The present invention relates to coupling transducers for coupling waveguides to other electrical systems. It has particular application in the connection of magneto-inductive waveguides to conventional transmission lines.
Magneto-inductive (MI) waveguides are periodic low-frequency electrical structures, formed by magnetically coupling a set of lumped-element L-C circuits. The properties of linear arrangements and 2D and 3D MI arrays have been extensively studied, together with those of variants known as metasolenoids. Propagation losses have been reduced, and the effects of non-nearest neighbour interactions, bi-periodicity, coupling to electromagnetic waves and retardation have all been considered. Although the first demonstrations used simple resonant loops, MI waveguides have also been formed as planar structures [Freire M. J., Marques R., Medina F., Laso M. A. G., Martin F. “Planar magneto-inductive wave transducers: Theory and applications” Appl. Phys. Letts. 85, 4439-4441 (2004)] and thin-film cables [Syms R. R. A., Young I. R., Solymar L., Floume T. “Thin-film magneto-inductive waveguides” J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 43, 055102 (2010)]
The latter have potential applications as patient-safe cable in magnetic resonance imaging. Many magneto-inductive devices have been proposed or demonstrated, including magnetic flux concentrators, delay lines, filters, directional couplers, passive splitters, lenses for near-field imaging and detectors for magnetic resonance imaging. Parametric amplification has been considered as a method of reducing propagation losses.
Despite this effort, losses per metre have historically been high (of the order of 50 to 150 dB/m, propagation distances have been limited, and end-reflections have mainly been ignored. However, the demonstration of losses of about 2.5 dB/m in thin-film cables [Syms R. R. A., Young I. R., Solymar L., Floume T. “Thin-film magneto-inductive waveguides” J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 43, 055102 (2010)] has re-affirmed the need for an effective transducer for coupling to conventional transmission line or for termination. Although multi-element absorbers have been proposed [Syms R. R. A., Solymar L., Shamonina E. “Absorbing terminations for magnetoinductive waveguides” IEE Proc. Micr. Antennas Propag. 152, 77-81 (2005)], these do not solve the coupling problem.
The present invention provides a method of producing a waveguide and a coupling transducer for connecting the waveguide to a real load. The method comprises forming a series of similar circuits, the circuits being coupled to together to form the waveguide. Each circuit may comprise two capacitors and at least one inductor section. The method may comprise removing one of the capacitors and/or at least part of the at least one inductor section from one of the circuits to form the coupling transducer.
The waveguide circuits may be coupled to each other by mutual inductance. In some embodiments this may be the only coupling between the circuits.
The at least one inductor section may comprise two inductor sections. The step of removing at least part of the at least one inductor section may comprise removing one of the inductor sections. The inductor sections may have substantially the same inductance as each other. Alternatively the at least one inductor section can comprise one continuous inductor section, a part of which is removed.
The capacitors may have substantially the same capacitance as each other.
The circuits may be formed on a substrate. The step of removing one of the capacitors and at least part of the at least one inductor section may comprise cutting the substrate. The two capacitors may be offset from each other along the length of the substrate so that one of the capacitors can be removed by making a straight-line cut across the substrate.
Each of the circuits of the waveguide may be tuned to a resonant frequency and the coupling transducer may be tuned to substantially the same resonant frequency.
The circuits and the transducer may be arranged such that, when a load of a predetermined real impedance is connected to the transducer and a signal transmitted along the waveguide to the load, the reflectance of the signal at the transducer will have minima, or nulls, at at least two frequencies of the signal.
The present invention further provides a waveguide and coupling transducer assembly, wherein the waveguide comprises a plurality of circuits coupled to each other to form the waveguide, each of the circuits having the same structure as the others, and the coupling transducer has a structure which is the same as part of one of the waveguide circuits.
The assembly may comprise a substrate, with the waveguide and coupling transducer formed on at least one surface of the substrate.
Each waveguide circuit may comprise two capacitors and two inductors.
The coupling transducer may comprise a capacitor having the same structure as one of the two capacitors. The coupling transducer may comprise an inductor having the same structure as one of the inductors.
The two capacitors of each waveguide circuit may have the same structure as each other. The two inductors of each waveguide circuit may have the same structure as each other.
The present invention further provides a method of connecting a waveguide to a real load using a coupling transducer, the method comprising: providing a waveguide comprising a plurality of circuits each having an inductance and a capacitance, the circuits being coupled together to form the waveguide that can transmit at frequencies within a propagating band; providing a coupling transducer connected to the waveguide and also having a capacitance and an inductance; and connecting a real load to the coupling transducer. The capacitances and inductances and the load may be chosen such that the reflectance at the transducer of waves propagated along the waveguide towards the load has two minima, or nulls, within the propagating band.
The present invention further provides a waveguide and coupling transducer assembly for connection to a load of a predetermined real impedance, the waveguide comprising a plurality of circuits each having an inductance and a capacitance, the circuits being coupled together to form the waveguide that can transmit at frequencies within a propagating band, and the coupling transducer also having a capacitance and an inductance and being arranged to be connected to the load. The capacitances and inductances are chosen such that the reflectance at the transducer of waves propagated along the waveguide towards the coupling transducer, when the load is connected, will have two minima, or nulls, within the propagating band.
The waveguide circuits may have a resonant frequency and the coupling transducer may have a resonant frequency substantially equal to that of the waveguide circuits. The coupling transducer may have the same structure as a part of one of the waveguide circuits.
Some embodiments of the present invention can therefore provide transducers for inductive coupling to a MI waveguide, including a simple broadband transducer that can be constructed from passive components.
Preferred embodiments of the present invention will now be described by way of example only with reference to the accompanying drawings.
We first consider the principle of matching a magneto-inductive waveguide to a real load.
{jωL+1/jωC+R}In+jωM{In−1+In+1}=0 (1)
A solution can be found by assuming that In is the travelling wave In=T0 exp(±jnka), where I0 is the wave amplitude, ka is the phase shift per element, k is the propagation constant and a is the period. Substitution into Equation 1 yields the well-known dispersion equation:
(1−ω02/ω2)+κcos(ka)=0 (2)
Here ω02=1/LC is the angular resonant frequency and κ=2M/L the coupling coefficient. For positive κ, propagation can only take place for ω/ω0 between 1/√(1+κ) and 1/√(1−κ).
It has been shown that a non-reflective termination is formed by inserting an impedance Z0 into the last (referred to herein as the 0th) element of the waveguide, where Z0 is given by:
=jωMexp(−jka) (3)
At mid-band, when ω=ω0 and ka=π/2, Z0 reduces to the real value Z0M=ω0M. Thus, in principle it should be possible to couple a magneto-inductive waveguide to a conventional transmission line (which has real impedance) if M is appropriately chosen. Unfortunately, Z0 is complex away from the band centre, and moreover as expressed here is a function of both ka and ω. Consequently, Equation 3 has so far represented a mathematical contrivance, rather than an element that can be realised. Further development of MI systems clearly requires simple circuits that can approximate this impedance.
In order to describe transducers according to some embodiments of the invention we consider the termination in
{RL+j(ωL′−1/WC′)}IL+jωM′I0=0 (4)
Combining Equations 4, we obtain for the 0th element:
{jωL+1/jωC+ZL}I0+jωMI−1=0 (5)
Here ZL is a load that has effectively been inserted into the 0th element, given by:
L=ω2M′2/{RL+jωL′(1−ω0′2/ω2)} (6)
We may evaluate the performance of ZL as a termination by considering the reflection of current waves as shown in
Γ=−{ZL−Z0}/{ZL+Z0*} (7)
Equation 7 is similar to the reflection coefficient for current waves obtained when a conventional transmission line is terminated with a load. However, due to the presence of a complex conjugate term Z0*, it is clearly not identical.
Since the current in element zero, which passes through the effective load ZL, is I0=II+IR, we can also define a transmission coefficient as T=I0/II=(1+Γ), or:
T=2Re(Z0)/{ZL+Z0*} (8)
Equation 8 is again similar, but not identical to the conventional transmission coefficient, due to the presence of a real operator. It is simple to show that Γ and T satisfy the power conservation relation:
ΓΓ*+TT*Re(ZL)/Re(Z0)=1 (9)
Once again, Equation 9 is similar to the corresponding result for real-valued systems.
Different terminations can be compared by plotting the scattering parameter S11 which is a measure of reflection expressed in dB, as:
11≈10 log10{|Γ|2} (10)
Equation 7 implies that Z, should be chosen to approximate Z0 as far as possible. We now compare a number of possibilities, assuming for simplicity that Z0M=R, and that M′=M.
The inserted reactance can clearly be cancelled more effectively if the transducer is made resonant.
We now consider the broadband resonant transducer of
=w/{sin(ka)−jcos(ka)} (11)
Here w=ω/ω0 is a normalised frequency. Using the dispersion equation (2), Z0N may be written alternatively as:
=w/{√[1−(1−1/w2)2/κ2]+j(1−1/w2/κ} (12)
In this form, Z0N is clearly a function only of w. Consequently it may be compared directly with the corresponding normalised load impedance ZLN/ω0M, which may be written as:
+j(2λ/κμ2)(1−η2/w2)} (13)
Here we have introduced four normalised variables. The first, ρ=RL/ω0M, is the ratio of the RL to the mid-band impedance of the MI waveguide. The second, λ=L′/L, is the ratio of the self-inductances in the transducer and the guide, the third, μ=M′/M, is the ratio of mutual inductances, and the fourth, η=ω0′/ω0, is the ratio of resonant frequencies.
Clearly, reflectivity will be low if the real and imaginary parts of Z0N and ZLN are similar, or alternatively if the real and imaginary parts of the normalised admittances Y0N=1/Z0N and YLN=1/ZLN correspond. Considering first the imaginary parts, Im(Y0N) can be made equal to Im(YLN) for all ω if η=1 and λ=μ2/2. If μ=1, as previously assumed, a complete match in admittance can therefore be obtained if the transducer is resonant at ω0 and the inductance L′ of the transducer is half that of the resonant elements forming the guide.
Considering now the real parts, and assuming that the transducer is correctly resonant, Re(Y0N) can be made equal to Re(YLN) if:
ρ/wμ2=√[1−(1−1/w2)2/κ2] (14)
Equation 14 is actually a quadratic equation, which can be expanded as:
4{κ2−1}+w2{2−α2κ2}−1=0 (15)
Here, α=ρ/μ2. When α=1, a condition that can be achieved by taking M′=M and ω0M=RL, Equation 15 has the simple solutions of w=1 and w=1/√(1−κ2). Both lie in the propagating band. These results imply that if ω0M=RL, and if the transducer is made resonant at ω0 using an inductance L′=L/2 (which requires a capacitance C′=2C), the imaginary parts of YL and Y0 can be made equal across the band and the real parts at two discrete frequencies. Consequently, Z0 and ZL can be equalised at the same two frequencies, and at these points there can be no reflection. These results are confirmed in
A broadband transducer can still be constructed if α≠1 (for example, if M′=M but ω0M≠RL.
It will therefore be appreciated that, any similar waveguide and coupling transducer combination will generally function over a broad range of frequencies provide the capacitances and inductances of the waveguide circuit elements and the load are chosen so that equation 15 has two solutions within the propagating band of the waveguide.
Finally, it is simple to show that the two nulls in reflectivity just merge together when the roots of Equation 15 are repeated. This occurs when
(2−α2κ2)2=4(1−κ2) (16)
Or when:
α4κ2−4α2+4=0 (17)
Equation 17 has the solutions α=(√2/Λ){1±√(1−Λ2)]}1/2. For κ=0.6, for example, the solutions are α=3.162 and α=1.054. The latter value is midway between α=1 and α=1.1, and generates a variation in reflectivity with a single null.
Experimental confirmation of the theory of the previous section was provided using thin-film magneto-inductive cables formed by double-sided patterning of copper-clad polyimide as shown in
This arrangement therefore approximates that of
Cables were fabricated in two metre lengths. The substrate base material consisted of 25 μm thick Kapton® carrying a 35 μm thick layer of copper on either side. The copper was patterned by step-and-repeat lithographic exposure to a pair of one metre long photomasks, followed by wet etching. The photomasks contained a set of MI waveguides with different parameters. The overall width and length were taken as w=4.7 mm and a=100 mm throughout, so that a two-metre length contained 19 resonant elements. The track width t, and the small gaps gc and gL between capacitor plates and between plates and tracks were all taken as 0.5 mm. The main variables were the capacitor and inductor lengths dc and dL, which were varied to obtain different properties. Of particular importance were the inductance L, the capacitance C, the mutual inductance M, and the Q-factor of the resonant elements (which has not been discussed above). These parameters determine the resonant frequency f0=ω0/2π, the coupling coefficient κ=2M/L, the mid-band impedance Z0M=ω0M and an imaginary part of the propagation constant.
The last quantity may be modelled by repeating the analysis of an infinite MI waveguide, assuming the presence of a resistor R in each resonant loop. If this is done, the dispersion equation is modified to
(1−Φ02/ω2−j/Q)+κcos(ka)=0, (18)
where Q=ωL/R is the Q-factor. Assuming a complex-valued propagation constant ka=k′a−jk″a, and further assuming that k″a is small, it can be shown that k″a=1/{κQ sin (k′a)}. Losses are lowest at mid-band, and strong coupling and a high Q-factor are required for low loss.
Electrical performance was evaluated using an Electronic Network Analyser (ENA). The inductance was determined by making the transducers resonant at low frequency with a known capacitor and measuring the resonant frequency with a weak inductive probe. The remaining parameters were estimated by attaching SMA-type end-launch connectors, measuring transmission and reflection data, and fitting the data to a theoretical model. The smallest reflections were obtained with the MI waveguide held straight, using an additional co-axial cable to return the transmitted signal to the ENA.
The theoretical model includes propagation loss but ignores multiple reflections. In this case, the scattering parameters S11 and S21 for an N-element MI waveguide connected to a source with real output impedance RL and a similar load are given approximately by:
11≈10log10{|Γ|2} (19)
21≈10log10{(1−|Γ|2)exp(−2Nk″a)(1−|Γ|2)} (20)
The combination of direct measurement and matching to theory allowed deduction of the following parameter values. The inductance was estimated as L=241 nH, the resonant frequency as f0=95 MHz, the capacitance as C=11.6 pF, the coupling coefficient as κ=0.675, the mid-band impedance as Z0M=48.6Ω. and the Q-factor as Q=48 (which in turn implies a mid-band propagation loss of 0.27 dB/m). The mid-band impedance is clearly close to 50Ω, and gives a value of ρ=RL/Z0M=1.028.
The terminations were made resonant using surface mount capacitors, using the optimum capacitance value of twice the measured capacitance of each of the capacitors (2×11.6≈23 pF). Electrical performance was then re-measured to give the results shown in
Referring to
Referring to
A simple inductive transducer for coupling a magneto-inductive waveguide to a real load has been introduced. A theory of reflection from lumped-element coupling transducers has been developed. It has been shown that zero reflection can be obtained at a single frequency if the (real-valued) mid-band impedance of the MI waveguide matches the load, and if the transducer is resonant at the same frequency as the resonant elements forming the guide. If in addition the inductance of the transducer is half that used in the resonant elements and the capacitance is correspondingly double, matching to the load can also be achieved at a second frequency. Since zero reflection is now obtained at two separate frequencies, low reflectivity can be obtained over a broad spectral range. The theory has been compared with experimental results obtained from thin-film magneto-inductive cable. Excellent agreement has been obtained, and the improvement in performance offered by the optimised resonant transducer has been confirmed by comparison with a non-resonant equivalent.
Other more complicated transducer designs can doubtless be developed to achieve improved broadband performance. However, the simple design presented here has the important advantage that a transducer with exactly the required properties can be obtained from the waveguide itself, if the resonant elements are formed using pairs of inductors and capacitors in series, rather than single components. As a result, a connection between a MI waveguide and a real load may be obtained simply by splicing.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
1004838.7 | Mar 2010 | GB | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/GB2011/050571 | 3/22/2011 | WO | 00 | 11/26/2012 |