Title: Bethune Cookman College STEM Enhancement Program<br/><br/>Bethune Cookman College<br/><br/>HRD - 0310317<br/><br/>PI - Taylor-Green<br/><br/>Over a five-year period, Bethune Cookman College (BCC) will implement comprehensive approaches to strengthen the institution's undergraduate science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education and research infrastructure. The college will increase STEM offerings, improve STEM teaching and learning, increase the number of students earning baccalaureate degrees in STEM disciplines, and improve the quality of preparation and learning for STEM students. Curriculum enhancement activities include the establishment of a new Baccalaureate Degree program in Computer Engineering, development of an interdisciplinary Minor in Environmental Science, offering interdisciplinary courses in Instrumentation, Bioinformatics & Applied Calculus, and infusing technology in classroom teaching.<br/><br/>Research experiences will be provided for STEM undergraduate students and faculty via university and industry partnerships. In order to increase the pool of applicants for science-related careers, the Bethune Cookman College HBCU-Undergraduate Program includes K-12 outreach efforts geared toward making high school students aware and better prepared for science-related study and careers.