The AddreSSing the TalEnt and DiversiTy Gap in Biotechnology Workforce (ASSET) project aims to fill the talent and diversity issues in the biotechnology workforce by providing high-impact experiential education experiences of undergraduate research, internships, and a cohort model to college students in Louisiana. Recognizing that the degree attainment disparities among different demographic groups impact the future emerging technology workforce, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and the University of Louisiana System, seek to leverage the success of the existing UL Lewis Scholars Program to address the talent and diversity gap in the biotechnology industry. Project ASSET will build on and expand the components of the Lewis Scholars program by bringing STEM-focused research and internship experiences to the existing program to help prepare participants to become the next-generation workforce for the biotechnology industry. <br/><br/>The University of Louisiana will collaborate with industry partners to teach workplace and biotechnology job-related skills to create pathways into the biotechnology industry. The ASSET program aims to address barriers and promote STEM education for underrepresented students through outreach, mentorship, collaboration, and partnerships with academic institutions, research organizations, and community organizations. In the summers, 18 Lewis Scholars will participate in the experiential activities of undergraduate research experience and internships at biotechnology industry partners. Throughout the academic year, UL System faculty, industry partners (such as CGI, a leading information technology and business consulting services firm), and industry researchers will interact with the participants to build biotechnology skills, to familiarize Scholars with biotechnology industry culture, and to create career pathways via networking opportunities. The project will evaluate the working relationship between the leadership team and the business and corporate partners. The project will also assess participants’ gains in biotechnology skills, interest in, and plans for biotechnology careers. This project aligns with the NSF ExLENT Program, funded by the NSF TIP and EDU Directorates, as it seeks to support experiential learning opportunities for individuals from diverse professional and educational backgrounds to increase their interest in, and their access to, career pathways in emerging technology fields.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.