FIG. 1 is a top front perspective view of a bottle showing our new design;
FIG. 2 is a front elevational view thereof;
FIG. 3 is a top plan view thereof;
FIG. 4 is a bottom plan view thereof;
FIG. 5 is a top front perspective view of a second embodiment of the bottle of FIG. 1, the sole difference being the disclaiming of the neck portion of the bottle as indicated in the drawing by the location of the boundary line; and,
FIG. 6 is a top front perspective view of a third embodiment of the bottle of FIG. 1, the sole difference being the disclaiming of the neck portion and of the horizontal mid-portion of the bottle as indicated in the drawing by the location of the boundary lines.
The dash-dot-dash-dot broken line shown in the drawings is for environmental purposes only and forms no part of the claimed design.
The dash-dash-dash-dash broken line shown in the drawings defines the boundary of the claimed design.