A board game and method of playing a game for two to four players by introducing a new playing surface which consisting two-hundred and twenty-five squares, an base zones in various shapes, a target zone in various shapes, and playing sets with nine playing pieces numbered from one to nine, Players start the game by define base and target zone, the players start to assign their game piece in their base zone to setup the game, the players take turns, moving one of their playing pieces each turn with the objective of moving all their playing pieces to the target zone, the game ends when the first player moves all his playing pieces into the target zone.

This invention relates to a new board game and method of playing a game, more particularly to a board game which has a new playing surface and playing pieces, which can be easily learn and play.


Board game has been known for hundreds of years, and played by millions of people worldwide, it is one of the most traditional game, the very common games of the board game are Chess and Draughts, and both gamed are playing on an playing board with playing pieces, many other games have been devised to be played on playing boards using different types of playing pieces or different functions, the game of Chess has the disadvantage that it is too complicated for many players, especially people from different culture, people who play Chinese chess might have no idea how to play western Chess and Chess players has no idea how Chinese chess being played, Draughts, on the other hand, is easy to play but has the disadvantage that in a game played between two good and equally matched Draughts players, with no constraints on the opening moves, the first player to move is guaranteed at least a draw.

Moreover, the above board games have strict restriction on the starting position for each playing pieces, if the games provide a target zone than the target zone is also strictly regulated to keep the game works, players follow the rule to play the game is good, but the strategies and tactics for the game is also limited.

    • A variety of changes have been suggested for playing board and playing pieces, different functions for the playing pieces of the game have been suggested for developing a greater interest in the game, though such board games have achieved considerable popularity and commercial success, there are still a lot of improvements can be made for a board game so that everyone can learn and play easily.


This invention is a method of playing a modified board game aiming at improving the game, therefore, the main object of the present invention is to provide a new board game and method of playing a game, which innovating new strategies and tactics and it is easily to learn, the invention includes the following elements:

    • a) introducing a new playing surface consisting of two-hundred and twenty-five identifiable squares arranged as a grid of fifteen rows of squares by fifteen columns of squares, an base zones in various shapes which formed by squares, and a target zone in various shapes which formed by squares;
    • b) placing base zones on the playing surface, wherein each base zone is for a single player;
    • c) placing a target zone on the playing surface;
    • d) the squares of the base zones formed and the distance of the squares between the target zone for each player are the same;
    • e) players mark the base zone and target zone squares with different color;
    • f) introducing a new playing piece which having a number on it, provided in a set for each player;
    • g) formatting rules for movement wherein the number on the playing piece indicates how many squares it can be move;
    • h) formatting rules for movement wherein the number on the playing pieces which numbered larger than one, can also move one square;
    • i) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece may move in any direction selected from any of the straight directions, lateral directions, and diagonal directions;
    • j) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece cannot move from straight and lateral direction to diagonal direction or move diagonal direction to straight and lateral direction in a turn of move;
    • k) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece can only pass through empty squares;
    • l) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece cannot pass through same square twice in a turn of move;
    • m) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing pieces can be move again when they are in the square of the target zone;
    • n) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece cannot jump over other playing piece;
    • o) providing two to four sets of playing pieces, which is visually distinguishable from each other playing set, each set consists of nine playing pieces which numbered from one to nine;
    • p) placing each playing piece on the square of the base zone;
    • q) players taking turn to move the playing piece from the base zone toward into the target zone
    • r) the game ends when first player moved all his playing piece into the target zone.

To enable a further understanding of the said objectives and the methods of the invention herein, the brief description of the drawings below is followed by the detailed description of the preferred embodiments.


FIG. 1 shows a preferred playing surface for playing the game in accordance with the present invention, a sample of base zone and target zone also displayed.

FIG. 2 shows playing pieces numbered from one to nine comprising one playing set.

FIG. 3 shows 2 sets of playing pieces placed on the base zone and a target zone is displayed.

FIG. 4 shows the movement of the playing pieces.

FIG. 5 shows the end of a two players game which one player successful move all his playing piece into the target zone.

FIG. 6
a-6f shows six different base zone and target zone samples for 2 player's game.

FIG. 7
a-7f shows six different base zone and target zone samples for 4 player's game.

FIG. 8 shows another embodiment of playing pieces numbered from one to fifteen comprising one playing set.

FIG. 9 shows another embodiment of 2 sets of playing pieces placed on the base zone and a target zone is displayed.


FIG. 1 to FIG. 5 shows the preferred embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 1 illustrates the preferred embodiment of the present invention for introducing a new playing surface 10, a playing surface 10 is an equilateral grid of two-hundred and twenty-five squares arranged as fifteen columns by fifteen rows squares, four base zones 101 for four players game, and a target zone 102.

The playing surface 10 is plurality of smaller squares aligned in rows from left to right and columns from top to bottom on the game board, and preferably, the playing surface 10 can be arranged on bigger game board, so more players can play the game together.

The base zones 101 are formed by the squares, in the preferred embodiments, the base zones 101 are formed by three time three squares located on each corner, which is the suggested sample from the game or players can design the base zone 101 by using their imagination and creativity for the variety of the game.

Target zone 102 is also formed by the squares, in the preferred embodiments, the target zones 102 are formed by thirty-three squares located on the center of the playing surface 10, which is the suggested sample from the game or players can design the target zone 102 by using their imagination and creativity for the variety of the game.

Since the total number of target zone squares is not enough for every playing pieces, so the fight is like kid's favored music chair game, different base zone 101 and target zone 102 mean players have to come up with different strategies and tactics every time when they play the game.

FIG. 2 illustrates the preferred embodiment of the present invention for introducing a new playing pieces 20, respectively, there are nine playing pieces for each playing set, numbered from one to nine with Arabic number and marked with different color to distinguish its playing set.

FIG. 3 illustrate the beginning dispositions of playing pieces 20 on base zones 1011, 1012 of playing surface 10 when the game is played by two players, the target zone 102 is also shown on the playing surface 10.

To begin play, players define the base zone 101 on the playing surface 10, the base zone 101 is for players to place their playing piece 20 for setup the game, due to the fairness of the game, the position of each base zone 101 should be symmetrically located on playing surface 10 and keep same distance from target zone 102.

Referring to FIG. 1 the base zone 101 are formed by three time three squares which located on the four corners of the playing surface 10 and marked with removable color for identification, this can be marked by different way like using stickers, inks.

Player then have to define the target zone 102 for the game, target zone 102 is formed by thirty-three squares located in the central part of playing surface 10, these squares are symmetrically distributed on playing surface 10 to keep same and fair access from each base zones 101, once decided players also marked it with color for identification.

Then each player will be given a set of distinguishable playing pieces 20, each set has nine playing pieces 20 numbered from one to nine.

Referring to FIG. 2 and FIG. 3, after the base zone 101 and target zone 102 are defined, players start to place their playing pieces 20 on their base zone 101, the initial position of each playing piece 20 on base zone 101 is not limited, player one put his playing pieces 20 on his base zone 1011 with highest number “nine” on the back and lowest number “one” in the front, player 2 placed his playing piece 20 on his base zone 1012 with highest number piece “nine” right in the front, then the game is ready to start.

FIG. 3 also show a suggested sample of target zone 102 on playing surface 10, this target zone 102 has 17 squares located right in between two players base zone 1011 and 1012 to keep same distance from player's base zone 1011 and 1012.

Referring to FIG. 4, players take turn to move one of their playing pieces toward to the target zone by following rule:

    • All playing pieces can move on any straight or lateral direction as shown on A and B in FIG. 4;
    • All playing pieces can move on any diagonal direction as shown on C and D in FIG. 4;
    • All playing piece can turn 90 degree to left or right direction on any straight or lateral movement as shown on E in FIG. 4;
    • All playing piece can turn 90 degree to left or right direction on any diagonal movement as shown on F in FIG. 4;
    • Number one playing piece may be moved one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number two playing pieces may be moved two square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number three playing pieces may be moved three square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number four playing piece may be moved four square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number five playing pieces may be moved five square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number six playing pieces may be moved six square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number seven playing pieces may be moved seven square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number eight playing pieces may be moved eight square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number nine playing pieces may be moved nine square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Playing piece cannot move from straight and lateral to diagonal or from diagonal to straight and lateral direction in one movement;
    • Only empty squares can be passed through;
    • Prohibiting playing pieces pass through same square two times in each movement;
    • Prohibiting playing pieces jump over any other playing piece;
    • One playing piece can be moved on each turn of play;
    • A playing piece can still move even they already on the target zone squares;
    • The game ends when the first player who move all his playing piece into the target zone.

In another embodiment of the invention the additional rule can be add for the variety of the game, players can move their playing pieces 20 into the target zone 102 by numerical order, for example, the playing piece “one” must move into the target zone 102 first, the playing piece “nine” must move into the target zone 102 last, or the playing piece “nine” must move into the target zone 102 first, the playing piece “one” must move into the target zone 102 last. Or player can designate which playing piece 20 move into the target zone 102 last, such as, the playing piece 20 which player designated must wait until all the other playing pieces 20 are moved into the target zone 102 to move in. And the target zone squares are marked with number from one to sixty on one side, players can move multi playing pieces into one target zone squares as long as the sum of the total playing pieces number does not exceed the target zone square number, for example, The target zone square is marked with number “thirteen”, Player one move playing piece number “nine” into target zone square “thirteen”. Player two can only move his playing piece “one”, “two”, “three” or “four” into this squares, the other rules are the same rules as described aforesaid.

Referring to FIG. 5, the objective of the players of the present invention game is to be the first player to move all his playing pieces 20 into the target zone 102, in FIG. 5 shows the game ends when the first player who move all his playing piece 20 into target zone 102.

Referring to FIG. 6a-6f shows six different designs of base zone 101 and target zone 102 combination for two player games.

Referring to FIG. 7a-7f shows six different designs of base zone 101 and target zone 102 combinations for four player game, there are hundreds of more designs can be discovered by player's creativity.

Referring to FIG. 8, and FIG. 9, show another embodiment of the invention, FIG. 8 illustrates the another preferred embodiment of the present invention for introducing a new playing pieces 20, respectively, there are fifteen playing pieces 20 for each playing set, one side of the playing pieces is marked with number from One to fifteen with Arabic number.

FIG. 9 illustrate the beginning dispositions of playing pieces 20 on base zones 1011, 1012 of playing surface 10 when the game is played by two players, the target zone 102 is also shown on the playing surface 10.

To begin play, players define the base zone 101 on the playing surface 10, the base zone 101 is for players to place their playing piece 20 for setup the game, due to the fairness of the game, the position of each base zone 101 should be symmetrically located on playing surface 10 and keep same distance from target zone 102, Player then have to define the target zone 102 for the game, which the squares are symmetrically distributed on playing surface 10 to keep same and fair access from each base zones 101, Then each player will be given a set of distinguishable playing pieces 20, each set has fifteen playing pieces 20 numbered from one to fifteen.

After the base zone 101 and target zone 102 are defined, players start to place their playing pieces 20 on their base zone 101, players can decide how many playing piece 20 they are going to use for the game and which playing pieces 20 to use, in a two players game, they choose to play a twelve playing pieces game and using number from four to fifteen, in this case, the player base zone 1011, 1012 will be twelve squares and the target zone 102 will be twenty-three squares.

There is also another way to choose the playing pieces 20, it is to choosing the playing pieces 20 by chances, for example, placing each playing set which has fifteen playing pieces 20 on the table with the number covered, each player draw twelve playing pieces 20 to play the game, and the initial position of each playing piece 20 on base zone 1011, 1012 is not limited.

Player can also set up the game by placing the playing pieces 20 on the base zone 1011, 1012 with the number covered, player open the playing pieces to show the number when player want to move the playing pieces 20, and players take turn to move one of their playing pieces toward to the target zone by following rule:

    • All playing pieces can move on any straight or lateral direction as shown on A and B in FIG. 4;
    • All playing pieces can move on any diagonal direction as shown on C and D in FIG. 4;
    • All playing piece can turn 90 degree to left or right direction on any straight or lateral movement as shown on E in FIG. 4;
    • All playing piece can turn 90 degree to left or right direction on any diagonal movement as shown on F in FIG. 4;
    • Number one playing piece may be moved one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number two playing pieces may be moved two square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number three playing pieces may be moved three square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number four playing piece may be moved four square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number five playing pieces may be moved five square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number six playing pieces may be moved six square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number seven playing pieces may be moved seven square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number eight playing pieces may be moved eight square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number nine playing pieces may be moved nine square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number ten playing pieces may be moved ten square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number eleven playing pieces may be moved eleven square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number twelve playing pieces may be moved twelve square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number thirteen playing pieces may be moved thirteen square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number fourteen playing pieces may be moved fourteen square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Number fifteen playing pieces may be moved fifteen square or one square each move, either laterally or diagonally;
    • Playing piece cannot move from straight and lateral to diagonal or from diagonal to straight and lateral direction in one movement;
    • Only empty squares can be passed through;
    • Prohibiting playing pieces pass through same square two times in each movement;
    • Prohibiting playing pieces jump over any other playing piece;
    • One playing piece can be moved on each turn of play;
    • A playing piece can still move even they already on the square of the target zone;
    • The game ends when the first player who move all his playing pieces into the target zone.

Whilst the playing surface of the present invention has been illustrated with reference to a game being played between two to four people on a playing surface comprising two-hundred and twenty-five squares, it will be appreciated by one skilled in the art a number of game forms can be played on a playing surface embodying the principle of the invention.

Whilst the playing set of the present invention has been illustrated with nine playing pieces numbered form one to nine, it will be appreciated by one skilled in the art that the different amount of the playing pieces can be provide, for advanced user on bigger playing surface, The playing surface may be produced on a paper, board, games table or electronic screen by means of a computer program.

  • 1. A method of playing a modified board game by two to four players against each other, comprising the steps of: a) introducing a new playing surface consisting of two-hundred and twenty-five identifiable squares arranged as a grid of fifteen rows of squares by fifteen columns of squares, an base zones in various shapes which formed by squares, and a target zone in various shapes which formed by squares;b) placing base zones on the playing surface, wherein each base zone is for a single player;c) placing one target zone on the playing surface;d) the squares of the base zones formed and the distance of the squares between the target zone for each player are the same;e) players mark the base zone and target zone squares with different color;f) introducing a new playing piece which having a number on it, provided in a set for each player;g) formatting rules for movement wherein the number on the playing piece indicates how many squares it can be move;h) formatting rules for movement wherein the number on the playing pieces which numbered larger than one, can also move one square;i) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece may move in any direction selected from any of the straight directions, lateral directions, and diagonal directions;j) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece cannot move from straight and lateral direction to diagonal direction or move diagonal direction to straight and lateral direction in a turn of move;k) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece can only pass through empty squares;l) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece cannot pass through same square twice in a turn of move;m) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing pieces can be move again when they are in the square of the target zone;n) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece cannot jump over other playing piece;o) providing two to four sets of playing pieces, which is visually distinguishable from each other playing set, each set consists of nine playing pieces which numbered from one to nine;p) placing each playing piece on the square of the base zone;q) players taking turn to move the playing piece from the base zone toward into the target zoner) the game ends when first player moved all his playing piece into the target zone.
  • 2. The method according to claim 1, wherein the squares of the providing playing surface is arranged in arrays.
  • 3. The method according to claim 1, wherein the providing base zone is design by players.
  • 4. The method according to claim 1, wherein the providing target zone is design by players.
  • 5. The method according to claim 1, wherein the providing playing pieces is marked with number on one side.
  • 6. The method according to claim 1, wherein the step p) placing each playing piece on the square of the base zone with the number covered.
  • 7. The method according to claim 1, wherein the providing target zone squares are marked with number from one to sixty on one side.
  • 8. The method according to claim 7, wherein the players can move multi playing pieces into one target zone square as long as the sum of the total playing pieces number does not exceed the target zone square number.
  • 9. A method of playing a modified board game by two to four players against each other, comprising the steps of: a) introducing a new playing surface consisting of two-hundred and twenty-five identifiable squares arranged as a grid of fifteen rows of squares by fifteen columns of squares, an base zones in various shapes which formed by squares, and a target zone in various shapes which formed by squares;b) placing base zones on the playing surface, wherein each base zone is for a single player;c) placing one target zone on the playing surface;d) the squares of the base zones formed and the distance of the squares between the target zone for each player are the same;e) players mark the base zone and target zone squares with different color;f) introducing a new playing piece which having a number on it, provided in a set for each player;g) formatting rules for movement wherein the number on the playing piece indicates how many squares it can be move;h) formatting rules for movement wherein the number on the playing pieces which numbered larger than one, can also move one square;i) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece may move in any direction selected from any of the straight directions, lateral directions, and diagonal directions;j) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece cannot move from straight and lateral direction to diagonal direction or move diagonal direction to straight and lateral direction in a turn of move;k) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece can only pass through empty squares;l) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece cannot pass through same square twice in a turn of move;m) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing pieces can be move again when they are in the square of the target zone;n) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece cannot jump over other playing piece;o) providing two to four sets of playing pieces, which is visually distinguishable from each other playing set, each set consists of nine playing pieces which numbered from one to nine;p) placing each playing piece on the square of the base zone;q) players taking turn to move the playing piece from the base zone toward into the target zoner) playing pieces move into the target zone by numerical order.s) the game ends when first player moved all his playing piece into the target zone.
  • 10. The method according to claim 9, wherein the squares of the providing playing surface is arranged in arrays.
  • 11. The method according to claim 9, wherein the providing base zone is design by players.
  • 12. The method according to claim 9, wherein the providing target zone is design by players.
  • 13. The method according to claim 9, wherein the providing playing pieces is marked with number on one side.
  • 14. The method according to claim 9, wherein the step p) placing each playing piece on the square of the base zone with the number covered.
  • 15. A method of playing a modified board game by two to four players against each other, comprising the steps of: a) introducing a new playing surface consisting of two-hundred and twenty-five identifiable squares arranged as a grid of fifteen rows of squares by fifteen columns of squares, an base zones in various shapes which formed by squares, and a target zone in various shapes which formed by squares;b) placing base zones on the playing surface, wherein each base zone is for a single player;c) placing the target zone on the playing surface;d) the squares of the base zones formed and the distance of the squares between the target zone for each player are the same;e) players mark the base zone and target zone squares with different color;f) introducing a new playing piece which having a number on it, provided in a set for each player;g) formatting rules for movement wherein the number on the playing piece indicates how many squares it can be move;h) formatting rules for movement wherein the number on the playing pieces which numbered larger than one, can also move one square;i) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece may move in any direction selected from any of the straight directions, lateral directions, and diagonal directions;j) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece cannot move from straight and lateral direction to diagonal direction or move diagonal direction to straight and lateral direction in a turn of move;k) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece can only pass through empty squares;l) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece cannot pass through same square twice in a turn of move;m) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing pieces can be move again when they are in the square of the target zone;n) formatting rules for movement wherein each playing piece cannot jump over other playing piece;o) providing two to four sets of playing pieces, which is visually distinguishable from each other playing set, each set consists of fifteen playing pieces which numbered from one to fifteen;p) placing the playing pieces on the squares of base zone, wherein the number of playing pieces are less than fifteen in order to correspond the squares of the base zones;q) players taking turn to move the playing piece from the base zone toward into the target zoner) the game ends when first player moved all his playing piece into the target zone.
  • 16. The method according to claim 15, wherein the squares of the providing playing surface is arranged in arrays.
  • 17. The method according to claim 15, wherein the base zone is design by players.
  • 18. The method according to claim 15, wherein the target zone is design by players.
  • 19. The method according to claim 15, wherein the providing playing pieces is marked with number on one side.
  • 20. The method according to claim 15, wherein the step p) placing each playing piece on the square of the base zone with the number covered.
Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
61387480 Sep 2010 US