The invention relates to a beam-forming network for an array antenna, and to an array antenna comprising such a beam-forming network.
The invention applies in particular, but not exclusively, to space-borne emitting or receiving single-beam or multi-beam antennas of the directly radiating array type.
Satellite antennas may be split into two large classes: single-beam and multi-beam.
Considering single-beam antennas, a typical target is the development of systems able to scan high gain antenna patterns over limited sectors of space (Limited Field Of View-LFOV-Applications). LFOV applications range from telecommunication satellites (e.g., Low Earth Orbit dynamically reconfigurable coverage), satellite remote sensing (e.g., ScanSARs, Spotlight SARs, Scan On Receive technique) and ground systems (e.g., radars). In scanning systems, the beam pointing directions may be modified essentially in two different ways: either by a mechanical movement or rotation of the antenna or by an electronic scanning.
Typical antennas requiring physical movements for adjusting the beam pointing direction are passive Reflectors, while Direct Radiating Arrays (DRAs) or Array Fed Reflectors (AFRs) represent effective antenna configurations for employing the electronic beam scanning.
DRAs consist of linear or planar arrangements of radiating antenna elements (AEs), while AFRs are constituted by one or more reflectors fed by a linear or planar antenna array. In both DRAs and AFRs, the beam pointing is obtained by electronically varying the phases and/or the amplitudes of the antenna elements constituting the array. This is performed using a beam-forming network (BFN) comprising fixed and/or adjustable weight elements (WEs) i.e. phase shifters and variable attenuators, power dividers and/or combiners, etc.
On the other side, considering multi-beam antennas, one of the most important goals consists in using a multi-beam coverage in order to obtain high gain and support spatial frequency reuse to save power and increase the throughput. Typical multi-beam applications comprise telecommunication satellites generating multi-beam coverage's and ground systems (e.g., ground vehicular and aeronautical telecommunication terminals, antennas for mobile systems base stations, etc.). Like their single-beam counterparts, multi-beam antenna can use passive reflectors or arrays (DRAs, AFRs) provided with suitable BFNs.
In conventional Active Arrays, the number of antenna elements (AEs) coincides exactly with the number of required Weight Elements (WEs). If the antenna is used in transmission, this also coincides with the number of High-Power Amplifiers (HPAs), since each antenna element is provided with a WE (more precisely, one WE per AE is required for each beam to be generated) and a HPA. This implies that the excitation of each AE is controlled by one amplifier and one WE, (together referred to as a Control Element—CE).
DRAs present the most attractive solution among the different antenna configurations in terms of high scanning flexibility and reconfigurability. However, they comprise a much higher number of AEs compared to AFRs and reflectors, resulting in highly complex and bulky BFNs in order to realize the proper set of excitations. This is particularly true in multi-beam applications and when high reconfigurability is required.
The BFN complexity increases with the number of beams NB and Antenna Elements (AEs) NE. The complexity further increases when beam shape and pointing reconfigurability are required. Indeed, full flexibility would be reached if any beam signal could be independently addressed to any Antenna Element with full freedom of phase and amplitude weighting. This would require NB×NE active Weight Elements.
The placement of the amplifiers before or after the BFN (considering a transmit antenna) depends on the losses and power handling characteristics of the BFN itself. In particular, when the beam signals are single-carrier and/or when NB<<NE it would be preferable to have an amplifier per beam. However, this is not possible if the BFN introduces significant losses.
Basically, there are two sources of losses in any practical BFN design: theoretical and implementation losses. Implementation losses are mainly ohmic, depend on the characteristics of the devices composing the BFN and can be mitigated through accurate device design and by limiting the network complexity. “Theoretical losses” are more fundamental. They derive directly from the Microwave Circuit Theory and may be avoided only imposing precise constraints on the Scattering Matrix of the BFN, which would limit the degrees of freedom in the radiation pattern synthesis, affecting the final radiating performance of the antenna. As a consequence, most BFN are not “lossless” (more precisely: they have theoretical losses in addition to implementation losses). This prevents the use of single-amplifier-per-beam configurations with passive reconfigurable multi-beam BFNs, in favour of active array configurations where the number of amplifiers is equal to the number of antenna elements—see
Several methods have been proposed in order to reduce the complexity of BFNs, particularly for DRAs. A first approach consists in the use of non regular (sparse) layouts for DRAs and active constrained lens antennas in order to minimize the number of AEs, and therefore of WEs and HPAs ([1], [2]).
Another design method consists in decomposing the array of NE antenna elements in a number of subarrays NSA (where NSA<<NE) composed of groups of antenna elements see
A reconfigurable BFN of an array antenna based on the sub-arraying concept can be advantageously decomposed in a cascade of two simpler BFNs:
The sub-arrays can be either disjoined (i.e. non-overlapping—NOSA)—refer to
In the Non-Overlapping Sub-Arrays case, the fixed passive BFN reduces to a plurality of identical 1:NESA Single Mode Networks (SMNs)—typically comprising only hybrid couplers and fixed phase shifters. Considering that these networks can be realized fulfilling ideal matching and lossless conditions, the HPAs can be moved from the Antenna Elements to the input of the SNMs, thus reducing their number from NE to NESA with evident impact on system cost and complexity (
To overcome the limitations in pattern control typical of Non-Overlapping Sub-Array based architectures, the concept of Overlapping Sub-Arrays (OSA) has been introduced.
Some authors investigated the minimum number of control elements achievable using sub-array technique for both linear and planar periodic arrays [1], [4], [5], [6]. Other authors focused their work on the development of appropriated feeding networks aimed at achieving the theoretical goals with low-complexity realizations. A summary of these networks has been presented by Skobelev [6].
Interesting network designs have been carried out by Mailloux et alii [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], DuFort [14], Skobelev [15] and Shelton [17]. More particularly:
All the approaches mentioned above suffer from at least one of the following drawbacks when used in practical applications:
The invention aims at providing a BFN free from all or at least some of these drawbacks, i.e. suitable for both linear and planar (more generally: bi-dimensional) arrays, theoretically lossless, with a simple structure and a limited number of control elements, yet providing a high level of flexibility and scalability and satisfactory radiation performances. The invention is based on the overlapping sub-arrays concept, and in particular on a hierarchical partition of a regular array, or lattice, of antenna elements. According to the invention, the array is firstly partitioned in a plurality of contiguous non-overlapping clusters of antenna elements (Non-Overlapping Sub-Arrays—NOSAs), and secondly partitioned in a plurality of overlapping sub-arrays (OSAs), each overlapping sub-array comprising a subset of all the non-overlapping sub-arrays. This hierarchical partitioning of the array antenna is mirrored by the BFN architecture, which comprises three layers:
Each non-overlapping sub-array consists of several antenna elements and belongs to one or more overlapping sub-arrays. Accordingly, each MMN implements the connection between the AEs of the corresponding NOSA and the SMNs corresponding to all the OSAs to which said NOSA belongs.
An object of the present invention is then a beam-forming network for an emitting array antenna, having NB≧1 beam ports, each corresponding to an antenna beam, and NE>1 antenna ports, each corresponding to an antenna element, the network comprising:
Another object of the invention is a beam-forming network for a receiving array antenna, having NB≧1 beam ports, each corresponding to an antenna beam, and NE≧1 antenna ports, each corresponding to an antenna element, the network comprising:
Yet another object of the invention is an array antenna comprising NE antenna elements and a beam-forming network as described above, whose antenna ports are connected to said antenna elements. In particular, the antenna elements may form a lattice partitioned into identical non-overlapping sub-arrays which, in turn, form an array of sub-arrays which is partitioned into identical overlapping sub-arrays, each of said overlapping sub-arrays being constituted by a plurality of non-overlapping sub-arrays; in this case, all the antenna elements belonging to a same non-overlapping sub-array will be connected to a same multi-mode network; and all the multi-mode network connected to non-overlapping sub-arrays belonging to a same overlapping sub-array will be connected to a same single-mode network.
Particular embodiments of the inventive beam-forming network and array antenna constitute the subject-matter of the dependent claims.
Additional features and advantages of the present invention will become apparent from the subsequent description, taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, which show:
The following notation for the mathematical variables and constants will be used: matrices will be represented in bold capital letters and vectors in bold lower-case, italics will be used for real variables, vectors and matrices, and regular non-italics for integer variables, vectors and matrices. The matrix transpose operator will be indicated as ( . . . )T, inverse as ( . . . )−1, and inverse transpose as ( . . . )−T.
Let a planar array AR be constituted of a set of NE radiating antenna elements AEs occupying a finite set A of positions on a regular lattice,
A={rn:n=0 . . . (NE−1)} (1)
The planar array AR is decomposed in a number NSA (where NSA<NE) of sub-arrays each composed of groups of antenna elements, all the sub-arrays being exactly identical (each composed of NESA antenna elements) and translationally arranged on a regular Array of Sub-Arrays (ASA) Lattice.
A Reference Sub-Array RSA is identified by NESA antenna elements occupying the finite set RSA of positions,
RSA={rnRSA:n=0 . . . (NESA−1)}⊂A (2)
For simplicity of notation the positions of the sub-arrays, which constitute an Array of Sub-Arrays (ASA), are supposed to coincide with a subset of the positions of the planar array,
ASA={rpRSA:p=0 . . . (NSA−1)}⊂A (3)
This assumption is by no mean limitative as all the sub-arrays are assumed to be identical and the Array of Sub-Arrays lattice (SAL) referred to the Sub-Arrays' phase centres can easily obtained by mean of a trivial translation. Assuming identical radiating elements with equal orientation in space and element radiation pattern EP(θ,φ)=EP(u), where,
and identical sub-arrays, characterized by the same number of radiating elements (NESA) and the same set of excitations, the Total Array Pattern TAP(u) may be calculated considering the sub-arrays as individual radiating elements, with a Reference Sub-array Radiation Pattern RSAP(u) which accounts for the Element Pattern EP(u) of the antenna elements, the spatial periodicity RSA and excitation wnRSA of the elements of the reference sub-array, and calculating the Array of Sub-Arrays Factor ASAF(u) which results from the spatial periodicity ASA and excitation wpASA of the sub-arrays.
TAP(u) is given by:
As illustrated on
In a BFN according to the invention (see
The extension and generalization of the Overlapped Sub-Array techniques to bi-dimensional (as well as volumetric) geometries can be obtained by using a mathematical theory known as “Geometry of Numbers”, the relevant results of which will be summarized here below.
Let a planar array AR (see e.g.
In the simple bi-dimensional case of a planar array, r and n are column vectors with real and integer entries, respectively:
R and Z being the sets of real and relative numbers, respectively; while D is composed of two non-linearly-dependent real column vectors which constitute the lattice base and define the inter-element spacing,
and rn=Dnn expresses the position of a radiating element of the array.
A lattice defined by a base vectors matrix D will be indicated as Λ(D) (see e.g.
The integer vectors nn=D−1rn, with rnεA form the set N,
N=D−1A⊂Λ(I) (8)
A sub-lattice of Λ(D) can be defined by mean of a non-singular integer matrix M and is given by Λ(DM). The number M=|det M| is called the index of Λ(D) in Λ(DM)—see e.g.
Given a non singular matrix M, it is possible to introduce in Λ(D) the vector “modulo DM” operation. Two vectors x and y on the lattice Λ(D) are said to be congruent modulo DM if their difference (x−y) belongs to Λ(DM) (see the paper by Angeletti [22]). The modulo DM operation is an equivalence relation (i.e. it satisfies reflexive, symmetric and transitive properties) and can be used to induce on Λ(D) a set of equivalence classes (also known as “congruency classes” or “cosets”) in number equal to |det M|. Each equivalence class is a shifted version of Λ(DM).
Any two equivalence classes defined with the modulo DM operation are either equal or disjoint; consequently the set of all equivalence classes of Λ(D), defined with the modulo DM operation, forms a partition of Λ(D): every element of Λ(D) belongs to one and only one equivalence class.
A set of “Equivalence Class Representatives”, ECR(Λ(D)/mod DM), also known as “Elementary Cell” C(D/DM), is a finite subset of |det M| elements of Λ(D) which contains exactly one element from each equivalence class (e.g. refer to
Tacking |det M| elements of the Λ(D) lattice, each from a different equivalence class modulo DM, it is possible to obtain an elementary cell C(D/DM) which has the interesting property of constituting a building block that repeated with the periodicity defined by the matrix DM covers the full infinite lattice Λ(D).
Being the selection of C(D/DM) not unique, its construction leaves a high degree of freedom in selecting the elementary cell.
These mathematical properties can be used in a constructive mode to decompose the array A defined on the Array Lattice (AL) Λ(D) in sub-arrays defined on the Array of Sub-Arrays Lattice (ASAL) Λ(DM),
A⊂Λ(D)≡AL (9)
Let us first consider the periodicity properties of the array factor of an array defined on the lattice Λ(D). Assuming identical radiating elements with equal orientation in space and element radiation pattern EP(u), the scalar array radiation pattern f(θ,φ)=f(u) can be written as:
which is the product of the element radiation pattern EP(u) times the array factor AF(θ,φ)=AF(u),
Considering that the positions of the radiating elements of the array belong to the lattice Λ(D), with rn=Dnn, it results that the array factor is periodic with respect to the grating lobes lattice Λ(λD−T). This can be easily proven substituting uk=λ(D−Tkk) in the expression of the array factor translated in u−uk.
where we have exploited the definition of the scalar product,
(D−Tkk)·(Dnn)=kkTD−1Dnn=kkTnn (14)
as well as the fact that having kk and nn integer entries, exp(−j2πkkTnn) results to be always equal to unit.
The result leads to an interesting interpretation:
defines the reciprocal lattice Λ(λD−T) corresponding to the positions of the grating lobes generated by the array lattice AL;
defines the reciprocal lattice Λ(λ(DM)−T) corresponding to the positions of the grating lobes generated by the array of sub-arrays lattice ASAL.
According to the sub-array approach, the number of active control elements is equal to the number of sub-arrays NSA, but the reduction in the number of control elements (from NE to NSA) implies having a larger periodicity due to the sub-array lattice which leads to the appearance of undesired Grating Lobes (GL) in the ASAF which can be reduced by appropriate design of the SAP.
In order to avoid the presence of grating lobes in the Total Array Pattern, the ideal Sub-Array Pattern (supposing identical Sub-Arrays) should have a flat response in the desired Field of View (FOV) and zero outside. In addition, the Field of View FOV should correspond to a sub-set of the Voronoi region of the lattice Λ(λ(DM)−T) defined by the grating lobes of the Sub-Array Lattice.
This extension covers and generalizes the linear array case where the ideal Sub-Array Pattern should exhibit a Rectangular shape whose width depends on the sub-array spacing dxM. In practice the ideal pattern is approximated at best with a real one as flat as possible between
and exhibiting side fronts as steep as possible.
An optimal array design jointly exploits the element pattern, the array elements lattice Λ(D) and the Sub-Array design (including the definition of the Array of Sub-Arrays Lattice Λ(DM)) with the twofold objective of reducing the number of control elements and suppressing the grating lobes of the Array of Sub-Arrays Factor in a desired Grating-Lobes Free Zone (GLFZ) outside of the Field of View (FOV).
This is illustrated by
The periodicity matrix DM of the Array of Sub-Arrays Lattice Λ(DM) allows to partition the array elements in equivalence classes by mean of the vectorial modulo DM operation and to define a Non Overlapping Sub-Array (NOSA) corresponding to an Elementary Cell C(D/DM). The Non Overlapping Sub-Array is composed of NENOSA≦M=|det M| elements of Λ(D) and contains at most one element from each equivalence class.
The whole array AR can be constructed by replicating the Elementary Cell EC=C(D/DM) on the Array of Sub-Arrays Lattice Λ(DM). The elements of an array constructed this way are automatically partitioned into a number of equivalence classes corresponding to the Elementary Cell.
The radiating antenna elements AE of the Non-Overlapping Sub-Array occupy a set of positions NOSA on the Array Lattice Λ(D) which correspond to the Elementary Cell EC=C (D/DM) or to a subset of it:
NOSA={rmNOSA:m=0 . . . (NENOSA−1)}⊂≡C(D/DM)⊂Λ(D) (15)
For simplicity of notation we assume that NOSA=EC. This hypothesis does not limit the generality of the description and of the synthesis, as the condition NENOSA=M=NEEC will be shown to be necessary to fulfil a lossless condition of the beamforming network associated to the Non-Overlapping Sub-Array.
Integer notations can be obtained introducing the integer vectors m=D−1rm with mεM
M=C(I/M)=D−1C(D/DM) (16)
The Elementary Cells (ECs) needed to cover the array form the set of positions indicated in the following as Array of Elementary Cells (AEC) which corresponds to a subset of the Array of Sub-Arrays Lattice Λ(DM), and include the set of positions of Array of Sub-Arrays (ASA)
ASA⊂AEC⊂Λ(DM) (17)
AEC={r1AEC:1=0 . . . (NEC−1)}⊂Λ(DM) (18)
An equivalent integer notation can be obtained also for these sets introducing the integer vectors 1=(DM)−1r1AEC with 1εL, and p=(DM)−1rpASA with pεP.
L=(DM)−1AEC (19)
P=(DM)−1ASA (20)
The index l allows numbering each Elementary Cell constituting the array. As a consequence, the position of a generic element of the array is completely defined by a pair of indexes
or equivalently,
A Reference Sub-Array (RSA) is composed of NESA antenna elements disposed on NECSA Elementary Cells.
RSA={rnRSA:n=0 . . . (NESA−1)}⊂A (23)
The equivalent integer vector set n=D−1rnRSA with nεÑ is,
Ñ=D−1RSA⊂N (24)
The set of NECSA integer vectors identifying the Elementary Cells forming the Reference Sub-Array (RSA) will be indicated as Q, with its integer vectors qεQ⊂L
ARSAEC={rqARSAEC:q=0 . . . (NECSA−1)}⊂AEC⊂Λ(DM) (25)
The index q allows numbering each Elementary Cell (EC) constituting the Reference Sub-Array (RSA). Similarly to previous discussions, the position of a generic element of the Reference Sub-Array (RSA) is completely defined by a pair of indexes:
or equivalently,
These notations allow a Cartesian indexing of the elements of the array A as well as of the Reference Sub-Array RSA.
The Reference Sub-Array excitations can now be written as
and the Reference Sub-Array Factor,
The excitations of the overall array obtained feeding a single sub array with index p will be indicated as wn|pSA.
It is worth noting that the excitations of the Reference Sub-Array correspond to the reference coordinate centre of the Array of Sub-Array r0ASA=0 and p=0.
Considering that Q⊂L and that the Sub-Array excitations are not defined outside Q (i.e. on L\Q, where the backslash indicates the relative complement of Q in L, also known as the set-theoretic difference, the set of elements in L, but not in Q), we can obtain the equivalent excitations of the Reference Sub-Array referred to the overall array by mean of zero padding,
A Sub-Array translated to r{dot over (p)}ASA is defined on the Array of Elementary Cells,
The excitations of a Sub-Array translated in rpASA is, with p=(DM)−1rpASA,
To fulfil the lossless condition, the Sub-Array excitations must satisfy a mutual orthonormality equation
The p1-th and p2-th Sub-Arrays overlap on a number of Elementary Cells whose indexes correspond to the subset of the Array of Elementary Cells, lε(Q+p1)∩(Q+p2). The orthonormality condition can be reformulated as,
where it is introduced the change of variables, Δp=p2−p1, l′=l−p1.
Considering the translational property of the Sub-Array excitations, the complex scalar product of the different excitations assumes the form of a complex autocorrelation. The orthonormality of the Sub-Arrays, and thus their lossless realisability, corresponds to imposing that the complex spatial autocorrelation of Sub-Array excitations is periodically nullified with a period equal to the Array of Sub-Array Lattice periodicity.
Considering this decomposition we can split the excitations in blocks corresponding to different elementary cells,
wM q+mRSA=bqcm|q mεM;qεQ (37)
with cm|q satisfying the normalization condition,
The lossless condition becomes,
Let us now assume that, by construction, the Sub-Array excitations on each Elementary Cell satisfy a mutual orthonormality condition
The lossless condition is satisfied,
with the additional normalization condition on bq,
To satisfy the mutual orthonormality condition of the Sub-Array excitations on each Elementary Cell, the number of Elementary Cells composing a Sub-Array NECSA must not exceed the number of elements per Elementary Cell NEEC (this condition derives from the fact that the number of equations NECSA must not exceed the number of independent variables NEEC).
The coefficient cm|k can be interpreted as the transfer matrix of a lossless Multi Mode Networks (MMN)—see
The transfer matrix coefficients cm|k contain all the information relevant to the MMN functionality, nevertheless different network topologies could provide the same transfer characteristic but with very different realization complexity.
The coefficients can be organized in column vectors ck of size [NEEC×1] and the column vectors arranged in a matrix C of size [NEEC×NESA]. The matrix C can be thought as the transfer part of the scattering matrix of the Multi Mode Network.
In case the number of Elementary Cell forming a Sub-Arrays NECSA is lower than the number of elements per Elementary Cell (EC) NEEC=M we can always add internal fictitious ports to obtain a square matrix C [M×M].
The orthonormality conditions on cm|k can be shortly translated in a Unitarity condition on the matrix C.
CCH=I (44)
Among the several realizations of lossless multiport networks, it is well known that the Butler matrix topology exhibits the most economical form (in term of components required to realize the network).
U.S. Pat. No. 3,255,450 to J. L. Butler (reference [23]) describes a fixed multiple-beam BFN based on the use of so-called “Butler matrices”. As it is known from the prior art, a Butler matrix is a beam forming network circuit consisting of interconnected fixed phase shifters and hybrid couplers. The matrix produces M orthogonal sets of amplitude and phase output coefficients, each corresponding to one of the M input ports. The strategy that allows reducing the complexity of the BFN consists in factorizing the whole network in lower order networks.
A systematic design procedure for a square network with a number of input/output ports equal to a power of 2 leads to a number of hybrids and of fixed phase shifters equal, respectively, to
while a non-factorized N×N BFN is composed by ˜N2 power dividers and phase shifters. This complexity reduction is directly equivalent to that obtained, in the field of digital signal processing, by using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm to evaluate the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), and indeed the Butler matrix can be seen as an analog implementation of the FFT.
The main properties and characteristics of a Multi-Dimensional FFT algorithm (MD-FFT) will be outlined in the following. Only the aspects necessary to an understanding of the invention are explained in detail here, the mathematical basis of this type of transform being well known in the signal processing literature—see [23], [25] and [27] for an explanation of this algorithm as applied to radiofrequency phased array antennas defined on periodic lattices.
Let a planar Non-Overlapping Sub-Array (NOSA), with elements on a periodic lattice Λ(D), be defined by the Elementary Cell C(D/DM) of the sub-lattice Λ(DM), where D is the non-singular matrix of the inter-element spacings and M is a non-singular integer matrix.
The Non-Overlapping Sub-Array (NOSA) admits a Multi Dimensional-Discrete Fourier Transform (MD-DFT) whose results are a set of beams pointed in the u,v plane with directions defined by the reciprocal lattice Λ(λ(DM)−T).
For simplicity, let us consider the MD-DFT induced on the lattice Λ(I) by the lattice Λ(N), N being a non-singular integer matrix. The MD-DFT is defined by
It can be observed that X(m) is periodic on a lattice Λ(M) with M=NT.
The inverse (MD-IDFT) is defined on a finite lattice of equal dimension |det M|=|det NT|=|det N|
X(m), with mεC(I/M), can be interpreted as a radiating element port and x(k), with qεC(I/N)=C(I/MT), as a beam port (i.e. respectively the output and the input of a Multi Mode Network). The MD-DFT is then equivalent to a transfer matrix with the following entries
The equation above can be rearranged as follows:
Each beam input port k of the BFN realizes a different NOSA array factor with steering direction uk:
uk=λ(kT(M−1D−1))T=λD−TM−Tk kεC(I/MT) (49)
The beam steering directions uk form the Beal Lattice (BL),
BL=λD−TM−TC(I/MT) (50)
The |det M| equi-amplitude excitations relevant to different steering directions are mutually orthogonal:
Together these properties guarantee that the transfer matrix defined by a MD-DFT can be used as a Multi Mode Network. Unitarity of the DFT (with normalization to |det M|1/2) guarantees lossless and reciprocity.
Similarly to the 1 D-DFT, the MD-DFT offers the possibility of a series of effective implementations known as Multi Dimensional-Fast Fourier Transforms (MD-FFTs).
The 1D Cooley-Tukey algorithm can be extended with the method described by R. Mersereau and T. Speake as described in, “A unified treatment of Cooley-Tukey algorithms for the evaluation of the multidimensional DFT”, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol. 29, No 9, pp 1011-1018, October 1981. Their multidimensional extension assumes that the periodicity matrix N=MT can be decomposed in the product of two integer matrices P,Q:N=PQ.
As well, a multidimensional version of the prime factor algorithm was first proposed by A. Guessoum and R. Mersereau in their above-referenced paper, “Fast algorithms for the multidimensional discrete Fourier transform”, and later extended by R. Bernardini, G. Cortelazzo and G. Mian in “A new technique for twiddle factor elimination in multidimensional FFT's” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 42, No. 8, pp. 2176-2178, August 1994, to the more general cases.
It follows from the theoretical developments above that the design procedure of a BFN according to the invention comprises the following steps:
D1) a periodicity matrix D, relevant to the Array Lattice (AL) Λ(D), is selected in such a way that the Voronoi region (or more generally an elementary cell) of the normalized reciprocal lattice Λ(λD−T) includes the Grating-Lobes Free Zone (GLFZ) of concern.
D2) a periodicity matrix DM, relevant to the Sub-Array Lattice (SAL) Λ(DM), is selected in such a way that the Voronoi region (or more generally an elementary cell) of the normalized reciprocal lattice Λ(λ(DM)−T) includes the Field of View (FOV) of interest.
D3) The Array Lattice Λ(D) is partitioned in M=|det M| Equivalence Classes with respect to the vector modulo DM operation.
D4) A Non Overlapping Sub-Array NOSA configuration is defined selecting at most one element of the Array Lattice Λ(D) per Equivalence Class and including NENOSA≦NEEC=M elements (where reads as Number of Elements forming a Non-Overlapping Sub Array), and preferably NENOSA=NEEC=M.
D5) An Overlapping Sub-Array OSA configuration is defined selecting a number of Non Overlapping Sub-Arrays NNOSAOSA (where NNOSAOSA reads as the number of Non-Overlapping Sub-Arrays forming an Overlapping Sub-Array).
D6) A lossless Multi Mode Network (MMN) and a lossless Single Mode Networks (SMN) are defined such that:
together with the target to optimize the Sub-Array Pattern SAP(u) such to have a flat response in the desired Field of View (FOV) and zero outside, where:
D7) A Multi-Beam Network (MBN) is defined for associating each beam port to each Overlapping Sub-Array input port (OSA-IP) through respective weighting units;
The overall architecture of the BFN, determined by steps D6 and D7, is illustrated on
The BFN architecture is the same for a one- or bi-dimensional array, only the arrangement of antenna elements changes.
In a particular embodiment of the present invention the transfer matrix of the Multi-Mode Network is selected to be a Multi-Dimensional DFT (MD-DFT). Similarly to the 1D-DFT, the MD-DFT allows effective implementations known as Multi Dimensional Fast Fourier Transforms (MD-FFTs) (refer to Guessoum and Mersereau [25] and to U.S. Pat. No. 5,812,088 to Coromina et alii [27] and to European Patent No. 2,296,225 to Angeletti for an explanation of this algorithm as applied to radiofrequency phased array antennas). Accordingly to this embodiment, the design step D6) described above can be further elaborated as follows:
D6.1) A lossless Multi Mode Network (MMN) is defined such that:
or can be re-conduced to this form through a multiplication for an arbitrary phase factor (i.e. cm|k=exp(−jφm)Wdet|M|m
D6.2) A lossless Single Mode Networks (SMN) is defined such that it has a number NOPSMN of output ports (SMN-OP) and an input port (SMN-IP) for associating each overlapping sub-arrays input port (OSA-IP) to a plurality of non-overlapping sub-arrays input ports (NOSA-IP) through weighting transfer matrix coefficient bk;
The proposed architecture achieves the same theoretical performance as the prior art (see in particular Borgiotti [4]) in terms of reduction of the number of Weight Elements (WEs) with respect to a “full” BFN with NB×NE WE. This reduction ranges from 20% to 80%, depending on the mission requirements.
The present architecture, however, outperforms state-of-the-art architectures in terms reduction of the number of High Power Amplifiers (HPAs) as the amplifiers can be placed at the inputs of the Overlapped Sub-Arrays (SAs) given that the SMN and MMN can be lossless.
The proposed architecture also outperforms array antennas based on Non-Overlapped Sub-Array with similar number of Sub-Arrays (and in turn similar complexity in number of Weight Elements WEs and High Power Amplifiers HPAs) in terms of scan loss performances within the field of view.
The lossless condition, which imposes additional constraints on the available degree of freedoms in the synthesis of the excitations of the Antenna Elements of an Overlapped Sub-Array, doesn't penalize the scan loss performances within the field of view.
In particular, to prove this last two points, three design example have been performed and are reported in the following design examples.
In this design example the Non-Overlapping Sub-Array is composed of 3×3 AEs on a rectangular lattice, the Multi-Mode Network is based on a 9×9 MD-DFT, and the Overlapped Sub-Array is composed of 9 NOSA
The details of the synthesis according to the present invention are reported in
The Array Antenna AR comprises 5 Overlapping Sub-Arrays: a first one corresponding to the RSA represented in bold on
As it can be seen on
The technical result of the exemplary embodiment is illustrated on
It is worth noting that the scan losses are reduced of about 4 db in the Field of View.
In this design example the Non-Overlapping Sub-Array is composed of 3×3 AEs on a rectangular lattice (same as El), the Multi-Mode Network is based on a 9×9 MD-DFT (same as El), and the Overlapped Sub-Array is composed of 5 NOSA.
Array lattice, Elementary Cell and MD-DFT are the same of the Design Example 1 and the reader can refer to
The details of the synthesis according to the present invention are reported in
It is worth noting that the scan losses are reduced of about 2 dB in the Field of View.
In this design example the Non-Overlapping Sub-Array is composed of 7 AEs on a hexagonal lattice, the Multi-Mode Network is based on a 7×7 MD-DFT, and the Overlapped Sub-Array is composed of 7 NOSA.
The details of the synthesis according to the present invention are reported in
It is worth noting that the scan losses are reduced of about 4 db in the Field of View.
The design examples discussed above refer to multi-beam application. The design of single-beam antennas according to the present invention is performed essentially in the same way, the only special feature being that NB=1, i.e. instead of generating a plurality of beams over a region of interest, a single beam is generated to scan said region of interest.
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PCT/IB2012/002977 | 11/26/2012 | WO | 00 |
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