Millions of plastic water bottles going to waste and harming the environment. Recycling is an option, but only 23% of Americans recycle plastic. Ooho drinking capsule was invented to solve this problem, but it is made of algae and therefore more fragile than plastic. Moreover, Ooho was to destroy the plastic industry and did not turn out to be successful. Biodegradable bottle cap using ‘pestalotiopsis microsporia’ allows for the continued use of plastic without the plastic going to waste and harming environment.
Plastic bottle cap consisting of the plastic-eating fungus ‘pestalotiopsis microsporia’ will be used to the reduction of plastic-bottle waste generated after the use of the packaged drinking water bottles through biodegradation. The bottle is expected to be biodegraded by plastic-eating fungus ‘pestalotiopsis microsporia’ in few weeks' time instead of hundreds of years.
Biodegradable bottle cap is a water bottle cap containing the plastic eating fungus pestalotiopsis microsporia. When the consumer is done drinking from the bottle, the cap has a tab that is pulled and this tab releases the fungus. The fungus consumes the plastic bottle and the cap so no trace is left behind. The cap is made of plastic and the fungus is contained in an aluminium casing. Also contain in the casing is the safe food dye which will be colouring the water in case of accidental release or opening of the casing before the use of the drinking water. Such water colouring will be an indication to avoid using the water for drinking though the fungus is safe after human galloping.
To initiate the biodegradation of used plastic bottle having biodegradable bottle cap using ‘pestalotiopsis microsporia’ fixed on the bottle, all that is required is to pull the tab coming out of the bottle cap. When the tab is pulled, which is connected to the aluminium casing separating the fungi from the bottle content, the tab will break the aluminium seal. The breaking of the seal after the bottle content being used, releases the fungi into the bottle to biodegrade it.
In the case of accidental brokerage of the seal during the filled bottle content the red food coloring stored along with fungus will indicate the brokerage as it will show the red color water after mixing with the content of the bottle. This will let people know that the water is not safe to drink. The cap is round, the ideal shape of a cap, and is made out of plastic from the outside. The bottle itself will be 22 cm tall, (being able to hold about 16.9 fluid ounces), with the plastic part of the cap having a diameter of approximately 2.5 centimetres and a height of 2 centimetres.
Inside the cap, there will be an aluminium casing that contains the plastic-consuming fungi. This aluminium casing will have a diameter of an estimated 2 centimetres and a height of 0.8 centimetres. The casing will keep the fungi from consuming the plastic outer layer of the cap. The cap also consists of a tab, in which one of the ends will be attached to the base of the aluminium casing. Part of the tab will protrude outside from the inside of the cap. When the tab is pulled, it will break the bottom seal of the aluminium casing, allowing the fungi to be released into the empty bottle for disposal. The fungi will fully consume the plastic within a matter of weeks. In the bottle, the cap is 3 times as high with about the same diameter as an ordinary bottle cap, to be able to contain the fungi and food dye. The invention could also have different types of colors of food dye. It can also use other materials to case the fungi.