International network-to-network collaboration can enable scientific researchers across the world to collectively identify gaps in knowledge and areas for future research, further advancing the frontiers of science while training the next generation of U.S. researchers. Building such international collaborations is a complex process that requires coordination and communication to support data sharing, training, knowledge transfer, and relationship building. The Toolbox Dialogue Initiative Center (TDIC), based at Michigan State University, will support awardees the Accelerating Research Through International Network-to-Network Collaboration (AccelNet) researcher community by building collaborative capacity within AccelNet projects, facilitating a community of practice across cohorts, and expanding research on international network-to-network collaboration. <br/><br/>TDIC will support AccelNet awardees by providing newly funded networks of networks with coordinated activities utilizing team science facilitation methods and peer-to-peer interactions aimed at enhancing their collaborative efforts. The main activities of this project are: 1) annual, in-person meetings for members of awarded projects and professional development workshops for AccelNet early career researchers, 2) dialogue-based Toolbox workshops for the 2024, 2025 and 2026 AccelNet cohorts, 3) virtual interactive webinars and workshops, and 4) research on success conditions for large-scale international collaboration as reflected in AccelNet projects. Each new cohort will participate in team-focused Toolbox workshops designed to enhance communication and build team cohesion. Annual in-person meetings and virtual interactive sessions will support the continued growth of a community of practice centered on knowledge exchange to advance international network-to-network collaboration for scientific advancement and social learning across the cohorts. Continued study of the funded projects will expand the body of knowledge regarding success conditions for sustaining international networked collaborations. Drawing on previous work with multiple NSF programs, TDIC will develop new resources in this project that support the goals of the AccelNet program and contribute more broadly to team science training and facilitation.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.