
  • Patent Application
  • 20240156307
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    November 16, 2022
    2 years ago
  • Date Published
    May 16, 2024
    10 months ago
  • Inventors
    • Townsend; Claudia Lee (Reno, NV, US)
A wiping and drying cloth as a single layer fabric, gray or black in color of fabric, towel or cloth, but produced in multiple colors. These cloths, fabrics, and materials can vary for the type of absorbent material can be made of synthetic materials, such as micro-fiber made from polyester fibers, polyamides, and or a combination of polyester, polyamides and polypropylene. The absorbent fabric, cloth or material is normally made of long loops, allowing absorption of water or fluids in which the longer loops are more absorbent material. The invention was created to be used for drying the specific areas of the human body, such as genital and buttocks areas. The towels have a quadrilateral predetermined length from top to the bottom of the towel of various sizes so to be used after multiple folds by the user.

I, Claudia L. Townsend, a resident of the United States of America, where I was born and have lived all my life, yet, currently reside in Reno, Nevada, now for 33 years, have, and I alone, with no other person, I do solemnly swear, created the BOOTAY TOWEL invention, for the purpose of wiping and drying the human external genital & genitalia areas, plus, it is used for wiping the anal or buttock's area as well, specifically for a user to use after a shower or bath. Intended for one use after a shower or bath, so the user can feel comfortable these areas are free of fluids when the towel is used properly. The details of those instructions for use are included for the reader here in this document.

The purpose of the towel is to reduce the amount large bath towel usage, due to soiling it with possible fecal matter and/or leukorrhea fluid after wiping and drying the entire body. Therefore, reducing the necessity for a larger bath towel to be washed due to soiling after each bath or shower. Soiling a larger bath towel has a direct effect on how often you would be required/or need to wash your larger bath towel. Use of this smaller BOOTAY TOWEL allows each household to conserve or save water, create less soap waste, and save on utilities. Ultimately, less use of our resources has a direct impact on our planet with the ultimate intention of reducing water consumption, soap, waste, and pollution into our environment. Once a reader reads the entire details of this invention, the reader will understand the reason behind the quadrilateral shape and details of the BOOTAY TOWEL.

This would allow a consumer to use the smaller BOOTAY TOWEL daily or when they shower or bathe and save the larger bath towel to dry the rest of the clean body after a shower of bath, and for multiple uses, based on an individual preference. We generally all come out of a bath or shower clean and often do not soil a larger bath towel when wiping the other areas of our body that do not secret fluids or carry bacteria. So, we generally do not soil a larger bath towel with our clean skin if it stays clear of the genitals and anal area.

The invention is to aid the consumer to wipe areas that secrete bodily fluids that may be filled with bacteria and are hard to reach areas, so a user can avoid wiping those same areas with a large or normal size bath towel soiling on average, for a household of four people, 20 towels per week assuming 5 showers or baths per person weekly on average. Our hope is that a consumer would wash a bath towel once weekly or less, depending on preference, rather than throwing a soiled bath towel in the laundry daily with use of the BOOTAY TOWEL. It is estimated on average, for a household of 4 people, each showering 5 days per week, soiling I towel each time, with use of a medium efficiency washing ma chine that uses approximately 13 Gallons of water on average per wash load, usage of water would be 208 Gallons of water to wash 80 towels, assuming 5 towels per load, in that household monthly. So, using same household in this example, could reduce their washing machine loads down to 16 normal or large size bath towels per month, but adding in 20 bath size towels because the Bootay Towels are approximately ¼ of the size of a normal size bath towel and ⅙ the size of a larger bath towel, so this would equate to 36 normal or large bath towels used per month in this same household and to be washed, equally only 93.6 Gallons of water usage for towels per month. So, this household would estimate a savings in water, monthly, of approximately 114.4 Gallons of water per month. So, rather than using 3,120 gallons of water per year in this same size household, could save 1,996.80 Gallons of water per year. So, with these assumptions using these household examples and averages, we could reduce laundering of towels by 55% when including the Bootay Towel in a household's daily routine.

Ultimately, by using 142,153,010 number of households in the United States per the U.S. Census Bureau as of July 2021, this could equal a “monthly savings” of more than 16,205,000,000 Billion Gallons of water. Let me say that again, it could equal and estimated “Savings” in one (1) month of more than Sixteen Billion Two Hundred and Five Million Gallons of Water in the United States Only! This is a staggering number, savings to the planet, and to the consumer. This again is just for the Washing Machine and of Bath Towles, for it is estimated that an individual in the U.S. uses 450 Gallons of water per month for washing machines.

It is simply providing another choice for something that has been done one way for a very long time. BOOTAY TOWEL is another option for the consumer to build a good habit, so they can be a hero and save water, soap, money, and utilities while using the BOOTAY TOWEL.


The present invention relates to a user using a normal or large size bath towel, that generally today is used to dry the entire clean human body once out of a shower or bathtub, often including the genital and buttocks areas. Once used in the genital area of the human body or used to dry between the but tocks area, then the bath towel often becomes soiled by other human fluids which often make it soiled with germs and bacteria. Therefore, in the past most people put these bath towels in the washing machine, and are washing, on average, for a family of four, many towels, monthly using a large amount of water, soap, & utilities. As an example, for a family of four, taking a minimum of five showers on average per week, soiling 4 towels each, would equal 20 towels being used in a week. This equates to a possibility of 80 towels being washed in a single month.

The smaller more efficient quadrilateral invention or rather, BOOTAY TOWEL, as shown in Drawing FIG. 1 thru 7, is for use on the genital and buttocks area once, with folds described in Details of Invention, then washed, which allows “re-use” of a large or normal size bath towel, so it is not soiled by such bodily fluids or bacteria. Then a bath towel can be used for several showers or baths, whereas, the user saves money on water, soap, & utilities, all at the same time helping save our planet, whereas the Invention purpose and impact was described above in the Invention purpose information statement.


In one embodiment of the invention, it has a shape much like a kite that is quadrilateral with two pairs of equal adjacent sides, but with rounded four corners, which provides a user a central or upper middle quadrant of the invention. Also in another embodiment, the invention is allowing for the initial or first wipe of the genital areas, is provided, as the objective of the invention is to provide an apparates/towel that allows a user to dry the genital and between the buttocks area, if desired, where most germs & bacteria hide, allowing for the apparatus/towel to dry these areas efficiently and in a clean manner. This allows for the larger bath towel, which is often four (4) and sometimes six (6) times larger, to not become soiled with germs and can be used multiple times, so provided.

Also, in one embodiment the user does a first center fold downward of the top half of the apparatus/towel “at” the two rounded upper middle corners, that covers or conceals this specific area used and now soiled. Now this leaves the with a shape of the apparatus/towel much like a triangle with three sides & an upper quadrant of double thickness fabric.

Also, in one embodiment the user does a second fold, if desired, to wipe the buttocks area. The second fold is to wipe and dry the buttocks area. The second fold is done at the top middle of this first fold and bottom rounded corner, whereas the user simply joins the two, now folded down, side rounded corners together.

In another aspect of the invention, of the twice folded invention, is now exposing a clean line back side of the towel, providing the user ample area on the invention to choose to do a second wipe, now in the buttocks area.

In one embodiment of the method, it is providing the user a clean towel area to wipe between the buttocks. Using this smaller portion triangled shape of the invention, a strong 4-layer thickness of fabric to wipe between the users butt cheeks. Also, in one embodiment the invention is equipped with a hanging loop so it could be hung on a hook to dry out when a user takes invention out of a washing machine and air dry's the invention, so a consumer can save on utilities multiple ways. Also in one method, the hanging loop is also for the user to hang in their bathroom for easy access out of a shower or bath.

The above and other objects, features and advantages of the present invention should become even more readily apparent to those skilled in the art of sewing upon a read of the following detailed description in conjunction with the drawings wherein there is more detail shown and described with illustrative embodiments of the invention.


This invention is described by the following drawings which are described briefly as follows in addi tion to claims:

Drawing FIG. 1 depicts a perspective view of the BOOTAY TOWEL overall quadrilateral or kite like shape, embroidery & edge in accordance with the present invention.

Drawing FIG. 2 depicts a perspective front view of the invention and the sewn overlock edge all the way around the towel to include a hanging hook.

Drawing FIG. 3 depicts the embroidery frontal view of the “BOOTAY TOWEL” words at the upper portion of the towel. These words are embroidered with a natural cotton & poly thread in lime green normally & the letters of both words are in a half moon (96) pattern, with the word “BOOTAY” on top & the word “TOWEL” below.

Drawing FIG. 4 depicts towel backside view and of the “BOOTAY TOWEL” words showing the em broidery on the backside of the towel in reverse.

Drawing FIG. 4.1 depicts the towel with a user placement of their hand at the back of the BOOTAY TOWEL. It details the first use when you pick up the BOOTAY TOWEL & hold it open from the backside with the front side facing you.

Drawing FIG. 5 depicts a perspective view of the 1st fold of BOOTAY TOWEL, the before & after.

Drawing FIG. 6 depicts what the BOOTAY TOWEL looks like after 2nd fold & gives description on direction of fold to use on the behind.

Drawing FIG. 7 depicts a perspective view of the shape of the towel after the 2nd fold, which now would have three sides and is shaped like an elongated triangle.


Drawing FIG. 1 there is a shown perspective view of the invention, a single layer Fabric (100), of 100% cotton gray color fabric shown in drawing, but could be produced in all colors of the color wheel or multiple colors. These cloths, fabrics, and materials can vary for the type of absorbent mate rial can be made of synthetic materials such as micro-fiber made from polyester fibers, polyamides, and or a combination of polyester, polyamides, and polypropylene. The absorbent cloth or material is normally made of long loops, which allow absorption of large amounts of water in which the longer loops are the more absorbent material. This invention is specific to be used for drying the specific areas of the human body, such as genital and buttocks areas. This is the reason for the predetermined length from top rounded corner (60) and bottom rounded corner (70), which is usually 26 inches and width from left rounded corner (80) and right rounded corner (90), which is usually 14 inches, as in a quadrilateral shape. Although, total square inches of fabric are most often 4 to 6 times smaller than a regular bath towel but can vary in size from 6 to 12 inches sometimes larger or smaller. The towel is made with specific quadrilateral shape, i.e., the perimeters, length, and width dimensions, is for ease of its specific uses in the genital and buttocks areas. The BOOTAY (99) word & the TOWEL (98) word is in a half moon (96) shape at the top quadrant of the invention.

The edge (120) is sewn of 100% cotton crochet thread and use of color is often lime green, but all colors of rainbow could be used and are used on some produced towels currently. The edge (120) sewn can also be of cotton ribbing sewn in a matching or similar color to the BOOTAY TOWEL fabric. Each color used separately on a Towel edge (120) is sewn all the way around the outer perimeter of the towel and extending beyond the ending towel perimeter (73) with a hanging loop (75) made for the user's convenience so it may be hung on a hook and easily accessible once out of a shower or bath.

Drawing FIG. 2 provides detail of the type of fabrics that are used or will be used in the BOOTAY TOWEL. The Fabric (100) is of an absorbent material having only one layer of thickness, with each side, i.e., front, and back, with a similar or the same absorbency of the fabric. The absorbent material can be from a natural woven fiber or synthetic fiber. In one embodiment the absorbent material or fabric can be terry cloth made of 100% natural cotton fibers. Alternatively, the absorbent material or fabric can be made of cotton that contains some synthetic polyester materials. The absor bent material or fabric can be made of synthetic materials such as micro-fiber made from polyester fibers, polyamides, and or a combination of polyester, polyamides and polypropylene, The absorbent material is normally made of long loops which allow absorption of large amounts of water in which the longer loops are the more absorbent material. The fabric shown is a gray color, but the BOOTAY TOWEL can be made in a variety of colors. Most often Gray and Black are used.

The edge (120) is sewn of a crochet thread and use of color is often lime green as one color and rainbow as the second color but can be in a variety of colors. Each color used separately on a Bootay Towel edge (120) will be sewn all the way around the outer perimeter of the towel.

As shown in Drawings FIG. 1 thru 4.1 the BOOTAY TOWEL (100) shape has a kite appearance or a quadrilateral shape. Although, as we have detailed the usefulness in this quadrilateral shape is for the user to be able to be dry and fresh after a shower or bath, but ultimately to be able to reuse their larger bath towel.

Also, in Drawing FIG. 2 is an example of the placement of the embroidered words/lettering of “BOOTAY” (99) which is approximately 4 inches from the top rounded corner (60) but could be as much as 6 to 7 inches from the top rounded corner (60) center, so word “BOOTAY” (99) specific to the top center of the word first depicted on the Drawing FIG. 2. Then again from the top rounded corner (60) center for the word “TOWEL (98)” it is approx. 5¼ inches measuring from top center of the word first depicted in Drawing FIG. 2 but could be as much as 8 to 9 inches from top rounded corner (60) center. The letters are sewn of solid quality embroidered thread made of poly-cotton embroidered lime green or multiple colored thread all-in upper-case lettering and in a half moon (96) pattern with various “Fonts” (97) used. Although, a Font choice can be changed, but currently using Microsoft Word “descriptions of fonts” in their program, currently Abadi to Yu Mincho font(s) (97). This can vary based on country, language and/or area of production of the towel. This placement of the words “BOOTAY (99) TOWEL (98)” can vary in location and size from 2 to 5 inches due to size of the towel, or the special request from the consumer as specials are offered by the company selling the BOOTAY TOWEL. The specific edging or stitch on the edge (120) again, is sewn by using a special machine completing a 4 thread overlock stitch (121) & is made with a soft crochet thread in 100% cotton, as depicted here on the front of the BOOTAY TOWEL. In addition, in Drawing FIG. 2 the hanging loop (75) is sewn, knotted, then secured for washing, then left with an approximate three-inch loop opening (135) for the user to use to hang the towel, if they wish, so it is easily accessible out of the shower hanging on a hook. The hooks functions are also so a user may hang the towel right out of the wash to dry, so they save on utilities. The length of tail (140) is approximately 3 inches but can be as much as 4 or 5 inches in length or shorter than 3 inches, therefore making the loop opening (135) varying in size from 3 to 4 inches for these are all knotted and completed by hand.

Drawing FIG. 3 it shows an example of the tightly sewn 4-thread overlock stitch (121) around edge (120) at the frontside (151) of the BOOTAY TOWEL with some details on threads used and stitch. This is a continuous stitched starts in a position beyond the beginning towel perimeter (71) of the Fabric (100) to start, and then as the stitched edge (120) is completed, then sewn beyond the ending towel perimeter (73) of the Fabric (100) another 4 to 6 inches beyond to form the proper hanging loop (75) and length of tail (140) which is then formed and knotted in the shape of a loop opening (135), which is approximately 3 inches so it can be used for hanging. In addition, it shows the sewn edge (120) of the towel which is made with a 100% cotton crochet thread in a variety of colors, but most often used is a lime green 10 wt Crochet Thread sewn with a 6-7 tension bind as a 4 Thread Overlock stitch (121). In addition, in Drawing FIG. 3 it details the words BOOTAY (99) TOWEL (98) as detailed in FIG. 1, their shape sewn, which is a half-moon shape (96) with Thread is 40 wt 100% Polyester 6 Strand Embroidery thread, sewn with Chrome Needles & sewn with a 5 Tension and visibly double sided on Fabric so, you have sewn/embroidery threads Front and Backside. Various Colors used, although main colors are florescent greens for the name “BOOTAY TOWEL”. The reason for all detailed-on Drawing FIG. 3 will become apparent to a reader on the next Drawing FIG. 4 and instructional use.

Drawing FIG. 4 is a depiction of the backside (150) of the BOOTAY TOWEL and the words “BOOTAY TOWEL” are in reverse lettering (160) that is embroidered through to the backside & shows up on the towel as reverse order reading from left to right, because it is on the backside (150) of the BOOTAY TOWEL. This is because of the quality of the embroidery. It is of high quality, and it is designed and sewn so there are no discrepancies of letters/words from the front to the backside (150). This way the user is fully aware of frontside (151) and backside (150) of the towel. It provides a visual of the same single thickness of the Gray Cotton Terry Fabric (100), often used, and identifies backside upper quadrant (100.1) and lower quadrant (100.3). The reason for identifying these quadrants will become apparent in Drawings FIG. 4.1 and FIG. 5. It also shows, along the entire perimeter, or edge (120) all the way around the towel, is stitched to frame the towel and prevent the Fabric (100) from fraying, which has no change (is the same) from the frontside (151) to the backside (150) due to the 4 Thread Overlock Stitch (121). The use of color appears duplicated, but it is all done with the one singular continuous 4 thread overlock stitch (121). The product detail, use, and cleaning instruc tions label, is made from soft white satin and hereafter referred to as “label” (170), is also affixed on the backside (150) near the bottom rounded corner (70) as depicted in Drawing FIG. 1 and shows the details of invention production, materials, cleaning instructions and country of origin.

The invention, label (170) provides recommended washing instructions after each single use, recom mends only one use each time, for each area, and percentages of each fabric type used to produce the invention. An analysis of all materials used for the first run and most popular production of the BOOTAY TOWEL is 94% natural fiber cotton and 6% of Polymer as a material used in some threads and label. These cloths, fabrics, and materials can vary for the type of absorbent material can be made of synthetic materials such as micro-fiber made from polyester fibers, polyamides, and or a combina tion of polyester, polyamides and polypropylene. The absorbent fabric, cloth, or material is normally made of long loops which allow absorption of large amounts of water and fluids, in which the longer loops are the more absorbent material. Therefore, the label (170) “description” will be analyzed again, and the label (170) description will be adjusted, with a new detail for proper disclosure and then made to be attached to the different absorbent material when used.

Drawing FIG. 4.1 depicts the invention for a consumers first use, depicting an example if a user would hold the towel, with an open palm (190) at or touching the central backside quadrant (200) as shown in the Drawing FIG. 4.1. You simply place your open palm (190) to the backside of the towel with frontside (151) facing the user, just below the embroidered words, shown frontside (151) “BOOTAY TOWEL” as if you have the towel laying on your hand, while you hold the towel. Then using the top approximate central frontside quadrant (201) of the towel, you wipe and dry your genital(s) area(s) so you are only soiling this small towel, rather than a large bath towel that would then need to be washed and dried after wiping your genital area and soiling it. In this application of the Invention, we felt it necessary to provide a use detail due to the quadrilateral shape of the towel. As a reader continues their read in Drawing FIGS. 5 and 6 you will notice the shape has accommodating features for a user.

Drawing FIG. 5 provides the details of the directions for the first fold of the BOOTAY TOWEL after the first wipe of the genital area(s). This is an easy fold as the user simply folds at the Left rounded corner (80) and at Right rounded corner (90) folding this entire backside upper quadrant (100.1) downward toward the frontside (151) lower quadrant (100.2), with creating the first fold line (91). Now the user sees a backside upper quadrant (100.1) of the towel now laying against the frontside (151) lower quadrant (100.2) single layer of fabric thickness portion of the towel making the towel now a double thickness of fabric, yet still with a single layer of towel in the very lower portion per drawing. Hence now this fold mostly conceals the area used to wipe the genital area, but a 2nd fold is still to be done. So, then the user is to fold the towel again as you will see in the next description of Drawing FIG. 6.

This allows for further use of the BOOTAY TOWEL, on the backside as you will see depicted in Drawing FIG. 6 which is next. Once the 1st fold has been completed you will see a shape of a three-sided triangle with a shorter top portion along the first fold line (91) and two longer sides, but at the lower quadrant (100.2) still having the hanging loop (75) of 4 thread overlock stitch (121) that, as described before, can be used to hang the towel on a hook for easy access for a consumer, when needing to reach for out of a shower or bathtub. Now with these three sides in position, the user is now ready for the second fold of the towel, so it can be used for the next area of the body, the buttocks, as described next in Drawing FIG. 6.

Drawing FIG. 6 of the BOOTAY TOWEL is to provide a depiction of the towel before & after the second fold with instructional detail of the towel start to finish of the towel being folded twice. The twice folded edge (210) is to be used between the butt cheeks to wipe dry or clean the buttocks, with portion of the exposed backside (150), area after a shower or bath and so you do not soil an entire larger bath towel, allowing the user to save on water, soap, and utilities used to clean a larger towel. Felt it important to stress this issue in this depiction since this is the reason for the quadrilateral shape of the invention. That is the reason for the second fold, and the description in Drawing FIG. 6 is to provide a clear written picture of what the towel will look like for the user.

As you hold the BOOTAY TOWEL with the first fold completed, you have Left rounded corner (80) and Right rounded corner (90) both folded down slightly, so now you simply meet right and left rounded corners together. You can do this by joining them together at the folded, now down, corners. Drawing FIG. 6 shows 1 example of a “direction to fold” folding them from left to right, but you can fold right to left or just bring them together center. Once you have the towel folded, you will have a size of approximately 7 inches (in this example) but could be larger from 3 to 4 inches at the top where you will have the 4-layer thickness of fabric (65). With Left rounded corner (80) and Right rounded corner (90) joined together there is a quadruple thickness of towel at the twice folded edge (210) for approximately 15 inches but could be as much as 19 inches depending on size of the BOOTAY TOWEL. Then there is a bottom doubled fabric thickness (76) that went from a single layer fabric thickness to 2 layers of fabric now, offering strength of the twice folded edge (210) to be placed be tween the buttock's cheeks and the bottom double fabric thickness (76) to be held by the user for this placement.

These 4-layer thickness of fabric (65), allows for the user to then have a clean backside towel twice folded edge (210) to wipe between the buttocks or butt cheeks. The advantage for the user is to free this area (between the buttocks cheeks) of most germs, and to ensure a clean dry area after a shower or bath enhancing the user's cleanliness. The user can place the lower portion of the towel twice folded edge (210), just above the bottom doubled fabric thickness (76) that will be held in their hand, between their butt cheeks, then use this hand to pull the BOOTAY TOWEL backwards in a somewhat upward motion as if to floss or clean between the buttock's cheeks for a clean and dry area after a shower or bath.

Drawing FIG. 7 depicts the invention after a user has completed the second fold of the BOOTAY TOWEL. The depiction shows the newly made 4 thickness corner (85) with backside (150) and lower quadrant with a 4-layer thickness fabric (65) and the lower portion of the towel with the bottom doubled fabric thickness (76) and the depiction of the change to the hanging loop (75) after the 2°d fold as well. In the depiction you will notice there is no exposure of the first fold area that was used to wipe the genital area(s). This is the reason for Drawing FIG. 7, we felt it important to help the reader understand fully the reason for the quadrilateral shape of the BOOTAY TOWEL.

Specification Intended Use of Bootay Towel, Instructions

Following is a description of how to properly use the BOOTAY TOWEL:

    • Step 1—Once you have completed your shower or bath, and have dried yourself with your preferred bath towel, reach for and lift your BOOTAY TOWEL off the hook (if it is hanging on a hook as suggested) from the hanging loop area of the towel. Then open the front side of the BOOTAY TOWEL fully (words facing you and readable), and place the towel on top of your hand, palm open and fingers widely spread, where your hand is touching the backside of your BOOTAY TOWEL, just below the half-moon words of BOOTAY TOWEL backside. Then you use this frontside central upper area for wiping and drying the genitals.
    • Step 2—Now gently fold down the upper quadrant of the BOOTAY TOWEL grabbing both left and right (side middle) rounded corners and fold down this entire upper quadrant of the towel so the front quadrant lays on top of the bottom front quadrant, as depicted in Drawing FIG. 5. You will now be left with three (3) side edges to the towel with an elongated triangle shape as depicted in Drawing FIG. 5.
    • Step 3—Now the user does a 2 fold, taking the left and right rounded corners (80 and 90 as depicted in Drawing FIG. 1) and bring them together so they are touching. Now after this 2nd fold the user will have an upper quadrant of 4-layers thickness of fabric or towel, shaped as a smaller elongated triangle as depicted in Drawing FIG. 7, but with also a lower quadrant of the towel that has a bottom doubled fabric thickness of towel as depicted in Drawing FIGS. 6 and 7.
    • Step 4—This smaller elongated triangle shape, now created by user, is to be used between the buttocks area, as if to floss wipe/dry between the cheeks of your buttocks. We suggest you grab hold, if you are right-handed with the right hand, if left-handed left hand, of the top portion of the towel at the newly made 4 thickness corner (85) as shown in the Drawing FIG. 7. We suggest you now use a stool, bathtub rim or toilet seat, seat cover in the down position, to place one leg up, (if right-handed we suggest left leg up, if left-handed we suggest right leg up). Then user reaches under your raised leg with the oppo site hand that is holding the towels newly made 4-layer thickness corner, and grabs hold of the lower corner, just above satin white label, and at the bottom doubled fabric thickness (76) now, as shown in the Drawing FIG. 6 and FIG. 7, and place the 4-layer thickness fabric of the BOOTAY TOWEL just above the lower corner, that you are holding, between your butt cheeks. Then with this same hand at your backside, which is holding this lower corner, pull the towel backward and somewhat upwards, so it wipes and dries the buttocks area, at same time gradually releasing your hold on the towel by your front hand which would be holding the top 4-layer thickness corner (85). We suggest you only wipe once for the towel will pick up bacteria and germs missed during a bath or shower. After this use of the towel, be sure to place in laundry and wash before using again. We encourage the user to save the larger bath towel for your next shower or bath.

  • 1. A single layer fabric cloth for wiping and drying of a user's genital or buttocks area, when out of a shower or bath, in all a multitude of colors of fabric, material or cloth of quadrilateral kite shape, and these cloths, fabrics, and materials can vary for the type of absorbent material can be made of synthetic materials such as micro-fiber made from polyester fibers, polyamides, and or a combination of polyester, polyamides and polypropylene in a absorbent fabric, cloth or material normally made of long loops, which allow absorption of large amounts of water or fluids in which the longer loops are the more absorbent material.
  • 2. (canceled)
  • 3. Total square inches of fabric are most often 4 to 6 times smaller than a regular bath towel but can vary in size from 6 to 12 inches sometimes larger or smaller.
  • 4. The towel is made with specific quadrilateral shape, of the perimeters, length, and width dimensions, is for ease of its specific uses before and after folds, on the genital and buttocks areas as described in claim 1.
  • 5. The BOOTAY word & the TOWEL words are embroidered in a half moon shape at the top quadrant of the invention to allow the user the ability to identify the specific use for this towel, as it would hang in a bathroom and are sewn in upper case lettering for a user to easily identify frontside verses, backside.
  • 6. A single layer fabric with a sewn edge of 4-Thread Overlock Stitch is often of 100% cotton crochet thread or polymers and use of color is all colors of the color wheel.
  • 7-8. (canceled)
  • 9. The single layer of fabric cloth of claim 1 has a sewn edge all the way around the outer perimeter/edge of the towel and extending beyond the beginning towel perimeter and beyond the ending towel perimeters, a hanging loop is made from those sewn edges that extend beyond the perimeters, for the user's convenience so it may be hung on a hook and easily accessible once out of a shower or bath.
  • 10.-15. (canceled)