The present invention—within the branch of soil microbiology—relates to a novel application of microbial biofertilizers that are able to favor and stimulate growth in plants without affecting the environment.
Biofertilizers are defined as products based on microorganisms that usually live in the soil. By increasing their population through the artificial inoculation, the response is that this microorganisms boost their biological activity. Thus, supplying the plants with important nutrients that enhance their growth. In addition, microorganisms are credited with supplying plants with hormonal substances that are essential to their development (Martínez J. S. et al., 1985. “Manual Práctico de Microbiología”. Ed: Pueblo y Educación, Cuba).
Several studies have been carried out on this theme, particularly about a group of well known microorganisms that will be analyzed hereafter:
It is estimated that the symbiotic fixation of nitrogen, inherent to the Rhizobium, is one of the most feasible ways to recover nitrogen and return to the ecosystem. It has been figured out that 175 tons of nitrogen a year are biologically fixed; out of which a 70% goes to the soil (Burity H A et al., 1989. Estimation of nitrogen fixation and transfer from alfalfa to associated grasses in mixed swards under field conditions. Plant and Soil, 114:249-255). Fifty percent of this fixation comes from nodular associations as those caused by Rhizobium (Carrera M et al., 2004. “Nodulación natural en leguminosas silvestres del Estado de Nuevo León”).
The symbiotic fixation of nitrogen takes place when the bacteria (Rhizobium) recognizes its host causing its infection through the radical hairs and in the matrix of the cortical cells, inducing thus an accelerated meiosis and mitosis. That leads to a hypertrophied tissue: “the nodule”, a typical structure of the leguminous roots. Inside this nodule the Rhizobium loses its cellular wall and becomes a bacteroide which due to its nitrogenase enzyme action, fixes nitrogen (N2), turning it into ammonium (NH3), this latter being transferred to the vegetal ribosome for the proteins synthesis. At the same time, by means of the photosynthesis, the CO2 is reduced in carbohydrates by the leguminous plant, which will serve as a source of carbon and energy for Rhizobium, hence it is kept active in the nodule covering thus the plants necessity of nitrogen (Bauer T, 2001. “Microorganismos Fijadores de Nitrógeno: familia Rhizobiaceae.” In: This constitutes the most elaborate and efficient association between plants and microorganisms. That is why it has been the most largely studied ever since.
Bacteria of Azotobacter genus, make up a special nitrogen fixing microorganisms group. Inasmuch as they are the only unicellular and apparently capable of fixing nitrogen in aerobial conditions (Andresson A J et al, 1994. “Efecto de la inoculación con Azotobacter y MVA en vitroplantas de ñame (Dioscorea alata)”. Cultivos Tropicales, 15 (3): 66). From the historical point of view, it is the Azotobacter indeed, the microorganism most widely used in agriculture. The first application of this bacterium dates back to 1902, winning large utilization during the decades of the 40's, 50's and 60's, particularly in the eastern European countries (González J and Lluch C., 1992. “Biología del Nitrógeno. Interacción Planta-Microorganismo”. Ed. Rueda, Madrid, España).
Other biofertilizing microorganisms are made up of various strains from Pseudomonas genus, which contribute to the enhancing of the availability of the attainable phosphorus (Lawrence A. R., 2002. Biofertilizers for rice cultivation. Agricultural Universities of India. In:
The combined application of three species of bacteria: Bacillus pumilus Meyer and Gotheil, Bacillus subtilis (Ehrenberg) Cohn and Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens(Hedges) Collins and Jones, to cucumber (Cucumis sativus, L.) seeds, provided better results as compared to the inoculation of each one by separate (Raupach G S and Kloepper J W., 1998. Mixtures of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria enhance biological control of multiple cucumber pathogens. Phytopathology, 88:1158-1164). The positive effect of micorrizogen fungus strains, combined with Azotobacter sp. and earth worm's humus, over the growth of coffee seedlings (Coffeea arabica) has been reported. The combination of Glomus fasciculatum and Glomus peuú with Azotobacter turned to be superior than the control treatments (Sánchez C. et al., 1994. “Utilización de las Micorrizas VA y Azotobacter sp. en la producción de posturas de Coffea arabica L.” Cultivos Tropicales, 15 (3): 69).
While cultivating tomatoes, chard, lettuce, french bean and radish, these were inoculated with Glomus sp. and Azotobacter, positive results corroborated the effectiveness of this combination which clearly shows that both microorganisms reacted in a synergistic way (when they were added simultaneously) (Terry E. et al., 2000. “Efectividad de Azotobacter chroococcum y HFMA en diferentes cultivos hortícolas en condiciones de organopónico”. XII Seminario Científico, Programa y Resúmenes. La Habana. INCA, 117).
The nematocidal activity of Tsukamurella paurometabola strain C-924, has been previously described as a useful control against both animal and plant parasites (Mena J. et al. Patent E P. 0774906 B1). The biological control of nematodes is an effective alternative to the use of chemical pesticides in agriculture. The action mechanism of this bionematocide, has been related to the combined effect of desulfurase and quitinase activities over the nematodes and their eggs. Up to now, no other beneficial influence over the crops was known, other than the one derived from its direct action upon nematodes.
Although the quick effect of chemical fertilizers over the plant growing is a fact, they cause nutritional disorders on plants plus collateral negative effects on the soil. Because of this the obtaining of new biofertilizers is a must. They aim at promoting the growth and development of plants without bringing about undesired harmful consequences, either to the environment or to people.
The present invention has come to solve the problem mentioned above, providing a biofertilizer composition that comprises at least one strain of Tsukamurella paurometabola, or a mutant derived from it, or a metabolite derived from such a strain, in an appropriate carrier. All this has the effect of stimulating the growth and phenological development of plants. Furthermore, this already said composition contributes to enhance the soil fertility, creating the conditions for a more favorable plants development.
In one of its basic embodiment, the biofertilizer composition invention comprises the bacteria known as Tsukamurella paurometabola strain C-924 (Mena J. et al., 2003. Biotecnologia Aplicada 20(4):248-252) whose capacity to positively influence the phenology of various species of cultivated plants, is fairly demonstrated. Consequently, based on the obtained results, it is possible to set up a method to stimulate the plants development by means of a biofertilizer to be used in agriculture which helps plants to optimize the acquisition of organic matter, favoring thus, the appropriation of nitrogen and phosphorus, elements related to the activity of T. paurometabola strain C-924 on the soil or either in a natural or artificial substrate. Eventually, the application of chemical fertilizers is reduced or eliminated. In spite of the immediate effect that the fertilizers exert on the plant development, they cause other nutritional disorders and unwanted side effects.
The bio-stimulating effect of T. paurometabola on plants is generated by the production of ammoniac (NH3), associated to the growth of this bacteria interacting with the organic matter and amino acids present on the soil or substrate where plants are grown, or on the organic matter and amino acids added to any mixture, applied simultaneously or in combination with this bacterium. At the same time, this microorganism takes part in the solubilization of phosphorus, thus changing it from non-absorbable to absorbable by the plants.
The application of T. paurometabola strain C-924 to the soil, over a substrate (natural or artificial) or an organic matter carrier and/or amino acids, is done by means of a cellular suspension having between 1.0×107 colony forming units (cfu)/ml and 5.0×1012 cfu/ml or by a concentrated powder of an approximately 1012 CFU/g of composition.
The composition containing T. paurometabola strain C-924 (carried by organic matter, amino acids and other organic carriers), applied in combination with other biofertilizers and bio-stimulators, or independently, enhances the plants development in manner similar to or even better than other plants growth promoting microorganisms used in agriculture.
With the results obtained, a method can be established to stimulate the growth of plants based on the use of a biofertilizer agent for agricultural use that optimizes the acquisition of organic matter by the plants, which favors the assimilation of nitrogen and phosphorus, elements linked to the activity of T. paurometabola strain C-924 applied either to the soil or to a natural or artificial substrate.
In another embodiment of this invention, the metabolite comprised in the biofertilizer composition can be obtained either in a natural, recombinant or synthetic manner. The bio-fertilizing composition of said invention may have several kinds of carriers, such as: an organic fertilizer, a pre-packed soil, a seed coverer, a powder, a granulated formulation, a nebulizer, a liquid, a suspension, or any of the above mentioned variants in an encapsulated form.
In another implementation of this invention, the T. paurometabola strain is combined or mixed with other biofertilizing microorganisms, such as: Bacillus subtilis, Rhizobium leguminosarum, Azotobacter chroococcum, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Glomus fasciculatum and Glomus clarum, or a mutant derived from such organisms, as well as any other active principle or metabolite obtained from such strains, either by a natural, recombining or synthetic manner, in an adequate carried. Is also an object of the present invention a method to stimulate the growth of plants, characterized by comprising a) to obtain a biofertilizer agent that comprises a culture of a Tsukamurella paurometabola strain or a metabolite derived from such strain, obtained by a natural, recombinant or synthetic way; and b) contacting the soil or either a natural or an artificial substrate with an effective amount of such a biofertilizer or of a metabolite from derived from this strain. In an embodiment of the invention, the method described before is characterized because the strain of Tsukamurella paurometabola is the strain C-924. The effective amount of the biofertilizer agent is applied on the soil or substrate in an aqueous suspension in a concentration of approximately between 106 and 109 cfu per milliliter of suspension, and the biofertilizer agent is applied at least once to the soil or mixed with the substrate.
The biofertilizer agent and the method of stimulating the plant growth of the present invention is effective either for food producing plants employed with the objective of obtaining food for human beings, as fruits and vegetables, or for plants obtained for feeding animals, such as pasture, cereals, etc. It is also applicable to ornamental plants.
Once the conditions were created, the process of cultivating T. paurometabola strain C-924 in a 5 L bioreactor was initiated. The temperature was set up at 28° C. at a 500 rpm agitation speed. The culture medium samples were taken at different time intervals during the fermentation process, (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 13 hrs.). Five mL from each sample (tripled) were centrifuged and filtered through a 0.2 μm filter. The filtered mixture was submitted to the ammonium analysis according to Nessler's Reagent Method. For its spectrophotometer determination, a Pharmacia Biotech spectrophotometer was used, with a wave length of 450 nm.
The ammoniac production during the culture of the Tsukamurella paurometabola strain C-924 is represented in
The production of NH3 should be sustained by the oxidative deamination process suffered by the amino acids that take part in the culture medium (Vanhooke J L et al., 1999. Phenylalanine dehydrogenase from Rhodococcus sp. M4: high-resolution X-ray analysis of inhibitory ternary complexes reveal key features in the oxidative deamination mechanism. Biochemistry, 38: 2326-2329; Paustian T., 2001. Microbiology Webbed Out. University of Wisconsin, Madison). It is important to point out that by means of this process, the amino acids are deaminated yielding ammoniac and a carbon residue (an α-cetoacid), as more energetic carbon than assimilable nitrogen is needed usually an accumulation of ammoniac takes place in the medium (Salle A J, 1966. Bacteriología. Edición Revolucionaria, La Habana, Cuba). Presumably, this mechanism fits in to what has happened in the process of accumulation of ammoniac by the Tsukamurella pauromrtabola strain C-924.
Phosphorus is one of the most crucial nutrients for the development of plants, but in most occasions it is found in an insoluble form in the soil. A high percentage of the inorganic phosphate applied to the soil as fertilizer is rapidly immobilized after the application and is kept by the plants in a non available manner. Consequently, releasing those insoluble forms of phosphate will be important to increase the availability of this element in the soils.
With experimental purposes, the strain C-924 was inoculated in the NBRIP medium (Nautiyal C., 1999. An efficient microbiological growth medium for screening phosphate solubilizing microorganisms. FEMS Microbiology Letters 170: 265-270), useful in determining phosphate solubilizing microorganisms. It was incubated at 30° C. during 10 days. Having passed all these days, the transparent halo characteristic of this medium appeared.
It has been demonstrated that several isolations that show no halo in the solid medium or that make up a very small halo are able to solubilize insoluble phosphate in liquid mediums (Leyval C. and Barthelin J., 1999. Plant soil, 17: 103-110). For this reason, the trial was carried out in a liquid medium. As a positive control, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 25922 was employed.
The two strains were inoculated by separate in the NBRIP liquid medium, and they were incubated at 30° C. at 180 rpm shake for five days. In addition, a sterile (not inoculated) medium was used in order to validate the trial. Samples were analyzed every 24 hours. The cultures of each sample were centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 25 minutes and the supernatant was filtered with a 0.45 μm filter. For each case, the concentration of soluble phosphate was established, the Fiske and Subbarow method was used (Fiske H and Subbarow Y, 1925. The colorimetric determination of phosphorus. J. Biol. Chem. 66: 375-400). Data are shown on Table 1. Although both microorganisms showed the capacity to solubilize phosphates, Tsukamurella paurometabola strain C-924 proved to be more efficient.
A “Middling-Carbonated Soft Brown Soil” was chosen (Instituto de Suelos, 1999. “Nueva clasificación genética de los suelos de Cuba”. Ministerio de la Agricultura. Editorial AGRINFOR, Cuba). The said soil was sieved through a 0.5 cm (diameter) mesh to eliminate undesirable particles. A 5% of earth worm humus was applied to the soil in order to enhance the soil organic content over the 3% of labile organic matter and a 12% of total organic matter.
Later, pots of 15 cm top diameter and 1.0 L of capacity were filled, to be used in the biological activity experiments. Plantain (Musa sp. hybrid, cultivar “Macho”) plantlets from in vitro tissue culture were planted in said pots. For each of the following treatments, 10 replicas were used:
After three months of the experiment start, the final evaluation was made targeting these parameters: foliage weight, roots weight and the total sum, given in grams.
The experiment was carried out at a greenhouse under semi-controlled conditions. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was applied to the data resulting from the weights. In order to find out the treatments where the significant differences lied upon (p<0.05), Tukey's multiple ranges test was applied. Besides, the program SYSTAT 7.0 for Windows was applied to perform the statistic calculations. Three months after the transplantation and applying the treatments, the results were as follow:
Mean values with different letters differ among each other significantly, according to Tukey's multiple range test, for p≦0.05.
Both microorganisms used were able to boost the plantain plants growth. Differences in growth between the treatments with T. paurometabola strain C-924 and Bacillus subtilis strain F16/95 (the positive control bacteria) were not noticed. The latter is well known for enhancing plants growth (Mc Spadden B B and Fravel D R, 2002. Biological Control of Plants Pathogens: Research, Commercialization, and Application in the USA. In:
A “Middling-Carbonated Soft Brown Soil” was chosen (Instituto de Suelos, 1999. “Nueva clasificación genética de los suelos de Cuba”. Ministerio de la Agricultura. Editorial AGRINFOR, Cuba). Said soil was sieved through a 0.5 cm (diameter) mesh to eliminate undesirable particles. A 5% of earth worm humus was applied to the soil in order to enhance the soil organic content over the 3% of labile organic matter and a 12% of total organic matter.
Later, pots of 15 cm top diameter and 1.0 L of capacity were filled, to be used in the biological activity experiments. Banana (Musa sp. hybrid, cultivar Cavendish) plantlets from in vitro tissue culture were planted in said pots. For each of the following treatments, 10 replicas were used:
After five months of the experiment start, the final evaluation was made targeting these parameters: foliage weight, roots weight and the total sum, given in grams.
The experiment was carried out at a greenhouse under semi-controlled conditions. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was applied to the data resulting from the weights. In order to find out the treatments where significant differences lied upon (p<0.05), Tukey's multiple ranges test was applied. Besides, the program SYSTAT 7.0 for Windows was applied to perform the statistics calculations. Five months after the transplantation and applying the treatments, the results were as follow:
Mean values with different letters differ among each other significantly, according to Tukey's multiple ranges test, for p≦0.05.
As in Example 3, the two microorganisms being applied reported a significant growth in the banana plants. No differences between the treatments with strain C-924 and with control strain F16/95 were reported.
A “Ferralithic Red” soil was chosen (Instituto de Suelos, 1999. “Nueva clasificación genética de los suelos de Cuba”. Ministerio de la Agricultura. Editorial AGRINFOR, Cuba). The said soil was sieved through a 0.5 cm (diameter) mesh to eliminate undesirable particles. This soil had a content of 2.6% of labile organic matter and a 10.7% of the total organic matter.
Pots of 15 cm top diameter and 1.0 L of capacity were filled, to be used in the biological activity experiments. Pre-germinated soy beans seeds were used (Glycine max). The seeds were planted by numbers of three in each pot. Twenty pots with three plants each were employed with the following treatments:
The treatments were applied a day prior to the sowing of the pre-germinated seeds. Then, seven days after sowing them, an evaluation was made testing the following parameters: the roots, stems and leaves weight were monitored as well as the total weight of the plants (given in grams). The plants from 10 pots were evaluated (30 in all).
The experiment was carried out at a greenhouse under semi-controlled conditions. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was applied to the data resulting from the weights. In order to find out the treatments where the significant differences lied upon (p<0.05), Tukey's multiple ranges test was applied. Besides, the program SYSTAT 7.0 for Windows was applied to perform the statistic calculations.
The resulting mean values (per plants) taken from the fresh weights for each evaluation and its significance are shown in Table 4.
After seven days of growth, significant differences between the plants were noticed, such as: increase of the stems fresh weight as in the leaves and the overall weight of plants. Consequently, the conclusion leads to the statement that the treatment with the composition containing the strain C-924, yields satisfactory results on the enhancing of the growth and development of plants.
Accordingly, a greenhouse adapted to gardening seedlings was employed. As a substrate for the seedling, a mixture of earth worm humus (50%), turf (25%) and Zeolite (25%) was used.
Two treatments for the substrate were applied to the soil, three days before planting the pre-germinated seeds:
On day 22 of their sowing, when the plantlets were ready to be transplanted, the height of 40 plants from each treatment was measured. The plants were taken at random, by 10 from different places within the seed bed. Table 5 shows the average height values per plants. Significant differences (p≦0.05, ANOVA) were appreciated between the sizes obtained in both treatments, a clear influence of the strain C-924 is observed. The enhancing effect of the said strain was substantial for the tomato seedlings on the high organic matter substrate.
A greenhouse (0.09 ha surface) with a “Non Carbonated Brown Soil” (Instituto de Suelos, 1999. “Nueva clasificación genética de los suelos de Cuba”. Ministerio de la Agricultura. Editorial AGRINFOR, Cuba) was used. The said soil had a labile matter content of 3% and a total organic matter of 12%. Thereafter, the greenhouse was allotted into 16 plots where an experimental design was set up with four treatments and the same amount of replicas. The procedure was as follow:
The two treatments with strain C-924 were done by means of an aiding pump attached to the drop irrigation system, with a total irrigation output of 1 L per square meter according to the parameters established for irrigation in greenhouses (Casanova A., 1999. “Guía técnica para la producción protegida de hortalizas en Casas de Cultivo tropical con efecto de sombrilla”. MINAGRI, Instituto de Investigaciones Hortícolas “Liliana Dimitrova”, Cuba).
Fifteen days after transplantation, the measuring and counting proceedings were done (10 plants per plot) including the following parameters:
Table 6 shows a summary of results. In fact, it was clearly established that the height, the number of folioles, and the number of flowers were significantly superior in both treatments (with two different doses) with the strain C-924. Therefore, the enhancing properties of this biofertilizer agent are beyond any doubt.
Each treatment included five replicas and four plants per replica. One seed per bed was planted, reaching four beds per pot with a depth of 3 cm in the 1 L capacity pots. For each experimental unit or pot, 1.2 kg of “Carbonated Brown Soil” (Instituto de Suelos, 1999. “Nueva clasificación genética de los suelos de Cuba”. Ministerio de la Agricultura. Editorial AGRINFOR, Cuba) was used, with a labile organic matter of 3.74% and a total organic matter of a 14.2%, plus soluble phosphorus:19.14 mg of P2O5/100 g of soil.
The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse under semi-controlled conditions.
The treatments were as follow:
1—Control with no inoculation at all.
2—T. paurometabola strain C-924 inoculated seven days before planting and seven days after planting the crops. The applied dose was of 100 mL per pot with a concentration of 1×109 cfu/mL.
3—R. leguminosarum was inoculated (with a concentration of 2.5×108 cfu/mL in a solid formulation) mixed with previously sieved humus. The quantity reached 1 kg of biofertilizer per 45 kg of seeds.
4—Combination of treatments 2 and 3.
Following the agrochemical recommendations from the “Instituto de Suelos” (Cuba), each pot was fertilized according to the soil contents of P2O5 and K2O. The carriers used were: Urea, Triple Super Phosphate (TSF) and Potassium Chloride (KCl), for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. respectively. Fertilization was applied four days before the planting moment (in the case of phosphorus and potassium) while for Urea, it was applied 15 days after germinating. For the latter cultivation, the amount applied was of 217 kg/ha. Whereas for TSF, and KCl, fertilization topped 11.5 kg/ha and 60 kg/ha, respectively.
The phenological variants evaluated were the number of leaves every seven days as well as their dry weight (MINAG, 1988. Suelos. Análisis Químico. “Determinación de peso seco, materia orgánica y los índices del grado de acidez”. NRAG. 892 y 878, Cuba). The variables were statistically evaluated by ANOVA (simple classification). Duncan's multiple comparative test was utilized in order to compare the treatment means (mean values). The statistic package SPSS version 8.0 (1997) was applied resulting in the measurements specified in Table 7.
6.25 ab
Rhiz. leguminosarum
As to the number of leaves, the best results were obtained at day 36 with the application of T. paurometabola strain C-924. Significantly differences with the rest of the treatments were clearly shown. In the case where both strains were used, this parameter was similar to the treatment with R. leguminosarum, however as to the control, the results were different.
Regarding the dry matter percentage, the greater values were reported for the joined application of both, T. paurometabola strain C-924 and the R. leguminosarum. However, statistically speaking, it did not differ from the treatments where the biofertilizer was applied and where was not inoculated (Control). This fact is due to the presence of native strains of R. leguminosarum in the soil and its positive effect on the growth of the beans cultivation.
There were five replicas for each treatment and four plants for each replicate. Seeds were planted at a depth of 3 cm, which numbered one seed per bed. Each pot (capacity of 1 L) having four beds. For each experimental pot, 1.2 kg of “Carbonated Brown soil” was used. The latter containing 3.74% of labile organic matter, (total 14%), soluble phosphorus of 19.14 mg of P2O5/100 g of soil (Instituto de Suelos, 1999. “Nueva clasificación genética de los suelos de Cuba”. Ministerio de la Agricultura. Editorial AGRINFOR, Cuba).
The experiment was performed in a greenhouse under semi-controlled conditions.
The treatments were the following:
Each pot had its necessary fertilization as required by the soil P2O5 and K2O contents and according to the agrochemical recommendation made by the “Instituto de Suelos” (Cuba). The carriers used were: Urea, Triple Super Phosphate (TSF) and Potassium Chloride (KCl), for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, respectively. In the case of phosphorus and potassium, fertilization was applied 4 days before planting the seeds, and for urea, fertilization was applied 15 days after the germinating stage. The corn cultivation had a fertilization applied at rate of 185 kg/ha of urea, 121 kg/ha of TSP and 45 kg/ha of KCl.
The phenological variables evaluated were the stem diameter, the plant height, the number of leaves (counted every seven days), and the dry weight as well (MINAG, 1988. Suelo. Análisis Químico. “Determinación de peso seco, materia orgánica y los índices del grado de acidez”. NRAG. 892 y 878, Cuba). Table 8 is a sum of the measurement results.
71.70 ab
75.15 ab
The best values for each of the phenological parameters studied were achieved were T. paurometabola strain C-924 was applied, either by itself or in combination with other growth enhancers. As to the number of leaves, the result derived from applying only C-924 was higher, in an statistical manner (Duncan's test, p≦0.05), compared to the rest of the treatments.
The best results in the development of the cultivations during the application of T. paurometabola strain C-924 indicate that there are elements additional to the growth of the plants that are due to nitrogenated compounds that are released during the organic matter degradation.
Regarding the dry matter percentage of corn plants, once the studied was completed, it was evident that all the variants inoculated with one or other microorganism show similar values, but always higher than the control not inoculated. This comes to corroborate the efficacy of the studied biofertilizers in the cultivation growth (Haggag. W. M, 2002. Sustainable Agriculture Management of Plant Diseases. Online Journal of Biological Science, 2: 280-284).
A “Ferritic Purple Red soil” (Instituto de Suelos, 1999. “Nueva clasificación genética de los suelos de Cuba”. Ministerio de la Agricultura. Ed: AGRINFOR, Cuba) was used for this experiment. Said soil contained a 2.9% of labile organic matter and a 11.8% of total organic matter, distributed in 1 L capacity pots. Pregerminated lettuce (Lactuca sativa) Black Simpson variety seeds were employed.
The strain C-924 was used in the manner of a humectant powder concentrated at a 2×1012 cfu/mL. It was inoculated seven days before the seed planting, using an aqueous suspension at concentration of 3×107 cfu/mL. A daily adequate irrigation was followed so as not to overreach the soil humidity retention capacity.
The arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) Glomus fasciculatum and Glomus clarum previously formulated at the “Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas de Cuba”. These were applied at the moment of planting the seeds, with a quantity of 200 g/m2 (20 g per pot). An experimental design of six treatments with four replicas was used, each of them with 4 lettuce plants. The plants were kept (during 30 days) under semi-controlled conditions in a greenhouse. The treatments were as follow:
After 30 day of being planted, the fresh foliage weight for each plant was checked in all the treatments. Table 9 shows a summary of the results.
Treatments in which T. paurometabola strain C-924 was involved were significantly better than the Control (Soil without inoculation). For both cases, the combination of T. paurometabola strain C-924+G. clarum. and T. paurometabola strain C-924+G. fasciculatum showed superior outcome than those treatments were the same AM was applied by separate. This was regarding to the increase of the plants foliage weight.
G. fascilulatum
G. clarum
Two greenhouses with a “Non Carbonated Brown Soil” (Instituto de Suelos, 1999. Nueva clasificación genética de los suelos de Cuba. Ministerio de la Agricultura. Editorial AGRINFOR, Cuba) were available. The said soil had a content of 3.1% of labile organic matter and a total organic matter of 12.3%. An experimental design with equal sized plots (30 m2) was made; four treatments with four replicas were carried out in the following way:
The strain C-924 and the AM were applied seven days before planting the seeds and in two other moments at intervals of 21 days after its first application, according to the doses required per m2, as applied in Example 10. The yielding (weight) of the commercial fruits harvested were evaluated during the cultivation cycle (98 days) for each treatment. The results can be seen in Table 10.
In reference to the Control group, a significant increase of the fruits weight was achieved for the plants under T. paurometabola strain C-924 treatment as well as those treated with Glomus fasciculatum. Moreover, the combined application of the microorganisms resulted in a greater fruits weight as compared to the application by separate. This difference proved to be statistically significant.
G. fasciculatum + C-924
Glomus fasciculatum
T. paurometabola cepa C-924
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
2007-0092 | Apr 2007 | CU | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/CU08/00002 | 4/29/2008 | WO | 00 | 4/13/2010 |