1. Field
This invention relates in general to repeating firearms, and relates in particular to autoloading shotguns and other such firearms.
2. Prior Art
Past efforts to design improved, practical autoloading shotguns generally having been constrained by the effects of firing recoil, or by inadequately considering the effects of recoil when designing the gun. The term “autoloading” is herein used to denote a gun which, when fired, automatically ejects the spent shell and loads a fresh round from a magazine, and includes semi-automatic as well as full-automatic firing modes.
Although recoil affects any firearm to some degree, the relatively heavy recoil of shotguns is recognized by most shooters. Particularly in larger-gauge shotguns, recoil and percussion can loosen mechanical joints, i.e., riveted, screwed or bolted joints as shown in U.S. Pat. No. 4,693,170, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated herein by reference, in its entirety. Fatigue of adjacent metal structures also is experienced.
Where dimensionally critical portions of the gun are involved, such as the breech area including the mechanical connection of the barrel to the barrel extension for guns which have a removable barrel, such loosening of joints can compromise smooth action of the autoloading mechanism as well as creating dangerous conditions of misfirings, premature firings, shell jamming and the like.
An autoloading gun construction having barrel extension means constructed for rapidly receiving cartridges, missile end first, and guiding them into the breach end of a barrel, wherein said extension means is positioned between and secured to wall sections of two opposing receiver plates of a receiver section by welding.
In a much preferred embodiment, quick disconnect means are provided on the extension means and barrel for quickly removing the barrel for renewal or replacement with a barrel of a different type.
The invention will be further understood from the drawings herein wherein certain structural portions are shown enlarged or out or proportion for clarity and where the same numbering of structures as in U.S. Pat. No. 4,693,170 is used for equivalent structure of the present invention:
Referring to the drawings and with particular reference to the claims herein, the present construction modifies the connection means between a barrel extension such as item 120 and a barrel such as 40 and also receiver sides such as items (plates) 117L and 117R of the aforesaid U.S. Pat. No. 4,693,170 as shown in
Referring to the present drawings wherein the numbering of parts, where relevant, is the same as in said U.S. Pat. No. 4,693,170 patent, the barrel extension 120 is preferably formed on both sides with locator lands 502 which can be of any configuration but preferably of a shape to coincide substantially with apertures 504 formed thru each side 117L and 117R of receiver section 41. Welds such as 506 are formed between the adjacent edges of the lands, or sides of 120 where lands are not provided, and of apertures 504. In the drawing (
Should it be desired to permanently affix the barrel to the barrel extension as shown in the aforesaid patent, rivets 118 may be employed in conjunction with welds 506. However, in a highly preferred embodiment of the present invention the gun barrel is removably mounted in the forward end of the extension means by a unique and easily disassembled “slot and clip” connector means generally designated 508 and, most preferably, in combination with a barrel clamping mechanism generally designated 510 for tightly securing and stabilizing the barrel within the forward end of the barrel extension.
Clip 508 as shown in
Clip 508 is made of metal, e.g., stainless steel which is sufficiently resilient to spring back into the locking position as in
As shown in the drawings, the aforementioned barrel clamping mechanism comprises a slot 540 cut longitudinally thru the bottom wall portion 542 of the forward portion of the extension 120 from the front edge 544 thereof back to approximately the barrel abutment shoulder 546 on the wall 547 of the extension bore. Extending down on the sides of slot 540 are projections 548 and 550. One projection is provided with a threaded bore 552 which receives a tightening means such as a bolt or Allen screw or the like 554. The clearance between the extension bore wall 547 ad the barrel breech end 526 is small such that a tightening turn or so of screw 554 will squeeze wall 547 against breech end 526 of the barrel and further secure it within the extension bore.
The invention has been described in detail with particular reference to preferred embodiments thereof, but it will be understood that variations and modifications will be effected with the spirit and scope of the invention.