Vaccinium corymbosum L.
The invention relates to a new and distinct blueberry variety designated ‘DrisBlueTwelve’ and botanically known as Vaccinium corymbosum L. This new blueberry variety was discovered in Santa Cruz County, California in August 2004 and originated from a cross between the female parent blueberry plant ‘Jewel’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 11,807) and the proprietary male parent blueberry plant ‘FL 95-54’ (unpatented). The original seedling of the new variety was first asexually propagated at a nursery in Monterey County, California in 2004. ‘DrisBlueTwelve’ was subsequently asexually propagated and underwent further testing at a nursery in Guzman, Mexico for five years (2009-2013). The present invention has been found to be stable and reproduce true to type through successive asexual propagations via softwood cuttings.
Plant Breeder's Rights for this variety have not been applied for. ‘DrisBlueTwelve’ has not been made publicly available or sold more than one year prior to the filing date of this application.
The following are the most outstanding and distinguishing characteristics of this new cultivar when grown under normal horticultural practices in Guzman, Mexico.
1. Late harvest season;
2. Very low chilling requirement; and
3. Sweet berries with very low acidity.
This new blueberry plant is illustrated by the accompanying photographs which show fruit of the plant as well as the flowers and leaves. The colors shown are as true as can be reasonably obtained by conventional photographic procedures. The photographs are of plants that are six years old.
FIG. 1 shows a close-up of the mature flowers.
FIG. 2 shows a close-up of the leaves.
FIG. 3 shows a close-up of the whole fruit and a cross-section of the fruit.
The following detailed description sets forth the distinctive characteristics of ‘DrisBlueTwelve.’ The data which define these characteristics is based on observations taken in Guzman, Mexico from 2009-2013. This description is in accordance with UPOV terminology. Color designations, color descriptions, and other phenotypical descriptions may deviate from the stated values and descriptions depending upon variation in environmental, seasonal, climatic and cultural conditions. ‘DrisBlueTwelve’ has not been observed under all possible environmental conditions. The botanical description of ‘DrisBlueTwelve’ was taken from 6 year-old plants. Color references are primarily to the R.H.S. Colour Chart of The Royal Horticultural Society of London (R.H.S.) (2007 edition). Descriptive terminology follows the Plant Identification Terminology, An Illustrated Glossary, 2nd edition by James G. Harris and Melinda Woolf Harris, unless where otherwise defined.
- Classification:
- Family.—Ericaceae.
- Botanical.—Vaccinium corymbosum L.
- Common name.—Blueberry.
- Variety name.—‘DrisBlueTwelve’.
- Parentage:
- Female parent.—The blueberry plant ‘Jewel’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 11,807).
- Male parent.—The proprietary blueberry plant ‘FL 95-54’ (unpatented).
- Plant:
- Size.—Very large.
- Height.—183.7 cm.
- Width.—182.0 cm.
- Length/width ratio.—1.0.
- Plant vigor.—Strong.
- Growth habit.—Upright.
- Productivity.—High.
- Cold hardiness.—Medium.
- Chilling requirement.—Very low; 100-200 chilling hours.
- Propagation.—Soft wood cuttings.
- Time of vegetative bud burst.—Early.
- Fruiting type.—Only on one-year-old shoots.
- Cane renewal.—Strong.
- Internode length (upper half on one-year old shoot).—47.2 mm.
- One-year old canes (young canes).—Length: 114.6 cm Diameter at the base: 10.6 mm Diameter at the tip: 76.0 mm Texture: Rough Color (One-year old shoot, branch and canes): RHS 183B (Dark greyed-purple).
- Five-year old canes (mature canes).—Length: 180.8 cm Diameter at the base: 32.3 mm Diameter at the tip: 281.0 mm Texture: Rough Color: RHS 199D (Light greyed-brown).
- Leaves:
- Length.—Medium; 8.02 cm.
- Width.—Medium; 4.52 cm.
- Length/width ratio.—1.8; Longer than broad.
- Appearance of leaf bud.—Early.
- Shape.—Elliptic.
- Apex.—Acute.
- Base.—Cuneate.
- Margin.—Entire.
- Glossiness.—Glossy.
- Pubescence.—Glabrous (Absent).
- Sheath.—Absent.
- Arrangement.—Alternate.
- Venation.—Reticulate.
- Color.—Upper surface: Dark; RHS 137A (Dark green) Lower surface: Medium; RHS 138B (Medium green).
- Internode length (one-year old shoot, upper half).—Medium; 64.15 mm.
- Petiole:
- Length.—4.0 mm.
- Diameter.—2.65 mm.
- Color.—RHS 144D (Light yellow-green).
- Flowers:
- Length (excluding peduncle).—Medium; 11.05 mm.
- Diameter.—7.80 mm.
- Length/width ratio.—1.4.
- Color.—RHS 155B (White).
- Flower bud.—Length: 3.72 mm Width: 4.0 mm Number of flowers per bud: 72.1 Anthocyanin coloration: Strong; RHS 60A (Dark red-purple) Color on immature buds: Light; RHS 145B (Light yellow-green) Color on mature buds: Medium; RHS 145A (Medium yellow-green).
- Petal width.—9.80 mm.
- Fragrance.—Very faint or absent.
- Time of beginning flowering on one-year shoot.—Medium.
- Time of flowering (50% antithesis or full bloom).—Medium.
- Flowering interval.—January.
- Pedicel.—Length: 4.49 mm Diameter: 1.00 mm Color: RHS 144B (Medium yellow-green).
- Corolla.—Aperture diameter: 5.65 mm Shape: Urceolate (Urn-shaped) Size of corolla tube: Medium Ridges on tube: Present.
- Peduncle length.—44.00 mm.
- Reproductive organs:
- Style length (including stigma).—Medium; 8.60 mm.
- Style color.—RHS 144B (Medium yellow-green).
- Pollen amount.—Very low.
- Pollen color.—RHS 155D (White).
- Anther color.—RHS 167B (Medium greyed-orange).
- Ovary color.—RHS 55B (Light red).
- Fruit:
- Size.—Medium.
- Length.—13.90 mm.
- Width.—16.70 mm.
- Length/width ratio.—0.8.
- Fruit pedicel diameter.—4.49 mm.
- Weight.—2.0 g.
- Number of berries per cluster.—8.20.
- Cluster density.—Medium.
- Shape in longitudinal sections.—Oblate.
- Intensity of green color (immature fruit with bloom).—Light; RHS 142C (Light green).
- Color of skin (immature fruit without bloom).—RHS 178B (Dark greyed-red).
- Color of skin (mature fruit without bloom).—RHS N186A (Dark greyed-purple).
- Color of skin (mature fruit with bloom).—RHS 97B (Light violet-blue).
- Intensity of bloom (mature fruit).—Strong.
- Attitude of sepals.—Incurving.
- Calyx.—Diameter of basin: Very small; 6.70 mm Depth of basin: Very shallow; 2.00 mm Diameter/depth ratio: 3.4.
- Flesh color.—RHS 154D (Light yellow-green).
- Firmness.—Firm.
- Sweetness.—High.
- Acidity.—Very low.
- Time of beginning of fruit ripening (one-year old shoots).—Late.
- Harvest season.—Late.
- Harvest interval.—February-June.
- Seeds:
- Length.—1.60 mm.
- Width.—1.00 mm.
- Length/width ratio.—1.6.
- Abundance.—Very low.
- Color.—RHS N167A (Medium greyed-orange).
- Resistance to pests and diseases: Data not available
‘DrisBlueTwelve’ differs from the female parent ‘Jewel’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 11,807) in that ‘DrisBlueTwelve’ has much better flavor fruit than ‘Jewel’.
‘DrisBlueTwelve’ differs from the commercial variety ‘DrisBlueFour’ (U.S. application Ser. No. 13/573,345) in that ‘DrisBlueTwelve’ has later production in Mexico and better flavor fruit than ‘DrisBlueFour’. Additionally, ‘DrisBlueTwelve’ has an upright growth habit, whereas ‘DrisBlueFour’ has a semi-erect growth habit.