Not Applicable
Not Applicable
The described technology is directed to the field of data organization and manipulation, specifically data related to public education.
Annual primary public education funding is expected to surpass one trillion US Dollars in 2016, largely supported by state and local government taxation. In accord with this arrangement, it falls upon local school districts to dictate the structure, curriculum, and strength of the education provided to a majority of the country's youth. Although this is an efficient model, the individuals most invested in the growth of any singular student are that student's parents, who possess limited influence over education. Control—or even evaluation—of a child's education by a parent is difficult, if not impossible, with the current schema. One method of control available to parents is to relocate their permanent residence to an alternate school district. This possibility is not feasible for some, and for the rest, their choice is guided by the adjectives “good” and “bad” in regards to the quality of schools.
State and local governments, as part of their duties of managing public education, maintain extensive records of students' progress. Information such as test scores, report cards, and attendance can be used to evaluate a school's ability to educate, but this data is useless to the public unless it can be skillfully organized and filtered for comparison to other schools across the country.
While it may be possible to design systems that aggregate public education data across states and calculate a score for each school, this number is useless to individuals unless that score can be correlated to success later in life, as this is the ultimate goal for any parent: to guarantee their child's future prosperity.
Furthermore, a school's rank is not the sole determinant of a student's success. A multitude of factors, including many that are not captured by public data, affect the quality of education a student receives. As a small set of examples, playing an instrument or a sport, participating in debate or a science team, or even having access to a public library may positively impact a child's education. There are an infinite number of variables that contribute to education, with no method of quantifying the benefit.
In light of the deficiency of transparency and control available to parents, a new approach to evaluating and improving an individual child's education, tailored to each student's individual record, as well as having a high level of accuracy, and being inexpensive and convenient, would have significant utility.
A system for automatically determining a persistent index for a student's quality and value of education and education environment that can be further tailored to input from a parent user or that student is described.
In some embodiments, the system uses a web site to receive basic educational information about a student from a user and subsequently displays an initial index of the education based upon the information provided by the user in comparison to an aggregation of public and private education data previously collected by the system. Some user inputs during this initial step may include a residential address (or for more privacy-conscious individuals, a zip code), the student's grade level, a selection of a school in the district containing the residence, and at least one grade for an identified course, but in the ideal scenario, the results from at least one complete personal report card. The system then calculates an index of the student's educational progress for each year grades were provided and displays the results to the user for comparison to students in the same classroom, grade level at the school, district, city, state, and country.
In some embodiments, the system permits the user to provide additional, corrected, or updated information in order to complete a student profile from which a revised education index can be calculated. Such attributes include, but are not limited to, additional past report cards, attendance history, or participation in extracurricular activities. In some embodiments, the system displays the results of refining its evaluation in a manner that makes clear how the valuation was affected by the different information provided by the user.
In some embodiments, the system calculates an education environment index based on public and private information that describes the quality of education the student is currently enrolled in. The system uses a multitude of variables to calculate this index, including, but not limited to, standardized testing scores, instructor evaluations, and local tax-records. The system provides the functionality to filter or aggregate the education environment index for comparison to schools, districts, cities, or states across the country, generally or by individual components. In some embodiments, the system permits the user to provide additional, corrected, or updated information in order to increase or decrease the education environment index of the school their student attends. Such information is limited to personal information, such as a positive interaction with a teacher during a student-teacher conference, or a negative comment regarding a campus' sanitation. In some embodiments, the system displays the results of refining its valuation in a manner that makes clear how the valuation was affected by the different information provided by the user. Additionally, the public and private data can be further enhanced by “user generated content”—feedback provided by users (e.g., parents or students) about teachers, schools and courses.
In some embodiments, the system provides recommendations for improving a student's education index. The system predicts the potential positive or negative impact of a variety of impacts on a student's index, including, but not limited to, switching to courses taught by different instructors, moving to a new permanent residence in a different school district, or supplemental instruction such as tutoring or peer study groups. Calculations of the impact are the result of automatic analysis of the quantitative and qualitative successes of similarly situated students using the system described herein.
The present invention may operate on any combination of devices capable of operating the system. At the time of this patent's filing, the preferred embodiment includes a computer system including at least some of the following components: one or more central processing units (“CPUs”) for executing computer programs; a computer memory for storing programs and data—including data structures, database tables, or other data tables, etc.—while they are being used; a persistent storage device, such as a hard drive, for persistently storing programs and data; a computer-readable media drive, such as a CD-ROM drive, for reading programs and data stored on a computer-readable medium; and a network connection for connecting the computer system to other computer systems, such as via the Internet, to exchange programs and/or data—including data structures. While computer systems configured as described above are typically used to support the operation of the system, one of ordinary skill in the art will appreciate that the system may be implemented using devices of various types and configurations, and having various components. Additionally, those skilled in the art will appreciate that the computer system described above can be changed without affecting the use of the invention described herein.
Education Index Scorer 206 operates by importing the student transcript information from Private Data 203, and calculating the cumulative grade point average (GPA) for the student. A typical calculation of cumulative GPA is completed by dividing the sum of each course's credit hours multiplied by the value of the grade received in each course by the total number of credit hours attempted, as follows:
Where n=number of courses being used in this computation, i=a particular course the student has completed, Gi is equal to the value of the grade received in course i, and Vi=the number of course credits associated with that course.
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Course Credits 401 pertains to the value of each course completed by the student. In the example, each semester counts for half a credit, a full year comprising one credit for each completed course. Although Term GPAs 402, 404, and 406 and intermediary Cumulative GPA 403 and 405 are easily calculated and available for display to the user, only final Cumulative GPA 407 is crucial to the calculation of a student's Educational Index in this embodiment. Alternate embodiments may treat intermediary calculations differently, reflecting users' evolving preferences regarding the calculation of Education and Education Environment Indices.
Once the system has completed calculating Final Cumulative GPA 407, the system may proceed to the next step of calculating class rank and percentile. This calculation is completed after importing additional information from the public school data repository. Relevant data to the calculation of class rank and percentile are the cumulative GPAs of the peers of the involved student and the total number of students in the class with the involved student. To calculate class rank, the system orders the selected students of the class by GPA in descending order, arranging the student with the highest GPA is in position 1, and the student with the lowest GPA in the position equal to the total number of students in the class. In the event of ties, where students share the same cumulative GPA, the rank is shared between them and subsequent students receive ranks equal to their original ranking minus the number of students sharing ranks above them.
To calculate percentile rank, the number of students below an individual student's rank is divided by the total number of students in the class. For example, a student with rank 91 out of a total of 1,521 students has performed better than 1,430 students and receives a percentile rank of 0.94017, or 94.017%.
The final calculation necessary to compute a student's Education Index is to transform the percentile rank into an index, by multiplying either the decimal rank by 1000, or the percentage ranking by 100, and then excluding any decimal value in order to achieve an integer value between 1000 and 0. For example, in the case of the student with a percentile rank of 0.94017, their Educational Index would be equal to 940.
In calculating the Educational Environment Index of a student, the system, in some embodiments, combines the standardized testing scores and teacher evaluations of a student's school and compares those values to other school as available in the public school data repository. The data used to calculate a student's Educational Environment Index may change depending on the data available to the system, including additional public schooling information as well as user-provided information. In the embodiment discussed herein, standardized testing scores and public teacher evaluation scores are used to calculate a student's EEI. Specifically, the EEI in the current embodiment is equal to the average of all the enrolled students' standardized testing scores
Weights wsts and wte may be supplied by expert statistical evaluation and may fluctuate over time, as additional user information is input into the system. Each weight is a decimal value between 0 and 1 and the sum of all weights is equal to 1. In future embodiments when additional EEI characteristics and weights are computed, the EEI formula will be modified to the following:
Where n is the total number of characteristics included in the EEI calculation, i identifies a particular EEI characteristic, wi is equal to the weight of that particular characteristic, and
Once the values for calculating an EEI have been gathered, the system may offer several ranking modes for browsing by the user. Specifically, the system may rank a student's EEI (which is identical for all students at the same school in this embodiment) across schools at the district, state, and national level, providing a user with an overall comparison point for the student's education environment.
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After establishing initial or updated EI and EEI values, the system may present the user with characteristics of the student's education, which may be good targets for improvement, in comparison to other students' EI and EEI values and public and personal data. The process for locating these targets relies on a more granular comparison of scores and attributes, for example, if a student's teachers receive evaluation scores lower than peer-instructors at the same school location, the system may recommend moving the student to courses taught by those peer-instructors. In another embodiment, the system may recommend tutoring programs or peer-study sessions when those activities have proven to improve students' Education Indices as recorded by personal data input into the system.
In another embodiment, the system uses publicly available tax data to highlight a potentially under-funded institution. Having previously collected current and historical tax data for all public school districts, the system may compare schools contributing high EEIs to those generating lower scores and determine if these differences may be caused by variations in taxation and spending. Relationships such as these may be computed in a variety of means, including but not limited to statistical analysis such as logistic regression, machine learning, and neural networks. After a relationship has been computed, it is provided to the user 104.
In some embodiments, it may be desired to predict changes in a student's EI or EEI. Such changes may be sought out by users interested in improving their child's EI and EEI through changing schools or districts. The system may use these predictions to generate recommendations unique to each student.
The system creates predictions by calculating hypothetical EI and EEIs for a student by replacing one or more variables with placeholder values to test the effect of a change on a corresponding index. For example, the system predicts the EEI of a student at a different school by recalculating that student's EEI with values attributed to the different school in place of that student's actual school. By comparing original and hypothetical EEI scores, the system is able to generate recommendations to improve a student's education.
One embodiment of the system is concerned with presenting a user with real estate currently available for sale that would increase a child's EI or EEI. In this embodiment, the system combines publicly available real estate data with predictions of a student's EI and EEI at various schools and districts.
Once an IHP has been created, the system generates a custom search query 501 based on this IHP, incorporating a range of values typical of a user's search of real estate. For example, if a user establishes an IHP of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and an ideal price of $200,000, the system may formulate a query for two bedroom homes with between two and three bathrooms listed for a maximum of $250,000. Automatically set ranges are determined by manual or programmatic analysis of usage statistics corresponding to the method users search for housing listing, and may evolve over time. Similarly, the custom search query incorporates any number of features available in the IHP, as determined by analysis of usage patterns.
After the custom search query is created, the system accesses the public home database and queries the database for homes similar to the IHP, finally displaying the results to the user 502.
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In some embodiments, the system may offer supplementary services that would provide utility to a user of a system. Some examples of supplementary services include, but are not limited to, recommending nearby or online tutoring programs or extra-curricular activities that are likely to improve a child's EI or EEI, connecting a user with a real estate agent or broken for a home identified on the system, and recommending books or online courses other have found to increase a student's EI or EEI.
This application claims priority from U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 6,1950,726 filed on Mar. 10, 2014.