A new and distinct cultivar of Begonia named ‘Bonfire’ comprised of hairs on both the upper and lower leaf surface; bright orange-red flower color, RHS 40A; and red margin on serrated leaf edge.
Latin name of the genus and species of the plant claimed: Begonia boliviensis.
Variety denomination: Bonfire.
The present invention relates to a new and distinct cultivar of Begonia plant botanically known as Begonia boliviensis,
and referred to by the variety denomination ‘Bonfire’.
Seeds were obtained from selected wild growing plants in northern Argentina. The area where the seed was collected had many Begonia boliviensis
plants. The seeds were selected from wild plants primarily on the basis of ornamental appeal. The seeds were taken to New Zealand where they were germinated. The parental cultivar are unknown, unpatented Begonia boliviensis
seedlings. The new cultivar was isolated by the inventor, Richard James Cross, at Palmerston North and Invermay, New Zealand, by seedling selection primarily on the basis of ornamental appeal.
Following selection of the seedling, the cultivar was propagated vegetatively by grafting. Following several generations of propagated cuttings, uniformity and stability of the selected characteristics was observed. Asexual reproduction initially took place at Palmerston North, New Zealand. Horticultural examination of the present cultivar has demonstrated that the combination of characteristics herein disclosed for Begonia ‘Bonfire’ are firmly fixed and are retained through successive generations of asexual reproduction.
The following traits have been repeatedly observed and are determined to be basic characteristics of Begonia ‘Bonfire’, which in combination distinguish this Begonia as a new and distinct cultivar:
1. Hairs on both the upper and lower leaf surfaces;
2. Bright orange-red flower color, RHS 40A; and
3. Red margin on serrated leaf edge.
Begonia ‘Firecracker’ (unpatented) is the closest comparison variety known to the applicant, however the new cultivar is quite different. Begonia ‘Bonfire’ differs from ‘Firecracker’ by having significant hairs on both the upper and lower leaf surfaces, which the gives the foliage a dull appearance in comparison with the bright, hairless, glossy foliage of ‘Firecracker’.
The accompanying color photographic drawings show the unique characteristics of the new cultivar Begonia ‘Bonfire’, at two years old, with colors as accurate as is possible with color photographs.
The first photographic drawing shows a close-up view of an individual inflorescence of ‘Bonfire’, depicting the bright orange-red flower color.
The second photographic drawing shows a close-up view of several inflorescences of ‘Bonfire’.
The third photographic drawing shows a close-up view of the leaves of ‘Bonfire’, depicting the serrated, red edge.
The fourth drawing shows a whole plant view of ‘Bonfire’.
The fifth drawing shows a whole plant view of several ‘Bonfire’ plants.
The following observations, measurements, and values describe the new cultivar as grown in Silvan, Victoria, Australia under conditions which approximate those generally used in commercial practice.
Color references are made to The Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart (RHS) except where the general colors of ordinary significance are used. Colors are approximate as color depends on horticultural practices such as light level and fertilization rate among other things. The plant was two years old when observed for the detailed botanical description.
Origin: Seedling from breeding program.
Maternal parent.
—Unknown seedling.
Paternal parent.
—Unknown seedling.
Propagation: Plants have been selected from the original seedling and propagated vegetatively by cutting. Initial selection was made in New Zealand.
Plant habit.
—Semi erect.
Plant size.
—Medium, height 750 mm; width 1000 mm.
Growth rate.
Growth type.
—Herbacious perennial.
Rooting System.
—Characterized by a large irregular-shaped tuber with several robust, succulent, erect stems airing therefrom and relatively small white roots emanating from the lower sides of the tuber. Color is Yellow-orange Group RHS 22D.