Entertaining rhythmic musical toy consist of two hollow spheres containing beads and joined by a string. The rhythmic sound is generated by the contact of the two spheres and the rattling sound of the beads inside the spheres. The contact between the two spheres is achieved by holding one sphere with the attaching string passing between the index finger and the middle finger and swinging the other sphere around the hand while moving the hand up and down and catching the swinging sphere after it hits the static sphere from the underside of the palm. This swinging motion is repeated to create different rhythms and rattling beads patterns.
Beat Balls are an entertaining musical toy consisting of a set of two hollow spheres containing beads or any media that would create a rattling sound when the two beat balls are shaken. The two beat balls are linked together by a string. The beat balls can be made of hard plastic, wood or any material that would cause the two beat balls to make a “knocking sound” upon contact. The contact between the two beat balls is achieved by holding one beat ball with the attaching string passing between the index finger and the middle finger, and swinging the other beat ball around the hand while moving the hand up and down and catching the swinging beat ball after it hits the static beat ball from the underside of the palm. The swinging motion is repeated to create different rhythms and resonating beads patterns.