Condux International Inc. User's Guide & Safety Manual for Electric Cable Pusher, 19 pages and back cover page, copyright 1994. |
Condux International, Inc. brochure entitled "Outside Plant," 4 pages, copyright 1995. |
Condux International, Inc. brochure entitled "Fiber Optic Cable Puller," 6 pages, copyright 1995. |
Condux International, Inc. brochure entitled "Winch Line Blower," 6 pages, copyright 1991. |
Condux International, Inc. 1997 catalog entitled "Cable Installation Equipment & Tools," front cover, and 2 back cover pages, and pp. 12-19, copyright 1997. |
Sherman & Reilly, Inc. brochure entitled "The World's Most Advanced Cable Placing Systems," 6 pages. |
Sherman & Reilly, Inc./Plumettaz literature entitled "Cablejet," 28 pages. |
Plumettaz S.A. brochure entitled "Cablejet Superjet,", 4 pages. |
Plumettaz S.A. brochure entitled "From Vineyards . . . ," 2 pages. |
Plumettaz S.A. brochure entitled "Optical fibre cable laying equipment," 2 pages. |
Quick Reference Guide for Fiber Optic Cable Installation System from Sherman & Reilly, Inc., 49 pages, dated 1994. |
Cablejet/Superjet Field Trial/Demo Information from Sherman & Reilly, Inc., 3 pages. |
Guidelines for using Arnco's Air-Trak.TM. at 400 Compressed Air Assisted Cable Push/Pull System, 14 pages, dated Mar. 1995. |
Winching Equipment Product Bulletin from Arnco Corporation, 2 pages. |
Otto-Kabelverlegemaschinen und Pumpentechnik brochure entitled "Cable Laying Machines," 4 pages, datged May 1993. |
Otto-Products For Industry Hamburg-International document, 41 pages. |
Vikimatic Sales, Inc. brochure entitled "Cable Blowing Equpment," 4 pages, copyright 1994. |
Guidelines & Instructions for Cable Blowing With the Lancier.TM. PKR-60 from Vikimatic Sales, Inc., 8 pages, copyright 1995. |
Bagela-Baumaschinen GmbH & Co. brochure entitled "Cable Bolow-In Device PIPE JET 2000," 2 pages, dated Mar. 1994. |
Operating Instructions for Cabling Caterpillar Type PKR 60 from Peter Lancier GmbH KG, 16 pages. |
Spare Parts & Connection Diagrams for Cabling Caterpillar type PKR 60 from Peter Lancier GmbH & Co. KG, 4 pages. |
Peter Lancier GmbH & Co. KG literature entitled "Tools and equpment for laying fibre optic cables," 10 pages. |
Lancier brochure entitled "Fiber Launch System", 4 pages. |
Lancier brochure entitled "The new fiber-optic cable powered roller HKR 200," 2 pages, dated Mar. 1989. |
W. Griffioen document entitled "Installation of optical cables in ducts," 147 pages. |
Article entitled "The Blown Fiber Cable," from EEE Journal on Selected Areas In Communications, vol. Sac-4, No. 5, Aug. 1986, 7 pages. |