Biomarkers and methods for determining sensitivity to microtubule-stabilizing agents

Biomarkers that are useful for identifying a mammal that will respond therapeutically or is responding therapeutically to a method of treating cancer that comprises administering a microtubule-stabilizing agent. In one aspect, the cancer is breast cancer, and the microtubule-stabilizing agent is an epothilone or analog or derivative thereof, or ixabepilone.

A compact disc labeled “Copy 1” contains the Sequence Listing as 10338 NP.ST25.txt. The Sequence Listing is 1686 KB in size and was recorded Nov. 29, 2005. The compact disk is 1 of 2 compact disks. A duplicate copy of the compact disc is labeled “Copy 2” and is 2 of 2 compact discs.

The compact disc and duplicate copy are identical and are hereby incorporated by reference into the present application.


The present invention relates generally to the field of pharmacogenomics, and more specifically to methods and procedures to determine drug sensitivity in patients to allow the identification of individualized genetic profiles which will aid in treating diseases and disorders.


Cancer is a disease with extensive histoclinical heterogeneity. Although conventional histological and clinical features have been correlated to prognosis, the same apparent prognostic type of tumors varies widely in its responsiveness to therapy and consequent survival of the patient.

New prognostic and predictive markers, which would facilitate an individualization of therapy for each patient, are needed to accurately predict patient response to treatments, such as small molecule or biological molecule drugs, in the clinic. The problem may be solved by the identification of new parameters that could better predict the patient's sensitivity to treatment. The classification of patient samples is a crucial aspect of cancer diagnosis and treatment. The association of a patient's response to a treatment with molecular and genetic markers can open up new opportunities for treatment development in non-responding patients, or distinguish a treatment's indication among other treatment choices because of higher confidence in the efficacy. Further, the pre-selection of patients who are likely to respond well to a medicine, drug, or combination therapy may reduce the number of patients needed in a clinical study or accelerate the time needed to complete a clinical development program (M. Cockett et al., Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 11:602-609 (2000)).

The ability to predict drug sensitivity in patients is particularly challenging because drug responses reflect not only properties intrinsic to the target cells, but also a host's metabolic properties. Efforts to use genetic information to predict drug sensitivity have primarily focused on individual genes that have broad effects, such as the multidrug resistance genes, mdr1 and mrp1 (P. Sonneveld, J. Intern. Med., 247:521-534 (2000)).

The development of microarray technologies for large scale characterization of gene mRNA expression pattern has made it possible to systematically search for molecular markers and to categorize cancers into distinct subgroups not evident by traditional histopathological methods (J. Khan et al., Cancer Res., 58:5009-5013 (1998); A. A. Alizadeh et al., Nature, 403:503-511 (2000); M. Bittner et al., Nature, 406:536-540 (2000); J. Khan et al., Nature Medicine, 7(6):673-679 (2001); T. R. Golub et al., Science, 286:531-537 (1999); U. Alon et al., P. N. A. S. USA, 96:6745-6750 (1999)). Such technologies and molecular tools have made it possible to monitor the expression level of a large number of transcripts within a cell population at any given time (see, e.g., Schena et al., Science, 270:467-470 (1995); Lockhart et al., Nature Biotechnology, 14:1675-1680 (1996); Blanchard et al., Nature Biotechnology, 14:1649 (1996); U.S. Pat. No. 5,569,588 to Ashby et al.).

Recent studies demonstrate that gene expression information generated by microarray analysis of human tumors can predict clinical outcome (L. J. van't Veer et al., Nature, 415:530-536 (2002); T. Sorlie et al., P. N. A. S. USA, 98:10869-10874 (2001); M. Shipp et al., Nature Medicine, 8(1):68-74 (2002); G. Glinsky et al., The Journal of Clin. Invest., 113(6):913-923 (2004)). These findings bring hope that cancer treatment will be vastly improved by better predicting the response of individual tumors to therapy.

Needed are new and alternative methods and procedures to determine drug sensitivity in patients to allow the development of individualized genetic profiles which are necessary to treat diseases and disorders based on patient response at a molecular level.


The invention provides methods and procedures for determining patient sensitivity to one or more microtubule-stabilizing agents. The invention also provides methods of determining or predicting whether an individual requiring therapy for a disease state such as cancer will or will not respond to treatment, prior to administration of the treatment, wherein the treatment comprises administration of one or more microtubule-stabilizing agents.

In one aspect, the invention provides a method for identifying a mammal that will respond therapeutically to a method of treating cancer comprising administering a microtubule-stabilizing agent, wherein the method comprises: (a) measuring in the mammal the level of at least one biomarker selected from the biomarkers of Table 1 and Table 2; (b) exposing a biological sample from the mammal to the agent; (c) following the exposing in step (b), measuring in said biological sample the level of the at least one biomarker, wherein an increase in the level of the at least one biomarker measured in step (c) compared to the level of the at least one biomarker measured in step (a), predicts that the mammal will respond therapeutically to said method of treating cancer when said biomarker is from Table 1, and predicts that the mammal will not respond therapeutically to said method of treating cancer when said biomarker is from Table 2.

In another aspect, the invention provides a method for determining whether a mammal is responding therapeutically to a microtubule-stabilizing agent, comprising (a) exposing the mammal to the agent; and (b) following the exposing of step (a), measuring in the mammal the level of at least one biomarker selected from the biomarkers of Table 1 and Table 2, wherein an increase in the level of the at least one biomarker measured in step (b), compared to the level of the at least one biomarker in a mammal that has not been exposed to said agent, indicates that the mammal is responding to said agent when said biomarker is from Table 1, and indicates that the mammal is not responding to said agent when said biomarker is from Table 2.

In another aspect, the invention provides a method for predicting whether a mammal will respond therapeutically to a method of treating cancer comprising administering a microtubule-stabilizing agent, wherein the method comprises: (a) exposing a biological sample from the mammal to the microtubule-stabilizing agent; (b) following the exposing of step (a), measuring in said biological sample the level of at least one biomarker selected from the biomarkers of Table 1 or Table 2, wherein an increase in the level of the at least one biomarker measured in step (b), compared to the level of the at least one biomarker in a mammal that has not been exposed to said agent, predicts that the mammal will respond therapeutically to said method of treating cancer when said biomarker is from Table 1, and predicts that the mammal will not respond therapeutically to said method of treating cancer when said biomarker is from Table 2.

In another aspect, the invention provides a method for determining whether an agent stabilizes microtubules and has cytotoxic activity against rapidly proliferating cells, such as, tumor cells or other hyperproliferative cellular disease in a mammal, comprising: (a) exposing the mammal to the agent; and (b) following the exposing of step (a), measuring in the mammal the level of at least one biomarker selected from the biomarkers of Table 1 and Table 2, wherein an increase in the level of said at least one biomarker measured in step (b), compared to the level of the biomarker in a mammal that has not been exposed to said agent, indicates that the agent stabilizes microtubules and has cytotoxic activity against rapidly proliferating cells when said biomarker is from Table 1, and indicates that the agent does not stabilize microtubules and does not have cytotoxic activity against rapidly proliferating cells when said biomarker is from Table 2.

As used herein, respond therapeutically refers to the alleviation or abrogation of the cancer. This means that the life expectancy of an individual affected with the cancer will be increased or that one or more of the symptoms of the cancer will be reduced or ameliorated. The term encompasses a reduction in cancerous cell growth or tumor volume. Whether a mammal responds therapeutically can be measured by many methods well known in the art, such as PET imaging.

The amount of increase in the level of the at least one biomarker measured in the practice of the invention can be readily determined by one skilled in the art. In one aspect, the increase in the level of a biomarker is at least a two-fold difference, at least a three-fold difference, or at least a four-fold difference in the level of the biomarker.

The mammal can be, for example, a human, rat, mouse, dog, rabbit, pig sheep, cow, horse, cat, primate, or monkey.

The method of the invention can be, for example, an in vitro method wherein the step of measuring in the mammal the level of at least one biomarker comprises taking a biological sample from the mammal and then measuring the level of the biomarker(s) in the biological sample. The biological sample can comprise, for example, at least one of whole fresh blood, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, frozen whole blood, fresh plasma, frozen plasma, urine, saliva, skin, hair follicle, bone marrow, or tumor tissue.

The level of the at least one biomarker can be, for example, the level of protein and/or mRNA transcript of the biomarker(s).

The invention also provides an isolated biomarker selected from the biomarkers of Table 1 and Table 2. The biomarkers of the invention comprise sequences selected from the nucleotide and amino acid sequences provided in Table 1 and Table 2 and the Sequence Listing, as well as fragments and variants thereof.

The invention also provides a biomarker set comprising two or more biomarkers selected from the biomarkers of Table 1 and Table 2.

The invention also provides kits for determining or predicting whether a patient would be susceptible or resistant to a treatment that comprises one or more microtubule-stabilizing agents. The patient may have a cancer or tumor such as, for example, a breast cancer or tumor.

In one aspect, the kit comprises a suitable container that comprises one or more specialized microarrays of the invention, one or more microtubule-stabilizing agents for use in testing cells from patient tissue specimens or patient samples, and instructions for use. The kit may further comprise reagents or materials for monitoring the expression of a biomarker set at the level of mRNA or protein.

In another aspect, the invention provides a kit comprising two or more biomarkers selected from the biomarkers of Table 1 and Table 2.

In yet another aspect, the invention provides a kit comprising at least one of an antibody and a nucleic acid for detecting the presence of at least one of the biomarkers selected from the biomarkers of Table 1 and Table 2. In one aspect, the kit further comprises instructions for determining whether or not a mammal will respond therapeutically to a method of treating cancer comprising administering a microtubule-stabilizing agent. In another aspect, the instructions comprise the steps of (a) measuring in the mammal the level of at least one biomarker selected from the biomarkers of Table 1 and Table 2, (b) exposing the mammal to the microtubule-stabilizing agent, (c) following the exposing of step (b), measuring in the mammal the level of the at least one biomarker, wherein a difference in the level of the at least one biomarker measured in step (c) compared to the level of the at least one biomarker measured in step (a) predicts that the mammal will respond therapeutically to said method of treating cancer when said biomarker is from Table 1, and predicts that the mammal will not respond therapeutically to said method of treating cancer when said biomarker is from Table 2.

The invention also provides screening assays for determining if a patient will be susceptible or resistant to treatment with one or more microtubule-stabilizing agents.

The invention also provides a method of monitoring the treatment of a patient having a disease, wherein said disease is treated by a method comprising administering one or more microtubule-stabilizing agents.

The invention also provides individualized genetic profiles which are necessary to treat diseases and disorders based on patient response at a molecular level.

The invention also provides specialized microarrays, e.g., oligonucleotide microarrays or cDNA microarrays, comprising one or more biomarkers having expression profiles that correlate with either sensitivity or resistance to one or more microtubule-stabilizing agents.

The invention also provides antibodies, including polyclonal or monoclonal, directed against one or more biomarkers of the invention.

The invention will be better understood upon a reading of the detailed description of the invention when considered in connection with the accompanying figures.


FIG. 1 illustrates classification of breast cancer cell lines based on IC50 values measured against ixabepilone treatment. The cell lines were normalized based on a mean of the log(IC50) values (a dotted line) and divided into two groups defined as sensitive or resistant. The cell lines on the left are defined as sensitive since they are below the mean of the log(IC50)s, and those on the right are defined as resistant since they are above the mean.

FIG. 2 illustrates the error rates generated from each classifier identified. From the GeneCluster analysis, classifiers containing up to 250 genes were determined. Each predictor identified was evaluated with the error rate calculated through the leave-one out cross validation. As shown in FIG. 2, error rates for classifiers (8-250 genes) remain to be the minimum at zero.

FIG. 3 illustrates the error rate calculation on random permutation. Error rates generated from several examples of random classification (random 1-11) using the software GeneCluster are plotted against the predictor sets containing up to 250 genes. As shown in the plot, the error rate calculated based on the IC50-based classification is significantly lower than the error rates based on the random classification.

FIG. 4 illustrates the top 50 genes correlated with sensitivity for ixabepilone. The red and blue matrix represents the normalized expression patterns for each gene across the cell lines (brightest red indicates highest relative expression, darkest blue indicates lowest relative expression).

FIG. 5 illustrates gene expression level of microtubule associated protein, tau and estrogen receptor (also referred to herein as estrogen receptor 1, ER, and ER1). In order to explore the relationship between Tau and ER, gene expression levels of the two are plotted for each cell line. Tau expression levels are shown as a bar, and ER as a line.

FIG. 6 illustrates gene expression patterns of top 50 genes in 175 primary breast tumors. The red and green matrix represents the normalized expression patterns for each gene across the 175 primary breast tumors (brightest red indicates highest relative expression, green indicates lowest relative expression). A subset of tumors in a blue box shows relative high expression of the top 25 markers which expressed highly in the sensitive cell lines. On the other hand, the tumors in a magenta box show relatively high expression of the 25 genes expressed at elevated levels in the resistant cell lines.

FIG. 7 illustrates MAP tau and ER expression in breast tumors. In order to see the expression patterns of Tau and ER within tumors, their expression levels are plotted together. Tau is shown as a line, and ER as a bar. Tumors are arranged in an increasing order of Tau expression level. There seems to be a subset of tumors that express these genes highly, which suggest these are non-responders for ixabepilone.

FIG. 8 illustrates the biological networks implied in the mechanism of resistance to ixabepilone as determined by Ingenuity® pathway analysis using 200 preclinical candidate markers. There are nine major networks indicated above with their significance scores. As shown, ER pathway is the most implicated network.

FIG. 9 illustrates the most implicated ER network and shows the functional connectivity between ER and Tau.

FIG. 10 illustrates molecular intrinsic profiles of 134 patient tumors. A hierarchical clustering analysis was performed using about 9800 genes after eliminating low expressed and low variance genes. Row, gene; column, tumor. The tumors were classified into two major clusters and, interestingly, the majority of the samples from three Russian sites were clustered in the first cluster.


The invention provides biomarkers that correlate with microtubule-stabilization agent sensitivity or resistance. These biomarkers can be employed for predicting response to one or more microtubule-stabilization agents. In one aspect, the biomarkers of the invention are those provided in Table 1, Table 2, and the Sequence Listing, including both polynucleotide and polypeptide sequences.

The biomarkers provided in Table 1 include the nucleotide sequences of SEQ ID NOS:1-100 and the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NOS:201-299.

TABLE 1BIOMARKERS (SENSITIVE)AffymetrixUnigene title andProbeGeneSEQ ID NO:Affymetrix DescriptionSetOntologyC6orf145:“Consensus includes gb: AK024828.1212923_s_atchromosome 6/DEF = Homo sapiens cDNA: FLJ21175open readingfis, clone CAS11071. /FEA = mRNAframe 145/DB_XREF = gi: 10437233(LOC221749)/UG = Hs.69388 hypothetical proteinSEQ ID NOS: 1FLJ20505”(DNA) and 201(amino acid)RTCD1: RNA“gb: NM_003729.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens203594_atassemblyterminal phosphateRNA 3-terminal phosphate cyclaseofcyclase domain 1(RPC), mRNA. /FEA = mRNAspliceosomal(LOC8634)/GEN = RPC /PROD = RNA 3-terminaltri-SEQ ID NOS: 2phosphate cyclasesnRNP(DNA) and 202/DB_XREF = gi: 4506588 /UG = Hs.27076(amino acid)RNA 3-terminal phosphate cyclase/FL = gb: NM_003729.1”FXYD5: FXYD“gb: NM_014164.2 /DEF = Homo sapiens218084_x_atnegativedomain containingFXYD domain-containing ion transportregulationion transportregulator 5 (FXYD5), mRNA.ofregulator 5/FEA = mRNA /GEN = FXYD5calcium-(LOC53827)/PROD = related to ion channeldependentSEQ ID NOS: 3/DB_XREF = gi: 11612664cell-cell(DNA) and 203/UG = Hs.294135 FXYD domain-adhesion(amino acid)containing ion transport regulator 5/FL = gb: NM_014164.2 gb: AF161462.1”G3BP: Ras-Consensus includes gb: BG500067201503_atprotein-GTPase-activating/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 13461584nucleusprotein SH3-/DB_XREF = est: 602545874F1importdomain-binding/CLONE = IMAGE: 4668234protein/UG = Hs.220689 Ras-GTPase-activating(LOC10146)protein SH3-domain-binding proteinSEQ ID NOS: 4/FL = gb: U32519.1 gb: NM_005754.1(DNA) and 204(amino acid)FKBP1A: FK506“gb: NM_000801.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens200709_atproteinbinding proteinFK506-binding protein 1A (12 kD)folding1A, 12 kDa(FKBP1A), mRNA. /FEA = mRNA(LOC2280)/GEN = FKBP1A /PROD = FK506-bindingSEQ ID NOS: 5protein 1A (12 kD)(DNA) and 205/DB_XREF = gi: 4503724 /UG = Hs.752(amino acid)FK506-binding protein 1A (12 kD)/FL = gb: BC001925.1 gb: M34539.1gb: NM_000801.1”VARS2: valyl-“gb: NM_006295.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens201797_s_attranslationaltRNA synthetase 2valyl-tRNA synthetase 2 (VARS2),elongation(LOC7407)mRNA. /FEA = mRNA /GEN = VARS2SEQ ID NOS: 6/PROD = valyl-tRNA synthetase 2(DNA) and 206/DB_XREF = gi: 5454157(amino acid)/UG = Hs.159637 valyl-tRNA synthetase2 /FL = gb: NM_006295.1”FKBP1A: FK506Consensus includes gb: AI936769214119_s_atproteinbinding protein/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 5675639folding1A, 12 kDa/DB_XREF = est: wp69c11.x1(LOC2280)/CLONE = IMAGE: 2467028 /UG = Hs.752SEQ ID NOS: 7FK506-binding protein 1A (12 kD)(DNA) and 207(amino acid)MTMR2:“Consensus includes gb: AK027038.1203211_s_atproteinmyotubularin/DEF = Homo sapiens cDNA: FLJ23385aminorelated protein 2fis, clone HEP16802. /FEA = mRNAacid(LOC8898)/DB_XREF = gi: 10440053dephosphorylationSEQ ID NOS: 8/UG = Hs.181326 KIAA1073 protein(DNA) and 208/FL = gb: AB028996.1 gb: NM_016156.1”(amino acid)PSMB8:“gb: U17496.1 /DEF = Human proteasome209040_s_atproteolysisproteasomesubunit LMP7 (allele LMP7B) mRNA,and(prosome,complete cds. /FEA = mRNApeptidolysis,macropain)/GEN = LMP7 /PROD = proteasomeubiquitin-subunit, beta type,subunit LMP7 /DB_XREF = gi: 596139dependent8 (large/UG = Hs.180062 proteasome (prosome,proteinmultifunctionalmacropain) subunit, beta type, 8 (largecatabolismprotease 7)multifunctional protease 7)(LOC5696)/FL = gb: U17496.1 gb: U17497.1”SEQ ID NOS: 9(DNA) and 209(amino acid)CTSC: cathepsin C“gb: NM_001814.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens201487_atproteolysis(LOC1075)cathepsin C (CTSC), mRNA.andSEQ ID NOS: 10/FEA = mRNA /GEN = CTSCpeptidolysis(DNA) and 210/PROD = cathepsin C(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 4503140 /UG = Hs.10029cathepsin C /FL = gb: NM_001814.1”ST5: suppression“gb: NM_005418.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens202440_s_atof tumorigenicity 5suppression of tumorigenicity 5 (ST5),(LOC6764)mRNA. /FEA = mRNA /GEN = ST5SEQ ID NOS: 11/PROD = suppression of tumorigenicity 5(DNA) and 211/DB_XREF = gi: 4885612 /UG = Hs.79265(amino acid)suppression of tumorigenicity 5/FL = gb: U15131.1 gb: U15779.1gb: NM_005418.1”MTMR2:“Consensus includes gb: U58033.1214649_s_atproteinmyotubularin/DEF = Homo sapiens myotubularinaminorelated protein 2related protein 2 (MTMR2) mRNA,acid(LOC8898)partial cds. /FEA = mRNAdephosphorylationSEQ ID NOS: 12/GEN = MTMR2 /PROD = myotubularin(DNA) and 212related protein 2 /DB_XREF = gi: 3912941(amino acid)/UG = Hs.278491 myotubularin relatedprotein 2 /FL = gb: NM_003912.1”PRNP: prion“gb: NM_000311.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens201300_s_atprotein (p27-30)prion protein (p27-30) (Creutzfeld-Jakob(Creutzfeld-Jakobdisease, Gerstmann-Strausler-Scheinkerdisease,syndrome, fatal familial insomnia)Gerstmann-(PRNP), mRNA. /FEA = mRNAStrausler-/GEN = PRNP /PROD = prion proteinScheinker/DB_XREF = gi: 4506112 /UG = Hs.74621syndrome, fatalprion protein (p27-30) (Creutzfeld-Jakobfamilial insomnia)disease, Gerstmann-Strausler-Scheinker(LOC5621)syndrome, fatal familial insomnia)SEQ ID NOS: 13/FL = gb: AY008282.1 gb: M13899.1(DNA) and 213gb: NM_000311.1”(amino acid)MET: met proto-“gb: U19348.1 /DEF = Human (tpr-met211599_x_atsignaloncogenefusion) oncogene mRNA, complete cds.transduction(hepatocyte/FEA = mRNA /GEN = tprmet fusiongrowth factor/PROD = tpr-met fusion proteinreceptor)/DB_XREF = gi: 625085(LOC4233)/FL = gb: U19348.1”SEQ ID NOS: 14(DNA) and 214(amino acid)MIRAB13:“Cluster Incl. W46406: zc31c10.s1 Homo55081_atvesicle-moleculesapiens cDNA, 3 end /clone = IMAGE-mediatedinteracting with323922 /clone_end = 3′ /gb = W46406transportRab13/gi = 1331036 /ug = Hs.8535 /len = 568”(LOC85377)SEQ ID NOS: 15(DNA) and 215(amino acid)AKAP2: A kinaseConsensus includes gb: BE879367202759_s_at(PRKA) anchor/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 10328143protein 2/DB_XREF = est: 601484628F1(LOC11217)/CLONE = IMAGE: 3887262SEQ ID NOS: 16/UG = Hs.42322 A kinase (PRKA) anchor(DNA) and 216protein 2 /FL = gb: AB023137.1(amino acid)gb: NM_007203.1MET: met proto-Consensus includes gb: BG170541203510_atsignaloncogene/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 12677244transduction(hepatocyte/DB_XREF = est: 602322942F1growth factor/CLONE = IMAGE: 4425947receptor)/UG = Hs.285754 met proto-oncogene(LOC4233)(hepatocyte growth factor receptor)SEQ ID NOS: 17/FL = gb: J02958.1 gb: NM_000245.1(DNA) and 217(amino acid)STAC: SH3 and“gb: NM_003149.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens205743_atintracellularcysteine richsrc homology three (SH3) and cysteinesignalingdomainrich domain (STAC), mRNA.cascade(LOC6769)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = STAC /PROD = srcSEQ ID NOS: 18homology three (SH3) and cysteine(DNA) and 218richdomain /DB_XREF = gi: 4507246(amino acid)/UG = Hs.56045 src homology three(SH3) and cysteine rich domain/FL = gb: D86640.1 gb: NM_003149.1”CALU: calumeninConsensus includes gb: BF939365200755_s_at(LOC813)/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 12356685SEQ ID NOS: 19/DB_XREF = est: nad87h04.x1(DNA) and 219/CLONE = IMAGE: 3410551(amino acid)/UG = Hs.7753 calumenin/FL = gb: U67280.1 gb: AF013759.1gb: NM_001219.2MSN: moesin“gb: NM_002444.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens200600_atcell(LOC4478)moesin (MSN), mRNA. /FEA = mRNAmotilitySEQ ID NOS: 20/GEN = MSN /PROD = moesin(DNA) and 220/DB_XREF = gi: 4505256(amino acid)/UG = Hs.170328 moesin/FL = gb: M69066.1 gb: NM_002444.1”ANXA1: annexin“gb: NM_000700.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens201012_atinflammatoryA1 (LOC301)annexin A1 (ANXA1), mRNA.response,SEQ ID NOS: 21/FEA = mRNA /GEN = ANXA1cell(DNA) and 221/PROD = annexin Imotility(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 4502100 /UG = Hs.78225annexin A1 /FL = gb: BC001275.1gb: NM_000700.1”CGI-100: CGI-100“gb: NM_016040.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens202195_s_atintracellularproteinCGI-100 protein (LOC50999), mRNA.protein(LOC50999)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = LOC50999transportSEQ ID NOS: 22/PROD = CGI-100 protein(DNA) and 222/DB_XREF = gi: 7705583(amino acid)/UG = Hs.296155 CGI-100 protein/FL = gb: AF151858.1 gb: NM_016040.1”CALU: calumenin“gb: NM_001219.2 /DEF = Homo sapiens200757_s_at(LOC813)calumenin (CALU), mRNA.SEQ ID NOS: 23/FEA = mRNA /GEN = CALU(DNA) and 223/PROD = calumenin precursor(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 6005991 /UG = Hs.7753calumenin /FL = gb: U67280.1gb: AF013759.1 gb: NM_001219.2”EGFR: epidermal“gb: U95089.1 /DEF = Human truncated210984_x_atEGFgrowth factorepidermal growth factor receptor-likereceptorreceptorprotein precursor mRNA, complete cds.signaling(erythroblastic/FEA = mRNA /PROD = truncatedpathwayleukemia viral (v-epidermal growth factor receptor-erb-b) oncogenelikeprotein precursorhomolog, avian)/DB_XREF = gi: 2051984 /UG = Hs.77432(LOC1956)epidermal growth factor receptor (avianSEQ ID NOS: 24erythroblastic leukemia viral (v-erb-b)(DNA) and 224oncogene homolog) /FL = gb: U95089.1”(amino acid)CASP4: caspase 4,“gb: U25804.1 /DEF = Human Ich-2209310_s_atapoptosisapoptosis-relatedcysteine protease mRNA, complete cds.cysteine protease/FEA = mRNA /PROD = Ich-2(LOC837)/DB_XREF = gi: 886049 /UG = Hs.74122SEQ ID NOS: 25caspase 4, apoptosis-related cysteine(DNA) and 225protease /FL = gb: U28976.1 gb: U28977.1(amino acid)gb: U28978.1 gb: NM_001225.1gb: U25804.1 gb: U28014.1”DKFZP566E144:“gb: NM_015523.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens218194_atnucleotidesmall fragmentsmall fragment nucleasemetabolismnuclease(DKFZP566E144), mRNA.(LOC25996)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = DKFZP566E144SEQ ID NOS: 26/PROD = small fragment nuclease(DNA) and 226/DB_XREF = gi: 7661645 /UG = Hs.7527(amino acid)small fragment nuclease/FL = gb: AF151872.1 gb: AL110239.1gb: NM_015523.1”AKR1B1: aldo-“gb: NM_001628.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens201272_atcarbohydrateketo reductasealdo-keto reductase family 1, member B1metabolismfamily 1, member(aldose reductase) (AKR1B1), mRNA.B1 (aldose/FEA = mRNA /GEN = AKR1B1reductase)/PROD = aldo-keto reductase family 1,(LOC231)member B1 (aldosereductase)/DB_XREF = gi: 4502048 /UG = Hs.75313SEQ ID NOS: 27aldo-keto reductase family 1, member B1(DNA) and 227(aldose reductase) /FL = gb: BC000260.1(amino acid)gb: BC005387.1 gb: J04795.1 gb: J05017.1gb: J05474.1 gb: M34720.1gb: NM_001628.1”CAV1: caveolin 1,Consensus includes gb: AU147399212097_atcaveolae protein,/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 1100892022 kDa (LOC857)/DB_XREF = est: AU147399SEQ ID NOS: 28/CLONE = MAMMA1000563(DNA) and 228/UG = Hs.74034 Homo sapiens clone(amino acid)24651 mRNA sequenceMBNL2:Consensus includes gb: BE328496203640_atmuscleblind-like 2/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 9202272(Drosophila)/DB_XREF = est: hs98f09.x1(LOC10150)/CLONE = IMAGE: 3145289SEQ ID NOS: 29/UG = Hs.283609 hypothetical protein(DNA) and 229PRO2032/FL = gb: AF116683.1(amino acid)gb: NM_018615.1CRSP6: cofactor“gb: AF105421.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens221517_s_atregulationrequired for Sp1vitamin D3 receptor interacting proteinoftranscriptional(DRIP80) mRNA, complete cds.transcription,activation, subunit/FEA = mRNA /GEN = DRIP80DNA-6, 77 kDa/PROD = vitamin D3 receptor interactingdependent(LOC9440)protein /DB_XREF = gi: 4838128SEQ ID NOS: 30/UG = Hs.22630 cofactor required for Sp1(DNA) and 230transcriptional activation, subunit 6(amino acid)(77 kD) /FL = gb: AF105421.1”CALU: calumenin”gb: U67280.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens200756_x_at(LOC813)calumenin mRNA, complete cds.SEQ ID NOS: 31/FEA = mRNA /PROD = calumenin(DNA) and 231/DB_XREF = gi: 2809323 /UG = Hs.7753(amino acid)calumenin /FL = gb: U67280.1gb: AF013759.1 gb: NM_001219.2”PTRF: polymerase“Consensus includes gb: BC004295.1208789_atI and transcript/DEF = Homo sapiens, clonerelease factorIMAGE: 3622356, mRNA, partial cds.(LOC284119)/FEA = mRNA /PROD = UnknownSEQ ID NOS: 32(protein for IMAGE: 3622356)(DNA) and 232/DB_XREF = gi: 13279151(amino acid)/UG = Hs.29759 RNA POLYMERASE IAND TRANSCRIPT RELEASEFACTOR /FL = gb: AF312393.1”NUP155:“gb: NM_004298.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens206550_s_atnucleocytoplasmicnucleoporinnucleoporin 155 kD (NUP155), mRNA.transport155 kDa/FEA = mRNA /GEN = NUP155(LOC9631)/PROD = nucleoporin 155 kDSEQ ID NOS: 33/DB_XREF = gi: 4758843 /UG = Hs.23255(DNA) and 233nucleoporin 155 kD /FL = gb: AB018334.1(amino acid)gb: NM_004298.1”DONSON:“gb: AF232674.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens221677_s_atdownstreamB17 mRNA, complete cds. /FEA = mRNAneighbor of SON/PROD = B17 /DB_XREF = gi: 8118230(LOC29980)/UG = Hs.17834 downstream neighbor ofSEQ ID NOS: 34SON /FL = gb: AF232674.1”(DNA) and 234(amino acid)CALU: calumenin“Consensus includes gb: AF257659.1214845_s_at(LOC813)/DEF = Homo sapiens crocalbin-likeSEQ ID NOS: 35protein mRNA, partial cds.(DNA) and 235/FEA = mRNA /PROD = crocalbin-like(amino acid)protein /DB_XREF = gi: 8515717/UG = Hs.302073 Homo sapienscrocalbin-like protein mRNA, partialcds”FAD104: FAD104“gb: NM_022763.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens218618_s_at(LOC64778)hypothetical protein FLJ23399SEQ ID NOS: 36(FLJ23399), mRNA. /FEA = mRNA(DNA) and 236/GEN = FLJ23399 /PROD = hypothetical(amino acid)protein FLJ23399/DB_XREF = gi: 12232434/UG = Hs.299883 hypothetical proteinFLJ23399 /FL = gb: NM_022763.1”EPHA2: EphA2”gb: NM_004431.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens203499_at(LOC1969)EphA2 (EPHA2), mRNA. /FEA = mRNASEQ ID NOS: 37/GEN = EPHA2 /PROD = EphA2(DNA) and 237/DB_XREF = gi: 4758277(amino acid)/UG = Hs.171596 EphA2/FL = gb: M59371.1 gb: NM_004431.1”PAK1IP1: PAK1“gb: NM_017906.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens218886_atinteracting proteinhypothetical protein FLJ206241 (LOC55003)(FLJ20624), mRNA. /FEA = mRNASEQ ID NOS: 38/GEN = FLJ20624 /PROD = hypothetical(DNA) and 238protein FLJ20624(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 8923576 /UG = Hs.52256hypothetical protein FLJ20624/FL = gb: NM_017906.1”CTPS: CTP“gb: NM_001905.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens202613_atpyrimidinesynthaseCTP synthase (CTPS), mRNA.nucleotide(LOC1503)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = CTPSbiosynthesisSEQ ID NOS: 39/PROD = CTP synthase(DNA) and 239/DB_XREF = gi: 4503132(amino acid)/UG = Hs.251871 CTP synthase/FL = gb: NM_001905.1”CD44: CD44“gb: BC004372.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens,209835_x_atcell-cellantigen (homingSimilar to CD44 antigen (homingadhesionfunction andfunction and Indian blood group system),Indian blood groupclone MGC: 10468, mRNA, completesystem) (LOC960)cds. /FEA = mRNA /PROD = Similar toSEQ ID NOS: 40CD44 antigen (homing function(DNA) and 240andIndian blood group system)(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 13325117/UG = Hs.169610 CD44 antigen (homingfunction and Indian blood group system)/FL = gb: BC004372.1”CD97: CD97“gb: NM_001784.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens202910_s_atG-proteinantigen (LOC976)CD97 antigen (CD97), mRNA.coupledSEQ ID NOS: 41/FEA = mRNA /GEN = CD97receptor(DNA) and 241/PROD = CD97 antigenprotein(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 4502690 /UG = Hs.3107signalingCD97 antigen /FL = gb: NM_001784.1”pathwaySPTBN1: spectrin,“Consensus includes gb: BE968833212071_s_atbeta, non-/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 10579538erythrocytic 1/DB_XREF = est: 601649861F1(LOC6711)/CLONE = IMAGE: 3933782SEQ ID NOS: 42/UG = Hs.324648 Homo sapiens cDNA(DNA) and 242FLJ13700 fis, clone PLACE2000216,(amino acid)highly similar to SPECTRIN BETACHAIN, BRAIN”SH3GLB1: SH3-“gb: AF263293.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens209091_s_atdomain GRB2-likeendophilin B1 mRNA, complete cds.endophilin B1/FEA = mRNA /PROD = endophilin B1(LOC51100)/DB_XREF = gi: 8118529SEQ ID NOS: 43/UG = Hs.136309 SH3-containing protein(DNA) and 243SH3GLB1 /FL = gb: AF263293.1”(amino acid)PGM1:“gb: NM_002633.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens201968_s_atglucosephosphoglucomutasephosphoglucomutase 1 (PGM1), mRNA.metabolism1 (LOC5236)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = PGM1SEQ ID NOS: 44/PROD = phosphoglucomutase 1(DNA) and 244/DB_XREF = gi: 4505764 /UG = Hs.1869(amino acid)phosphoglucomutase 1/FL = gb: BC001756.1 gb: M83088.1gb: NM_002633.1”SH3GLB1: SH3-“gb: AF257318.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens210101_x_atdomain GRB2-likeSH3-containing protein SH3GLB1endophilin B1mRNA, complete cds. /FEA = mRNA(LOC51100)/PROD = SH3-containing proteinSH3GLB1 /DB_XREF = gi: 8896091SEQ ID NOS: 45/UG = Hs.136309 SH3-containing protein(DNA) and 245SH3GLB1 /FL = gb: AF350371.1(amino acid)gb: AF151819.1 gb: NM_016009.1gb: AF257318.1”GBP1: guanylate“gb: BC002666.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens,202269_x_atimmunebinding protein 1,guanylate binding protein 1, interferon-responseinterferon-inducible, 67 kD, clone MGC: 3949,inducible, 67 kDamRNA, complete cds. /FEA = mRNA(LOC2633)/PROD = guanylate binding proteinSEQ ID NOS: 461, interferon-inducible, 67 kD(DNA) and 246/DB_XREF = gi: 12803662(amino acid)/UG = Hs.62661 guanylate binding protein1, interferon-inducible, 67 kD/FL = gb: BC002666.1 gb: M55542.1gb: NM_002053.1”ADORA2B:“gb: NM_000676.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens205891_atadenylateadenosine A2badenosine A2b receptor (ADORA2B),cyclasereceptor (LOC136)mRNA. /FEA = mRNAactivationSEQ ID NOS: 47/GEN = ADORA2B /PROD = adenosine(DNA) and 247A2b receptor /DB_XREF = gi: 4501950(amino acid)/UG = Hs.45743 adenosine A2b receptor/FL = gb: M97759.1 gb: NM_000676.1”PLS3: plastin 3 (T“gb: NM_005032.2 /DEF = Homo sapiens201215_atisoform)plastin 3 (T isoform) (PLS3), mRNA.(LOC5358)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = PLS3SEQ ID NOS: 48/PROD = plastin 3 precursor(DNA) and 248/DB_XREF = gi: 7549808 /UG = Hs.4114(amino acid)plastin 3 (T isoform) /FL = gb: M22299.1gb: NM_005032.2”PDGFC: platelet“gb: NM_016205.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens218718_atderived growthplatelet derived growth factor Cfactor C(PDGFC), mRNA. /FEA = mRNA(LOC56034)/GEN = PDGFC /PROD = secretory growthSEQ ID NOS: 49factor-like protein fallotein(DNA) and 249/DB_XREF = gi: 9994186 /UG = Hs.43080(amino acid)platelet derived growth factor C/FL = gb: AF091434.1 gb: AF244813.1gb: AB033831.1 gb: NM_016205.1”MID1: midline 1“gb: NM_000381.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens203637_s_atmicrotubule(Opitz/BBBmidline 1 (OpitzBBB syndrome)cytoskeletonsyndrome)(MID1), mRNA. /FEA = mRNAorganization(LOC4281)/GEN = MID1 /PROD = midline 1andSEQ ID NOS: 50/DB_XREF = gi: 4557752 /UG = Hs.27695biogenesis(DNA) and 250midline 1 (OpitzBBB syndrome)(amino acid)/FL = gb: F269101.1 gb: AF230976.1gb: AF035360.1 gb: NM_000381.1”MET: met proto-Consensus includes gb: BE870509213807_x_atsignaloncogene/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 10319285transduction(hepatocyte/DB_XREF = est: 601447096F1growth factor/CLONE = IMAGE: 3851374receptor)/UG = Hs.285754 met proto-oncogene(LOC4233)(hepatocyte growth factor receptor)SEQ ID NOS: 51(DNA) and 251(amino acid)CHST6:“gb: NM_021615.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens221059_s_atproteoglycancarbohydrate (N-carbohydrate (N-acetylglucosamine 6-O)sulfateacetylglucosaminesulfotransferase 6 (CHST6), mRNA.transfer6-O)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = CHST6sulfotransferase 6/PROD = carbohydrate (N-(LOC4166)acetylglucosamine 6-O)sulfotransferase 6SEQ ID NOS: 52/DB_XREF = gi: 11055975(DNA) and 252/UG = Hs.157439 carbohydrate (N-(amino acid)acetylglucosamine 6-O) sulfotransferase6 /FL = gb: AF219990.1gb: NM_021615.1”MEIS2: Meis1,“gb: NM_020149.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens207480_s_atnegativemyeloid ecotropicTALE homeobox protein Meis2eregulationviral integration(LOC56908), mRNA. /FEA = mRNAofsite 1 homolog 2/GEN = LOC56908 /PROD = TALEtranscription(mouse)homeobox protein Meis2efrom(LOC4212)/DB_XREF = gi: 9910355Pol IISEQ ID NOS: 53/UG = Hs.283312 TALE homeoboxpromoter(DNA) and 253protein Meis2e /FL = gb: AF179899.1(amino acid)gb: NM_020149.1”UPP1: uridine“gb: NM_003364.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens203234_atnucleosidephosphorylase 1uridine phosphorylase (UP), mRNA.metabolism(LOC7378)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = UP /PROD = uridineSEQ ID NOS: 54phosphorylase /DB_XREF = gi: 4507838(DNA) and 254/UG = Hs.77573 uridine phosphorylase(amino acid)/FL = gb: BC001405.1 gb: NM_003364.1”CD44: CD44Consensus includes gb: AI493245212014_x_atcell-cellantigen (homing/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 4394248adhesionfunction and/DB_XREF = est: ti30d08.x1Indian blood group/CLONE = IMAGE: 2131983system) (LOC960)/UG = Hs.169610 CD44 antigen (homingSEQ ID NOS: 55function and Indian blood group system)(DNA) and 255(amino acid)BTG3: BTG“Consensus includes gb: AI765445213134_x_atregulationfamily, member 3/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 5231954of cell(LOC10950)/DB_XREF = est: wi80b08.x1cycleSEQ ID NOS: 56/CLONE = IMAGE: 2399607(DNA) and 256/UG = Hs.77311 BTG family, member 3”(amino acid)FKBP1A: FK506“gb: BC005147.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens,210186_s_atproteinbinding proteinFK506-binding protein 1A (12 kD), clonefolding1A, 12 kDaMGC: 2167, mRNA, complete cds.(LOC2280)/FEA = mRNA /PROD = FK506-bindingSEQ ID NOS: 57protein 1A (12 kD)(DNA) and 257/DB_XREF = gi: 13477342 /UG = Hs.752(amino acid)FK506-binding protein 1A (12 kD)/FL = gb: BC005147.1”IFI16: interferon,“gb: NM_005531.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens206332_s_atgamma-inducibleinterferon, gamma-inducible protein 16protein 16(IFI16), mRNA. /FEA = mRNA(LOC3428)/GEN = IFI16 /PROD = interferon, gamma-SEQ ID NOS: 58inducible protein 16(DNA) and 258/DB_XREF = gi: 5031778(amino acid)/UG = Hs.155530 interferon, gamma-inducible protein 16 /FL = gb: M63838.1gb: NM_005531.1”CD44: CD44Consensus includes gb: BE903880212063_atcell-cellantigen (homing/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 10395551adhesionfunction and/DB_XREF = est: 601494678F1Indian blood group/CLONE = IMAGE: 3896970system) (LOC960)/UG = Hs.323950 zinc finger protein 6SEQ ID NOS: 59(CMPX1)(DNA) and 259(amino acid)IFI16: interferon,“gb: AF208043.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens208966_x_atgamma-inducibleIFI16b (IFI16b) mRNA, complete cds.protein 16/FEA = mRNA /GEN = IFI16b(LOC3428)/PROD = IFI16b /DB_XREF = gi: 6644296SEQ ID NOS: 60/UG = Hs.155530 interferon, gamma-(DNA) and 260inducible protein 16(amino acid)/FL = gb: AF208043.1”GNG12: guanineConsensus includes gb: BG111761212294_atsignalnucleotide binding/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 12605267transductionprotein (G/DB_XREF = est: 602285343F1protein), gamma/CLONE = IMAGE: 437261912 (LOC55970)/UG = Hs.8107 Homo sapiens mRNA;SEQ ID NOS: 61cDNA DKFZp586B0918 (from clone(DNA) and 261DKFZp586B0918)(amino acid)GSTP1:“gb: NM_000852.2 /DEF = Homo sapiens200824_atmetabolismglutathione S-glutathione S-transferase pi (GSTP1),transferase pimRNA. /FEA = mRNA /GEN = GSTP1(LOC2950)/PROD = glutathione transferaseSEQ ID NOS: 62/DB_XREF = gi: 6552334(DNA) and 262/UG = Hs.226795 glutathione S-(amino acid)transferase pi /FL = gb: U62589.1gb: U30897.1 gb: NM_000852.2”MCAM:“gb: BC006329.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens,211042_x_atmelanoma cellSimilar to melanoma adhesion molecule,adhesion moleculeclone MGC: 12808, mRNA, complete(LOC4162)cds. /FEA = mRNA /PROD = Similar toSEQ ID NOS: 63melanoma adhesion molecule(DNA) and 263/DB_XREF = gi: 13623456(amino acid)/FL = gb: BC006329.1”MIRAB13:“Consensus includes gb: BC001090.1221779_atvesicle-molecule/DEF = Homo sapiens, clonemediatedinteracting withIMAGE: 3504989, mRNA, partial cds.transportRab13/FEA = mRNA /PROD = Unknown(LOC85377)(protein for IMAGE: 3504989)SEQ ID NOS: 64/DB_XREF = gi: 12654518 /UG = Hs.8535(DNA) and 264hypothetical protein bA395L14.2”(amino acid)IFI16: interferon,“Consensus includes gb: BG256677208965_s_atgamma-inducible/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 12766493protein 16/DB_XREF = est: 602370865F1(LOC3428)/CLONE = IMAGE: 4478872SEQ ID NOS: 65/UG = Hs.155530 interferon, gamma-(DNA) and 265inducible protein 16(amino acid)/FL = gb: AF208043.1”DKFZp667G2110:“Consensus includes gb: BE501352214030_athypothetical/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 9703760protein/DB_XREF = est: 7a41e05.x1DKFZp667G2110/CLONE = IMAGE: 3221312(LOC131544)/UG = Hs.23294 ESTs, Weakly similar toSEQ ID NOS: 66T15138 hypothetical protein T28F2.4-(DNA)Caenorhabditis elegans C. elegansC1GALT1: core 1“gb: NM_020156.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens219439_atUDP-galactose: N-core1 UDP-galactose: N-acetylgalactosamine-acetylgalactosamine-alpha-R beta 1,3-alpha-R beta 1,3-galactosyltransferase (C1GALT1),galactosyltransferasemRNA. /FEA = mRNA(LOC56913)/GEN = C1GALT1 /PROD = core1UDP-SEQ ID NOS: 67galactose: N-acetylgalactosamine-alpha-R(DNA) and 266beta 1,3-galactosyltransferase(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 9910143 /UG = Hs.46744core1 UDP-galactose: N-acetylgalactosamine-alpha-R beta 1,3-galactosyltransferase/FL = gb: AF155582.1 gb: NM_020156.1”RANGNRF: RAN“gb: NM_014185.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens218526_s_atguanine nucleotideHSPC165 protein (HSPC165), mRNA.release factor/FEA = mRNA /GEN = HSPC165(LOC29098)/PROD = HSPC165 proteinSEQ ID NOS: 68/DB_XREF = gi: 7661825 /UG = Hs.13605(DNA) and 267HSPC165 protein /FL = gb: AF161514.1(amino acid)gb: AF151070.1 gb: NM_014185.1gb: NM_016492.1 gb: AF168714.1gb: AF265206.1”ELL2: elongation“Consensus includes gb: NM_012081.1214446_atregulationfactor, RNA/DEF = Homo sapiens ELL-RELATEDofpolymerase II, 2RNA POLYMERASE II,transcription,(LOC22936)ELONGATION FACTOR (ELL2),DNA-SEQ ID NOS: 69mRNA. /FEA = CDS /GEN = ELL2dependent(DNA) and 268/PROD = ELL-RELATED RNA(amino acid)POLYMERASE II,ELONGATIONFACTOR/DB_XREF = gi: 6912353/UG = Hs.173334 ELL-RELATED RNAPOLYMERASE II, ELONGATIONFACTOR /FL = gb: NM_012081.1”BIN1: bridging“Consensus includes gb: AF043899.1214439_x_atsynapticintegrator 1/DEF = Homo sapiens amphiphysin IIc1transmission(LOC274)mRNA, complete cds. /FEA = CDSSEQ ID NOS: 70/PROD = amphiphysin IIc1(DNA) and 269/DB_XREF = gi: 3064256(amino acid)/UG = Hs.193163 bridging integrator 1/FL = gb: AF043899.1”M-RIP: myosin“Consensus includes gb: AK025604.1214771_x_atphosphatase-Rho/DEF = Homo sapiens cDNA: FLJ21951interacting proteinfis, clone HEP04968. /FEA = mRNA(LOC23164)/DB_XREF = gi: 10438172SEQ ID NOS: 71/UG = Hs.84883 KIAA0864 protein”(DNA) and 270(amino acid)MGC5306:“gb: BC001972.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens,221580_s_athypotheticalclone MGC: 5306, mRNA, complete cds.protein MGC5306/FEA = mRNA /PROD = Unknown(LOC79101)(protein for MGC: 5306)SEQ ID NOS: 72/DB_XREF = gi: 12805036(DNA) and 271/UG = Hs.301732 hypothetical proteinMGC5306 /FL = gb: BC001972.1”(amino acid)BTN3A3:“gb: NM_006994.2 /DEF = Homo sapiens204820_s_atbutyrophilin,butyrophilin, subfamily 3, member A3subfamily 3,(BTN3A3), mRNA. /FEA = mRNAmember A3/GEN = BTN3A3 /PROD = butyrophilin,(LOC10384)subfamily 3, member A3SEQ ID NOS: 73/DB_XREF = gi: 6325463(DNA) and 272/UG = Hs.167741 butyrophilin, subfamily(amino acid)3, member A3 /FL = gb: U90548.1gb: NM_006994.2”CAV2: caveolin 2“gb: NM_001233.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens203324_s_at(LOC858)caveolin 2 (CAV2), mRNA.SEQ ID NOS: 74/FEA = mRNA /GEN = CAV2(DNA) and 273/PROD = caveolin 2(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 4557412/UG = Hs.139851 caveolin 2/FL = gb: BC005256.1 gb: AF035752.1gb: NM_001233.1”IFNGR1:“gb: NM_000416.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens202727_s_atsignalinterferon gammainterferon gamma receptor 1 (IFNGR1),transductionreceptor 1mRNA. /FEA = mRNA /GEN = IFNGR1(LOC3459)/PROD = interferon gamma receptor 1SEQ ID NOS: 75/DB_XREF = gi: 4557879(DNA) and 274/UG = Hs.180866 interferon gamma(amino acid)receptor 1 /FL = gb: BC005333.1gb: J03143.1 gb: NM_000416.1”MGC5297:“gb: NM_024091.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens219200_athypotheticalhypothetical protein MGC5297protein MGC5297(MGC5297), mRNA. /FEA = mRNA(LOC79072)/GEN = MGC5297 /PROD = hypotheticalSEQ ID NOS: 76protein MGC5297(DNA) and 275/DB_XREF = gi: 13129089(amino acid)/UG = Hs.23856 hypothetical proteinMGC5297 /FL = gb: BC001295.1gb: NM_024091.1”TGFBI:“gb: NM_000358.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens201506_atcelltransformingtransforming growth factor, beta-adhesiongrowth factor,induced, 68 kD (TGFBI), mRNA.beta-induced,/FEA = mRNA /GEN = TGFBI68 kDa (LOC7045)/PROD = transforming growth factor,SEQ ID NOS: 77beta-induced, 68 kD(DNA) and 276/DB_XREF = gi: 4507466(amino acid)/UG = Hs.118787 transforming growthfactor, beta-induced, 68 kD/FL = gb: BC000097.1 gb: BC004972.1gb: M77349.1 gb: NM_000358.1”AKAP2: A kinase“gb: NM_007203.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens202760_s_at(PRKA) anchorA kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 2protein 2(AKAP2), mRNA. /FEA = mRNA(LOC11217)/GEN = AKAP2 /PROD = A kinaseSEQ ID NOS: 78(PRKA) anchor protein 2(DNA) and 277/DB_XREF = gi: 6005708 /UG = Hs.42322(amino acid)A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 2/FL = gb: AB023137.1 gb: NM_007203.1”QKI: quakingConsensus includes gb: AI114716212263_atsignalhomolog, KH/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 6360061transductiondomain RNA/DB_XREF = est: HA1315 /UG = Hs.15020binding (mouse)homolog of mouse quaking QKI (KH(LOC9444)domain RNA binding protein)SEQ ID NOS: 79/FL = gb: AF142419.1 gb: AF142422.1(DNA) and 278(amino acid)PRNP: prion“Consensus includes gb: AV725328215707_s_atprotein (p27-30)/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 10830606(Creutzfeld-Jakob/DB_XREF = est: AV725328disease,/CLONE = HTCAVD03 /UG = Hs.74621Gerstmann-prion protein (p27-30) (Creutzfeld-JakobStrausler-disease, Gerstmann-Strausler-ScheinkerScheinkersyndrome, fatal familial insomnia)”syndrome, fatalfamilial insomnia)(LOC5621)SEQ ID NOS: 80(DNA) and 279(amino acid)HIC: I-mfa“gb: AF054589.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens211675_s_atdomain-containingHIC protein isoform p40 and HIC proteinproteinisoform p32 mRNAs, complete cds.(LOC29969)/FEA = mRNA /PROD = HIC proteinSEQ ID NOS: 81isoform p32; HIC protein isoform p40(DNA) and 280/DB_XREF = gi: 3426297(amino acid)/FL = gb: AF054589.1”POPDC3: popeye“gb: NM_022361.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens219926_atdomain containingpopeye protein 3 (POP3), mRNA.3 (LOC64208)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = POP3SEQ ID NOS: 82/PROD = popeye protein 3(DNA) and 281/DB_XREF = gi: 11641280(amino acid)/UG = Hs.303154 popeye protein 3/FL = gb: AF204171.1 gb: NM_022361.1”FLJ10315:“gb: NM_018056.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens218770_s_athypotheticalhypothetical protein FLJ10315protein FLJ10315(FLJ10315), mRNA. /FEA = mRNA(LOC55116)/GEN = FLJ10315 /PROD = hypotheticalSEQ ID NOS: 83protein FLJ10315(DNA) and 282/DB_XREF = gi: 8922347 /UG = Hs.25544(amino acid)hypothetical protein FLJ10315/FL = gb: AL136695.1 gb: NM_018056.1”PSMB9:“gb: NM_002800.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens204279_atproteolysisproteasomeproteasome (prosome, macropain)and(prosome,subunit, beta type, 9 (largepeptidolysis,macropain)multifunctional protease 2) (PSMB9),ubiquitin-subunit, beta type,mRNA. /FEA = mRNA /GEN = PSMB9dependent9 (large/PROD = proteasome (prosome,proteinmultifunctionalmacropain) subunit, betatype, 9 (largecatabolismprotease 2)multifunctional protease 2)(LOC5698)/DB_XREF = gi: 4506204 /UG = Hs.9280SEQ ID NOS: 84proteasome (prosome, macropain)(DNA) and 283subunit, beta type, 9 (large(amino acid)multifunctional protease 2)/FL = gb: U01025.1 gb: NM_002800.1”DEPDC1: DEP“gb: NM_017779.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens220295_x_atdomain containinghypothetical protein FLJ203541 (LOC55635)(FLJ20354), mRNA. /FEA = mRNASEQ ID NOS: 85/GEN = FLJ20354 /PROD = hypothetical(DNA) and 284protein FLJ20354(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 8923327/UG = Hs.133260 hypothetical proteinFLJ20354 /FL = gb: NM_017779.1”EGFR: epidermalConsensus includes gb: AW157070201983_s_atEGFgrowth factor/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 6228471receptorreceptor/DB_XREF = est: au91e07.x1signaling(erythroblastic/CLONE = IMAGE: 2783652pathwayleukemia viral (v-/UG = Hs.77432 epidermal growth factorerb-b) oncogenereceptor (avian erythroblastic leukemiahomolog, avian)viral (v-erb-b) oncogene homolog)(LOC1956)/FL = gb: NM_005228.1SEQ ID NOS: 86(DNA) and 285(amino acid)AMPD2:Consensus includes gb: AI916249212360_atpurineadenosine/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 5636104nucleotidemonophosphate/DB_XREF = est: wg99c01.x1metabolismdeaminase 2/CLONE = IMAGE: 2379360(isoform L)/UG = Hs.82927 adenosine(LOC271)monophosphate deaminase 2 (isoform L)SEQ ID NOS: 87/FL = gb: NM_004037.2(DNA) and 286(amino acid)GLS: glutaminase“gb: AF158555.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens221510_s_atglutamine(LOC2744)glutaminase C mRNA, complete cds.catabolismSEQ ID NOS: 88/FEA = mRNA /PROD = glutaminase C(DNA) and 287/DB_XREF = gi: 5690371(amino acid)/UG = Hs.239189 glutaminase/FL = gb: AF158555.1 gb: AF097492.1”EBNA1BP2:“gb: NM_006824.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens201323_atribosomeEBNA1 bindingnucleolar protein p40; homolog of yeastbiogenesisprotein 2EBNA1-binding protein (P40), mRNA.(LOC10969)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = P40SEQ ID NOS: 89/PROD = nucleolar protein p40; homolog(DNA) and 288of yeastEBNA1-binding protein(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 5803110 /UG = Hs.74407nucleolar protein p40; homolog of yeastEBNA1-binding protein/FL = gb: U86602.1 gb: NM_006824.1”VIM: vimentinConsensus includes gb: AI922599201426_s_at(LOC7431)/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 5658563SEQ ID NOS: 90/DB_XREF = est: wm90b11.x1(DNA) and 289/CLONE = IMAGE: 2443197(amino acid)/UG = Hs.297753 vimentin/FL = gb: BC000163.2 gb: NM_003380.1ZNF258: zinc“gb: NM_007167.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens219924_s_atdevelopmentfinger protein 258zinc finger protein 258 (ZNF258),(LOC9204)mRNA. /FEA = mRNA /GEN = ZNF258SEQ ID NOS: 91/PROD = zinc finger protein 258(DNA) and 290/DB_XREF = gi: 6005977(amino acid)/UG = Hs.301637 zinc finger protein 258/FL = gb: AF055470.1 gb: NM_007167.1”SGCE:“gb: NM_003919.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens204688_atmusclesarcoglycan,sarcoglycan, epsilon (SGCE), mRNA.developmentepsilon/FEA = mRNA /GEN = SGCE(LOC8910)/PROD = sarcoglycan, epsilonSEQ ID NOS: 92/DB_XREF = gi: 10835046(DNA) and 291/UG = Hs.110708 sarcoglycan, epsilon(amino acid)/FL = gb: NM_003919.1 gb: AF036364.1”CD44: CD44“gb: M24915.1 /DEF = Human CDw44204490_s_atcell-cellantigen (homingantigen, complete cds. /FEA = mRNAadhesionfunction and/DB_XREF = gi: 180196 /UG = Hs.169610Indian blood groupCD44 antigen (homing function andsystem) (LOC960)Indian blood group system)SEQ ID NOS: 93/FL = gb: NM_000610.1 gb: U40373.1(DNA) and 292gb: M59040.1 gb: M24915.1”(amino acid)SHCBP1: likely“gb: NM_024745.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens219493_atortholog of mousehypothetical protein FLJ22009Shc SH2-domain(FLJ22009), mRNA. /FEA = mRNAbinding protein 1/GEN = FLJ22009 /PROD = hypothetical(LOC79801)protein FLJ22009SEQ ID NOS: 94/DB_XREF = gi: 13376069(DNA) and 293/UG = Hs.123253 hypothetical protein(amino acid)FLJ22009 /FL = gb: NM_024745.1”IMP-3: IGF-II“gb: NM_006547.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens203820_s_atproteinmRNA-bindingIGF-II mRNA-binding protein 3biosynthesisprotein 3(KOC1), mRNA. /FEA = mRNA(LOC10643)/GEN = KOC1 /PROD = IGF-II mRNA-SEQ ID NOS: 95binding protein 3(DNA) and 294/DB_XREF = gi: 5729900 /UG = Hs.79440(amino acid)IGF-II mRNA-binding protein 3/FL = gb: U97188.1 gb: U76705.1gb: AF117108.1 gb: NM_006547.1”BTG3: BTG“gb: NM_006806.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens205548_s_atregulationfamily, member 3BTG family, member 3 (BTG3), mRNA.of cell(LOC10950)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = BTG3cycleSEQ ID NOS: 96/PROD = BTG family, member 3(DNA) and 295/DB_XREF = gi: 5802989 /UG = Hs.77311(amino acid)BTG family, member 3/FL = gb: D64110.1 gb: NM_006806.1”RAI14: retinoic“gb: NM_015577.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens202052_s_atacid induced 14novel retinal pigment epithelial gene(LOC26064)(NORPEG), mRNA. /FEA = mRNASEQ ID NOS: 97/GEN = NORPEG(DNA) and 296/PROD = DKFZP564G013 protein(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 13470085/UG = Hs.15165 novel retinal pigmentepithelial gene /FL = gb: NM_015577.1gb: AF155135.1”QKI: quakingConsensus includes gb: AA149639212262_atsignalhomolog, KH/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 1720440transductiondomain RNA/DB_XREF = est: zl39c06.s1binding (mouse)/CLONE = IMAGE: 504298(LOC9444)/UG = Hs.15020 homolog of mouseSEQ ID NOS: 98quaking QKI (KH domain RNA binding(DNA) and 297protein) /FL = gb: AF142419.1(amino acid)gb: AF142422.1CGI-100: CGI-100“Consensus includes gb: AL117354202194_atintracellularprotein/DEF = Human DNA sequence from cloneprotein(LOC50999)RP5-976O13 on chromosome 1p21.2-22.2transportSEQ ID NOS: 99Contains part of the gene for CGI-(DNA) and 298100 protein, 3 isoforms of the gene for(amino acid)M96 protein, ESTs, STSs, GSSs and aCpG Island /FEA = mRNA_1/DB_XREF = gi: 6822199/UG = Hs.296155 CGI-100 protein/FL = gb: AF151858.1 gb: NM_016040.1”CTSZ: cathepsin Z“gb: AF073890.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens210042_s_atproteolysis(LOC1522)cathepsin X precursor, mRNA, completeandSEQ ID NOS: 100cds. /FEA = mRNA /PROD = cathepsin Xpeptidolysis(DNA) and 299precursor /DB_XREF = gi: 3650497(amino acid)/UG = Hs.252549 cathepsin Z/FL = gb: AF032906.1 gb: AF073890.1gb: NM_001336.1 gb: AF136273.1”

The biomarkers provided in Table 2 include the nucleotide sequences of SEQ ID NOS:101-200 and the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NOS:300-395.

TABLE 2BIOMARKERS (RESISTANT)AffymetrixUnigene title andProbeGeneSEQ ID NO:Affymetrix DescriptionSetOntologyGATA3: GATA“gb: BC003070.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens,209604_s_atproteolysisbinding protein 3GATA-binding protein 3, cloneand(LOC2625)MGC: 2346, mRNA, complete cds.peptidolysisSEQ ID NOS: 101/FEA = mRNA /PROD = GATA-binding(DNA) and 300protein 3 /DB_XREF = gi: 13111765(amino acid)/UG = Hs.169946 GATA-binding protein3 /FL = gb: BC003070.1 gb: M69106.1gb: NM_002051.1”TFF1: trefoil“gb: NM_003225.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens205009_atcarbohydratefactor 1 (breasttrefoil factor 1 (breast cancer, estrogen-metabolism,cancer, estrogen-inducible sequence expressed in) (TFF1),cellinducible sequencemRNA. /FEA = mRNA /GEN = TFF1growthexpressed in)/PROD = trefoil factor 1 (breastand/or(LOC7031)cancer, estrogen-inducible sequencemaintenanceSEQ ID NOS: 102expressed in) /DB_XREF = gi: 4507450(DNA) and 301/UG = Hs.1406 trefoil factor 1 (breast(amino acid)cancer, estrogen-inducible sequenceexpressed in) /FL = gb: NM_003225.1”ZFYVE21: zinc“gb: NM_024071.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens219929_s_atfinger, FYVEhypothetical protein MGC2550domain containing(MGC2550), mRNA. /FEA = mRNA21 (LOC79038)/GEN = MGC2550 /PROD = hypotheticalSEQ ID NOS: 103protein MGC2550(DNA) and 302/DB_XREF = gi: 13129053(amino acid)/UG = Hs.318498 hypothetical proteinMGC2550 /FL = gb: BC001130.1gb: NM_024071.1”ATP5G2: ATP“gb: D13119.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens P2208764_s_atprotonsynthase, H+mRNA for ATP synthase subunit c,transporttransporting,complete cds. /FEA = mRNA /GEN = P2mitochondrial F0/PROD = ATP synthase subunit ccomplex, subunit cprecursor /DB_XREF = gi: 285909(subunit 9),/UG = Hs.89399 ATP synthase, H+isoform 2transporting, mitochondrial F0 complex,(LOC517)subunit c (subunit 9), isoform 2SEQ ID NOS: 104/FL = gb: D13119.1”(DNA) and 303(amino acid)EGFL5: EGF-like-“Consensus includes gb: W68084212830_atmetabolismdomain, multiple 5/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 1376954(LOC1955)/DB_XREF = est: zd42f12.s1SEQ ID NOS: 105/CLONE = IMAGE: 343343 /UG = Hs.5599(DNA) and 304EGF-like-domain, multiple 5”(amino acid)MCCC2:“gb: AB050049.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens209624_s_atleucinemethylcrotonoyl-mccb mRNA for non-biotin containingcatabolismCoenzyme Asubunit of 3-methylcrotonyl-CoAcarboxylase 2carboxylase, complete cds.(beta)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = mccb /PROD = non-(LoC64087)biotin containing subunit of3-SEQ ID NOS: 106methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase(DNA) and 305/DB_XREF = gi: 10934058(amino acid)/UG = Hs.167531 methylcrotonoyl-Coenzyme A carboxylase 2 (beta)/FL = gb: AB050049.1 gb: AF310971.1gb: AF301000.1 gb: NM_022132.2”ABAT: 4-“gb: AF237813.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens209460_ataminobutyrateNPD009 mRNA, complete cds.aminotransferase/FEA = mRNA /PROD = NPD009(LOC18)/DB_XREF = gi: 9963907SEQ ID NOS: 107/UG = Hs.283675 NPD009 protein(DNA) and 306/FL = gb: NM_020686.1 gb: AF237813.1”(amino acid)—: Clone“Consensus includes gb: AV700224208774_atsignalIMAGE: 3869896,/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 10302195transductionmRNA/DB_XREF = est: AV700224(LOC388434)/CLONE = GKCARG01 /UG = Hs.75852SEQ ID NOS: 108casein kinase 1, delta(DNA)/FL = gb: BC003558.1”FEM1B: fem-1Consensus includes gb: AI799061212367_atinductionhomolog b (C. elegans)/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 5364533of(LOC10116)/DB_XREF = est: we98a10.x1apoptosisSEQ ID NOS: 109/CLONE = IMAGE: 2349114(DNA) and 307/UG = Hs.6048 FEM-1 (C. elegans)(amino acid)homolog b /FL = gb: AF178632.1gb: NM_015322.1 gb: AF204883.1SLC35A1: solute“gb: NM_006416.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens203306_s_atcarrier family 35solute carrier family 35 (CMP-sialic acid(CMP-sialic acidtransporter), member 1 (SLC35A1),transporter),mRNA. /FEA = mRNA /GEN = SLC35A1member A1/PROD = solute carrier family 35 (CMP-(LOC10559)sialic acidtransporter), member 1SEQ ID NOS: 110/DB_XREF = gi: 5453620 /UG = Hs.82921(DNA) and 308solute carrier family 35 (CMP-sialic acid(amino acid)transporter), member 1 /FL = gb: D87969.1gb: NM_006416.1”ZNF607: zincConsensus includes gb: AL560017200658_s_atDNAfinger protein 607/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 12906073metabolism(LOC84775)/DB_XREF = est: AL560017SEQ ID NOS: 111/CLONE = CS0DG004YD08 (5 prime)(DNA) and 309/UG = Hs.75323 prohibitin(amino acid)/FL = gb: NM_002634.2FLJ11164:“gb: NM_018346.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens218307_athypotheticalhypothetical protein FLJ11164protein FLJ11164(FLJ11164), mRNA. /FEA = mRNA(LOC55316)/GEN = FLJ11164 /PROD = hypotheticalSEQ ID NOS: 112protein FLJ11164(DNA) and 310/DB_XREF = gi: 8922910 /UG = Hs.8033(amino acid)hypothetical protein FLJ11164/FL = gb: NM_018346.1”ABAT: 4-“gb: NM_000663.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens206527_ataminobutyrateaminobutyrate4-aminobutyrate aminotransferasemetabolismaminotransferase(ABAT), nuclear gene encoding(LOC18)mitochondrial protein, mRNA.SEQ ID NOS: 113/FEA = mRNA /GEN = ABAT /PROD = 4-(DNA) and 311aminobutyrate aminotransferase(amino acid)precursor /DB_XREF = gi: 4501846/UG = Hs.1588 4-aminobutyrateaminotransferase /FL = gb: NM_000663.1gb: L32961.1”SLC19A2: solute“gb: AF153330.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens209681_atsmallcarrier family 19thiamine carrier 1 (TC1) mRNA,molecule(thiaminecomplete cds. /FEA = mRNA /GEN = TC1transporttransporter),/PROD = thiamine carrier 1member 2/DB_XREF = gi: 5453325 /UG = Hs.30246(LOC10560)solute carrier family 19 (thiamineSEQ ID NOS: 114transporter), member 2(DNA) and 312/FL = gb: AF153330.1 gb: AF135488.1(amino acid)gb: AF160812.1”SLC9A3R1: solute“gb: NM_004252.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens201349_atintracellularcarrier family 9solute carrier family 9 (sodiumhydrogensignaling(sodium/hydrogenexchanger), isoform 3 regulatory factor 1cascadeexchanger),(SLC9A3R1), mRNA. /FEA = mRNAisoform 3 regulator/GEN = SLC9A3R1 /PROD = solute carrier1 (LOC9368)family 9 (sodiumhydrogenexchanger),SEQ ID NOS: 115isoform 3 regulatory factor 1(DNA) and 313/DB_XREF = gi: 4759139(amino acid)/UG = Hs.184276 solute carrier family 9(sodiumhydrogen exchanger), isoform 3regulatory factor 1 /FL = gb: BC001443.1gb: BC003361.1 gb: AF036241.1gb: AF015926.1 gb: NM_004252.1”ICA1: islet cell“gb: L21181.1 /DEF = Human autoantigen210547_x_atautoantigen 1,p69 mRNA, complete cds. /FEA = mRNA69 kDa (LOC3382)/PROD = autoantigen p69SEQ ID NOS: 116/DB_XREF = gi: 437366 /UG = Hs.167927(DNA) and 314islet cell autoantigen 1 (69 kD)(amino acid)/FL = gb: L21181.1”CIRBP: cold“gb: NM_001280.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens200811_atresponseinducible RNAcold inducible RNA-binding proteinto coldbinding protein(CIRBP), mRNA. /FEA = mRNA(LOC1153)/GEN = CIRBP /PROD = cold inducibleSEQ ID NOS: 117RNA-binding protein(DNA) and 315/DB_XREF = gi: 4502846(amino acid)/UG = Hs.119475 cold inducible RNA-binding protein /FL = gb: D78134.1gb: BC000403.1 gb: BC000901.1gb: AF021336.1 gb: NM_001280.1”C14orf114:“gb: NM_018199.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens218363_atchromosome 14hypothetical protein FLJ10738open reading(FLJ10738), mRNA. /FEA = mRNAframe 114/GEN = FLJ10738 /PROD = hypothetical(LOC55218)protein FLJ10738SEQ ID NOS: 118/DB_XREF = gi: 8922630 /UG = Hs.5457(DNA) and 316hypothetical protein FLJ10738(amino acid)/FL = gb: BC001962.1 gb: NM_018199.1”GREB1: GREB1“gb: NM_014668.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens205862_atproteinKIAA0575 gene product (KIAA0575),(LOC9687)mRNA. /FEA = mRNA /GEN = KIAA0575SEQ ID NOS: 119/PROD = KIAA0575 gene product(DNA) and 317/DB_XREF = gi: 7662187(amino acid)/UG = Hs.193914 KIAA0575 geneproduct /FL = gb: AB011147.1gb: NM_014668.1”ESR1: estrogen“gb: NM_000125.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens205225_atnuclearreceptor 1estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1), mRNA.hormone(LOC2099)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = ESR1receptor,SEQ ID NOS: 120/PROD = estrogen receptor 1cellular(DNA) and 318/DB_XREF = gi: 4503602 /UG = Hs.1657proliferation(amino acid)estrogen receptor 1and/FL = gb: NM_000125.1”differentiationABAT: 4-“gb: AF237813.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens209459_s_ataminobutyrateNPD009 mRNA, complete cds.aminotransferase/FEA = mRNA /PROD = NPD009(LOC18)/DB_XREF = gi: 9963907SEQ ID NOS: 121/UG = Hs.283675 NPD009 protein(DNA) and 319/FL = gb: NM_020686.1 gb: AF237813.1”(amino acid)ABCG1: ATP-“gb: NM_004915.2 /DEF = Homo sapiens204567_s_atsmallbinding cassette,ATP-binding cassette, sub-family Gmoleculesub-family G(WHITE), member 1 (ABCG1),transport(WHITE), membertranscript variant 1, mRNA.1 (LOC9619)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = ABCG1SEQ ID NOS: 122/PROD = ATP-binding cassette sub-(DNA) and 320family G member 1isoform a(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 8051574 /UG = Hs.10237ATP-binding cassette, sub-family G(WHITE), member 1/FL = gb: NM_004915.2”SLC35B1: solute“gb: NM_005827.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens202433_attransportcarrier family 35,UDP-galactose transporter relatedmember B1(UGTREL1), mRNA. /FEA = mRNA(LOC10237)/GEN = UGTREL1 /PROD = UDP-SEQ ID NOS: 123galactose transporter related(DNA) and 321/DB_XREF = gi: 5032212(amino acid)/UG = Hs.154073 UDP-galactosetransporter related /FL = gb: D87989.1gb: NM_005827.1”TOB1: transducer“Consensus includes gb: AA675892202704_atnegativeof ERBB2, 1/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 2775239regulation(LOC10140)/DB_XREF = est: b03503sof cellSEQ ID NOS: 124/CLONE = b03503 /UG = Hs.178137proliferation(DNA) and 322transducer of ERBB2, 1(amino acid)/FL = gb: D38305.1 gb: NM_005749.1”FOXA1: forkhead“gb: NM_004496.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens204667_atregulationbox A1hepatocyte nuclear factor 3, alphaof(LOC3169)(HNF3A), mRNA. /FEA = mRNAtranscription,SEQ ID NOS: 125/GEN = HNF3A /PROD = hepatocyteDNA-(DNA) and 323nuclear factor 3, alphadependent(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 4758533/UG = Hs.299867 hepatocyte nuclearfactor 3, alpha /FL = gb: U39840.1gb: NM_004496.1”LARGE: like-“Consensus includes gb: AB011181.2215543_s_atmuscleglycosyltransferase/DEF = Homo sapiens mRNA formaintenance,(LOC9215)KIAA0609 protein, partial cds.glycosphingolipidSEQ ID NOS: 126/FEA = mRNA /GEN = KIAA0609biosynthesis(DNA) and 324/PROD = KIAA0609 protein(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 6683718 /UG = Hs.25220like-glycosyltransferase”AKT1: v-akt“gb: NM_005163.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens207163_s_atsignalmurine thymomav-akt murine thymoma viral oncogenetransductionviral oncogenehomolog 1 (AKT1), mRNA.homolog 1/FEA = mRNA /GEN = AKT1(LOC207)/PROD = serinethreonine protein kinaseSEQ ID NOS: 127/DB_XREF = gi: 4885060 /UG = Hs.71816(DNA) and 325v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene(amino acid)homolog 1 /FL = gb: M63167.1gb: NM_005163.1”CTPS2: CTP“gb: NM_019857.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens219080_s_atsynthase IICTP synthase II (CTPS2), mRNA.(LOC56474)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = CTPS2SEQ ID NOS: 128/PROD = CTP synthase II(DNA) and 326/DB_XREF = gi: 9789918 /UG = Hs.58553(amino acid)CTP synthase II /FL = gb: AF226667.1gb: NM_019857.1”RBM8A: RNAConsensus includes gb: AI738479214113_s_atnuclearbinding motif/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 5100460mRNAprotein 8A/DB_XREF = est: wi32d06.x1splicing,(LOC9939)/CLONE = IMAGE: 2391947viaSEQ ID NOS: 129/UG = Hs.65648 RNA binding motifspliceosome(DNA) and 327protein 8A(amino acid)SIAH2: seven in“gb: U76248.1 /DEF = Human hSIAH2209339_atsmallabsentia homologmRNA, complete cds. /FEA = mRNAGTPase2 (Drosophila)/PROD = hSIAH2mediated(LOC6478)/DB_XREF = gi: 2673967 /UG = Hs.20191signalSEQ ID NOS: 130seven in absentia (Drosophila) homologtransduction(DNA) and 3282 /FL = gb: U76248.1 gb: NM_005067.1”(amino acid)FLJ13855:“gb: NM_023079.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens217750_s_atubiquitinhypotheticalhypothetical protein FLJ13855cycleprotein FLJ13855(FLJ13855), mRNA. /FEA = mRNA(LOC65264)/GEN = FLJ13855 /PROD = hypotheticalSEQ ID NOS: 131protein FLJ13855(DNA) and 329/DB_XREF = gi: 12751494(amino acid)/UG = Hs.168232 hypothetical proteinFLJ13855 /FL = gb: NM_023079.1”ITPK1: inositol“gb: AF279372.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens210740_s_atsignal1,3,4-triphosphateinositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate 56-kinasetransduction5/6 kinasemRNA, complete cds. /FEA = mRNA(LOC3705)/PROD = inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate 56-SEQ ID NOS: 132kinase /DB_XREF = gi: 12006345(DNA) and 330/UG = Hs.6453 inositol 1,3,4-triphosphate(amino acid)56 kinase /FL = gb: AF279372.1”SEPX1:“gb: NM_016332.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens217977_atselenoprotein X, 1selenoprotein X, 1 (SEPX1), mRNA.(LOC51734)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = SEPX1SEQ ID NOS: 133/PROD = selenoprotein X, 1(DNA) and 331/DB_XREF = gi: 7706510(amino acid)/UG = Hs.279623 selenoprotein X, 1/FL = gb: AF187272.1 gb: BC003127.1gb: AF166124.1 gb: NM_016332.1”IRX5: iroquois“gb: U90304.1 /DEF = Human iroquois-210239_atregulationhomeobox proteinclass homeodomain protein IRX-2aof5 (LOC10265)mRNA, complete cds. /FEA = mRNAtranscription,SEQ ID NOS: 134/PROD = iroquois-class homeodomainDNA-(DNA) and 332protein IRX-2a /DB_XREF = gi: 1899219dependent(amino acid)/UG = Hs.25351 iroquois homeoboxprotein 5 /FL = gb: U90304.1gb: NM_005853.1”PTEN:“gb: BC005821.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens,211711_s_atregulationphosphatase andphosphatase and tensin homologof CDKtensin homolog(mutated in multiple advanced cancersactivity(mutated in1), clone MGC: 11227, mRNA, completemultiple advancedcds. /FEA = mRNA /PROD = phosphatasecancers 1)and tensin homolog (mutated inmultiple(LOC5728)advanced cancers 1)SEQ ID NOS: 135/DB_XREF = gi: 13543309(DNA) and 333/FL = gb: BC005821.1”(amino acid)DP1: polyposis“gb: BC000232.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens,208873_s_atlocus protein 1Similar to deleted in polyposis 1, clone(LOC7905)MGC: 2267, mRNA, complete cds.SEQ ID NOS: 136/FEA = mRNA /PROD = Similar to deleted(DNA) and 334in polyposis 1 /DB_XREF = gi: 12652946(amino acid)/UG = Hs.178112 DNA segment, singlecopy probe LNS-CAILNS-CAII (deletedin polyposis /FL = gb: BC000232.1”KIAA1002:“gb: NM_014925.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens203831_atKIAA1002 proteinKIAA1002 protein (KIAA1002), mRNA.(LOC22864)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = KIAA1002SEQ ID NOS: 137/PROD = KIAA1002 protein(DNA) and 335/DB_XREF = gi: 7662441(amino acid)/UG = Hs.102483 KIAA1002 protein/FL = gb: AB023219.1 gb: AF113695.1gb: NM_014925.1”PDCD4:“Consensus includes gb: N92498212593_s_atapoptosisprogrammed cell/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 1264807death 4 (neoplastic/DB_XREF = est: zb28a04.s1transformation/CLONE = IMAGE: 304878inhibitor)/UG = Hs.326248 Homo sapiens cDNA:(LOC27250)FLJ22071 fis, clone HEP11691”SEQ ID NOS: 138(DNA) and 336(amino acid)APPBP2: amyloidConsensus includes gb: AV681579202629_atintracellularbeta precursor/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 10283442proteinprotein/DB_XREF = est: AV681579transport(cytoplasmic tail)/CLONE = GKBAFE05 /UG = Hs.84084binding protein 2amyloid beta precursor protein(LOC10513)(cytoplasmic tail)-binding protein 2SEQ ID NOS: 139/FL = gb: AF017782.1 gb: NM_006380.1(DNA) and 337(amino acid)ACVR1B: activinConsensus includes gb: AL117643.1213198_attransmembraneA receptor, type IB/DEF = Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNAreceptor(LOC91)DKFZp434M245 (from cloneproteinSEQ ID NOS: 140DKFZp434M245). /FEA = mRNAserine/threonine(DNA) and 338/DB_XREF = gi: 5912233 /UG = Hs.5288kinase(amino acid)Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNAsignalingDKFZp434M245 (from clonepathwayDKFZp434M245)TLE3: transducin-Consensus includes gb: AW873621212770_atregulationlike enhancer of/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 8007674ofsplit 3 (E(sp1)/DB_XREF = est: ho64d03.x1transcription,homolog,/CLONE = IMAGE: 3042149DNA-Drosophila)/UG = Hs.31305 KIAA1547 proteindependent(LOC7090)SEQ ID NOS: 141(DNA) and 339(amino acid)CIRBP: cold“gb: NM_001280.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens200810_s_atresponseinducible RNAcold inducible RNA-binding proteinto coldbinding protein(CIRBP), mRNA. /FEA = mRNA(LOC1153)/GEN = CIRBP /PROD = cold inducibleSEQ ID NOS: 142RNA-binding protein(DNA) and 340/DB_XREF = gi: 4502846(amino acid)/UG = Hs.119475 cold inducible RNA-binding protein /FL = gb: D78134.1gb: BC000403.1 gb: BC000901.1gb: AF021336.1 gb: NM_001280.1”ABCA3: ATP-“gb: NM_001089.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens204343_atdrugbinding cassette,ATP-binding cassette, sub-family Aresistancesub-family A(ABC1), member 3 (ABCA3), mRNA.(ABC1), member/FEA = mRNA /GEN = ABCA33 (LOC21)/PROD = ATP-binding cassette, sub-SEQ ID NOS: 143family A member 3(DNA) and 341/DB_XREF = gi: 4501848 /UG = Hs.26630(amino acid)ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A(ABC1), member 3 /FL = gb: U78735.1gb: NM_001089.1”MTSS1:“gb: NM_014751.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens203037_s_atmetastasisKIAA0429 gene product (KIAA0429),suppressor 1mRNA. /FEA = mRNA /GEN = KIAA0429(LOC9788)/PROD = KIAA0429 gene productSEQ ID NOS: 144/DB_XREF = gi: 7662113 /UG = Hs.77694(DNA) and 342KIAA0429 gene product(amino acid)/FL = gb: AB007889.1 gb: NM_014751.1”CA12: carbonic“gb: NM_001218.2 /DEF = Homo sapiens203963_atone-anhydrase XIIcarbonic anhydrase XII (CA12), mRNA.carbon(LOC771)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = CA12compoundSEQ ID NOS: 145/PROD = carbonic anhydrase XIImetabolism(DNA) and 343precursor /DB_XREF = gi: 9951924(amino acid)/UG = Hs.5338 carbonic anhydrase XII/FL = gb: AF037335.1 gb: AF051882.1gb: NM_001218.2”FRAT2: frequently“gb: AB045118.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens209864_atrearranged inFRAT2 mRNA, complete cds.advanced T-cell/FEA = mRNA /GEN = FRAT2lymphomas 2/PROD = FRAT2(LOC23401)/DB_XREF = gi: 13365650SEQ ID NOS: 146/UG = Hs.140720 GSK-3 binding protein(DNA) and 344FRAT2 /FL = gb: AB045118.1”(amino acid)SUPT4H1:“gb: NM_003168.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens201484_atchromatinsuppressor of Ty 4suppressor of Ty (S. cerevisiae) 4modelinghomolog 1 (S. cerevisiae)homolog 1 (SUPT4H1), mRNA.(LOC6827)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = SUPT4H1SEQ ID NOS: 147/PROD = suppressor of Ty (S. cerevisiae) 4(DNA) and 345homolog 1 /DB_XREF = gi: 4507310(amino acid)/UG = Hs.79058 suppressor of Ty(S. cerevisiae) 4 homolog 1/FL = gb: BC002802.1 gb: U43923.1gb: U38818.1 gb: U38817.1gb: NM_003168.1”UBPH: similar to“gb: NM_019116.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens205687_atubiquitin bindingsimilar to ubiquitin binding proteinprotein(UBPH), mRNA. /FEA = mRNA(LOC56061)/GEN = UBPH /PROD = similar toSEQ ID NOS: 148ubiquitin binding protein(DNA) and 346/DB_XREF = gi: 9507222(amino acid)/UG = Hs.288620 similar to ubiquitinbinding protein /FL = gb: NM_019116.1”MGC50853:“Consensus includes gb: AL043266212400_athypothetical/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 5935844protein/DB_XREF = est: DKFZp434L1423_s1MGC50853/CLONE = DKFZp434L1423(LOC399665)/UG = Hs.111334 ferritin, lightSEQ ID NOS: 149polypeptide”(DNA) and 347(amino acid)TBL1X:Consensus includes gb: AV753028213400_s_atsignaltransducin (beta)-/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 10910876transductionlike 1X-linked/DB_XREF = est: AV753028(LOC6907)/CLONE = NPDBCD07 /UG = Hs.76536SEQ ID NOS: 150transducin (beta)-like 1(DNA) and 348(amino acid)FLJ11280:Consensus includes gb: AL561943221856_s_athypothetical/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 12909874protein FLJ11280/DB_XREF = est: AL561943(LOC55793)/CLONE = CS0DB002YO04 (3 prime)SEQ ID NOS: 151/UG = Hs.3346 hypothetical protein(DNA) and 349FLJ11280(amino acid)RHOB: ras“Consensus includes gb: AI263909212099_atRhohomolog gene/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 3872112proteinfamily, member B/DB_XREF = est: qi08f09.x1signal(LOC388)/CLONE = IMAGE: 1855913transductionSEQ ID NOS: 152/UG = Hs.204354 ras homolog gene(DNA) and 350family, member B(amino acid)/FL = gb: NM_004040.1”LASS6: LAG1“Consensus includes gb: BG289001212442_s_atlongevity/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 13044404assurance homolog/DB_XREF = est: 602381262F16 (S. cerevisiae)/CLONE = IMAGE: 4499078(LOC253782)/UG = Hs.101282 Homo sapiens cDNA:SEQ ID NOS: 153FLJ21238 fis, clone COL01115”(DNA) and 351(amino acid)KIAA0515:“Consensus includes gb: AB011087.1212068_s_atKIAA0515/DEF = Homo sapiens mRNA for(LOC84726)KIAA0515 protein, partial cds.SEQ ID NOS: 154/FEA = mRNA /GEN = KIAA0515(DNA)/PROD = KIAA0515 protein/DB_XREF = gi: 3043553/UG = Hs.108945 KIAA0515 protein”MCCC2:Consensus includes gb: AW439494209623_atmethylcrotonoyl-/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 6974800Coenzyme A/DB_XREF = est: xt19c01.x1carboxylase 2/CLONE = IMAGE: 2779584(beta)/UG = Hs.167531 methylcrotonoyl-(LOC64087)Coenzyme A carboxylase 2 (beta)SEQ ID NOS: 155/FL = gb: AB050049.1 gb: AF310971.1(DNA) and 352gb: AF301000.1 gb: NM_022132.2(amino acid)TFF3: trefoil“gb: NM_003226.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens204623_atphosphoenolpyruvate-factor 3 (intestinal)trefoil factor 3 (intestinal) (TFF3),dependent(LOC7033)mRNA. /FEA = mRNA /GEN = TFF3sugarSEQ ID NOS: 156/PROD = trefoil factor 3 (intestinal)phosphotransferase(DNA) and 353/DB_XREF = gi: 4507452 /UG = Hs.82961system(amino acid)trefoil factor 3 (intestinal)/FL = gb: L08044.1 gb: L15203.1gb: NM_003226.1”GATA3: GATAConsensus includes gb: AI796169209603_atdefensebinding protein 3/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 5361632response(LOC2625)/DB_XREF = est: wh43d10.x1SEQ ID NOS: 157/CLONE = IMAGE: 2383507(DNA) and 354/UG = Hs.169946 GATA-binding protein(amino acid)3 /FL = gb: BC003070.1 gb: M69106.1gb: NM_002051.1CEBPA:“gb: NM_004364.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens204039_atCCAAT/enhancerCCAATenhancer binding proteinbinding protein(CEBP), alpha (CEBPA), mRNA.(C/EBP), alpha/FEA = mRNA /GEN = CEBPA(LOC1050)/PROD = CCAATenhancer bindingSEQ ID NOS: 158protein (CEBP), alpha(DNA) and 355/DB_XREF = gi: 4757971 /UG = Hs.76171(amino acid)CCAATenhancer binding protein(CEBP), alpha /FL = gb: NM_004364.1”LOC92482:“Consensus includes gb: AK025724.1213224_s_athypothetical/DEF = Homo sapiens cDNA: FLJ22071protein LOC92482fis, clone HEP11691. /FEA = mRNA(LOC92482)/DB_XREF = gi: 10438333SEQ ID NOS: 159/UG = Hs.326248 Homo sapiens cDNA:(DNA)FLJ22071 fis, clone HEP11691”FLJ13910:Consensus includes gb: BF671894212482_athypothetical/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 11945789protein FLJ13910/DB_XREF = est: 602151796F1(LOC64795)/CLONE = IMAGE: 4292999SEQ ID NOS: 160/UG = Hs.75277 hypothetical protein(DNA) and 356FLJ13910(amino acid)C14orf130:“gb: NM_018108.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens218108_atchromosome 14hypothetical protein FLJ10483open reading(FLJ10483), mRNA. /FEA = mRNAframe 130/GEN = FLJ10483 /PROD = hypothetical(LOC55148)protein FLJ10483SEQ ID NOS: 161/DB_XREF = gi: 8922451 /UG = Hs.6877(DNA) and 357hypothetical protein FLJ10483(amino acid)/FL = gb: NM_018108.1”CDKN1B: cyclin-“gb: BC001971.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens,209112_atregulationdependent kinaseSimilar to cyclin-dependent kinaseof CDKinhibitor 1B (p27,inhibitor 1B (p27, Kip1), cloneactivityKip1) (LOC1027)MGC: 5304, mRNA, complete cds.SEQ ID NOS: 162/FEA = mRNA /PROD = Similar to cyclin-(DNA) and 358dependent kinase inhibitor 1B(p27, Kip1)(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 12805034/UG = Hs.238990 cyclin-dependent kinaseinhibitor 1B (p27, Kip1)/FL = gb: BC001971.1 gb: NM_004064.1gb: U10906.1 gb: AF247551.1gb: AY004255.1”APPBP2: amyloid“gb: NM_006380.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens202631_s_atintracellularbeta precursoramyloid beta precursor proteinproteinprotein(cytoplasmic tail)-binding protein 2transport(cytoplasmic tail)(APPBP2), mRNA. /FEA = mRNAbinding protein 2/GEN = APPBP2 /PROD = amyloid beta(LOC10513)precursor protein (cytoplasmictail)-SEQ ID NOS: 163binding protein 2(DNA) and 359/DB_XREF = gi: 5453552 /UG = Hs.84084(amino acid)amyloid beta precursor protein(cytoplasmic tail)-binding protein 2/FL = gb: AF017782.1 gb: NM_006380.1”LOC81558:“gb: NM_030802.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens221249_s_atC/EBP-inducedCEBP-induced protein (LOC81558),proteinmRNA. /FEA = mRNA /GEN = LOC81558(LOC81558)/PROD = CEBP-induced proteinSEQ ID NOS: 164/DB_XREF = gi: 13540589(DNA) and 360/FL = gb: NM_030802.1”(amino acid)FLJ20274:Consensus includes gb: AL134904213025_athypothetical/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 6603091protein FLJ20274/DB_XREF = est: DKFZp762M0710_s1(LOC55623)/CLONE = DKFZp762M0710SEQ ID NOS: 165/UG = Hs.268371 hypothetical protein(DNA) and 361FLJ20274(amino acid)RAB11A:“gb: NM_004663.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens200864_s_atintracellularRAB11A, memberRAB11A, member RAS oncogene familyproteinRAS oncogene(RAB11A), mRNA. /FEA = mRNAtransportfamily (LOC8766)/GEN = RAB11A /PROD = RAB11A,SEQ ID NOS: 166member RAS oncogene family(DNA) and 362/DB_XREF = gi: 4758983 /UG = Hs.75618(amino acid)RAB11A, member RAS oncogene family/FL = gb: AF000231.1 gb: NM_004663.1”—: MRNA; cDNAConsensus includes gb: BE967207212114_atDKFZp313P052/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 11773627(from clone/DB_XREF = est: 601661094R1DKFZp313P052)/CLONE = IMAGE: 3916174(LOC387869)/UG = Hs.165590 ribosomal protein S13SEQ ID NOS: 167(DNA) and 363(amino acid)NPEPPS:“Consensus includes gb: AJ132583.1201455_s_atproteolysisaminopeptidase/DEF = Homo sapiens mRNA forandpuromycinpuromycin sensitive aminopeptidase,peptidolysissensitivepartial. /FEA = mRNA(LOC9520)/PROD = puromycin sensitiveSEQ ID NOS: 168aminopeptidase /DB_XREF = gi: 4210725(DNA) and 364/UG = Hs.293007 aminopeptidase(amino acid)puromycin sensitive/FL = gb: NM_006310.1”UBL3: ubiquitin-“gb: AF044221.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens201534_s_atlike 3 (LOC5412)HCG-1 protein (HCG-1) mRNA,SEQ ID NOS: 169complete cds. /FEA = mRNA(DNA) and 365/GEN = HCG-1 /PROD = HCG-1 protein(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 4105251/UG = Hs.173091 ubiquitin-like 3/FL = gb: AF044221.1 gb: AL080177.1gb: NM_007106.1”BAMBI: BMP and“gb: NM_012342.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens203304_atactivin membrane-putative transmembrane protein (NMA),bound inhibitormRNA. /FEA = mRNA /GEN = NMAhomolog (Xenopus/PROD = putative transmembrane proteinlaevis)/DB_XREF = gi: 6912533 /UG = Hs.78776(LOC25805)putative transmembrane proteinSEQ ID NOS: 170/FL = gb: U23070.1 gb: NM_012342.1”(DNA) and 366(amino acid)GABPB2: GA“gb: NM_005254.2 /DEF = Homo sapiens204618_s_atregulationbinding proteinGA-binding protein transcription factor,oftranscriptionbeta subunit 1 (53 kD) (GABPB1),transcriptionfactor, beta subunittranscript variant beta, mRNA.DNA-2, 47 kDa/FEA = mRNA /GEN = GABPB1dependent(LOC2553)/PROD = GA-binding proteinSEQ ID NOS: 171transcription factor, betasubunit 1(DNA) and 367(53 kD), isoform beta 1(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 8051592 /UG = Hs.78915GA-binding protein transcription factor,beta subunit 1 (53 kD) /FL = gb: U13045.1gb: NM_005254.2”MAPT:“gb: J03778.1 /DEF = Human microtubule-206401_s_atmicrotubulemicrotubule-associated protein tau mRNA, completecytoskeletonassociated proteincds. /FEA = mRNA /GEN = MTBT1organizationtau (LOC4137)/DB_XREF = gi: 338684 /UG = Hs.101174andSEQ ID NOS: 172microtubule-associated protein taubiogenesis(DNA) and 368/FL = gb: BC000558.1 gb: J03778.1(amino acid)gb: NM_016841.1”WBSCR21:Consensus includes gb: AI923458221927_s_atWilliams Beuren/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 5659422syndrome/DB_XREF = est: wn85h04.x1chromosome/CLONE = IMAGE: 2452663region 21/UG = Hs.182476 Homo sapiens clone(LOC83451)PP1226 unknown mRNASEQ ID NOS: 173(DNA) and 369(amino acid)ZNF278: zinc“gb: AF242522.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens211392_s_atfinger protein 278krueppel-related zinc finger protein(LOC23598)SBZF5 mRNA, complete cds.SEQ ID NOS: 174/FEA = mRNA /PROD = krueppel-related(DNA) and 370zinc finger protein SBZF5(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 9802041 /UG = Hs.27801zinc finger protein 278/FL = gb: AF242522.1”SUPT4H1:“gb: BC002802.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens,201483_s_atchromatinsuppressor of Ty 4suppressor of Ty (S. cerevisiae) 4modelinghomolog 1 (S. cerevisiae)homolog 1, clone MGC: 3864, mRNA,(LOC6827)complete cds. /FEA = mRNASEQ ID NOS: 175/PROD = suppressor of Ty (S. cerevisiae) 4(DNA) and 371homolog 1 /DB_XREF = gi: 12803910(amino acid)/UG = Hs.79058 suppressor of Ty(S. cerevisiae) 4 homolog 1/FL = gb: BC002802.1 gb: U43923.1gb: U38818.1 gb: U38817.1gb: NM_003168.1”RAB4B: RAB4B,“gb: NM_016154.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens219807_x_atmember RASras-related GTP-binding protein 4boncogene family(RAB4B), mRNA. /FEA = mRNA(LOC53916)/GEN = RAB4B /PROD = ras-related GTP-SEQ ID NOS: 176binding protein 4b(DNA) and 372/DB_XREF = gi: 7706672(amino acid)/UG = Hs.279771 Homo sapiensTR00071289_m (RAB4B), mRNA/FL = gb: AF165522.1 gb: NM_016154.1”PEX11B:“gb: NM_003846.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens202658_atperoxisomeperoxisomalperoxisomal biogenesis factor 11Borganizationbiogenesis factor(PEX11B), mRNA. /FEA = mRNAand11B (LOC8799)/GEN = PEX11B /PROD = peroxisomalbiogenesisSEQ ID NOS: 177biogenesis factor 11B(DNA) and 373/DB_XREF = gi: 4505718 /UG = Hs.83023(amino acid)peroxisomal biogenesis factor 11B/FL = gb: AF093670.1 gb: AB018080.1gb: NM_003846.1”LASS6: LAG1“Consensus includes gb: AI658534212446_s_atlongevity/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 4762104assurance homolog/DB_XREF = est: tu17g01.x16 (S. cerevisiae)/CLONE = IMAGE: 2251344(LOC253782)/UG = Hs.101282 Homo sapiens cDNA:SEQ ID NOS: 178FLJ21238 fis, clone COL01115”(DNA) and 374(amino acid)C10orf86:“gb: BC005212.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens,211376_s_atchromosome 10Similar to hypothetical proteinopen readingFLJ20003, clone MGC: 12228, mRNA,frame 86complete cds. /FEA = mRNA(LOC54780)/PROD = Similar to hypothetical proteinSEQ ID NOS: 179FLJ20003 /DB_XREF = gi: 13528824(DNA) and 375/UG = Hs.258798 hypothetical protein(amino acid)FLJ20003 /FL = gb: BC005212.1”PLEKHF2:“gb: NM_024613.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens218640_s_atpleckstrinhypothetical protein FLJ13187homology domain(FLJ13187), mRNA. /FEA = mRNAcontaining, family/GEN = FLJ13187 /PROD = hypotheticalF (with FYVEprotein FLJ13187domain) member 2/DB_XREF = gi: 13375826(LOC79666)/UG = Hs.29724 hypothetical proteinSEQ ID NOS: 180FLJ13187 /FL = gb: NM_024613.1”(DNA) and 376(amino acid)KIAA0261:“Consensus includes gb: D87450.1212267_atKIAA0261/DEF = Human mRNA for KIAA0261(LOC23063)gene, partial cds. /FEA = mRNASEQ ID NOS: 181/GEN = KIAA0261(DNA) and 377/DB_XREF = gi: 1665788(amino acid)/UG = Hs.154978 KIAA0261 protein”TIP120A: TBP-gb: AL136810.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens208839_s_atinteracting proteinmRNA; cDNA DKFZp434G0222 (from(LOC55832)clone DKFZp434G0222); complete cds.SEQ ID NOS: 182/FEA = mRNA /GEN = DKFZp434G0222(DNA) and 378/PROD = hypothetical protein(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 12053130/UG = Hs.184786 TBP-interacting protein/FL = gb: AL136810.1GATA3: GATAConsensus includes gb: AI796169209602_s_atdefensebinding protein 3/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 5361632response(LOC2625)/DB_XREF = est: wh43d10.x1SEQ ID NOS: 183/CLONE = IMAGE: 2383507(DNA) and 379/UG = Hs.169946 GATA-binding protein(amino acid)3 /FL = gb: BC003070.1 gb: M69106.1gb: NM_002051.1CGI-85: CGI-85“gb: NM_017635.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens218242_s_atproteinhypothetical protein FLJ20039(LOC51111)(FLJ20039), mRNA. /FEA = mRNASEQ ID NOS: 184/GEN = FLJ20039 /PROD = hypothetical(DNA) and 380protein FLJ20039(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 8923045/UG = Hs.267448 hypothetical proteinFLJ20039 /FL = gb: NM_017635.1”C20orf11:“gb: NM_017896.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens218448_atchromosome 20hypothetical protein FLJ20602open reading(FLJ20602), mRNA. /FEA = mRNAframe 11/GEN = FLJ20602 /PROD = hypothetical(LOC54994)protein FLJ20602SEQ ID NOS: 185/DB_XREF = gi: 8923556(DNA) and 381/UG = Hs.103808 hypothetical protein(amino acid)FLJ20602 /FL = gb: NM_017896.1”IGF1R: insulin-Consensus includes gb: H05812203628_atsignallike growth factor/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 869364transduction1 receptor/DB_XREF = est: yl77f04.s1(LOC3480)/CLONE = IMAGE: 44149SEQ ID NOS: 186/UG = Hs.239176 insulin-like growth(DNA) and 382factor 1 receptor /FL = gb: NM_000875.2(amino acid)LOC51315:“gb: NM_016618.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens218303_x_athypotheticalhypothetical protein (LOC51315),protein LOC51315mRNA. /FEA = mRNA /GEN = LOC51315(LOC51315)/PROD = hypothetical proteinSEQ ID NOS: 187/DB_XREF = gi: 7706155 /UG = Hs.5721(DNA) and 383hypothetical protein /FL = gb: AF208845.1(amino acid)gb: AF217520.1 gb: NM_016618.1”PBP: prostatic“gb: NM_002567.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens205353_s_atbinding proteinprostatic binding protein (PBP), mRNA.(LOC5037)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = PBPSEQ ID NOS: 188/PROD = prostatic binding protein(DNA) and 384/DB_XREF = gi: 4505620 /UG = Hs.80423(amino acid)prostatic binding protein/FL = gb: D16111.1 gb: NM_002567.1”KIAA0602:“Cluster Incl. AB011174: Homo sapiens34406_atKIAA0602 proteinmRNA for KIAA0602 protein, partial(LOC23241)cds /cds = (0,2889) /gb = AB011174SEQ ID NOS: 189/gi = 3043727 /ug = Hs.37656 /len = 3428”(DNA)MYST2: MYST“gb: NM_007067.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens200049_atregulationhistonehistone acetyltransferase (HBOA),ofacetyltransferase 2mRNA. /FEA = mRNA /GEN = HBOAtranscription(LOC11143)/PROD = histone acetyltransferaseDNA-SEQ ID NOS: 190/DB_XREF = gi: 5901961 /UG = Hs.21907dependent(DNA) and 385histone acetyltransferase(amino acid)/FL = gb: AF074606.1 gb: AF140360.1gb: NM_007067.1”C6orf211:“gb: NM_024573.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens218195_atchromosome 6hypothetical protein FLJ12910open reading(FLJ12910), mRNA. /FEA = mRNAframe 211/GEN = FLJ12910 /PROD = hypothetical(LOC79624)protein FLJ12910SEQ ID NOS: 191/DB_XREF = gi: 13375745(DNA) and 386/UG = Hs.15929 hypothetical protein(amino acid)FLJ12910 /FL = gb: NM_024573.1”C20orf149:“gb: NM_024299.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens218010_x_atchromosome 20hypothetical protein MGC2479open reading(MGC2479), mRNA. /FEA = mRNAframe 149/GEN = MGC2479 /PROD = hypothetical(LOC79144)protein MGC2479SEQ ID NOS: 192/DB_XREF = gi: 13236523(DNA) and 387/UG = Hs.79625 hypothetical protein(amino acid)MGC2479 /FL = gb: BC002531.1gb: NM_024299.1”LLGL2: lethal“gb: NM_004524.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens203713_s_atgiant larvaelethal giant larvae (Drosophila) homologhomolog 22 (LLGL2), mRNA. /FEA = mRNA(Drosophila)/GEN = LLGL2 /PROD = lethal giant(LOC3993)larvae (Drosophila) homolog 2SEQ ID NOS: 193/DB_XREF = gi: 4758679 /UG = Hs.3123(DNA) and 388lethal giant larvae (Drosophila) homolog(amino acid)2 /FL = gb: NM_004524.1”KIAA0882:Consensus includes gb: AI348094212956_atKIAA0882 protein/FEA = EST /DB_XREF = gi: 4085300(LOC23158)/DB_XREF = est: qp61g12.x1SEQ ID NOS: 194/CLONE = IMAGE: 1927558(DNA) and 389/UG = Hs.90419 KIAA0882 protein(amino acid)CA12: carbonic“gb: BC001012.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens,204508_s_atanhydrase XIIhypothetical protein FLJ20151, clone(LOC771)MGC: 1073, mRNA, complete cds.SEQ ID NOS: 195/FEA = mRNA /PROD = hypothetical(DNA) and 390protein FLJ20151(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 12654376/UG = Hs.279916 hypothetical proteinFLJ20151 /FL = gb: BC001012.1gb: NM_017689.1”SLC2A10: solute“gb: NM_030777.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens221024_s_atglucosecarrier family 2solute carrier family 2 (facilitatedtransport(facilitated glucoseglucose transporter), member 10transporter),(SLC2A10), mRNA. /FEA = mRNAmember 10/GEN = SLC2A10 /PROD = solute carrier(LOC81031)family 2 (facilitated glucosetransporter),SEQ ID NOS: 196member 10 /DB_XREF = gi: 13540546(DNA) and 391/FL = gb: NM_030777.1”(amino acid)TRIM37: tripartite“Consensus includes gb: AK022701.1213009_s_atmotif-containing/DEF = Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ1263937 (LOC4591)fis, clone NT2RM4001938, highlySEQ ID NOS: 197similar to Homo sapiens mRNA for(DNA) and 392KIAA0898 protein. /FEA = mRNA(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 10434250 /UG = Hs.8164Mulibrey nanism”AP1G1: adaptor-“Consensus includes gb: AL050025.1215867_x_atendocytosisrelated protein/DEF = Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNAcomplex 1, gammaDKFZp564D066 (from clone1 subunitDKFZp564D066); partial cds.(LOC164)/FEA = mRNA /GEN = DKFZp564D066SEQ ID NOS: 198/PROD = hypothetical protein(DNA) and 393/DB_XREF = gi: 4884095 /UG = Hs.5344(amino acid)adaptor-related protein complex 1,gamma 1 subunit”UBL3: ubiquitin-“gb: NM_007106.1 /DEF = Homo sapiens201535_atlike 3 (LOC5412)ubiquitin-like 3 (UBL3), mRNA.SEQ ID NOS: 199/FEA = mRNA /GEN = UBL3(DNA) and 394/PROD = ubiquitin-like 3(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 6005927/UG = Hs.173091 ubiquitin-like 3/FL = gb: AF044221.1 gb: AL080177.1gb: NM_007106.1”CYB561:“Consensus includes gb: U06715.1217200_x_atsecretorycytochrome b-561/DEF = Human cytochrome B561,vesicle-(LOC1534)HCYTO B561, mRNA, partial cds.specificSEQ ID NOS: 200/FEA = mRNA /GEN = B561electron(DNA) and 395/PROD = HCYTO B561transport(amino acid)/DB_XREF = gi: 476590 /UG = Hs.153028proteincytochrome b-561”

Certain biomarkers were of particular interest. Microtubule-associated protein tau was identified as one of the resistance markers, and has been shown to bind at the close site of microtubule where Taxol® binds to. It is believed that Taxol® interferes microtubule and Tau interaction, but Tau's interaction seems more resistant than Taxol® (R. Dye et al., J. Biological Chem., 268, 6847-6850 (1993)). Therefore, this further validates the observation that Tau expressing cells are more resistant to ixabepilone treatment as ixabepilone binds at the same site of Taxol® in tubulin. Another interesting resistance biomarker is estrogen receptor. In general, estrogen-receptor status is predictive of response to hormonal treatments. (J. C. Chang et al., Lancet, 362, 362-369 (2003)). However, it was interesting to observe estrogen receptor as a strong marker for the resistance to ixabepilone. ER has not been previously suggested as a predictive marker of a patient's response to chemotherapy. More interestingly, microtubule associated protein tau is estrogen induced (M. West et al., P. N. A. S. USA, 98, 11462-11467 (2001)). ER and Tau were also found as resistance markers in an analysis of Taxol® (data not provided), and this suggests that Tau and ER both are likely to be the resistance markers for microtubule-stabilizing agents such as ixabepilone and Taxol®.

Several other genes appear promising as potential markers including transporter genes (ATP-binding cassette, sub-family G (WHITE), member 1 and ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC 1), member 3), Midline 1 (C. Berti et al., BMC Cell Biol., Feb 29; 5(1):9 (2004)), LMP7 and etc. The differential expression patterns of these biomarkers were distinct between the two phenotypes of the cell lines (sensitive and resistant). In addition, their biological functions are involved in drug resistance mechanism or related with microtubule functions. Furthermore, their differential expression patterns observed within tumors support their potential as response markers.

Microtubule-Stabilizing Agents

Agents that affect microtubule-stabilization are well known in the art. These agents have cytotoxic activity against rapidly proliferating cells, such as, tumor cells or other hyperproliferative cellular disease.

In one aspect, the microtubule-stabilizing agent is an epothilone, or analog or derivative thereof. The epothilones, including analogs and derivatives thereof, may be found to exert microtubule-stabilizing effects similar to paclitaxel (Taxol®) and, hence, cytotoxic activity against rapidly proliferating cells, such as, tumor cells or other hyperproliferative cellular disease.

Suitable microtubule-stabilizing agents are disclosed, for example, in the following PCT publications hereby incorporated by reference: WO93/10121; WO98/22461; WO99/02514; WO99/58534; WO00/39276; WO02/14323; WO02/72085; WO02/98868; WO03/07170; WO03/77903; WO03/78411; WO04/80458; WO04/56832; WO04/14919; WO03/92683; WO03/74053; WO03/57217; WO03/22844; WO03/103712; WO03/07924; WO02/74042; WO02/67941; WO01/81342; WO00/66589; WO00/58254; WO99/43320; WO99/42602; WO99/39694; WO99/16416; WO 99/07692; WO99/03848; WO99/01124; and WO 98/25929.

In another aspect, the microtubule-stabilizing agent is ixabepilone. Ixabepilone is a semi-synthetic analog of the natural product epothilone B that binds to tubulin in the same binding site as paclitaxel, but interacts with tubulin differently. (P. Giannakakou et al., P. N. A. S. USA, 97, 2904-2909 (2000)).

In another aspect, the microtubule-stabilizing agent is a taxane. The taxanes are well known in the art and include, for example, paclitaxel (Taxol®) and docetaxel (Taxotere®).

Biomarkers and Biomarker Sets

The invention includes individual biomarkers and biomarker sets having both diagnostic and prognostic value in disease areas in which microtubule-stabilization and/or cytotoxic activity against rapidly proliferating cells, such as, tumor cells or other hyperproliferative cellular disease is of importance, e.g., in cancers or tumors. The biomarker sets comprise a plurality of biomarkers such as, for example, a plurality of the biomarkers provided in Table 1 and Table 2, that highly correlate with resistance or sensitivity to one or more microtubule-stabilizing agents.

The biomarker sets of the invention enable one to predict or reasonably foretell the likely effect of one or more microtubule-stabilizing agents in different biological systems or for cellular responses. The biomarker sets can be used in in vitro assays of microtubule-stabilizing agent response by test cells to predict in vivo outcome. In accordance with the invention, the various biomarker sets described herein, or the combination of these biomarker sets with other biomarkers or markers, can be used, for example, to predict how patients with cancer might respond to therapeutic intervention with one or more microtubule-stabilizing agents.

A biomarker set of cellular gene expression patterns correlating with sensitivity or resistance of cells following exposure of the cells to one or more microtubule-stabilizing agents provides a useful tool for screening one or more tumor samples before treatment with the microtubule-stabilizing agent. The screening allows a prediction of cells of a tumor sample exposed to one or more microtubule-stabilizing agents, based on the expression results of the biomarker set, as to whether or not the tumor, and hence a patient harboring the tumor, will or will not respond to treatment with the microtubule-stabilizing agent.

The biomarker or biomarker set can also be used as described herein for monitoring the progress of disease treatment or therapy in those patients undergoing treatment for a disease involving a microtubule-stabilizing agent.

The biomarkers also serve as targets for the development of therapies for disease treatment. Such targets may be particularly applicable to treatment of breast cancers or tumors. Indeed, because these biomarkers are differentially expressed in sensitive and resistant cells, their expression patterns are correlated with relative intrinsic sensitivity of cells to treatment with microtubule-stabilizing agents. Accordingly, the biomarkers highly expressed in resistant cells may serve as targets for the development of new therapies for the tumors which are resistant to microtubule-stabilizing agents.

The level of biomarker protein and/or mRNA can be determined using methods well known to those skilled in the art. For example, quantification of protein can be carried out using methods such as ELISA, 2-dimensional SDS PAGE, Western blot, immunopreciptation, immunohistochemistry, fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS), or flow cytometry. Quantification of mRNA can be carried out using methods such as PCR, array hybridization, Northern blot, in-situ hybridization, dot-blot, Taqman, or RNAse protection assay.


The invention also includes specialized microarrays, e.g., oligonucleotide microarrays or cDNA microarrays, comprising one or more biomarkers, showing expression profiles that correlate with either sensitivity or resistance to one or more microtubule-stabilizing agents. Such microarrays can be employed in in vitro assays for assessing the expression level of the biomarkers in the test cells from tumor biopsies, and determining whether these test cells are likely to be resistant or sensitive to microtubule-stabilizing agents. For example, a specialized microarray can be prepared using all the biomarkers, or subsets thereof, as described herein and shown in Table 1 and Table 2. Cells from a tissue or organ biopsy can be isolated and exposed to one or more of the microtubule-stabilizing agents. Following application of nucleic acids isolated from both untreated and treated cells to one or more of the specialized microarrays, the pattern of gene expression of the tested cells can be determined and compared with that of the biomarker pattern from the control panel of cells used to create the biomarker set on the microarray. Based upon the gene expression pattern results from the cells that underwent testing, it can be determined if the cells show a resistant or a sensitive profile of gene expression. Whether or not the tested cells from a tissue or organ biopsy will respond to one or more of the microtubule-stabilizing agents and the course of treatment or therapy can then be determined or evaluated based on the information gleaned from the results of the specialized microarray analysis.


The invention also includes antibodies, including polyclonal or monoclonal, directed against one or more of the polypeptide biomarkers. Such antibodies can be used in a variety of ways, for example, to purify, detect, and target the biomarkers of the invention, including both in vitro and in vivo diagnostic, detection, screening, and/or therapeutic methods.


The invention also includes kits for determining or predicting whether a patient would be susceptible or resistant to a treatment that comprises one or more microtubule-stabilizing agents. The patient may have a cancer or tumor such as, for example, a breast cancer or tumor. Such kits would be useful in a clinical setting for use in testing a patient's biopsied tumor or other cancer samples, for example, to determine or predict if the patient's tumor or cancer will be resistant or sensitive to a given treatment or therapy with a microtubule-stabilizing agent. The kit comprises a suitable container that comprises: one or more microarrays, e.g., oligonucleotide microarrays or cDNA microarrays, that comprise those biomarkers that correlate with resistance and sensitivity to microtubule-stabilizing agents; one or more microtubule-stabilizing agents for use in testing cells from patient tissue specimens or patient samples; and instructions for use. In addition, kits contemplated by the invention can further include, for example, reagents or materials for monitoring the expression of biomarkers of the invention at the level of mRNA or protein, using other techniques and systems practiced in the art such as, for example, RT-PCR assays, which employ primers designed on the basis of one or more of the biomarkers described herein, immunoassays, such as enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), immunoblotting, e.g., Western blots, or in situ hybridization, and the like, as further described herein.

Application of Biomarkers and Biomarker Sets

The biomarkers and biomarker sets may be used in different applications. Biomarker sets can be built from any combination of biomarkers listed in Table 1 and Table 2 to make predictions about the likely effect of any microtubule-stabilizing agent in different biological systems. The various biomarkers and biomarkers sets described herein can be used, for example, as diagnostic or prognostic indicators in disease management, to predict how patients with cancer might respond to therapeutic intervention with a microtubule-stabilizing agent, and to predict how patients might respond to therapeutic intervention that affects microtubule-stabilization and/or cytotoxic activity against rapidly proliferating cells, such as, tumor cells or other hyperproliferative cellular disease.

The biomarkers have both diagnostic and prognostic value in diseases areas in which microtubule-stabilization and/or cytotoxic activity against rapidly proliferating cells, such as, tumor cells or other hyperproliferative cellular disease is of importance.

In accordance with the invention, cells from a patient tissue sample, e.g., a tumor or cancer biopsy, can be assayed to determine the expression pattern of one or more biomarkers prior to treatment with one or more microtubule-stabilizing agents. In one aspect, the tumor or cancer is breast cancer. Success or failure of a treatment can be determined based on the biomarker expression pattern of the cells from the test tissue (test cells), e.g., tumor or cancer biopsy, as being relatively similar or different from the expression pattern of a control set of the one or more biomarkers. Thus, if the test cells show a biomarker expression profile which corresponds to that of the biomarkers in the control panel of cells which are sensitive to the microtubule-stabilizing agent, it is highly likely or predicted that the individual's cancer or tumor will respond favorably to treatment with the microtubule-stabilizing agent. By contrast, if the test cells show a biomarker expression pattern corresponding to that of the biomarkers of the control panel of cells which are resistant to the microtubule-stabilizing agent, it is highly likely or predicted that the individual's cancer or tumor will not respond to treatment with the microtubule-stabilizing agent.

The invention also provides a method of monitoring the treatment of a patient having a disease treatable by one or more microtubule-stabilizing agents. The isolated test cells from the patient's tissue sample, e.g., a tumor biopsy or tumor sample, can be assayed to determine the expression pattern of one or more biomarkers before and after exposure to a microtubule-stabilizing agent. The resulting biomarker expression profile of the test cells before and after treatment is compared with that of one or more biomarkers as described and shown herein to be highly expressed in the control panel of cells that are either resistant or sensitive to a microtubule-stabilizing agent. Thus, if a patient's response is sensitive to treatment by a microtubule-stabilizing agent, based on correlation of the expression profile of the one or biomarkers, the patient's treatment prognosis can be qualified as favorable and treatment can continue. Also, if, after treatment with a microtubule-stabilizing agent, the test cells don't show a change in the biomarker expression profile corresponding to the control panel of cells that are sensitive to the microtubule-stabilizing agent, it can serve as an indicator that the current treatment should be modified, changed, or even discontinued. This monitoring process can indicate success or failure of a patient's treatment with a microtubule-stabilizing agent and such monitoring processes can be repeated as necessary or desired.

The biomarkers of the invention can be used to predict an outcome prior to having any knowledge about a biological system. Essentially, a biomarker can be considered to be a statistical tool. Biomarkers are useful in predicting the phenotype that is used to classify the biological system.

Although the complete function of all of the biomarkers are not currently known, some of the biomarkers are likely to be directly or indirectly involved in microtubule-stabilization and/or cytotoxic activity against rapidly proliferating cells. In addition, some of the biomarkers may function in metabolic or other resistance pathways specific to the microtubule-stabilizing agents tested. Notwithstanding, knowledge about the function of the biomarkers is not a requisite for determining the accuracy of a biomarker according to the practice of the invention.

Example 1
Identification of Biomarkers


Cell Lines and Cytotoxicity Assay

23 breast cancer cell lines were assayed for their sensitivity to ixabepilone. Each cell line was exposed to ixabepilone for 72 hours, and growth inhibition was assessed by the CellTiter 96® Aqueous Non-Radioactive Cell proliferation Assay (Promega) for IC50 measurements. Then, the concentration of the ixabepilone required for 50% growth inhibition was calculated as the IC50. For each experimental condition, at least triplicate measurements were carried out for each cell line. The 23 cell lines were assayed for their IC50 measurements twice, and these two separate IC50 data sets were used for the following analysis.

Training Set Selection

For analysis, training cell lines were chosen in the following manner. The 23 cell lines were assigned into the classes “sensitive” or “resistant” using IC50 values; log(IC50) values were normalized based on the mean and the standard deviation (SD) across the 23 cell lines for each IC50 data set. (J. E. Staunton et al., P.N.A.S. USA. 98, 10787-10792 (2001)) The cell lines with the normalized log(IC50) below the mean of log(IC50)s were classified as sensitive and above as resistant. Subsequently, classification of the cell lines were compared in two separate experiments and 18 cell lines that exhibited consistent IC50 and classification were chosen as a training set for subsequent marker analysis. Five cell lines with inconsistent IC50 and classification were considered to be intermediate and were eliminated from the analysis.

RNA Extraction and Gene Expression Data

The 23 breast cancer cell lines were grown to 50-70% confluent in RPMI media with FBS 10% at 37° C. and 5% CO2. RNA was isolated using the RNeasy Mini kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer's instructions. 10 ug of total RNA was used to prepare biotinylated cRNA targets as described in Affymetrix protocol. Targets were hybridized to Affymetrix high-density HU133 A and B set that consist of 44,000 probe sets containing ˜32,000 genes. The chips were washed and stained using recommended procedures for GeneChip®. Expression values were calculated and scaled to 1500 by using Affymetrix GeneChip® software.

k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) Analysis

GeneCluster software was used to find a set of marker genes. First, genes with greater than 100 average difference were filtered. Then, genes were excluded if they varied by less than 2-fold and 1000 average difference change across 18 training cell lines. Subsequently, intensity units across the cell lines for each gene were normalized to the mean and variance. The genes were ranked according to the correlation between their expression level, and the sensitivity and resistance profile of the training cell lines. A marker gene selection process was carried out by KNN algorithm which fed only the genes with higher correlation with the target class. The KNN algorithm sets the class of the data point to the majority class appearing in the k closest training set samples. This marker selection is done by sorting the genes according to the signal-to-noise statistics, [μ1(g)−μ2(g)]/[σ1(g)+σ2(g)], described as the correlation function where [μ1(g), μ2(g)] and [σ1(g), σ2(g)] denote the means and SDs of the expression levels of gene g for the samples in class 1 and class 2, respectively. The magnitude of correlation values indicates the strength of the correlation between gene expression and class distinction.

Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation Analysis and Random Classification

Predictors with 1-250 genes were used for cross-validation of the training set. For each predictor, cross-validation was performed with the entire training set; one cell line was removed, the classifier was trained on the remaining cell lines and then tested for its ability to classify the withheld cell line. This procedure was repeated for each cell line in the training set. For random classification analysis, GeneCluster was used to generate random class vectors and calculate error rates.

Clustering and Tree View

Gene Expression Data were Analyzed by the Software Cluster and Treeview.

Breast Tumors and Gene Expression Data

RNAs extracted from 175 breast tumors resected at the surgery were obtained from the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden). These RNA samples were profiled using Aftymetrix Human U133 sets and their gene expression data were used for the analysis.


Drug sensitivity data (IC50) was used as a template for determining the phenotype of the cell lines as resistant or sensitive. Initially, two separate IC50 data sets were generated for 23 breast cancer cell lines. As a first step for the analysis, the log(IC50) value for each cell line was calculated and normalized using the mean of log(IC50)s and SD across the cell lines (J. E. Staunton et al., P. N. A. S. USA. 98, 10787-10792 (2001)) in each IC50 data panel. Then the cell lines were divided into two classes using the following method; the normalized log(IC50)s above the mean are defined as resistant and below as sensitive (FIG. 1). After comparing the classification of the cell lines in the two data sets, 18 cell lines that displayed the consistent classification and IC50 values in two separate experiments were selected and utilized for marker selection.

Subsequently, the gene expression data of the 18 cell lines were analyzed to identify genes that were highly correlated with observed phenotype defined as sensitive or resistant. From the GeneCluster analysis, classifiers that consisted of up to 250 correlated genes were selected and tested through leave-one out cross validation; by holding back one cell line, training on the remaining cell lines, predicting the class of the withheld cell line, and repeating this cycle for each cell line in the training set. Each gene was ranked according to the correlation in the training set between its expression level and the sensitivity-resistance class distinction. Each classifier identified from the analysis was evaluated with the error rate as shown in the FIG. 2. In order to assess whether or not the classifiers can be observed by chance, the error rates calculated from random classification were examined. Shown as an example in FIG. 3, error rates generated from random classifications were significantly higher than that from IC50-based classification.

From the GeneCluster analysis, 200 genes (Tables 1 and 2) were identified whose expression levels were highly correlated with the sensitivity-resistance class distinction based on the KNN analysis and the T-test. Among these genes, the 50 marker candidates most closely correlated with sensitivity-resistance class distinction (first 25 sensitive markers of Table 1 and first 25 resistant markers of Table 2) were selected for further analysis.

As shown in FIG. 4, these 50 genes showed distinct expression patterns between sensitive and resistant cell lines. For example, the top 25 markers correlated with sensitivity (one of which was Proteasome subunit, beta type 8 (LMP7)) as shown in FIG. 4 were highly expressed (shown in red) in sensitive cell lines, but at a lower level (shown in blue) in the resistant cell lines. In contrast, the top 25 markers correlated with resistance showed the opposite expression pattern as these genes were highly expressed in the resistant cell lines, but at a lower level in the sensitive cell lines.

Among 200 genes identified, it is interesting to find estrogen receptor (ER) as one of the resistance markers. As shown in FIG. 4, ER expression levels were highly correlated with the resistance to ixabepilone. ER was highly expressed in the resistant cell lines, but its expression was very low in the sensitive cell lines. Although the resistance mechanism of ER is not obvious, the data suggests that ER might be involved in drug resistance associated with microtubule stabilizing agents. In fact, ER was also found as a resistance marker in our analysis of paclitaxel (data not shown). In addition to ER, a microtubule-associated protein, tau (Tau), was also identified as one of the resistance markers. This protein has been proposed to bind close to the Taxol® binding site on β-tubulin and stabilize microtubules in a similar way to Taxol® (S. Kar et al., EMBO J., 22, 70-77. (2003)). Therefore, Tau is likely to affect the Taxol® bound to microtubules and, presumably, ixabepilone in a similar way since ixabepilone binds at the same site as paclitaxel on β-tubulin. Interestingly, Tau is estrogen induced (M. West et al., P. N. A. S. USA, 98, 11462-11467 (2001)). Evidently, they seem to be co-regulated as shown in a plot of Tau expression level against ER (FIG. 5). Their correlation coefficient value is 0.7.

Among the sensitivity markers identified, LMP7 is particularly interesting because it appears to be connected to Tau's function. In general, the proteasome is a multicatalytic proteinase complex responsible for the degradation of most intracellular proteins, including proteins crucial to cell cycle regulation and programmed cell death, or apoptosis (P. Voorhees et al., Clin. Cancer Res., 9, 6316-6325 (2003)). Among many proteins processed by the proteasome, Tau is degraded by the 20S proteasome in vitro in an ubiquitin-independent manner (D. David et al., J. of Neurochemistry, 83, 176-185 (2002)). This supports LMP7 as one of the sensitivity markers because LMP7 presumably facilitates interaction between ixabepilone and microtubules by degrading Tau and making ixabepilone more accessible to the microtubules.

One type of drug resistance mechanism is based on the function of a group of transporter proteins, able to prevent the intracellular accumulation of anticancer drugs by an efflux mechanisms (F. Leonessa et al., Endocr. Relat. Cancer., 10, 43-73 (2003)). Several transporter genes were identified as potential resistance markers as they were highly expressed in the resistant cell lines. These genes include ATP-binding cassette, sub-family G (WHITE), member 1 and ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC 1), member 3. They are ATP dependent transporters which may be involved in lipid transport, and act as an efflux pump for chemotherapeutics drugs respectively (M. Gottesman et al., Nat. Rev. Cancer., Jan; 2(1):48-58 (2002)).

In addition, genes implied in microtubule functions are particularly interesting since ixabepilone is a microtubule-stabilizing agents. Microtubules are essential components of the cytoskeleton and involved in cell motility and transport, and maintenance of cell shape. The dynamic nature of a microtubule whose ability to polymerize and depolymerize, is essential for the segregation of chromosomes during mitosis (C. Bode et al., Biochemistry, 41, 3870-3874 (2002)). Therefore, marker genes such as midline 1 (C. Berti et al., BMC Cell Biol., Feb 29; 5(1):9 (2004)) and annexin A1 (L. C. Alldridge et al., Exp. Cell Res., Oct 15; 290(1):93-107 (2003)) that are implied in those functions can be involved in the mechanism of drug resistance. The biomarkers are categorized by their biological functions in Tables 1 and 2.

To study the use of these genes as response prediction markers in vivo, the expression pattern of these 50 genes in 175 breast cancer biopsies obtained from the Karolinska Institute was examined. The 50 genes were used to cluster the expression patterns of tumors. As shown in FIG. 6, these tumors were found to show patterns of expression that allowed sub-classification of these tumors into distinct groups as seen in the cell line study. Among many genes, Tau and ER were examined in tumors which were identified as resistance markers from cell lines. As shown in the FIG. 7, there is a trend in which Tau and ER seem to correlate as seen in the cell line study. In fact, both genes are highly expressed in a subset of tumors. These tumors are presumed to be non-responders for ixabepilone treatment.

Example 2
Further Evaluation of ER and Tau Biomarkers

Estrogen receptor (ER) and tau (Tau) were identified as biomarkers since their expression patterns were highly correlated with resistance to ixabepilone. In addition, it was found that the ER pathway was the most implicated biological network for resistance to ixabepilone based on the pathway analysis using preclinical candidate markers (FIGS. 9 and 10). Interestingly, Tau was recently identified as the gene most correlated with pathological complete response for T/FAC neoadjuvant treatment in breast cancer patients (M. Ayers et al, J. Clin. Oncol., 22(12):2284-93 (2004); R. Rouzier et al., P.N.A.S., Jun 7; 102(23):8315-20 (2005)). Following this report, our preclinical study on paclitaxel supported the clinical findings of Tau as a novel mediator of paclitaxel sensitivity (P. Wagner et al., Cell Cycle, Sep; 4(9):1149-52 (2005)). ER and Tau were evaluated for their predictability of response to ixabepilone in CA163-080 trial.


CA163-080 Study

CA613-080 is an exploratory genomic phase II study that was conducted in breast cancer patients who received ixabepilone as a neoadjuvant treatment. The primary objective of this study was to identify predictive markers of response to ixabepilone through gene expression profiling of pre-treatment breast cancer biopsies. Patients with invasive stage IIA-IIIB breast adenocarcinoma (tumor size≧3 cm diameter) received 40 mg/m2 ixabepilone as a 3-hour infusion on Day 1 for up to four 21-day cycles, followed by surgery within 3-4 weeks of completion of chemotherapy. A total of 164 patients were enrolled in this study. Biopsies for gene expression analysis were obtained both pre- and post-treatment. Upon isolation of biopsies from the patients, samples were either snap frozen in liquid nitrogen or placed into RNAlater solution overnight, followed by removal from the RNAlater solution. All samples were kept at −70° C. until use.

Evaluation of Pathological Response

Pathological response was assessed using the Sataloff classification system (D. Sataloff et al., J. Am. Coll. Surg., 180(3):297-306 (1995)) and used as an end point for the pharmacogenomic analysis. The pathologic response was evaluated in the primary tumor site at the end of treatment and prior to surgery by assessing histologic changes compared with baseline as following: At the primary tumor site, cellular modifications were evaluated in both the infiltrating tumoral component and in the possible ductal component, to determine viable residual infiltrating component (% of total tumoral mass); residual ductal component (% of total tumoral mass); the mitotic index. Pathologic Complete Response (pCR) in the breast only was defined as T-A, Total or near total therapeutic effect in primary site. Based on this criteria, responders included patients with pCR while non-responders included patients who failed to demonstrate pCR. The response rate was defined as the number of responders divided by the number of treated patients.

Gene Expression Profiling

Total RNA was isolated using the RNeasy Mini kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer's instructions by Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden). A total of 134 patients with more than 1 μg of total RNA with good quality were included in the data set for the final genomic analysis. Samples were profiled in a randomized order by batches to minimize the experimental bias. Each batch consisted of about 15 subject samples and 2 experimental controls using RNA extracted from HeLa cells. The expression profiling was done following a complete randomization with an effort to balance the number of samples from two tissue collection procedures (RNAlater and liquid nitrogen), two mRNA preparation methods (standard and DNA supernatants), tissue collection sites, and time of RNA sample preparation within in each batch. The mRNA samples from each subject was processed with HG-U133A 2.0 GeneChip® arrays on the Affymetrix platform and quantitated with GeneChip® Operating Software (GCOS) V1.0 (Affymetrix). The HG-U133A 2.0 GeneChip® array consists of about 22,276 probe sets, each containing about 15 perfect match and corresponding mismatch 25mer oligonucleotide probes from specific gene sequences.

Gene Expression Data Processing

The gene expression data were transformed using base two logarithm. The Robust Multichip Average (RMA) method (C. Clopper et al., Biometrika, 26:404-13 (1934)) was used to normalize the raw expression data. The gene expression measures of each gene were centered at zero and rescaled to have a 1-unit standard deviation.

Stromal Effects in Tumor Biopsies

A hierarchical clustering analysis was performed in order to examine molecular profiles of tumor biopsies (FIG. 10). Among the two highest level clusters, the tumor samples from three Russian sites (site numbers 16, 24 and 25) were mostly clustered in the first cluster (Fisher's exact test, p-value <0.01). It appeared that genes implied in lymphocyte functions such as MHC, CD antigen, and IgG were enriched in this cluster. Therefore, this led to the concern that the tumors from the three Russian sites contained more stroma in the biopsies than other sites, thus contaminating the RNA samples with respect to gene expression for tumor tissue alone. In addition, the mean tumor size from the three Russian sites (16, 24 and 25) was larger than that for the other sites (mean 5.43 vs. mean 4.55, t-test p-value=0.022). Moreover, the pCR response rate was lower than that of the other sites (pCR 19.8% v.s. 17.2%, chi-squared p-value=0.73). This suggested that tumors from the three Russian sites were distinct from the others. Thus, a subgroup analysis excluding the three Russian sites was also performed.

Statistical Analysis

Logistic regression (F. Hsieh et al., Stat. Med., 17(14):1623-34 (1998)) was used to explore the relationships between the expression of genes and response to ixabepilone. The following model was fitted for each gene separately:

where Y=1 represents a responder and X is the gene expression measure. For each gene, the probability from a two-tailed Score test of whether the estimate of b1=0 was used to rank the most interesting genes for further investigation. eb1 is the odds ratio of being a non-responder for a one unit increase in gene expression relative to the average expression for the sample of subjects. Odds ratios and 95% confidence limits were reported.

Subjects were randomly assigned to the equal sized training set (n=67) or the test set (n=67), for responders and non-responders groups separately. The gene expression of ER and Tau were considered as potential predictors for response. Single logistic regression (SLR) was used to build the predictive model based on the training set, and the model performance was assessed on the test set. The prediction error, sensitivity, specificity, PPV (positive predictive value), and NPV (negative predictive value) as well as their 95% confidence intervals of the SLR model were estimated.


Estrogen Receptor (ER) and Tau

For ER, patients whose predicted probability of being responders was greater than 0.3 were classified as responders. The ER prognostic sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and their 95% confidence intervals of the SLR model are 0.64 (0.35,0.85), 0.79 (0.66, 0.87), 0.37 (0.19,0.59), and 0.92 (0.80,0.97), respectively. For Tau, patients whose predicted probability of being responders was greater than 0.25 were classified as responders. The Tau prognostic sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and their 95% confidence intervals of the SLR model are 0.55 (0.28,0.79), 0.73 (0.60, 0.83), 0.29 (0.14, 0.50), and 0.89 (0.77, 0.95), respectively.

Estrogen Receptor (ER) and Tau Without Russian Sites 16, 24 and 25

For ER and Tau separately as SLR predictors, patients whose predicted probability of being responders was greater than 0.5 were classified as responders. The estrogen receptor 1 prognostic sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and their 95% confidence intervals of the SLR model are 0.67 (0.35,0.88), 0.83 (0.69,0.92), 0.46 (0.23,0.71), and 0.92 (0.79,0.97), respectively. The Tau prognostic sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and their 95% confidence intervals of the SLR model are 0.44 (0.19, 0.73), 0.88 (0.75,0.95), 0.44 (0.19, 0.73), and 0.88 (0.75,0.95), respectively.


A total of 164 patients were enrolled in CA163-080 study. The quality and quantity of RNA samples obtained from pre-treatment biopsies was fairly good as 134 patients (85%) had RNA samples with >1 μg good quality which did not require additional amplification for gene expression profiling. Stromal contamination in the tumor biopsies was raised as a potential problem for the analysis. It appeared that the three Russian sites 16, 24 and 25 might have more stromal tissues in the samples compared to others based on the hierarchical clustering analysis. In addition, the tumors from these three Russian sites were larger than others at baseline. Although further analysis is needed to confirm this hypothesis, it raised an important issue for analyzing clinical samples that are inherently heterogeneous.

Among preclinical candidate markers, ER and Tau were examined in CA163-080 for their predictability. In our preclinical work, ER and Tau had been identified as biomarkers since their expression patterns were highly correlated with resistance to ixabepilone. In CA163-080, ER predicted well for pCR whether or not the three Russian sites were included in the analysis. However, the highest PPV was obtained when these sites were excluded. In another study finding predictive markers of response to combination chemotherapy with paclitaxel, 5-Fluorouracil, adriamycin and cyclophosphamide, the ER regulated gene Tau was identified as the best predictor of response (M. Ayers et al., J. Clin. Oncol., 22(12):2284-93 (2004)). Work done by this group has also demonstrated in vitro that knocking down Tau levels using small interfering RNA (siRNA) increases the sensitivity of breast cancer cell lines to paclitaxel treatment (R. Rouzier et al., P.N.A.S., Jun 7; 102(23):8315-20 (2005)). The proposed mechanism is that high levels of Tau inhibit binding of paclitaxel to the taxane binding site on β-tubulin. Tau gene expression was therefore also examined for ability to predict response to ixabepilone. The PPV (0.44) with this gene was similar to that for ER (0.46) in the subset excluding the 3 Russian sites.

Thus, ER and Tau demonstrated their utility as a predictors for response to ixabepilone and can be used as biomarkers for identifying the pCR responders to ixabepilone.

Example 3
Production of Antibodies Against the Biomarkers

Antibodies against the biomarkers can be prepared by a variety of methods. For example, cells expressing a biomarker polypeptide can be administered to an animal to induce the production of sera containing polyclonal antibodies directed to the expressed polypeptides. In one aspect, the biomarker protein is prepared and isolated or otherwise purified to render it substantially free of natural contaminants, using techniques commonly practiced in the art. Such a preparation is then introduced into an animal in order to produce polyclonal antisera of greater specific activity for the expressed and isolated polypeptide.

In one aspect, the antibodies of the invention are monoclonal antibodies (or protein binding fragments thereof). Cells expressing the biomarker polypeptide can be cultured in any suitable tissue culture medium, however, it is preferable to culture cells in Earle's modified Eagle's medium supplemented to contain 10% fetal bovine serum (inactivated at about 56° C.), and supplemented to contain about 10 g/l nonessential amino acids, about 1.00 U/ml penicillin, and about 100 μg/ml streptomycin.

The splenocytes of immunized (and boosted) mice can be extracted and fused with a suitable myeloma cell line. Any suitable myeloma cell line can be employed in accordance with the invention, however, it is preferable to employ the parent myeloma cell line (SP2/0), available from the ATCC (Manassas, Va.). After fusion, the resulting hybridoma cells are selectively maintained in HAT medium, and then cloned by limiting dilution as described by Wands et al. (1981, Gastroenterology, 80:225-232). The hybridoma cells obtained through such a selection are then assayed to identify those cell clones that secrete antibodies capable of binding to the polypeptide immunogen, or a portion thereof.

Alternatively, additional antibodies capable of binding to the biomarker polypeptide can be produced in a two-step procedure using anti-idiotypic antibodies. Such a method makes use of the fact that antibodies are themselves antigens and, therefore, it is possible to obtain an antibody that binds to a second antibody. In accordance with this method, protein specific antibodies can be used to immunize an animal, preferably a mouse. The splenocytes of such an immunized animal are then used to produce hybridoma cells, and the hybridoma cells are screened to identify clones that produce an antibody whose ability to bind to the protein-specific antibody can be blocked by the polypeptide. Such antibodies comprise anti-idiotypic antibodies to the protein-specific antibody and can be used to immunize an animal to induce the formation of further protein-specific antibodies.

Example 4
Immunofluorescence Assays

The following immunofluorescence protocol may be used, for example, to verify biomarker protein expression on cells or, for example, to check for the presence of one or more antibodies that bind biomarkers expressed on the surface of cells. Briefly, Lab-Tek II chamber slides are coated overnight at 4° C. with 10 micrograms/milliliter (μg/ml) of bovine collagen Type II in DPBS containing calcium and magnesium (DPBS++). The slides are then washed twice with cold DPBS++ and seeded with 8000 CHO-CCR5 or CHO pC4 transfected cells in a total volume of 125 μl and incubated at 37° C. in the presence of 95% oxygen/5% carbon dioxide.

The culture medium is gently removed by aspiration and the adherent cells are washed twice with DPBS++ at ambient temperature. The slides are blocked with DPBS++ containing 0.2% BSA (blocker) at 0-4° C. for one hour. The blocking solution is gently removed by aspiration, and 125 μl of antibody containing solution (an antibody containing solution may be, for example, a hybridoma culture supernatant which is usually used undiluted, or serum/plasma which is usually diluted, e.g., a dilution of about 1/100 dilution). The slides are incubated for 1 hour at 0-4° C. Antibody solutions are then gently removed by aspiration and the cells are washed five times with 400 μl of ice cold blocking solution. Next, 125 μl of 1 μg/ml rhodamine labeled secondary antibody (e.g., anti-human IgG) in blocker solution is added to the cells. Again, cells are incubated for 1 hour at 0-4° C.

The secondary antibody solution is then gently removed by aspiration and the cells are washed three times with 400 μl of ice cold blocking solution, and five times with cold DPBS++. The cells are then fixed with 125 μl of 3.7% formaldehyde in DPBS++ for 15 minutes at ambient temperature. Thereafter, the cells are washed five times with 400 μl of DPBS++ at ambient temperature. Finally, the cells are mounted in 50% aqueous glycerol and viewed in a fluorescence microscope using rhodamine filters.

Although the invention has been described in some detail by way of illustration and example for purposes of clarity and understanding, it will be apparent that certain changes and modifications may be practiced within the scope of the appended claims.

  • 1. A method for predicting whether a mammal will respond therapeutically to a method of treating cancer comprising administering a microtubule-stabilizing agent, wherein the method comprises: (a) measuring in the mammal the level of at least one biomarker selected from the biomarkers of Table 1 and Table 2; (b) exposing a biological sample from said mammal to said agent; (c) following the exposing of step (b), measuring in said biological sample the level of the at least one biomarker, wherein an increase in the level of the at least one biomarker measured in step (c) compared to the level of the at least one biomarker measured in step (a), predicts that the mammal will respond therapeutically to said method of treating cancer when said at least one biomarker is from Table 1, and predicts that the mammal will not respond therapeutically to said method of treating cancer when said at least one biomarker is from Table 2.
  • 2. The method of claim 1 wherein said agent is an epothilone or analog or derivative thereof.
  • 3. The method of claim 1 wherein said agent is ixabepilone.
  • 4. The method of claim 1 wherein said agent is a taxane.
  • 5. A method for predicting whether a mammal will respond therapeutically to a method of treating cancer comprising administering a microtubule-stabilizing agent, wherein the method comprises: (a) exposing a biological sample from the mammal to said agent; (b) following the exposing of step (a), measuring in said biological sample the level of the at least one biomarker selected from the biomarkers of Table 1 and Table 2, wherein an increase in the level of the at least one biomarker measured in step (b), compared to the level of the at least one biomarker in a mammal that has not been exposed to said agent, predicts that the mammal will respond therapeutically to said method of treating cancer when said at least one biomarker is from Table 1, and predicts that the mammal will not respond therapeutically to said method of treating cancer when said at least one biomarker is from Table 2.
  • 6. The method of claim 5 wherein said agent is an epothilone or analog or derivative thereof.
  • 7. The method of claim 5 wherein said agent is ixabepilone.
  • 8. The method of claim 5 wherein said agent is a taxane.
Parent Case Info

This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/631,993 filed Nov. 30, 2004, whose contents are hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60631993 Nov 2004 US