Board game incorporating drinking beverages and method of playing board game, and board and gamepieces therefor and method of use thereof

Disclosed is a board game providing opportunities for drinking (e.g., social drinking) beverages (e.g., alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages) during playing of the game. The board game includes a plurality of side games. Of these side games, the board game provides for various miniature competitions between selected players of the plurality of players playing the game, when one of the players lands on a location of the board providing for a miniature competition. The miniature competition can be a drinking game known on college campuses. Each player has a game or playing piece which initially is in the form of an empty carton for bottles (e.g., an empty 6-pack carton), and winners of the miniature competitions win bottle-shaped structures (e.g., beverage bottle-shaped structures) to be placed in the winner's carton. The game is won by the player filling the carton gamepiece with bottle-shaped structures (e.g., filling a 6-pack carton with six beverage bottle-shaped structures).

The present invention relates generally to a board game, and more particularly to a board game that can incorporate drinking (for example, social drinking), e.g., of beverages (favorite beverages, such as alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages), especially incorporating various drinking games used in colleges.

Various board games have been developed and been popularized, which require certain activities to take place when the gamepiece of a player lands on a particular location of a board. For example, attention is directed to U.S. Pat. No. 5,007,650 to Reed, et al., entitled “Method of Playing a Board Game of College Social Life”. The board game described in this patent is directed to extracurricular aspects of higher education and incorporates physical actions by the players or teams during the course of playing the board game. The game board described in this patent includes a playing path located on the perimeter of the board and spaces for stacks of various types of cards used during the course of play. A single die is used by the players or teams during the course of play in order to determine movement and position of the playing pieces. As a player's playing piece lands on a specific location, a card is drawn and the player must then perform an action consistent with directions on the card. Various of the cards include directions for drinking, e.g., alcoholic beverages.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,007,650 is directed generally to extracurricular activities during the college experience, which include (but of course are not limited to) drinking, and involve, generally, game playing by a player against all other players playing the game.

U.S. Design Pat. No. D477638 discloses a board game for drinking, but does not set forth the mechanics and procedures of the game.

It is desired to provide a board game having competition among all of the players as a whole, while, within the game, having individual competitions between specific ones of the players, in a board game which involves drinking of, e.g., alcoholic beverages (but not limited to drinking wherein the beverage is an alcoholic beverage; the beverage can be a non-alcoholic beverage).


The present invention provides a game board, and a method of playing a game (that is, a method of playing a board game), which includes a competition among all the players, as well as specific competitions between selected ones of the players (that is, miniature competitions), e.g., less than all of the players, for example, between two of the players. The board game includes a plurality of side games which are played during the playing of the board game in general; these side games include the miniature competitions.

The game board includes locations which give rise to these miniature competitions between selected players, and other locations giving rise to drinking sips of, or chugging, a beverage (for example, but not to be limiting, an alcoholic beverage, but which can also be a non-alcohol beverage, for example, a favorite beverage). Thus, the side games are initiated by one of the players landing on a location designating that the side game be played. Illustratively, and not to be limiting, the miniature competitions can be drinking games quite often played on college campuses, such as (but not limited to) “Quarter Challenge” and “B.S. Bluff”. Illustratively, the game board has locations which, when landed upon by a player, will require such player or another player to drink the beverage.

As an additional aspect of the present invention, the gamepieces (playing pieces) provide competition among all of the players. Each game (playing) piece can start out as, for example, a piece resembling an empty carton, such as an empty carton for holding a six-pack of beverages with structures being added to the gamepiece during playing of the game, for example, when winning a miniature competition. One overall object of the game is to completely fill the player's carton (playing piece) with structures, the first one completely filling the carton being the winner.

Illustratively, and not to be limiting, the carton can be in the shape of a 6-pack container for, e.g., a beverage such as beer, with each of the structures for filling the container being in the shape of a bottle (for example, a beverage bottle, such as a beer bottle). The winner of the game is the first one to add six bottle structures to the empty 6-pack playing piece. Of course, the playing piece can hold less than or more than six structures, e.g., 12 structures in the shape of bottles, for example.

Accordingly, the present board game, and method of playing the board game, provide entertainment generally with competition among all of the players, with side games, and with miniature competitions within the general board game providing selected competition between specified ones of all of the players. Moreover, the present board game has an additional feature of providing drinking, including social drinking, of, e.g., a favorite beverage, for example, an alcoholic beverage such as beer, while playing the board game. The board game uses unique playing pieces and additional components (e.g., bottle structures) for determining the winner of the game.


FIG. 1 is a view of the game board of the present invention, showing both a perimeter path and a path diagonally across the board, so that a player can have a greater choice of direction of movement of the playing piece as compared to just forward and reverse.

FIG. 2 shows five empty 6-pack gamepieces respectively for, e.g., five players playing the game. While these pieces are numbered 1-5, each of the gamepieces (corresponding to cartons for holding beverages such as beer) can have a distinct design of a specific type or brand of beverage (for example, “Budweiser”, “Heineken”, etc.). While five gamepieces are shown, each player will have a respective gamepiece; and, for example, where more or less than five players are playing the game, there will be a respective number of gamepieces.

FIG. 3 shows a bottle-shaped structure to be inserted into the gamepiece of FIG. 2. Illustratively, where there are two miniature competitions on a game board, the bottles can be two sets respectively of different colors, with one set of the colored bottles being for a first miniature competition, and the other set of bottles, of the second color, being for the second miniature competition.


Throughout the present disclosure, where it is described that the structure comprises or includes specified components, the structure can consist essentially of, and consist of, the specified components; and where it is described that the method comprises or includes specified steps, the method can consist essentially of, and consist of, such specified steps.

FIG. 1 shows a game board for one embodiment of the present invention. The game board has a continuous path around the periphery of the board, for movement of the gamepieces, and has at least one path diagonally across the board for movement of the gamepieces. Thus, at, e.g., location space 6 adjacent “*START* A RULE”, on the board in FIG. 1, the player has a choice to follow the peripheral path or diagonal path. The board has specified locations whereby, when a player's gamepiece lands thereon, the player must follow the game rules with respect to that location, as discussed in the following.

In the following is set forth objects and rules for one specific embodiment of the game according to the present invention, using the game board of FIG. 1, gamepieces of FIG. 2 and structures of FIG. 3 for filling the gamepieces of FIG. 2. The rules of this specific embodiment are not to be limiting, describing one embodiment according to the present invention.

According to this embodiment, the object of the game is to fill an empty 6-pack gamepiece with bottles (for example, green and brown bottles) collected throughout game play. These bottles are awarded, inter alia, respectively to the winner of two miniature competitions played in the game (Quarter Challenge, B.S. Bluff), each time the miniature competition is played, these two miniature competitions being discussed in the following. This game can be played with players' favorite type of beverage, which can be an alcoholic beverage but can also be other types of beverages. The game is not intended to be played only with alcoholic beverages, and can be played using non-alcoholic beverages.

In getting started, the game desirably has at least three players, more preferably four or more (e.g., five) players. A quarter and two cups (preferably, non-transparent cups) are also needed. One of these non-transparent cups will be placed on the center of the board in the “DRINK CUP” spot; and a comfortable amount of a favorite beverage (e.g., beer) is poured in this first non-transparent cup (“DRINK CUP”). The other non-transparent cup goes on the B.S. Bluff circular spot, near the “Drink Cup Right”, and is, e.g., inverted, with one of two dice placed under this other non-transparent cup. The quarter is placed on the spot on the game board with the picture of the quarter (quarter holder 5 in FIG. 1). Bottles (e.g., plastic bottles) are placed on each of the bottle spaces on the game board. Green bottles, for example, are placed on the “Quarter Challenge” spaces 9, and brown bottles are placed on the “B.S. Bluff” spaces 11″. A deck of cards (regular playing cards) is placed on the “CARDS” spot on the board.

Each player chooses an empty 6-pack and begins on the space marked *START* A RULE. Each player rolls one dice, and the highest roll goes first. After this person having the highest roll goes, the game order moves, for example, counter clockwise.

The game is played by rolling only one of the die. Whatever the number rolled, is the amount of spaces that the player may move. When landing on a numbered spot, depending on the number rolled on the die, the player landing on the numbered spot will either drink or pass out a number of “sips” (“sips” of the beverage). “Sips” are determined by the difference between the die roll and the number on the board. If the die number is higher than the number on the board, the player passes those “sips” to another player. If the die number rolled is lower than the number on the board, the player must drink that amount of “sips”. When passing out the number of “sips”, the player may split them between two or more other players. If the die number is equal to the number on the board, each player “sips” the number amount on the die/board in a “social” manner. The DRINK CUP is filled with more beverage at this time.

Illustratively, if a die roll is a 5 and the player lands on a number 3, two “sips” are passed out. If the player's die roll is a 3 and the player lands on a number 5, the player must consume 2 “sips”. If the die roll is a 5 and the player lands on a number 5, everyone says “SOCIAL” and everyone takes 5 “sips”.

In the following are set forth specific rules when a player lands on other spaces of the game board shown in FIG. 1. Note that the red card spaces in FIG. 1 are represented by the reference character 1, and the black card spaces in the board of FIG. 1 are represented by the reference character 3. Other reference characters set forth in FIG. 1 are designated below.

*START* A RULEAfter the initial start of the game, if a player(side game)lands on the *START* A RULE space, thatperson is entitled to make a rule for the entirerest of the game. Everyone MUST adhere tothe Rule set by the player. The following Rulesare only examples; any Rule may be made.

(Example (1) of a Rule: Thumb rule: When the player (who made this rule) secretly places his or her thumb on the table, the other players must do the same. The last person to place his or her thumb on the table must drink until the Thumb master puts his thumb down; Example (2) of a Rule: Anytime someone says Drink, Drank, or Drunk, you must take a “Sip”; etc.)

RED CARD/When a player lands on this space, he/sheBLACK CARDmust pick up a card. The number on thiscard is the amount of “Sips” you must pass toanother player or consume yourself. If you areon a RED CARD space, and you pick a cardwith “red” numbers, you pass out this amountof “Sips”. If you choose a card with BLACKnumbers, you must consume this amount of“Sips. Vice-Versa when landing on a BLACKCARD space.(Note: All Face Cards are worth 10 “Sips”. Youmay split the number of “Sips” betweenmultiple players)DRINK CUP LEFTWhen a player lands on this space, the playerto the left of the player must drink the beveragein the center DRINK CUP, and then put morebeverage in the DRINK CUP.DRINK CUPWhen a player lands on this space, the playermust drink the beverage in the center DRINKCUP, and then put more beverage in theDRINK CUP.DRINK CUP RIGHTWhen a player lands on this space, the playerto the right of the player must drink thebeverage in the center DRINK CUP, and thenput more beverage in the center DRINK CUP.STEAL A PIECEWhen a player lands on this space, the player(Referencemay take a piece (bottle) from any other player.character 19)(Note: The player may only take a piece fromother players, not off the playing board)POUR IN CUPWhen a player lands on this space, the player(Referencemust pour beverage into the center DRINKcharacter 13)CUP.MOVE TO ANYWhen a player lands on this space, thisSPACE (Referenceenables the player to go to any space on thecharacter 21)board.3MANWhen a player lands on this space, the player(Referenceis declared 3MAN. Whenever a three is rolled,character 17)the 3MAN must drink 1 “Sip”. To get out of(side game)being 3MAN, the player must roll a 3 oranother player must land on the 3MAN spot,making the other player the new 3MAN.CHOOSE THEWhen a player lands on this space, the playerAMOUNT (Referencechooses another player to drink however manycharacter 15)“Sips” the player wants the other player todrink.GO TO DRUNKWhen a player lands on this space, the player'sTANKgamepiece is moved across the board to theDRUNK TANK space located below theWATERFALL space. When entering theDRUNK TANK, the player to the right of theplayer in the “drunk tank” begins aWATERFALL. (See “waterfall” forinstructions). The player must stay in theDRUNK TANK until the player rolls a 1 on thedie. The player has 3 chances to roll a 1 on thedie. If a 1 is not rolled in these 3 chances, it isthe turn of the next player in the rotation. Whena 1 is rolled by the player in the DRUNKTANK, the player moves to the large W spaceon the board. At this time the player getting outof the DRUNK TANK begins theWATERFALL.WATERFALLEveryone playing the game must partake in aWATERFALL. To begin a WATERFALL,everyone begins drinking at the same time.When the person who started theWATERFALL stops drinking, the 2nd in linemay stop, then the third may stop drinking,then the fourth player may stop, then the next,and so on.(Note: the WATERFALL is only played whenentering and leaving the DRUNK TANK, notduring regular game play. All other use of thisspace is by the number on that space. A playermay drink for however long as they feelnecessary during the WATERFALL)

There are two ways to win bottles for filling the 6-pack container. These are set forth in the following:

QUARTERWhen a player lands on QUARTERCHALLENGECHALLENGE, that player chooses another(Referenceplayer to play a game of quarters. Quarters is acharacter 9)game where two people rotate attempts inbouncing a quarter into the center DRINKCUP. Whichever player gets the quarter in thedrink cup first gets awarded the Bottlegamepiece. The player who lost must drink theentire DRINK CUP.(Note: If a player lands on a QUARTERCHALLENGE space without a bottlegamepiece, that player may only challengea contestant with a QUARTER CHALLENGEbottle. If no one else has a QUARTERCHALLENGE bottle except the player on thespace, the player must still choose anotherplayer, and then defend the bottle gamepiece).B.S. BLUFFB.S. BLUFF is a dice game in which both of(Referencethe dice are used, along with the second non-character 11)transparent cup. The player that lands on aB.S. BLUFF space challenges anothercontestant. B.S. BLUFF is played betweenthese two players. The object is to get thehighest combination number on the dice.(Note: You may BLUFF to get a highernumber).The player 1 who landed on the B.S. BLUFFspace places both dice under the cup (which isinverted), and goes first by shaking the cup tomix up the dice. Without showing anyone else,the player 1 slightly tilts the cup to see thenumber combination on the set of die.(Example: A roll of a number 2 on one of thedie, and a 3 on the other die, would be a 32combination) The player 1 then announces thisnumber (32) to the opponent (player 2). Theopponent (player 2) would then shake the cupand mix up the dice. The opponent (player 2)must shake the dice, and get a higher number.(Example: A roll of a number 4 on one of thedie, and a 5 on the other die would be a 54combination) The opponent (player 2) thenannounces this number 54 to the player 1.Once again, the player 1 will shake the cupand mix up the dice, trying to get a highernumber than the opponent (player 2). (If aplayer 1 shakes a lower number (21) than theopponent's (player 2's) number (54), then theplayer must BLUFF by announcing a highernumber (63, for example). This goes back andforth between the two players. (At any timeone of the players (1 or 2) believes the other ISbluffing, that player will lift the cup to see thecombination of the two dice. If the other playerwas telling the truth, the bottle gamepiece isawarded to that player and the challenger musttake 1 “Sip”. If the other player is bluffing, andthe number is lower, the player (1 or 2) whocalled the bluff is awarded the bottlegamepiece & the loser must take 1 “Sip”.)If a double combination is rolled, such as a 1and another 1, that combination (1, 1) is higherthan a (65) combination. Double two's (2, 2) arehigher than double one's (1, 1), double three's(3, 3) are higher than double two's (2, 2), doublefour's (4, 4) are higher than double three's (3, 3),double five's (5, 5) are higher than double four's(4, 4), and double six's (6, 6) are higher thandouble five's (5, 5).(Note: Double combinations are always higherthan regular combinations such as 31, 65, 21,54, etc . . . )The ultimate BLUFF is a four and a one (4, 1)combination. If this combination is shaken,the player 1 who shook this combination (4, 1)places one of the two dice on the top of theinverted cup and hides the other die under thecup allowing the opponent (player 2) to seeonly one of the numbers on the die. If theopponent (player 2) believes the player 1 hasthe other corresponding number hidden underthe cup, the opponent (player 2) will roll the dieon the top of the cup. The number that is rolledis the amount of “Sips” this player must drink.The game then resets, and is started overbetween the same two players. (If called on abluff with this combination (4, 1) and the player1 is NOT bluffing with a (4, 1) combination, theopponent (player 2) must roll both dice. Theamount on the dice is the amount of “Sips” theopponent (player 2) must drink. (Example: aroll of a 4 and 3 would add up to 7 “Sips”. Atthis time the B.S. BLUFF bottle gamepiece isawarded to the player 1. (If called on a BLUFFwith this combination (4, 1) and the player 1 ISbluffing the player 1 must roll both dice. Theamount on the dice is the amount of “Sips” theplayer 1 must drink. At this time the B.S.BLUFF bottle gamepiece is awarded to theopponent (player 2).(Note: You may BLUFF at any point! (highercombination, Doubles, or even a (4, 1)combination. If a player lands on B.S. BLUFFspace without a bottle, that player may onlychallenge a contestant with a B.S. BLUFFbottle. If no one else has a B.S. BLUFF bottleexcept the player on the space, the playermust still choose another player, and then,defend the bottle gamepiece.)If a player lands on a B.S. BLUFF orQUARTER CHALLENGE space without abottle gamepiece, the player can only playsomeone with a similar (color) bottlegamepiece. If no one has a similar (color)bottle, the player that landed on the spacechooses their opponent.

Many different embodiments of the present invention may be constructed without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. It should be understood that the present invention is not limited to the specific embodiment described in this specification. To the contrary, the present invention is intended to cover various modifications and equivalent arrangements included within the spirit and scope of the claims.

  • 1. Gamepiece for a board game, comprising a member adapted to hold bottle-shaped structures collected during playing of the board game.
  • 2. Gamepiece according to claim 1, wherein the member is a member having a shape of a 6-pack holder of beverages, and said bottle-shaped structures are in the form of bottles for holding beverages.
  • 3. Gamepiece according to claim 2, wherein the gamepiece has a 6-pack carton design of a respective type of beverage.
  • 4. A plurality of gamepieces according to claim 3, wherein each gamepiece has a carton design of a different brand of beverage.
  • 5. Method of playing a game using a gamepiece according to claim 1, wherein a player of the game uses the gamepiece traveling around a board of the board game; at predetermined locations of the board the player plays a miniature competition; and where the player wins the miniature competition the player collects a bottle-shaped structure to place in said gamepiece.
  • 6. Method according to claim 5, wherein the game is played until a player collects bottle-shaped structures so as to fill up the member.
  • 7. A board for a board game, having a continuous path around the board and at least one location on the board where miniature competitions between a player landing on said at least one location and another player are initiated.
  • 8. The board according to claim 7, wherein the continuous path around the board includes diverging paths where a player can choose to proceed in one of two directions.
  • 9. The board according to claim 8, wherein the continuous path includes a path around the periphery of the board and a path, continuous with the peripheral path, diagonally across the board.
  • 10. A board game comprising the board according to claim 7 and a plurality of gamepieces, one for each player, each gamepiece comprising a member adapted to hold bottle-shaped structures collected during playing of the board game.
  • 11. The board game according to claim 10, wherein the member is a member having a shape of a 6-pack holder of beverages, and said bottle-shaped structures are in the form of beverage bottles.
  • 12. The board game according to claim 10, wherein each gamepiece has a carton design of different brand of beverage.
  • 13. Method of playing a board game by a plurality of players using the board according to claim 7, comprising the steps of: (a) each player chooses a different gamepiece, each gamepiece being adapted to hold a same number of bottle-shaped structures therein but containing less than said same number of bottle-shaped structures at the beginning of the game; (b) each player, starting at a same starting point, in turn determining landing positions along said path by chance means; (c) when a player, of the plurality of players, lands on a location along said path which directs that a miniature competition take place, said player plays said miniature competition with another of said plurality of players, and a winner of said miniature competition wins a bottle-shaped structure for the gamepiece of said winner; and (d) when a player fills the player's gamepiece with bottle-shaped structures, so as to have a filled gamepiece, the player with the filled gamepiece wins the board game.
  • 14. The method of playing the board game according to claim 13, wherein second locations along said path, other than locations which directs that said miniature competitions take place, are locations which direct players landing thereon to take drinks of beverages or which permit the player landing thereon to require other players to take drinks of beverages.
  • 15. The method of playing the board game according to claim 14, wherein said beverages are favorite beverages.
  • 16. The method of playing a board game according to claim 13, wherein the continuous path around the board includes diverging paths where a player can choose to proceed in one of two directions.
Parent Case Info

This application claims priority under 35 USC §119(e) of prior provisional Application No. 60/526,017, filed Dec. 2, 2003, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60526017 Dec 2003 US