β in W1 then λ1(x) is not separable. Note also that the computation of λ1′(β) requires only (t+ρ)/2 products.
A decoding system according to an embodiment is shown in and x∈GF(2). The hard decision decoder 11 receives the channel output and decodes a codeword {circumflex over (x)}. Denote the log likelihood ratio of symbol i given the channel value zi as
and y as the channel hard decision, where
A classic BCH decoder 12 is applied to y. If |{j|xj≠yj for |≤i≤n}|>t, where
the classic BCH decoder fails and a BCH soft decoder 13 according to an embodiment is applied.
According to an embodiment, an overview of a BCH soft decoder algorithm is as follows.
1. Find a set of w weak bits locations (lowest likelihood ratio):
2. Solution to t+r key equation forms an r dimensional affine space.
Find a monotone affine basis: Λ={λ1(x) . . . λr+1(x)}.
In high probability, the ELP is given as affine combination of this basis:
λ(x)=b1·λ1(x)+b2·λ2(X)+ . . . br·λr(x)+λr+1(x).
3. Look efficiently for r+1 from w locations that zero the ELP polynomial with some coefficients {bi}1≤i≤r:
a. Compute the solution matrix:
b. Go over all combination of sub matrices of r+1 rows of the subsets of A, to find submatrix of r+1 rows such that the last column is a linear combination of the other columns. This part receives the coefficients of the affine base b and r+1 error locations. This is the main part of the algorithm and it is described in detail above in steps (ii), s1, s2 and s3.
Computation sharing reduces the complexity of each check from O(r3) to O(r).
c. Form the candidate ELP using the resulting coefficients.
4. Fast Chien search to verify the candidate ELP and error locations.
5. Flip the channel hard decision at the error locations found in step 3 and return the decoded word {circumflex over (x)}.
It is to be understood that embodiments of the present disclosure can be implemented in various forms of hardware, software, firmware, special purpose processes, or a combination thereof. In one embodiment, the present disclosure can be implemented in hardware as an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), or as a field programmable gate array (FPGA). In another embodiment, the present disclosure can be implemented in software as an application program tangible embodied on a computer readable program storage device. The application program can be uploaded to, and executed by, a machine comprising any suitable architecture.
In addition, methods and implementations of embodiments of the disclosure can be used or incorporated into any memory-based product, such as a solid-state drive (SSD), universal flash storage (UFS) products, DRAM modules, etc.
The computer system 31 also includes an operating system and micro instruction code. The various processes and functions described herein can either be part of the micro instruction code or part of the application program (or combination thereof) which is executed via the operating system. In addition, various other peripheral devices can be connected to the computer platform such as an additional data storage device and a printing device.
It is to be further understood that, because some of the constituent system components and method steps depicted in the accompanying figures can be implemented in software, the actual connections between the systems components (or the process steps) may differ depending upon the manner in which the present disclosure is programmed. Given the teachings of the present disclosure provided herein, one of ordinary skill in the related art will be able to contemplate these and similar implementations or configurations of the present disclosure.
While the present disclosure has been described in detail with reference to exemplary embodiments, those skilled in the art will appreciate that various modifications and substitutions can be made thereto without departing from the spirit and scope of the disclosure as set forth in the appended claims.
Here F=GF(2m), m>1 and the empty sum is zero.
(i) For an n dimensional vector space V over F and subspace U⊆V, and v∈V we define the dimension of the affine space v+U to be n, and write:
(ii) For L≥N≥1, and b(x)=Σ0≤k<Nbkxk, c(x)=Σ0≤k<Lckxk∈F[x] we would denote b(x)≤c(x) if for all 0≤k<N it holds that ck=bk.
Lemma 1. Take λ(x)∈F[x], where X(0)=1. Let K be an extension field of F that contains all λ(x) roots. Represent λ(x) by: λ(x)=Π1≤j≤s(1−x·αj)r(j) where α1, . . . , αs∈K* are mutually different and r(j)≥1. Then the following equality holds:
λ′(X)/λ(x)=Σ1≤j≤s,r(j) is odd αj·/(1−x·αj).
Proof. We can write λ(x)=β2(x)·Π1≤j≤s, r(j) is odd (1−x·αj) where β(x)∈K[x]. In other words, every polynomial can be represented uniquely as a product of a square polynomial and α polynomial with roots of multiplicity 1. It then holds that
λ′(x)=β2(x)·Σ1≤j≤s,r(j) is odd αj·Ø1≤v≤s,r(v) is odd,v≠j(1−x·αv),
and hence:
λ′(x)/λ(x)=Σ1≤j≤s,r(j) is odd αj·/(1−x·αj).♦
Lemma 2. Take λ(x)∈F[x] with λ(0)=1, and b(x)=Σ0≤j≤N-1bjxj∈F[x]. Let K be an extension field of F that contains all λ(x) roots. Represent λ(x) by: λ(x)=Π1≤j≤s(1−x·αj)r(j) where α1, . . . , αs∈K* are mutually different and r(j)≥1. Then
λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN) iff (1)
k=Σ1≤j≤s,r(j) is odd αjk+1 for all 0≤k≤N−1. (2)
Note that here we do not assume anything on the degrees of λ(x) and b(x), not even s≤N. Thus it holds even when b(x)=0. Note also that when (2) holds then for 0≤k<(N−1)/2: bk2=b2k+1.
Proof. Since λ(0)=1, λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN) is equivalent to b(x)=λ′(x)/λ(x (mod xN) which is equivalent to:
Σ0≤k<Nbkxk=λ′(x)/λ(x)(by lemma 1)
=Σ1≤j≤s,r(j) is odd γj·/(1−x·αj)(mod xN)
=Σ1≤j≤s,r(j) is odd Σ0≤kxk·αkk+1(mod xN)
=ρ0≤k≤N-1xl·Σ1≤j≤s,r(j) is odd αjk+1(mod xN),
and this is equivalent to bk=Σ1≤j≤s, r(j) is odd for all 0≤k<N−1. ♦
The following lemma enables us to skip the even iterations in the BCH Berlekamp Massey algorithm.
Lemma 3. Let λ(x)∈F[x], λ(0)=1. Suppose that N is odd and M=(N−1)/2 and that b(x)=Σ0≤k≤Nbkxk, satisfies bM2=bN and
λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN).
It then holds that the coefficient of xN in λ(x)·b(x) is zero and
λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN+1).
Proof. Let K be an extension field of F that contains all λ(x) roots. Represent λ(x) by: λ(x)=Π1≤j≤s(1−x·αh)r(j) where α1, . . . , αs∈K* are mutually different and r(j)≥1. By lemma 2
k=Σ1≤j≤s,r(j) is odd αjk+1 for all 0≤k≤N−1.
In addition,
2=(Σ1≤j≤s,r(j) is odd αjM+1)2=Σ1≤j≤s,r(j) is odd αj2M+2=Σ1≤j≤s,r(j) is odd αjN+1.
It follows that bk=Σ1≤j≤s, r(j) is odd αjk+1 for all 0≤k≤N. Thus by the other direction of lemma 2: λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x) (mod xN+1). Since all the odd coefficients of λ′(x) are zero, the coefficients of xN in λ′(x) is zero and hence the coefficients of xN in λ(x)·b(x) is zero.♦
Definition 2. For N≥1, and b(x)=Σ0≤k<Nbkxk∈F[x], b(x) is odd-square if for all 0≤k<(N−1)/2: bk2=b2k+1.
Definition 3. For Σ,N,L,≥1, and b(x)=Σ0≤k<Lbkxk∈F[x], define
N,τ,b(x)={λ(x)∈F[x]: λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN),deg(λ(x))≤τ,λ(0)=1}
N,τ,b(x)={λ(x)∈F[x]: λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN),deg(λ(x))≤τ}
N,τ,b(x),0={λ(x)∈F[x]: λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN),deg(λ(x))≤Σ,λ(0)=0}
N,b(x)={λ(x)∈F[x]: λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN)}
It is clear that either VN,τ,b(x)=Ø or dim*(VN,τ,b(x))=dim(UN,τ,b(x))−1. By the above lemma that if VN,τ,b(x)≠Ø for some τ and L≤N then b(x) is odd-square. Note that if VN,τ,b(x) is not empty and λ(x) is any element of VN,τ,b(x) then
which implies that when VN,τ,b(x)≠Ø,
Lemma 4 (Dimension Bound 1). Let τ≥1 and L>N≥1 where N and L are even and b(x)∈F[x] is odd-square, b(x)=Σ0≤k<Lbkxk. Then, if VL,Σ,b(x)≠Ø,
Proof. For M≥1 set VM≡VM,τ,b(x). It will be shown by induction on even s∈{0, 1, . . . , L−N} that
For s=0: take even 0≤s<L−N, and M=N+s and λ(x)∈VM and observe that the M coefficient of p(x)=λ(x)·b(x)−λ′(x) is
Thus VM+1={λ(x)∈VM:λM+1+Σ0≤j≤τ λj·bN−j=0}, i.e. VM+1 is (nonempty) affine space which is obtained from VM by one additional linear homogeneous equation. It follows that dim*(VM)≤dim*(VM+1)+1. Next, by the previous lemma when λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xM+1) then
λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xM+2).
And hence VM+1=VM+2. Thus shown that dim*(VN+s)≤dim*(VN+s+2)+1♦
As a corollary we get that:
Lemma 5 (Dimension Bound 2). Take τ≥1, L=2τ, and L≥N≥1 where N is even, and b(x)∈F[x] is odd-square, b(x)=Σ0≤k<Lbkxk. If there exists a separable σ(x)∈VL,τ,b(x) such that deg(σ(x))=τ, then:
Proof. This lemma follows from the previous lemma and from a claim that
(*)V≡VL,τ,b(x))={σ(x)}, i.e. dim*(VL,τ,b(x))=0.
To prove (*) take any λ(x)∈V and let K be an extension field of F that contains all the roots of σ(x) and λ(x). We can then represent
where s≤τ and α1, . . . , αs∈K* are mutually different and r(j)≥1 and r(1)+42)+ . . . +r(s)≤τ, and,
where β1, . . . , βr∈K* are mutually different. Define A to be the symmetric difference of {β1, . . . , βτ} and {αj:j∈[s], r(j) is odd} [the symmetric difference of two sets is the set of elements which is one of the sets and not in their intersection]. By lemma 2:
Σ1≤j≤τ,βjk+1=bk=Σ1≤j≤s,r(j) is odd αjk+1 for all 0≤k≤L−1.
That is:
0=Σ1≤j≤τ,βjk+1+Σ1≤j≤s,r(j) is odd αjk+1=Σα∈Aαk+1 for all 0≤k≤L−1.
Note that |A|≤s+τ≤2τ, thus if A≠Ø we get a contradiction since this yields a linear dependency of the columns of a (2τ)×|A| Vandermonde matrix. Therefore A=Ø and hence λ(x)=σ(x)♦
Note that the following lemma uses the fact that F has characteristic 2.
I. For every λ(x)∈F[x] such that λ(0)=1. There then exists exist unique polynomials λ1(x),u(x)∈F[x], such that:
λ1(x)·u2(x)=λ(x) and λ1(0)=u(0)=1 and λ1(x) is separable.
II. Suppose that λ(x), b(x)∈F[x] satisfy:
λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN) and with λ(0)=1,
and let λ1(x),u(x)∈F[x], be the unique polynomials λ1(x),u(x)∈F[x], such that:
λ1(x)·u2(x)=λ(x) and λ1(0)=u(0)=1 and λ1(x) is separable,
λ1(x)·b(x)=λ1′(x)(mod xN) and λ(0)=1.
III. Take τ, N≥1, and b(x)∈F[x], and suppose that there is a unique λ(x)∈F[x] such that:
λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN) and λ(0)=1 and deg(λ(x))≤τ.
Then λ(x) is separable.
I. There exist unique λ1(x),u(x)∈K[x], in some extension field K, such that:
λ1(x)·u2(x)=λ(x) and λ1(0)=u(0)=1.
Since u2(x), gcd(λ(x), λ′(x)) and the gcd is computed by the Euclidean algorithm, then u2(x)∈F[x] and hence λ1(x) and u(x) must be in F[x] (and not only in the extension ring K[x]).
II. It follows from the assumptions of II that:
λ1(x)·u2(x)·b(x)=(u2(x)·λ1(x))′(mod xN)=u2(x)·λ1′(x)(mod xN).
Dividing both sides by u2(x), we get that:
λ1(x)·b(x)=λ1′(x)(mod xN).
III. Let λ1(x),u(x)∈F[x], be the unique polynomials λ1(x),u(x)∈F[x], such that:
λ1(x)·u2(x)=λ(x) and λ1(0)=u(0)=1 and λ1(x) is separable.
λ1(x)·b(x)=λ1′(x)(mod xN) and λ(0)=1, and clearly: deg(λ1(x))≤τ,
and hence by the uniqueness u(x)=1 and thus λ1(x)=λ(x). It follows that λ(x) is separable♦
For completeness sake the following known fact is presented.
Fact. Let A be M×(N+1) matrix over a field K (a general field with any characteristic), and B the (M+1)×N matrix over K obtained from A by adding one additional row, called v, at the bottom of
A. If for every x∈R≡{x=[x1, . . . , xN, xN+1]T∈KN+1:xN+1=1} it holds that
then v is in the row space of A.
Proof. Let
, . . . ,x
N+1]T∈KN+1:xN+1=0,A·x=0} (the set of solutions to homogeneous equations)
, . . . ,x
C* the matrix obtained from the matrix C by omission of the last column (including the case where C comprises one row).
Since Ø≠V′=V then U′=U. It follows that v*=u·A* for some u, a row vector in KM. Put w=v−u·A, then
w=[0, . . . ,0,ξ] for some ξ∈K,
and w is in the row space of B, and hence for all x∈V′: w·x=0, thus w=0, which implies that v is in the row space of A. ♦
Lemma 7 (The Dimension Equality) Take τ≥1, L=2τ, and L≥N≥1 where N is even, and b(x)=Σ0≤k<Lbkxk∈F[x] is odd-square. If there exists a separable σ(x)∈VL,τ,b(x) such that deg(σ(x))=τ, then:
Proof. For i≥1 write, Vi≡Vi,τ,b(x). Recall that by lemma 5 dim*(VN)≤(L−N)/2. For N∈[L] and λ(x)=Σ0≤j≤τ λjxj∈F[x] such that λ0=1, it holds that: λ(x)∈VN iff
λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN), (1)
This is equivalent to:
i linear equation Li≡Σ0≤j≤iλj·bi−1+(i+1)·λi+1=0 for all 0≤i≤N−1 (we define λj=0 for j>τ). (2)
Note that the i linear equation is independent of N. By lemma 3 above when N∈{L−1} is odd, then
λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN) implies λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN+1).
Thus, by the fact above, the formal linear equation LN is linearly dependent on the formal linear equations L1, . . . , LN−1 (seen as a vector of coefficients in Fτ+1) over F. It follows that (1) is equivalent to:
i:Σ0≤j≤iλj·bi−1+i·λi+1=0 for all even i∈{0, . . . ,N−1}. (3)
By lemma 5 above VL={σ(x)}, i.e. dim*(VL)=0. Thus when we put in (3) N=L we get that {Li:i∈{0, 2, 4, . . . , L−2}} is an independent set of τ formal linear equations in τ unknowns. Thus for even N∈{L} we get VN is the set of solutions of {Li:i∈{0, 2, . . . , N−2}}. Hence, we reduced the number of independent linear equations by (L−N)/2 and therefore dim(VN)=(L−N)/2.♦
Comment. This proof is also an alternative proof to the uniqueness lemma 2 below.♦
i:≡Σ0≤j≤iλj·bi−1+(i+1)·λi+1=0 for all 0≤i≤N−1 (we define λj=0 for j>τ).
Note that b1+λ1·b0=b02+λ1·b0=b0·(b0+λ1), thus L1 is linearly depends on L0.
Let t≤r≤1 d=2t+1, n>k≥1, where n*−k*=d, and consider an [n*,k*] BCH code, and a transmitted codeword has τ=t+r errors that are located at E={α1, . . . , ατ}⊆F*. Set E′={1/β:β∈E0}. Define for 0≤k≤2τ−1 the syndromes:
k=Σ1≤j≤t+r,αjk+1 for all 0≤k≤2τ−1.
The decoder knows the syndromes {Sk}0≤k≤d-2. Define the syndrome polynomial:
and define the ELP:
By lemma 2:
λ*(x)·S(x)=λ*′(x)(mod x2τ).
Thus by lemma 7 the affine space V2τ,τ,S(x) has dimension 0 and,
(*1) the affine space V=V2t,τ,s(x) has dimension r.
In the following section, this (low) dimension of V plays a role in enabling low complexity. Note that
V={λ(x)∈F[x]:λ(x)·S(x)=λ′(x)(mod x2t),λ(0)=1 deg(λ(x)≤τ}.
The decoder “knows” this space and can find a basis to it.
The recurrence order of (λ(x),σ(x))∈F[x]2, denoted by ord(λ, σ), is defined as
I. Take even N≥1 λ(x), γ(x),b(x)∈F[x], b(x)=Σ0≤k≤N-1bkxk, and suppose:
λ(0)=1 (1)
λ(x)·b(x)=γ(x)(mod xN). (2)
ord(λ,γ)≤N/2, (3)
and (λ(x),γ(x)) is the pair with minimal order for which (1)-(3) holds. It then holds that gcd(λ(x),γ(x))=1. Take now σ(x), ω(x), ∈F[x], be such that the same holds:
σ(0)=1 (1)
σ(x)·b(x)=ω(x)(mod xN). (2)
ord(σ,ω)≤N/2. (3)
There then exists c(x)∈F[x] such that c(0)=1, deg(c(x))>1 and σ(x)=λ(x)·c(x) and ω(x)=γ(x)·c(x).
II. If we add the assumption that:
X′(x)=γ(x) and σ′(x)=ω(x), (4)
it then holds there exists u(x)∈F[x], such that u(0)=1 and c(x)=u(x)2. [II. follows also from I. and lemma 10 below].
III. It follows the that the other direction of I is also true: if λ(x), γ(x)∈F[x] satisfy (1)-(3) and gcd(λ(x),γ(x))=1 then (λ(x),γ(x)) is the pair with minimal order for which (1)-(3) holds.
I. If there was g(x)∈F[x] such that g(x)|λ(x) and g(x)|γ(x) and deg(g(x))>0 then g(0)≠0 and hence we would have g(0)·(λ(x)/g(x))·b(x), g(0)·(γ(x)/g(x))(mod xN) and contradiction to the minimality of λ(x). Thus gcd(λ(x),γ(x))=1.
Next, it holds that b(x)=γ(x)/λ(x) (mod xN) and b(x)=ω(x)/σ(x) (mod xN). Therefore:
γ(x)/λ(x)=ω(x)/τ(x)(mod xN),
γ(x)·σ(x)=ω(x)·λ(x)(mod xN),
and therefore by (3):
Since (λ(x),γ(x))=1 it follows that λ(x)|σ(x). Let c(x)=λ(x)/σ(x), it then holds that c(0)=1 and:
γ(x)·λ(x)·c(x)=ω(x)·λ(x) that is: γ(x)·c(x)=ω(x). ♦
II. Here we assume X′(x)=γ(x) and σ′(x)=ω(x). Since σ(x)=λ(x)·c(x) then σ′(x)=λ′(x)·c(x)+λ(x)·c′(x) thus ω(x)=γ(x)·c(x)+λ(x)·c′(x) implying that
λ(x)·c′(x)=0, that is c′(x)=0.
Claim: for p(x)∈F[x], if p′(x)=0 then p(x)=q(x)2 for some q(x)∈F[x].
p(x)=Σ0≤i≤nai·xi then p′(x)=Σ1≤i≤n, i odd αi·x′i-1.
It follows from p′(x)=0 that:
p(x)=Σ0≤i≤n,i even αi·xi,
p(x)=(Σ0≤i≤n,i even(ai)1/2·xi/2)2 ♭
Lemma 9. Take N≥1 σ(x), λ(x)∈F[x], σ(0)=λ(0)=1 and b(x)=Σ0≤k≤N-1 bkxk∈F[x]\{0} and suppose:
λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN) and σ(x)·b(x)=σ′(x)(mod xN) (1)
N≥deg(λ(x))+deg(σ(x)) (2)
σ(x)|λ(x) (3)
Then there exists ω(x)∈F[x], such that ω(0)=1 and λ(x)=ω(x)2·σ(x).
Proof. Let K be an extension field of F that contains all λ(x) roots and all σ(x) roots. Represent λ(x) and σ(x) by:
λ(x)=Π1≤j≤s(1−x·αj)r(j) and σ(x)=Π1≤j≤s′(1−x·α′j)r′(j), (4)
where α1, . . . , αs∈K* are mutually different and r(j)≥1. Likewise α′1, . . . , α′s′∈K* are mutually different and r′(j)≥1. Define A to be the symmetric difference of {αj:1≤j≤s, r(j) is odd} and {α′j:1≤j≤s′, r′(j) is odd}. It follows from lemma 2 that for 0≤k≤N−1:
Σ1≤j≤s,r(j) is odd αjk+1=bk=Σ1≤j≤s′,r′(j) is odd α′jk+1.
That is,
0=Σ1≤j≤s,r(j) is odd αjk+1+Σ1≤j≤s′,r′(j) is odd α′jk+1=Σβ∈Aβk+1.
If A≠Ø we get a contradiction since this yields linear dependency of the columns of a N×|A| Vandermonde matrix where |A|≤s+s′≤N. Thus A=Ø and hence s=s′ and:
{αj:1≤j≤s, r(j) is odd}={α′j:1≤j≤s′, r′(j) is odd}.
f(x)=Π1≤j≤s,r(j) is odd(1−x·αj).
By the above, there are polynomials g(x) and h(x) in F[x] such that g(0)=h(0)=1 and:
λ(x)=(g(x))2·f(x) and σ(x)=(h(x))2·f(x). (5)
Since σ(x)|λ(x) then h(x)|g(x). Define ω(x)=g(x)/h(x) then ω(0)=1 and ω(x)2·σ(x)=λ(x).♦
Lemma 10. Take N≥1 λ(x), γ(x), b(x)∈F[x], λ(0)=1, b(x)=Σ0≤k≤N-1bkxk, λ(x)=E0≤k≤τ λkxk and suppose:
λ(x)·b(x)=γ(x)(mod xN). (1)
deg(γ(x))<τ<N. (2)
It then holds for every L>N that there exists unique {bk:N<k≤L}⊆F such that for
B(x)=τ0≤k≤L-1bkxk: (3)
λ(x)·B(x)=γ(x)(mod xL). (4)
Proof. Define for k=N:(L−1) define, inductively, in increasing order:
k=Σ1≤j≤τλj·bk−j. (5)
Since λ0=1 it is equivalent to
0=τ0≤j≤τλj·bk−j. (6)
This with (1) is equivalent to (4). The uniqueness follows by induction since (6) implies (5).♦
Lemma 11. Take L>N≥1 λ(x)∈F[x], λ(0)=1 and b(x)=Σ0≤k≤N-1bkxk∈F[x] and suppose that:
λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN) and deg(λ(x))<N. (1)
There then exists {bk:N≤k<L}⊆F such that
for odd 0<k<L it holds that bk=b2(k-1)/2, (2)
and for B(x)=Σ0≤k≤L-1bkxk:
λ(x)·B(x)=λ′(x)(mod xL). (3)
Note that by lemma 9 these {bk:N<k≤L} are unique.
Proof. Let K be an extension field of F that contains all λ(x) roots. Represent λ(x) by: λ(x)=Π1≤j≤s(1−x·αj)r(j) where α1, . . . , αs∈K are mutually different and r(j)≥1. By lemma 2 it follows from λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN) that:
k=Σ1≤j≤s,r(j) is odd αjk+1 for all 0≤k≤N−1.
Define now:
k=Σ1≤j≤s,r(j) is odd αjk+1 for all N≤k≤L−1.
Then (2) follows and by the other direction of lemma 2 that (3) holds for B(x)=Σ0≤k≤L-1bkxk♦
Lemma 12. Take t>s≥1, and randomly sample an odd-square b(x)=E0≤k<2t bkxk∈F[x], with uniform distribution.
I. The probability that there exists separable λ(x)∈F[x] such that:
λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod x2t) and λ(0)=1 and deg(λ(x))=t−s, is upper bounded by q−s. (1)
II. The probability that there exists any polynomial λ(x)∈F[x] such that (1) holds is upper bounded by q−s/(1−1/q2)
I. Recall that the set of odd-square polynomials of degree<2t, is:
V={b(x)=Σ0≤k<2t bkxk∈F[x]: for all 0≤k<t−1:bk2=b2k+1}.
Define now:
W={λ(x)∈F[x]:λ(x) is separable, λ(0)=1, and deg(λ(x))=t−s}.
Note that when b(x)∈V and λ(x)∈W satisfies
λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod x2t),
it also satisfies:
λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod x2t-2s) and λ(0)=1 and deg(λ(x))=t−s. (2)
For λ(x)∈W and 1≤j≤t, define:
={b(x)∈V:λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod x2j)}.
By lemma 11 and its proof, Uλ(x),t contains exactly one polynomial and by (2) this polynomial is also in Uλ(x),t-s. On the other hand, it is clear from the definition and from lemma 10 and its proof that, for b(x)=Σ0≤k<2t bkxk∈Uλ(x),t-s it holds that A={bk:0≤k<2(t−s)} are uniquely determined by the key equations and B={bk:2(t−s)≤k<2t, k is even} can be chosen freely from F and C={bk:2(t−s)≤k<2t, k is odd} are uniquely determined by A and B through the equation bk2=b2k+1 (for all 0≤k<t−1). It follows that:
Next note that by lemma 11 and its proof for λ1(x) and λ2(x)∈W such that λ1(x)≠λ2(x) it holds that
Now, randomly sample b(x) from V with uniform distribution and let R be the event that b(x) is in:
Then for some λ(x)∈W it holds that, b(x) is an (random) element of Uλ(x),t-s. Hence by the above the probability that b(x) is in Uλ(x),t is exactly q−s. It follow that the probability that there exists separable λ(x)∈F[x] such that (1) holds is:
which proves I.
II. It follows from UL1 above (see section 1.4) that that if λ(x)∈F[x] satisfies (1) above, then there are unique polynomial λ1(x),u(x)∈F[x], such that:
λ1(x)·u2(x)=λ(x) and λ1(0)=u(0)=1 and λ1(x) is separable, (a1)
λ1(x)·b(x)=λ1′(x)(mod x2t). (a2)
Note that u(x) can also be 1. Let j=deg(u(x)), then and deg(λ1(x))=t−s−2j. It was proved above that the probability that when we sample b(x) randomly from V, (a2) will be satisfied, is upper bounded by q−s-2j. Thus the probability that (1) is satisfied is upper bounded by:
−s·(1+q−2+q−4+ . . . )=q−s/(1−1/q2)♦
Interpolation. For γ1, . . . , γN, distinct elements of F*, and for every p(x)∈F[x] with deg(p(x))<N there exists unique coefficients a1, . . . , aN∈F such that
Proof. For j∈[N] define pj(x)=(1−x·γi). It is sufficient to prove that {pj(x)}j∈[N] are linearly independent. Take a1, . . . , aN∈F and define
it then holds for j∈[N] that
Thus if p(x)=0 then aj=0 for all j∈[N].♦
Lemma 13. Take N≥1, and any polynomials λ(x),σ(x)∈F[x] (of any degrees) such that λ(0)=1. There then exists a unique polynomial
b(x)=Σ0≤k<Nbkxk∈F[x]∈F[x] such that
λ(x)·b(x)=σ(x)(mod xN). (1)
Proof. We represent λ(x)=1+x·λ1(x), where λ1(x)∈F[x]. (1) implies that:
b(x)=σ(x)/(1+x·λ1(x))(mod xN)=σ(x)·(Σ0≤i≤N-1(x·λ1(x))i)(mod xN).♦
Lemma 14. Take any M,N≥1, and λ(x),σ(x)∈F[x] such that λ(x) is separable and λ(0)=1 and M=deg(λ(x))>deg(σ(x)) and let
be the unique polynomial (see lemma 13) such that:
λ(x)·b(x)=σ(x)(mod xN). (1)
Let K be an extension field of F that contains all λ(x) roots, we can represent λ(x) by uniquely:
where α1, . . . , αt∈K* are distinct scalars.
There exists a1, . . . , aM∈F such that
k=∈1≤j≤Maj·αjk for all 0≤k<N. (2)
a1, . . . , aM are unique when M≤N/2.
Proof. By the claim above there exists unique a1, . . . , aM∈F such that
It follows from (1) that:
b(x)=Σj∈[M]aj/(1−αj·x)(mod xN)
This proves (2). The uniqueness, when M≤N/2, follows from the same Vandermonde independency argument as for the BCH. ♦
For N, τ−1 and b(x)∈F[x] we defined:
N,τ,b(x)≡{λ(x)∈F[x]:λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN),deg(λ(x))≤τ,λ(0)=1}.
Note that for all λ(x)∈VN,τ,b(x) the roots of λ(x) are nonzero. The following lemma eliminates certain singularities in our solution. It implies that if the ELP in V then any polynomial in V that has r roots in W in common with the ELP is in fact that ELP.
Lemma 15 (Uniqueness Lemma 2 (UL2)). Let t≥1, r≥1 and b(x)∈F[x] is odd-square, b(x)=Σ0≤k<Lbkxk and suppose that λ(x),σ(x)∈=V2t,t+r,b(x) wherein λ(x) is separable. Suppose also that for some D⊆F*, |D|=r, for every δ∈D that 2(β−1)=σ(β−1)=0. It then holds that σ(x)=λ(x).
Proof. Let K be an extension field of F that contains all λ(x) roots and all σ(x) roots. We can represent λ(x) and σ(x) by:
Where 0≤t′≤t, r(j)≥1 and α1, . . . , αt+r∈K* are mutually different and β1, . . . , βt′+r∈K* are mutually different. Note that D⊆{α1, . . . , αt+r} and D⊆{β1, . . . , βt′+r}. Thus we can assume without loss of generality that αi=βi∈D for i∈[r]. Let B={i∈[r]:rj is even} and b=|B|. Note that t′≤t−b.
By lemma 2 for all 0≤k≤2t−1:
Σ1≤j≤t+rαjk+1=bk=Σ1≤j≤t′+r,r(j) is odd βjk+1.
Thus for every 0≤k≤2t−1:
Σ1≤j≤t+rαjk+1+Σ1≤j≤t′+r,r(j) is odd βjk+1=0,
that is,
Σ1≤j≤r,r(j) is even αjk+1+Σr+1≤j≤t+rαjk+1+Σr+1≤j≤t′+r,r(j) is odd βjk+1=0.
Let A1={αj: j∈B}, A2={αj: r+1≤j≤t+r}, A3={βj: r+1≤j≤t′+r, r(j) is odd}. It then holds that |A1|=b and |A2|=t and |A3|=t′≤t−b.
Note that
and define
Then |C|≤2t and by the above for every 0≤k≤2t−1:
If C is not the empty set we get a contradiction since this yields linear dependency of the columns of a (2t)×|C| Vandermonde matrix where |C|≤2t. Thus C=Ø and hence A1=Ø and A2∪A3=A2∩A3, that is A2=A3. It follows that λ(x)=σ(x).♦
Recall that the transformation x→x2 is 1-1 linear transformation from F to F over F2.
Lemma 16 (Expansion Lemma). Let t≥1, r<s≥1 and b(x)∈F[x] is odd-square, b(x)=E0≤k<Lbkxk and take λ(x)∈V2t,t+r,b(x) with deg(λ(x))=t+s. It then holds for every p(x)∈F(x) such that p(0)=1 deg(p(x))≤(r−s)/2 and f(x)=p2(x) that f(x)·λ(x)∈V2t,t+r,b(x).
Proof. Note that f′(x)=0 and hence for all g(x)∈F[x] (f(x)·g(x))′=f(x)·g′(x), thus since
λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN)
f(x)·λ(x)·b(x)=f(x)·λ′(x)(mod xN)=(f(x)·λ(x))′(mod xN).
In addition deg(f(x)·λ(x))≤t+r, and (f·λ)(1)=1. Thus f(x)·λ(x)∈V2t,t+r,b(x).
Lemma 17. Let N, τ≥1, b(x)=b(x)=Σ0≤k<Nbkxk∈F[x] is odd-square, then, if VN,τ,b(x)≠Ø:
Proof. Note that the case τ≥N−1 is trivial: if we add to any basis of VN,τ,b(x), the polynomial λ(x)=xt+1 we get a basis of VN,τ+1,b(x), and hence in this case Δ=1. Assume henceforth that τ<N−1. A polynomial λ(x)=Σ0≤i≤Σλixi∈F[x] is in VN,τ,b(x) iff, λ0=1 and
Σ0≤i≤kλi·bk−i+(k+1)λk+1=0 for all 0≤k<N (we define γi=0 for i>τ).
Likewise a polynomial λ(x)=Σ0≤i≤τ+1λixi∈F[x] is in VN,τ+1,b(x) iff λ0=1 and
Σ0≤i≤kλi·bk−i+(k+1)·λk+1=0 for all 0≤k<N.
Let δi,k be the GF(2) Kronecker delta, i.e., for integers i,k: δi,k=0GF(2) if i=j and δi,k=1GF(2) if i≠j. Consider the following N row vectors in FN+1:
0,1,0, . . . ,0]
0,0, . . . ,0]
1,1, . . . ,0]
0,0, . . . ,0]
0,1,0, . . . ,0]
0,0, . . . ,0]
,b43,b3,b2,b1,b0,1,0, . . . ,0]
, . . . ,b
and let A be the N×N matrix whose rows are v0, . . . , vN−1 respectively. It then holds that a polynomial λ(x)=1+Σ1≤i≤τλixi∈F[x] is in VN,τ,b(x) iff
A·[1,λ1, . . . ,λτ,0, . . . ,0]=0,
and a polynomial
λ(x)=1+Σ1≤i≤τ+1λixi∈F[x] is in VN,τ+1,b(x) iff
A·[1,λ1, . . . ,λt,λt+1,0, . . . ,0]=0.
It follows that dim*(VN,τ+1,b(x))−dim*(VN,τ,b(x))≤1♦
As a corollary we get:
Let τ≥1, s≥1 b(x)∈F[x] is odd-square, b(x)=Σ0≤k<Nbkxk. Then, if VL,τ,b(x)≠Ø:
Lemma 19 (Dimension Bound 4). Take t≥r≥r′<r″≥0 and odd-square b(x)∈F[x] and suppose that
(*) there exists λ(x)∈V2t+2r′,t+r′,b(x) that is separable of degree t+r′.
It then holds that:
dim*(V2t,t+r′,b(x))=r′ and dim*(V2t,t+r,b(x))≤r. I.
Define r*=max{r1:r1≤r and dim(V2t,t+r(1),b(x))=r1}. Then r′≤r*. II.
dim*(V2t,t+r″,b(x))≥r″ III.
I. By the dimension equality:
It follows that:
II. Follows from the proof of I.
III. and by DB3 dim*(V2t,t+r′,b (x))−dim*(V2t,t+r″,b(x))≤r′−r″, therefore dim*(V2t,t+r″,b(x))≥r″.♦
Lemma 20. Take b(x)=Σ0≤k<N-1bkxk∈F[x] and λ(x)∈F[X] with λ(0)=1, and suppose that
λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN), (1)
and that α∈F* is an inverse of a root of λ(x), i.e., (1−α·x)|λ(x). Define
λ*(x)=λ(x)/(1−α·x) and b*(x)=Σ0≤k<N-1(bk+αk+1)·xj.
It then holds that:
λ*(x)·b*(x)=λ*′(x)(mod xN). (2)
Proof. Note that
b(x)+α/(1−αx)(mod xN)
=b(x)+Σ0≤k<∞□αk+1·xk=b*(x)(mod xN)
Thus by (1): λ(x)·b(x)*=(1−α·x)·λ*(x)·(b(x)+α/(1−αx)) (mod xN)
=((1−α·x)·λ*(x))′+α·λ*(x)(mod xN)
=((1−α·x)·λ*(x)′+α·λ*(x))+α·λ*(x)(mod xN)=(1−α·x)·λ*(x)′(mod xN).
Therefore, dividing by (1−αx):
λ*(x)·(b(x)+α/(1−αx))=λ*(x)′(mod xN),
which proves (2).
As a corollary to lemma 20 we get that:
Lemma 21. Take s≥1, and b(x)=Σ0≤k<N-1bkxk∈F[x] and λ(x)∈F[x] with λ(0)=1, and suppose that
λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod xN), (1)
and that α1, . . . , αs∈F* are mutually different inverses of roots of λ(x), i.e., (1−αi·x)|λ(x), for i∈[s] & αi≠αj for i,j∈[s] i≠j. Define
λ*(x)=λ(x)/(Πi∈[s](1−αi·x)) and b*(x)=Σ0≤k<N-1(bk+Σi∈[s]αik+1)·xj.
It then holds that:
λ*(x)·b*(x)=λ*′(x)(mod xN).♦ (2)
Introduction. Next we arrive at a probabilistic observation. The following event A is a prototype of an event in the main soft decoding algorithm, wherein a solution to the key equation turns out to be a false ELP candidate, and hence requires some additional complexity. It will be shown that this event has probability close to q−1 in first version and close to q−2 in a second version. In the second version there are an insignificant number of false candidates and consequently insignificant added complexity due to a false alarm that requires a Chien search.
Lemma 22. Take t≥r≥1, s>1, and b(x)=Σ0≤k<t bkxk∈F[x]. Fix mutually different α1, . . . , αr+s∈F*. It holds that the probability of the following event, A, is upper bounded by q−s/(1−q−2).
The event A: There exists λ(x)∈F[x] with λ(0)=1, and deg(λ(x))=t+r such that:
λ(x)·b(x)=λ′(x)(mod x2t), and (1)
(1−αi·x)|λ(x), for i∈[r+s] & αi≠αj for i,j∈[r+s]i≠j. (2)
Proof. Define
λ*(x)=λ(x)/(Πi∈[r+s](1−αi·x)), and b*(x)=Σ0≤k<N-1(bk+Σi∈[r+s]αik+1)·xj.
By lemma 21 it holds that:
λ*(x)·b*(x)=λ*′(x)(mod x2t) and λ*(0)=1. (3)
Note also that deg(λ*(x))=t−s. It follows from PB1 above that the probability of this event is upper bounded by q−s/(1−q−2).
A series of polynomials {pi(x)}1≤i≤s is called monotone if deg(pi(x))<deg(pi+1(x)) for i∈[s−1]. For an s-dimensional subspace U⊆F[x], A={pi(x)}1≤i≤s⊆F[x] is called monotone basis if A is monotone and also a basis of U. Note while there can be many monotone bases to U, the sequence {deg(pi(x))}1≤i≤s is unique for the given U, and is independent of the monotone basis we choose. A={pi(x)}1≤i≤s is called canonic basis of U if every polynomial in A is monic and if for all i∈[s], the coefficient of xj for j=deg(pi(x)) is zero for all pa(x), where a∈[s], a≠i. By [GU] below, the canonic basis is unique. Take p*(x)∈F[x]\U, and define the affine space W=U+p*(x). B={pi(x)}1≤i≤s+1⊆F[x] is called monotone basis of W if {pi(x)}1≤i≤s is a monotone basis of U and ps+1(x)∈F[x]\U. B is called minimal monotone basis of W if B is monotone and deg(ps+1(x)) is minimal among all such bases. Note that when B={pi(x)}1≤i≤s+1⊆F[x] is a minimal monotone basis of W, then deg(ps+1(x)) is not in {deg(pi(x))}1≤i≤s, and therefore deg(ps+1(x))=min{deg(p(x)):p(x)∈W}≡μ. On the other hand if p(x)∈U and deg(p(x))=μ and {pi(x)}1≤i≤s is any monotone basis of U then for ps+1(x)=p(x), it holds that {pi(x)}1≤i≤s+1 is a minimal monotone basis of W.
Take t≥r≥1 and odd-square b(x)∈F[x] and set V≡V2t,t+r,b(x). By the dimension equality, if there exists a separable σ(x)∈V such that deg(σ(x))=t+r, then:
In general, given b(x) and r we cannot know in advance if such σ(x) exist, before operating the proceeding algorithm. However, owing to DB4 II (see section 3.3, above), (*) is the only case of interest for the ensuing algorithm. Thus let {λi(x)}1≤i≤r+1⊆F[x] be a minimal monotone basis of V. Note that we can always find a minimal monotone basis to V by solving the associated linear equations, using Gaussian elimination. Let μ=deg(λr+1(x)). As mentioned above
μ=min{deg(λ(x)): λ(x)∈V}. In fact V2t,μ,b(x)={λr+1(x)} and for 1≤j:
if j<μ:V2t,j,b(x)=Ø;
if j≥μV2t,j,b(x)≠Ø.