Lee, Eva K., Slides from “Integer Programming Strategies In Solving Large—Scale Set Partition/Covering Problems”, Given to Lucent Technologies, 1996. |
Lee, Eva K., Talk on “Computational Experience with a General Purpose Mixed 0/1 Integer Programming Solver MIPSOL”, Given at INFORMS Conference, May 1997. |
Lightsey, Ed, “Theragenics: The Shooting Star of Georgia Stocks in '97 More Importantly, TheraSeed Offers New Hope for Men With Prostate Cancer”, Health Care—Stocks, Georgia Trend, Nov. 1997. |
Gallagher, Richard J., et al, “Mixed Integer Programming Optimization Models for Brachytherapy Treatment Planning”, Daniel R. Masys, Ed., Proceedings of the 1997 American Medical Informatics Association Annual Fall Symposium, pp. 278-282, Oct. 25, 1997. |
Lee, Eva K. et al., “Treatment Planning for Brachytherapy: An Integer Programming Model, Two Computational Approaches and Experiments on Permanent Prostate Implant Planning”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, pp. 145-165, May 1998. |