Blade transportation

Transportation tooling of the type that borders the blade at its root and at an intermediate point. This tooling is used in combination with platforms placed on the transportation elements and said platforms can move transversely and turn or rotate with respect to the means of transportation without affecting blade integrity. A method for blade transportation with the point of one blade facing the point of the adjacent blade so as to use the minimum space on the means of transportation. The rail tooling takes into account the maximum corner radius that the train will encounter while absorbing the bending and torsion stress acting on the blades.

The present invention refers to the transportation of large-sized blades and more specifically to the transportation of these blades in the limited space available in train cargo rail cars. The blades are placed using two types of supports that are capable of movement in relation to the rail car platform, so that the blades are not structurally damaged while passing through the sharpest curves that may appear during the journey.


Current development of wind turbines points to obtaining large quantities of power. This, in turn, results in an increase of the dimensions of all the elements.

The larger size of the elements involves an increase in transportation costs and problems derived from safeguarding the integrity of the elements to be transported. Each mode of transportation has its own peculiarities. Land transportation is affected by complex terrain where the orography makes transportation difficult due to the bending and torsion stress affecting the blades. Patent P200700850 presented by Gamesa has been developed in order to minimize these transportation problems.

Other similar patents have been developed to overcome other problems. Thus, patent US2006144741 by Enercon presents a vehicle for blade transportation where the transportation device is the same size as the blade and where said device revolves during transportation. Patent WO2006000230 by Vandrup Specialtransp shows a non-traction platform adjacent to the tractor element provided with revolving transportation elements that can be adjusted according to the weight of the blade.

The blades are elements manufactured in composite material and are reaching lengths of between 40 and 65 meters due to the increase in the size of wind turbines. Since land transportation is one of the most common means of transportation, these blade lengths present serious transportation difficulties. A good alternative to conventional transportation is transportation by train.

The greatest difficulty presented by train transportation is the curve angle that can be reached in certain sections of the trajectory. The supports of the current invention have been developed in order to solve the problems presented by this type of transportation.


One object of the invention is blade transportation in an articulated train, considering the maximum curvature that this means of transportation can endure.

Another object of the invention is the use of conventional rail cars, accommodating the maximum number of blades possible between the rail cars.

Another object of the invention is providing the rail cars with platforms on which supports are fastened, to be used in the transportation of the blades. There are two supports, one for the root joint and the other for the intermediate section of the blade.

Another object of the invention is that the platforms placed on the rail cars can move crosswise and turn and revolve with respect to the rail car, movements that safeguard the integrity of the blade. This and other fields of the invention are achieved by two supports, one located at the end of one car and the other located on the opposite end and extending to the adjacent rail car.

These platforms are capable of absorbing the bending and torsion stresses that affect the blades and of moving the blades as needed to remain within the rail width limits.

In order to facilitate the explanation, a sheet of drawings is attached with an embodiment of a practical case of the scope of the current invention.


FIG. 1A is a perspective view of a wind turbine blade with the root support frame and the auxiliary system of the intermediate support frame.

FIG. 1B is an exploded view that shows the clamp that comprises the auxiliary system of the intermediate support.

FIG. 2 represents the support corresponding to the root joint area.

FIG. 3A is a perspective of the complete intermediate support frame and FIG. 3B is an exploded view of the union of the structure with the internal clamp.

FIGS. 4A and 4B are an elevation and cross section view of the support corresponding to the root support frame.

FIGS. 5A and 5B are an elevation and ground view of the intermediate support and its annex placed on the adjacent rail car. FIG. 5C is an exploded view that shows the actuator stand. A ground view is also shown in FIG. 5D of the two supports and their movements while taking a curve.

FIGS. 6A, 6B and 6C show the location of a blade in one and a half rail cars, three rail cars taking a sharp curve and an exploded view of the behavior of the blade points.


As represented in FIG. 1A, the blade of wind turbine 10 is an elongated body consisting of several sections: the root joint section 20 corresponds to the part that joins the blade and hub, the intermediate section 30 and the tip blade 40. The blade is normally manufactured in composite material and its transportation and movement are delicate.

The blade 10 needs two points to fasten the elements required to hoist it. These points are the root joint section 20 and the intermediate section 30. Since the fastening elements can not be fastened on the bare blade, auxiliary elements are used, one root support frame 50 and one intermediate support frame 60.

The exploded view in FIG. 1B of the intermediate support frame 60 shows the auxiliary system. An elongated body clamp 70 whose cross section coincides with the aerodynamic cross section of the blade. It is provided with hinges 80 and hydraulic opening and closing 90 on opposite sides so that they can be opened and closed for introduction or removal of the blade 10. It is also equipped on the outside with reinforcing elements 100 formed by two parallel flanges. The inner part has a rubber surface 110 to prevent damage to the surface of the blade 10.

FIG. 2 shows the root support frame 50, consisting of a quadrangular frame 120 inside of which there is a lower bed 130 and an upper bed 140, both of semicircular shape. The areas of contact between the inner beds and the blade 10 have a rubber surface 150 and the side flanges 160 that form the frame 120 can be completely separated on both sides. Halves are connected using a twistlock system

As shown in FIGS. 3A and 3B, the intermediate support frame 60 is a frame formed by an upper frame 170 and a lower frame 180 that are coupled and uncoupled by twist lock connections 190 on the sides. The lower frame 180 has an auxiliary element 200 at the base that includes a ball joint 210 through which the clamp 70 is coupled. As the ball joint 210 is the only point of support between the auxiliary element 200 and the clamp 70, the support of the intermediate support frame 60 for the blade 10 has three degrees of freedom of movement. The clamp 70 is placed on the side that corresponds to the hydraulic opening and closing 90 next to the lower frame 180 and the side that corresponds to the hinges 80 is placed at the upper part of the intermediate support frame 60, next to the upper frame 170.

FIGS. 4A and 4B show the connecting link between the root support 50 and the rail car used as the means of transportation 250. The rail car in the current preferred realisation is a convention rail car, open at the top.

The root support frame 50 is supported by and fastened on a ball joint platform 240 with wheels 230 at both ends and a central ball joint 220 that connects the ball joint platform 240 and the rail car 250 by means of a support 260. The ball joint platform 240 is placed at one end of the rail car 250 and the combination of the wheels 230 and the ball joint 220, that is welded to the rail car 250, allows it to turn clockwise and counter-clockwise.

As shown in FIGS. 5A to 5D, the intermediate support 60 is placed on an X-shaped support 270 that is crossed by a wide flange beam actuated bar 280 that extends from one rail car 250 and the adjacent rail car 251. The support of the intermediate support frame 270 rests on a cross section rail 300 inside of which are rolling elements 310 in continuous contact with a wide flange 281 with a double T shape. The support 270 slides on the wide flange 281 as the actuated bar 280 becomes unaligned by the relative movement between one rail car 250 and the adjacent rail car 251. The actuated bar 280 is joined to the support 270 on one of its ends and rests on an actuator stand 290 on the opposite end. In turn, the actuator stand 290 rests on another set of rolling elements 311 that allows the actuated bar 280 to move longitudinally, while the actuator stand 290 can revolve around itself.

The group formed by the support of the intermediate support frame 270, the rail 300 and the wide flange 281 is placed on a rectangular plate 320 with the same width as the length of the flange 281 to which the wide flange 281 is welded. On the other hand, the actuator stand 290 rests on another plate 321 that is also rectangular but smaller than the one previously mentioned. Both plates 320 and 321 are fastened to their corresponding rail cars 250 and 251.

When the train takes a curve 330, the first rail car 250 and the adjacent rail car 251 become unaligned. The support of the intermediate support frame 270 is pushed by the action of the actuated bar 280 and slides along the cross section rail 300, while the plate 320 that holds the group remains fixed to the rail car 250. The opposite end of the actuated bar 280 causes the actuator stand 290 to turn on the corresponding plate 321, while it slides on its rolling elements 311, compensating the relative movements of both rail cars 250 and 251.

FIGS. 6A and 6B show two blades 10 and 11 in three rail cars 250, 251, 252 at the most critical moment that can come about during transportation: a curve 330 with the sharpest bending radius possible. Each blade is transported on one and a half rail cars, with the points facing each other. But due to the fact that the root support frame 50 turns, while the intermediate support frame 60 slides on the plate 320 that holds it, the point of one blade 40 and the point of the adjacent blade 41 do not collide, as can be seen in the exploded view of the FIG. 6C.

  • 1. Blade transportation, using various supports that border the blade at different points of the same that allow for it to be handled from the place of manufacture to the means of transportation where they are fastened, allowing for movement between the fastening supports and the means of transportation, characterized in that it includes a root support frame 50 and an intermediate support frame 60, both supports with a quadrangular frame and inner auxiliary elements, and the distance between the supports equal to the length of the carrier vehicle, where: the root support frame 50 is supported and fastened on a ball joint platform 240 with wheels 230 at both ends and a central ball joint 220 that connects the ball joint platform 240 and the carrier vehicle andthe intermediate support 60 is placed on an X-shaped support 270 crossed by a wide flange beam actuated bar 280 that extends from one vehicle to the adjacent vehicle, the support of the intermediate support frame 270 rests on a cross section rail 300 inside of which there are rolling elements 310 in continuous contact with a wide flange 281 shaped like a double T sitting on a plate 320, the actuated bar 280 is joined to the support 270 at one of its ends and rests on an actuator stand 290 on the other end.
  • 2. Blade transportation, according to claim 1, characterized in that the root support frame 50 is formed by a frame 120 inside of which there is a lower bed 130 and an upper bed 140 both of semicircular shape, the contact areas of the auxiliary elements with the blade 10 have a rubber surface 150 and the lateral flanges 160 that comprise the frame 120 can be completely separated on both sides for later connection and fastening with bolts or fastening elements.
  • 3. Blade transportation, according to claim 1, characterized in that the intermediate support frame 60 is a frame consisting of an upper frame 170 and a lower frame 180 that can be coupled and uncoupled, whose lower frame 180 has at its base an auxiliary element 200 that includes a ball joint 210 through which is coupled a clamp 70 with hinges 80 and hydraulic opening and closing 90 at the ends, with reinforcing elements 100 on the outside and a rubber surface 110 on the inside.
  • 4. Blade transportation, according to claim 1, characterized in that the intermediate support frame 60 is coupled on a plate 320 over which it slides transversely to the blade actuated by the actuated bar 280 and the root support frame 60 turns on its lateral wheels 230 pivoting on ball joint 220 that fastens the rail car 250 and the ball joint platform 240 that supports the support frame, both movements are produced when the carrier vehicle and the adjacent vehicle become unaligned.
  • 5. Blade transportation, according to claim 1, characterized in that the carrier vehicle is a rail car 250 of a train of standard dimensions and two blades 10, 11 are transported between three rail cars 250, 251, 252.
  • 6. A method for blade transportation characterized by placing a support frame 50 that clamps the root joint 20, placing another support frame 60 at the intermediate point of the blade 30, hoisting the blade 10 and depositing it on a rail car 250 without sides or covering so that the root support frame 50 is placed at one end of the rail car 250, the intermediate support frame 60 is fastened on the other end of the rail car 250 and connects with the adjacent rail car 251 by means of an actuated bar 280 that rests on an actuator stand 290, and the blade point 40 hangs in the air at the middle of the adjacent rail car 251.
  • 7. A method for blade transportation according to claim 6, characterized by placing the blade 10 on the root support frame 50 first on the lower bed 130 supporting the root joint 20 on the semicircular rubber surface 150, after which the lower part of the root joint 20 is screwed to the root support frame lower bed 130, after which the upper part of the support is assembled by means of the lateral flanges of the structure and finally, the upper part of the support and the upper part of the root joint 20 are screwed.
  • 8. A method for blade transportation according to claim 6, characterized in that in order to place the blade 10 on the intermediate support frame 60 the clamp 70 used in the interior of the support frame 60 is previously placed over the intermediate section of the blade 30, and to do so first the hydraulic opening and closing 90 is opened, the clamp 70 is opened, the blade 10 is placed in the clamp and the clamp 70 is closed over it, then the clamp 70 is inserted over a ball joint 210 placed on the lower frame 180 of the intermediate support frame 60 and finally the support frame is closed adding the upper frame 170 that is assembled by means of its lateral flanges.
  • 9. A method of blade transportation according to claim 6, characterized in that when the rail car 250 that transports a blade 10 and the adjacent rail car 251 that transports another blade 11 become unaligned due to taking a curve 330, the root support frame 50 of the first blade 10 turns, the intermediate support frame 60 slides on its plate 320 and turns on the actuator stand 290 while the blade point 40 moves outside the width of the adjacent rail car 251 without colliding with the point of the adjacent blade 11.