Biotechnology is an emerging and rapidly developing field with high unmet demand for well-trained entry-level positions. The shortage of trained biotechnology workers to fill well-paid jobs will only be exacerbated as the field continues to expand unless new pathways are established for individuals to enter the biotech workforce. This project will grow and diversify this workforce through an innovative and immersive experience that engages non-traditional students from community colleges in the field of biotechnology. Compared to peers at larger research-intensive institutions, students from community colleges are at a disadvantage in securing experiential learning opportunities, yet the success of our nation’s growing biotechnology industry depends upon a skilled workforce. This project will help students from two-year institutions gain invaluable applied learning and professional skills, preparing them for careers in industry laboratories. This project builds an innovative partnership between industry, post-secondary education, and a non-profit research and training institute to pave the way for a diverse workforce equipped to solve tomorrow’s biotechnology challenges.<br/><br/>Students pursuing associate degrees and stackable certificates are an ideal prospective workforce to help meet the growing demand for skilled biotechnology workers. Experiential learning opportunities such as industry-aligned training and internships provide these students an efficient on-ramp to a career in biotechnology. This project utilizes a team approach to recruit, prepare, certify, mentor, and train participants in an experiential learning path. HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology will work with the Alabama Community College System, Calhoun Community College, and Drake State Community & Technical College to recruit participants and provide degree credit for participation. HudsonAlpha will provide laboratory-based training and support for the Biotechnician Assistant Credentialing Exam (BACE) and certification. A network of biotechnology companies in North Alabama will provide trainees with internship experiences and mentorship. Uniting these entities will further the development of a diverse, competitive workforce by creating new pathways for students to learn about biotechnology careers and participate in an applied learning program with fewer barriers to entry. Project outcomes will give insight into the effectiveness of offering experiential learning for a community college audience and how the provision of wrap-around participant support can impact student participation and persistence in emerging technology fields. This project aligns with the NSF ExLENT Program, funded by the NSF TIP and EDU Directorates, as it seeks to support experiential learning opportunities for individuals from diverse professional and educational backgrounds to increase their interest in, and their access to, career pathways in emerging technology fields.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.