The project aims to serve the national interest by introducing Quantum Information Science and Engineering (QISE) education to partnering institutions in the Southeastern United States. Quantum technology, using QISE concepts, has the potential to change the world. For this emerging field, educating the workforce and broadening participation in QISE now are crucial to prepare future generations for related emerging technology fields and enabling the development of QISE practical applications. Five universities – the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Middle Tennessee State University, Tennessee Tech, Fisk University, and Auburn University – have assembled a team of experts to provide QISE training to community colleges and universities in the Southeast, including first-generation college students, women, and historically underrepresented populations in STEM.<br/><br/>The project will focus on four main thrusts: experiential learning in QISE, QISE workforce development, fostering regional QISE partnerships, and broadening QISE participation. The teaching model embraces three elements: a tailored quantum computing curriculum, experiential learning, and a strong mentorship network. The curriculum culminates in a multi-tier online certificate program, providing learners with the flexibility needed to master technical nuances at their own pace. Theoretical learning is complemented by a hands-on approach via workshops, faculty-guided research, and exposure to national labs and industry experiences. By establishing a replicable methodology for experiential learning, the project serves as a blueprint for similar programs where access to QISE education remains limited. To ensure sustainability, the project will actively engage local, regional, and national companies, labs, and organizations. This project aligns with the NSF ExLENT Program, funded by the NSF TIP and EDU Directorates, as it seeks to support experiential learning opportunities for individuals from diverse professional and educational backgrounds to increase their interest in, and their access to, career pathways in emerging technology fields.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.