The present invention provides method of obtaining miRNA biomarkers by data search of up-regulated cancer microRNAs (miRNAs) and screening the miRNA biomarkers to identify cancer kind- and stage-specific miRNA biomarker(s) using cancer cells and media and tissues and biological fluids. This invention includes obtaining lung cancer kind- and stage-specific miRNA biomarkers including early (Stage I) lung cancer miRNA biomarkers. This invention includes identification of anti-cancer miRNA (complementary miRNA, DNA and their derivatives) in order to use it to ameliorate or cure diseases. This invention also relates to methods to increase sensitivity of nanowell electrodes to detect miRNA, RNA and DNA in cell extracts and biological fluids using label-free technology and use of the microwell and nanowell technology for diagnosis of cancer and other diseases and monitoring prognosis and response to therapy of the diseases.
Lung cancer is a leading cause of cancer death for both men and women in the United States, which causes more deaths than the combined deaths of the next most common cancers (colon, breast and pancreas). Cigarette smoking is a No. 1 risk factor of lung cancer. Approximately 160,000 Americans were predicted to die from lung cancer in 2014 (˜27% of all cancer deaths) (1). The majority (>75%) of lung cancer patients are diagnosed at an advanced or metastatic stage and their 5-year survival rate is <5%. However, lung cancer patients diagnosed at an early stage, Stage I, have about 70% 5-year survival rate (2), suggesting that early detection is an important strategy to lower lung cancer death rate.
The National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) at 33 US centers from August 2002 through April 2004 with ˜50,000 current and former smokers (high risk group) demonstrated that 3 yearly-screenings using low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) of the chest resulted in reduced lung cancer mortality by ˜20% compared with screening by chest x-ray (2,3). A few drawbacks of the LDCT were high screening cost, need for a skilled technician and high false positive rate (˜1 out of 4), which led to additional CT scanning, needle biopsies or even surgery of the cancer-free person.
Approximately 30% of human protein-encoding genes are regulated by mature miRNA. So far >900 miRNAs have been discovered (4). The mature miRNA is of 20-24 nucleotides (nt) in length (5) and is produced from a ˜70 nt long precursor RNA (pre-RNA) originating from a longer 300-5,000 nt primary RNA (pri-RNA) (6).
An miRNA down-regulates its target gene expression by degrading the target mRNA or inhibiting protein translation after binding within the 3′-untranslated sequence of the target mRNA, resulting in cell differentiation, proliferation or apoptosis. The function of each miRNA has been found to be conserved among many species (6) and differential expressions of miRNA were found under physiological and in pathological human conditions, including cancer. Aberrant miRNA expression has been reported in various cancerous tissues, serum/plasma, urine and other body fluids of cancer patients, including cancers of the lung, breast, prostate and gastro-intestine (4).
There are miRNAs up-regulated in both tissues and plasma in most types of cancers, i.e., miR-21, which down-regulate tumor suppressor genes such as PTEN (4,7,8). Recently, a few serum/plasma miRNAs have been identified as non-invasive biomarker candidates unique to each type of cancer.
Early detection of lung cancer is challenging yet important since diagnosis at earlier stages improves patient survival rates. A number of studies sought to identify substantial changes in cell-free miRNA levels during early stage lung cancer. Heegaard et al. (9) compared plasma samples of 220 early stage NSCLC patients and 220 healthy subjects and identified 7 down-regulated miRNAs and only one up-regulated miRNA (miR-29c) in lung cancer patients. In addition, using qRT-PCR, miR-30d and miR-21 were shown to increase in serum of lung cancer patients compared to healthy subjects (10,11). Altogether, detection of these miRNAs in plasma/serum could be an important strategy for early lung cancer diagnosis.
Recent studies at our laboratory using lung cancer miRNA biomarkers identified through data-searches (Table 1) (Example 2) revealed that increased levels of miR486 (Sequence ID 10), miR29c (Sequence ID 3) and miR122 (Sequence ID 5) and decreased levels of miR203 (Sequence ID 7) and miR205 (Sequence ID 8) are serum biomarkers and a signature of early (Stage I) lung cancer (
Quantitative reverse-transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) of miRNAs using Taqman® (11-13) or a microarray of fluorescently labeled miRNAs (14,15) has been widely used for quantification of serum miRNAs. The qRT-PCR/Taqman® method requires an expensive instrument and fluorescence-dependent technology is not favorable due to intrinsic problems of high back-ground and low reproducibility.
Thus, much effort has been concentrated toward the development of a label-free electrochemical technology. The electrochemical biosensor detects an electrical change due to hybridization of a target molecule with a capture molecule, i.e., a protein, a DNA or an RNA biomarker in serum, which binds to an antibody or a complementary DNA probe coated on a nanogold surface in a nanowell (16).
Recently, a label-free 500 nm (diameter) nanowell electrode was fabricated and sensitivity of the electrode was determined by screening synthetic H5N1 DNA at concentrations from 1 pM to 1 μM using the electrode coated with complementary DNA (cDNA) of H5N1 influenza A viral DNA. The limit of detection (LOD) of the H5N1 target DNA by the 500 nm electrode was 1 pM (16).
Our company fabricated 90 nm and 200 nm nanowells, which increased the sensitivity for detection of miRNA (<1 fM) more than 1000-fold compared to the sensitivity of the 500 nm nanowell electrode (
Our laboratory found that levels of miR486 and miR29c (Sequence ID 3) increased in A549 human lung cancer cells but not in ACHN human kidney cancer cells using the qRT-PCR/Taqman® (Applied Biosystems) method (Table 3 and
For the first time, 90 nm and 200 nm electrodes were used to detect increased levels of miR486 (Sequence ID 10) and miR29c (Sequence ID 3) in serum samples obtained from lung cancer patients and these miRNAs were found to be lung cancer biomarkers (
The present invention provides a method of obtaining miRNA biomarkers by data search of up-regulated cancer miRNAs and screening the miRNA biomarkers to identify cancer kind- and stage-specific miRNA biomarker(s) using cancer cells and media and tissues and biological fluids. This invention includes obtaining lung cancer kind- and stage-specific miRNA biomarkers including early (Stage I) lung cancer miRNA biomarkers. This invention includes identification of anti-cancer miRNAs (complementary miRNA, DNA and their derivatives) in order to ameliorate diseases. This invention also relates to methods to increase sensitivity of nanowell electrodes to detect miRNA, RNA and DNA using label-free technology and use of the electrodes to diagnose cancer and other diseases and monitoring the prognosis and response to therapy of the diseases.
Other advantages of the present invention will be readily appreciated as the same becomes better understood by reference to the following detailed description when considered in connection with the accompanying drawings wherein:
The present invention includes a method of identifying single or multiple miRNA biomarker(s) to diagnose various stages and kinds of lung cancer followed by experimental screening of a group of 9 lung cancer miRNA biomarkers (Table 1) (Sequences 1-8 and 10) found by data-searches of up-regulated miRNA expression in lung cancer cells, tissues or biological fluids of various phases of lung cancer (Example 2).
Use of an innovative method of an extensive data-search (Table 1) followed by experimental selection of the target biomarkers resulted in finding early lung cancer biomarkers of up-regulated miR486 (Sequence ID 10) and/or miR29c (Sequence ID 3) and miR122 (Sequence 5) using serum samples obtained from 11 healthy subjects, 21 Stage I, 8 Stage II and 11 Stage III adenocarcinoma and 5 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) lung cancer patients (
Moreover, increased levels of miR486 (Sequence ID 10) and miR29c (Sequence ID 3) normalized to levels of miR16 (Sequence ID 11, internal control without change) in lung cancer were verified by (a) a lung and kidney cancer study (Table 3 and
This method can be used to obtain miRNA biomarkers for other cancers or diseases.
By the data-search of miRNAs up-regulated in various kinds and phases of lung cancer, e.g., early, prognosis, metastasis and proliferation, a group of 9 lung cancer miRNA biomarkers, miR21 (Sequence ID 1), miR25 (Sequence ID 2), miR29c (Sequence ID 3), miR30d (Sequence ID 4), miR122 (Sequence ID 5), miR195 (Sequence ID 6), miR205 (Sequence ID 8), miR411 (Sequence ID 9) and miR486 (Sequence ID 10), were obtained (Table 1). Among them, 8 biomarkers (Table 2, Sequences 1-6, 8 and 10) except for miR411 (Table 2, Sequence ID 9) were identified as lung cancer biomarkers by at least two different laboratories (Table 1) (Example 2).
Eight miRNAs containing 6 biomarkers selected from the group of the up-regulated lung cancer biomarkers identified by at least two different laboratories (Table 2, Sequences 1-6 and 8-10), miR203, a down-regulated lung cancer biomarker (17) (Table 2, Sequence ID 7), and miR16, an internal control (Sequence ID 11) (Table 2) were used to screen for highly expressed miRNA biomarker(s) in A549 lung cancer cells as compared with ACHN kidney cancer cells using qRT-PCR/Taqman® analysis (Table 3). Ratios of miR486 (Sequence ID 10)/miR16 (Sequence ID 11) and miR29c (Sequence ID 3)/miR16 (Sequence ID 11) among the up-regulated miRNAs were much higher in A549 lung cancer cell lysates and media compared to ratios of the miRNAs in ACHN kidney cell lysates and media (Table 3,
qRT-PCR of miRNAs using Taqman® (11-13) is widely used but it requires an expensive instrument and significant cost. Thus a facile label-free electrochemical technology was developed and carried out to detect DNA using an electrode containing 500 nm (diameter) nanowells (16). The LOD of the assay using H5N1 DNA standards was 1 pM which is not suitable for miRNA biomarker screening. The LOD of the assay has to be at least 1 fM to detect miRNAs in serum/plasma samples. Electrodes containing 50 nm, 90 nm and 200 nm (diameter) nanowells, which are smaller than 500 nm (diameter) (16,18), were developed by Detroit R&D (Example 1) and use of the electrodes containing nanowells smaller than 500 nm increased sensitivity of the device (LOD of <1 fM).
This is a surprising finding that sensitivity of the label-free nanowell technology for detection of target molecules in fluids can be increased by using an electrode containing nanowells with a diameter smaller than 500 nm but same or larger than 50 nm.
For example, the 500 nm (diameter) nanowell which has nano-gold surface area of 196.3 nm2 (250 nm×250 nm×3.14) is 30.7-fold larger than the 90 nm nanowell (diameter), which has 6.4 nm2 (45 nm×45 nm×3.14). The smaller the nanowell gold surface, the higher the specificity of the nanowell technology because it can prevent non-specific binding of molecules bigger than the target miRNA to the biotinylated cDNA probe captured by the streptavidin on the nano-gold surface.
Whereas the LOD of the 90 nm nanowell electrode was expected to be 32.5 fM according to the calculation shown above, the LOD values of miR486 (Sequence ID 10) (
Due to the unique feature of the high sensitivity nanowell technology, the mi486 level, which was higher than the pooled control blood sample, was successfully determined using 1 μl lung cancer blood sample without isolation of total RNA (
Whereas the number of nanowells per unit of the 500 nm nanowell electrode are larger compared to the number of nanowells per unit of the 90 nm or 200 nm nanowell electrode, the LOD of the 500 nm nanowell electrode, 1 pM, was much higher than the LOD of 90 nm or 200 nm nanowell electrode, 1 fM (
Levels of miR29c (Sequence ID 3) in A549 lung cancer and ACHN kidney cancer cell media were measured using all 8 channels of a 90 nm nanowell array electrode (Detroit R&D) coated with biotinylated miR29c cDNA (Sequence ID 14). Impedance levels of miR29c (−Z″ kohm) in A549 lung cancer cell media were 12.5-fold higher in impedance levels compared with the ACHN kidney cancer cell media (
The 9 lung cancer miRNA biomarkers (Sequence IDs 1-8 and 10) found by data-search of up-regulated miRNAs at our laboratory were selected as biomarkers specific for lung cancer (Table 1). However, the experiment carried out at our laboratory revealed that only miR486 and miR29c were lung cancer-specific biomarkers in both cells and media when their levels were compared to levels in ACHN kidney cell lysates and media (Table 3 and
Thus this invention reveals that lung cancer cells including A549 cells can be used to study loss of function of the miRNA biomarkers up-regulated in lung cancer cells compared with negative control cells including other cancer cells or primary cells
Due to the correlation of the up-regulation of miR486 or miR29c in lung cancer cells with the up-regulation in human lung cancer serum samples, characterization of the effect of the anti-miRNA (complementary miRNA, DNA and their derivatives) treatment to find therapeutic anti-miRNAs using the cancer cells became feasible.
The miR411 (Sequence ID 8) was deleted from the 9 miRNA biomarkers shown in Table 1 because only one laboratory has reported it as a lung cancer biomarker. Moreover, the miR411 (Sequence ID 8) previously found in lung cancer tissues (Table 1) was not detected in either cell lysates or media of human lung (A549) and kidney (ACHN) cancer cells (Table 3). The result suggests that miR411 is most likely not secreted to blood in lung cancer (Example 2).
The majority (>75%) of lung cancer patients are not diagnosed until an advanced or metastatic stage and their 5-year survival rate is <5% (2). Early (Stage I) lung cancer miRNA biomarker screening will increase 5-year survival rate of lung cancer patients because lung cancer patients diagnosed at early stage, Stage I, have about 70% 5-year survival rate (1).
A human lung cancer serum study was carried out using samples obtained from serum samples from 11 healthy subjects, 21 Stage I, 8 Stage II and 11 Stage III adenocarcinoma and 5 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) lung cancer patients (in total, 56 human serum samples) using qRT-PCR/Taqman® analysis (
Total RNA fractions of the serum samples were separated by the TRIzol® method. Using the 56 total RNA fractions from the serum samples, levels of, in total, 8 miRNAs, miR21 (Sequence ID 1), miR25 (Sequence ID 2), miR29c (Sequence ID 3), miR122 (Sequence ID 5), miR205 (Sequence ID 8), miR41.1 (Sequence ID 9) and miR486 (Sequence ID 10) up-regulated miRNAs, miR203 (Sequence ID 7) down-regulated miRNA and, an internal control miRNA, miR16 (internal control) (Table 1), were determined by qRT-PCR/Taqman® analysis (in duplicate, in total, 1,026 analyses). The level of each miRNA biomarker candidate in a serum sample was normalized by the level of miR16 and/or total signal level.
Levels of miR486, miR122 and miR29c were found up-regulated and levels of miR203 and miR205 were found down-regulated in adenocarcinoma in Stage I as well as in Stages II or III (
The miR486/miR16 values of adenocarcinoma Stage I (p=0.0145), Stage II (p=0.0004) and Stage III (p=0.0174) differed significantly from healthy subjects (p=0.0145). The miR486/miR16 value of SCC patients differed significantly from healthy subjects (p=0.0003) (
Electrochemical analyses of a serum sample obtained from a lung cancer patient (Innovative Research) using a 90 nm nanowell electrode revealed that miR486 (Sequence 10) (
miR29c expression levels in both cell lysates and cell culture media were higher in the A549 lung cancer cells compared to the expression in ACHN kidney cells by qRT-PCR/Taqman® (Table 3), which were confirmed by qRT-PCR/Taqman® and nanowell assays of human lung cancer plasma samples (
The miR16 level in the serum sample obtained from a lung cancer patient wasn't higher than the level in the pooled control serum in electrochemical or qRT-PCR/Taqman® analyses.
Our results suggest that up-regulated miR486, miR29c and/or miR122 with and without down-regulated miR203 or miR205 in lung cancer serum samples are biomarkers for early (Stage I) lung cancer diagnosis. The miR122 miRNA was expressed in 82% of Stage I adenocarcinoma serum samples and in only 13% of control samples and miR29c miRNA was expressed in 71% of Stage I adenocarcinoma serum samples and 27% in control samples (
Our results showed that single or multiple measurement of up-regulated miR486, miR29c or miR122 are biomarker(s) for early lung cancer. Dividing the levels of up-regulated miRNA biomarker(s) by the levels of down-regulated miR203 or miR205 of a patient which is higher than the control can be used as a biomarker. In addition, the concentration of miR486, miR29c or miR203 can be normalized by the concentration of an miR16 internal control which had a minimal change in lung cancer.
It was surprising that the serum/plasma miR486 level previously found as a biomarker of lung cancer prognosis by 2 laboratories (Table 1) and the plasma and cell miR122 level previously found as a biomarker for metastasis and prognosis (Table 1) were identified as early lung cancer biomarkers (
The nanowell electrodes used for the miRNA study contain thousands of nanometer (diameter)-sized wells, which prevented any particles larger than the diameter of the nanowell from binding to the nanowell. The nanowell technology increases sensitivity by increasing the signal/noise ratio.
Because of this unique feature of nanowells, miRNAs in biological fluids including urine and blood samples may be used without isolation of total RNA prior to the measurement (Example 6).
Recent electrochemical analysis of miR486 levels was carried out at our laboratory with 1 μl serum sample obtained from a healthy subject and a lung cancer patient (Innovative Research) without isolation of total RNA. The result revealed that (a) the impedance signal obtained from the 1 μl/test serum sample as it is (˜30 kohm) (
The increase of miR486 in cancer also agreed with the result obtained by qRT-PCR/Taqman® using 6 ng total RNA/sample and nanowell electrochemical analyses of the human serum samples using 50 ng total RNA/μl (1 μl/test) (
Isolation of serum/plasma total RNA is required for miRNA detection by qRT-PCR/Taqman® analysis. Our results demonstrated utility of the nanowell array technology to detect miRNA biomarkers in serum samples without isolation of total RNA.
Anti-miRNAs (antisense oligonucleotides) can be used as anti-cancer molecules (19). Effects of the anti-miRNAs on cancer can be studied using cancer cells or animal disease models and used to treat patients. Loss of function of miR486, miR29c or miR122 in lung cancer cells and lung cancer animal models and patients can be studied to characterize the effect of the anti-miRNA (complementary miRNA, DNA and their derivatives) treatment and find therapeutic lung cancer anti-miRNA(s).
Most of the techniques used for screening of miRNA biomarkers and anti-miRNAs in the present disclosure are practiced in the art, and most practitioners are familiar with the standard resource materials, which describe specific conditions and procedures. The methods used with and the utility of the present invention can be shown by the following non-limiting examples and accompanying figures.
Materials and Methods
Total RNA was isolated from cell lysates and media and serum samples obtained from University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Mich.) and Innovative Research (Novi, Mich.). qRT-PCR/Taqman® (Applied Biosystems) analyses were carried out with 5 ng total RNA/sample for the cell study and with 6 ng total RNA/sample for miRNA lung cancer biomarkers and normalized by the miR16 level (no change reported in lung cancer) or total signals. Novel label-free 8-channel nanowell electrodes were developed by Detroit R&D, Inc., producing the electrodes at the Lurie Nanofabrication Facility (University of Michigan). miRNAs for the nanowell array analysis were obtained from Sigma (MISSION RNAi product family). Biotinylated DNAs were synthesized at Integrated DNA Technologies (Coralville, Iowa) (Table 2).
Electrochemical analysis: Electrochemical analyses of nanowell electrodes were carried out as previously described (16,18) with modifications. Electrical current of the nanowell electrodes was confirmed by standard cyclic voltammetry (CV) measurement of the bare electrode by dipping the electrode in a PBS solution containing ferro/ferricyanide (5 mM each), 100 mM KCl using an 8-channel Ivium potentio-n-stat (Ivium Technology). Current/potential analyses were carried out with each channel of an 8-channel electrode. The settings for the CV using a bare electrode were −0.5 V E start, 0.5 V Vertex1, −0.5 V Vertex2, 10 E step, 3 N scans and 50 mV/s Scan rate. Similar levels of current (pA) for each channel of the 8-channel nanowell electrode was detected demonstrating production of a high quality nanowell electrode.
After CV analyses, a self-assembly monolayer (SAM) was produced on the 700 μm2 nano-gold surface of each channel by incubating 10 mM of 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA) (Sigma) for 1 hr at room temperature. After washing the electrode with ethanol and phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), 50 mM EDC and 50 mM NHS in sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.5) was added to form active ester functional groups and kept for 15 minutes. After washing electrodes with PBS, streptavidin (Sigma) diluted in PBS (10 Ng/ml) was added and incubated for an hour. The streptavidin-coated nanowell array electrodes were bound with 5 μM biotinylated cDNA probe complementary to each miRNA (Integrated DNA Technologies, Coralville, Iowa) (Table 2) for 1 hr and rinsed 3 times with PBS. Reference, counter and working electrodes were immersed in the ferricyanide solution. Impedance measurements (−Z″ vs. Z′) were obtained after binding of biotinylated cDNA probe to a streptavidin-coated nanowell electrode. To quantify the hybridization between the cDNA and miRNA, charge transfer resistances (electrochemical impedances) were measured using Ivium-n-Stat potentiometer (Ivium Technology). The impedance resulting from the miRNA bound to biotinylated cDNA captured by streptavidin to the SAM/nanogold surface was determined by redox conversion using ferricyanide in PBS. The settings were −0.5 V E start, 0.5 V Vertex1, −0.5 V Vertex2, 10 E step, 3 N scans and 50 mV/s Scan rate.
Cell culture: Cells were grown in 100 mm Petri dishes at 37° C. under a 5% CO2 atmosphere. A549 lung cancer cells (ATCC) were grown in a formulated medium (Cat. #30-2004) purchased from ATCC and human epithelial cancer kidney cells (ACHN) (ATCC) in EMEM with 10% serum and 0.1% antibiotics. Cells were collected with trypsin and centrifuged for 5 min at 1,000×g. The pellet washed with PBS twice and 3 ml of cell media was collected for RNA isolation.
RNA isolation using TRIzol®/chloroform (Invitrogen): Total RNAs from the harvested cells, media and human serum samples were isolated using a TRIzol® methodology according to the manufacturer's protocol (Invitrogen, Life Technologies). The RNA concentration was determined.
Quantification using the qRT-PCR/Taqman® (Applied Biosystems) assays: qRT-PCR/Taqman® analysis was performed according to instruction provided by the manufacturer.
Production of 50 nm, 90 nm and 200 nm (Diameter) Nanowell Array Electrodes. Novel label-free 50 nm, 90 nm and 200 nm (diameter) 8-channel nanowell electrodes were developed by Detroit R&D, Inc. and produced at the Lurie Nanofabrication Facility (University of Michigan). The 50 nm, 90 nm and 200 nm nanowell electrodes were fabricated as previously described for the 500 nm 2-channel electrode (16,18) but with modifications of e-beam patterning of 50 nm, 90 nm and 200 nm nanowells in a space of 700 μm2 nano-gold and increasing the electrode from 2 channels to an 8-channel multiplex electrode.
Data-Search of Lung Cancer miRNA Biomarkers.
Identification of 9 miRNA biomarkers by data-search was carried out using search engines including Google and Pubmed for various key words pertinent to lung cancer miRNAa up-regulated in lung cancer cells, tissues or biological fluids in various kinds and phases of lung cancer, e.g., early, prognosis, metastasis and proliferation. Nine miRNA biomarkers were found as shown in Table 1. A group of 9 lung cancer miRNA biomarkers, miR21 (Sequence ID 1), miR25 (Sequence ID 2), miR29c (Sequence ID 3), miR30d (Sequence ID 4), miR122 (Sequence ID 5), miR195 (Sequence ID 6), miR205 (Sequence ID 8), miR411 (Sequence ID 9) and miR486 (Sequence ID 10), were obtained. Among them, 8 biomarkers (Sequence IDs 1-6, 8 and 10) (Table 2) (Sequence ID 9) were identified as lung cancer biomarkers by at least two different laboratories. The exception was miR411 (Table 1).
Experimentally Screening miRNA Biomarkers Identified Through Data-Searches (Table 1) Using Human Lung (A549) Cells with Negative Control Kidney (ACHN) Cancer Cells by qRT-PCR/Taqman® and Nanowell Analyses.
Expression levels of 8 miRNAs, the 6 miRNA lung cancer biomarkers, miR21 (Sequence ID 1), miR25 (Sequence ID 2), miR29c (Sequence ID 3), miR122 (Sequence ID 5), miR411 (Sequence ID 9) and miR486 (Sequence ID 10), with down-regulated miR203 (Sequence ID 7) and an internal control, miR-16 (Sequence ID 11) (Table 2) in lung and kidney cancer cells and media were measured by qRT-PCR/Taqman® analysis to experimentally identify a group of miRNA biomarkers for the human cell study.
qRT-PCR/Taqman® analysis was performed with lung and kidney cancer cell lines (A549 and ACHN, respectively) using 5 ng of total RNA. The assay was performed in triplicate for each sample. Results are expressed as meant standard deviation calculated by the comparative Ct method (ΔΔCt method) in which the target miRNAs were normalized by the endogenous control (miR16). The differences were then converted to fold-differences. Ratios of miR486/miR16 and miR29c/miR16 increased more than 10-fold in lung cancer cell lysates and media compared to ratios of the miRNAs in kidney cell lysates and media (Table 3). Whereas the miR203 level, which has been known to decrease in lung cancer, increased in the human lung cancer cells and media compared to the level in kidney cell and media (Table 3), the miR203 level decreased in human lung cancer serum samples compared with the level in control serum samples (
The miR411 (Sequence ID 8) was deleted from the 9 miRNA biomarkers shown in Table 1 because only one laboratory has reported it as a lung cancer biomarker and the miR411 (Sequence ID 8) was not detected in cell media of A549 human lung cancer cells (Table 3) suggesting that the miR411 is most likely not secreted to blood in lung cancer.
Levels of miR29c in the A549 and ACHN cell media were measured using all 8 channels of a 90 nm electrode (
A Human Lung Cancer Serum Study Using Serum Samples from Various Stages of Adenocarcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) Lung Cancer Patients Using qRT-PCR/Taqman® Analysis
Early (Stage I) lung cancer miRNA biomarker screening will increase 5-year survival rate of lung cancer patients (˜70% 5-year survival rate) (1).
A human lung cancer serum study was carried out using serum samples from 11 healthy subjects, 21 Stage I, 8 Stage II and 11 Stage III adenocarcinoma and 5 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) lung cancer patients (in total, 56 human serum samples) using qRT-PCR/Taqman® analysis (
Levels of miR486, miR29c and miR122 were found to be up-regulated (
The miR486/miR16 values of adenocarcinoma Stage I (p=0.0145), Stage II (p=0.0004) and Stage III (p=0.0174) patients differed significantly from healthy subjects (p=0.0145) and the miR486/miR16 value of SCC patients differed significantly from healthy subjects (p=0.0003) (
The miR21 level, significantly decreased only in adenocarcinoma Stage I patients, can be used to improve specificity of early lung cancer diagnosis.
A Human Lung Cancer Serum Study of miR486 (Sequence ID 10) and miR29c (Sequence ID 3), Early Lung Cancer Biomarkers by Lung Cancer Cell (Table 3 and
qRT-PCR/Taqman® and nanowell electrochemical analyses were carried out for miR486 and miR29c (
Both qRT-PCR/Taqman® and nanowell analyses were carried out for miR486 (
qRT-PCR/Taqman® analyses in triplicate/sample were carried out with the total RNA (6 ng/sample) and a mean value of ΔΔCt of miR486/miR16 (
For nanowell assay, sensitivity of the electrochemical analysis of the 90 nm nanowell electrode (Detroit R&D) was verified using 1 fM miR486 and miR29c standards (Sigma) (
Total RNA samples (50 ng/μl, 1 μl/test) isolated from serum samples obtained from the pooled control and a lung cancer patient (Innovative Research) were incubated for 1 hr with biotinylated miR486 (Sequence ID 21) or miR29c (Sequence ID 14) cDNA (Integrated DNA Technologies)/streptavidin conjugated on an SAM/gold 90 nm nanowell electrode. Nyquist plots were generated from impedance measurements (
miR486 and miR29c levels in serum samples obtained from human lung cancer patients were ˜6-fold (p<0.0031) and 27.5-fold (p=0.0006) higher, respectively, compared to the pooled human control sera (
Using this method, we also carried out miR16 (internal control) nanowell assays using total RNA isolated from serum samples obtained from healthy subjects (control) and lung cancer patients and no significant difference in miR16 levels between control and lung cancer was detected.
Electrochemical Analysis Using a Nanowell Electrode to Detect miR486 (Sequence ID 10), Identified as an Early Lung Cancer Biomarker at Our Laboratory, Using 1 μl Serum Sample without Isolation of Total RNA: A Technology Suitable for a Finger Prick Assay
Electrochemical analysis using a nanowell electrode was carried out to detect miR486 (Sequence ID 10) levels using 1 μl serum sample obtained from pooled control (52 Afro Americans and 26 Caucasians, 47 males and 31 females) and a lung cancer patient (Innovative Research) without isolation of total RNA (
The result revealed a lung cancer-specific increase in impedance, suggesting that the nanowell structure can lower or eliminate background noise resulting from various particles in serum or blood.
Our results demonstrated a utility of the nanowell array technology to detect miRNA biomarkers in lung cancer serum samples.
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The invention has been described in an illustrative manner, and it is to be understood that the terminology, which has been used is intended to be in the nature of words of description rather than of limitation.
Obviously, many modifications and variations of the present invention are possible in light of the above teachings. It is, therefore, to be understood that within the scope of the appended claims, the invention can be practiced otherwise than as specifically described.
Research in this application was supported, in part, by contracts from National Cancer Institute (NCI Contract HHSN261201500040C).