Genus and species: Calibrachoa sp.
Variety denomination: ‘KLECA17029’.
The present invention comprises a new and distinct variety of calibrachoa, botanically known as Calibrachoa sp., and hereinafter referred to by the variety name ‘KLECA17029’. ‘KLECA17029’ originated from a controlled cross conducted in Stuttgart, Germany in August 2014, between the female calibrachoa variety SUPERBELLS ‘Banana Chocolate’, also known as ‘USCAL 12202’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 25,385) and the proprietary male calibrachoa variety ‘CA-2013-0171’ (unpatented).
The seeds were sown and plants were grown for evaluation. A plant was selected in May 2015 which had light pink flowers with a purple ring and yellow star pattern and was subsequently named ‘KLECA17029’. In May 2015, ‘KLECA17029’ was first vegetatively propagated by tip cuttings in Stuttgart, Germany. ‘KLECA17029’ was found to reproduce true to type in successive generations of asexual propagation via tip cuttings.
The following are the most outstanding and distinguishing characteristics of this new variety when grown under normal horticultural practices in Stuttgart, Germany.
- 1. Light pink flowers with a purple ring and yellow star pattern; and
- 2. A semi-upright plant habit.
This new calibrachoa plant is illustrated by the accompanying photograph which shows the flowers and foliage of the plant. The photograph is of an eight-week-old plant grown in a greenhouse in Stuttgart, Germany in June 2016. The colors shown are as true as can be reasonably obtained by conventional photographic procedures.
The following detailed descriptions set forth the distinctive characteristics of ‘KLECA17029’. The data which define these characteristics were collected from asexual reproductions carried out in Stuttgart, Germany. Data was collected from plants grown 8 weeks since potting in a greenhouse in Stuttgart, Germany in May, 2018. Color references are to The R.H.S. Colour Chart of The Royal Horticultural Society of London (R.H.S.), 5th edition (2007).
- Classification:
- Family.—Solanaceae.
- Species.—Calibrachoa sp.
- Common name.—Calibrachoa.
- Parentage:
- Female.—Calibrachoa SUPERBELLS ‘Banana Chocolate’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 25,385).
- Male.—Calibrachoa ‘CA-2013-0171’ (unpatented).
- Plant description:
- Life cycle.—Annual.
- Form.—Short-lived subshrub.
- Habit.—Semi-upright and mounding.
- Height (from soil line to top of foliage).—10.5 cm.
- Spread.—36.5 cm.
- Propagation.—Vegetatively propagated.
- Type cuttings.—Tip cuttings.
- Time to produce a rooted cutting.—3 weeks.
- Stems:
- Stem color.—RHS 144B.
- Pubescence.—Present.
- Pubescence color.—RHS 155A.
- Stem diameter.—0.15 cm.
- Stem length.—23.0 cm. From soil line to first node: 0.1 cm.
- Internode length.—2.5 cm.
- Leaves:
- Arrangement.—Opposite.
- Shape.—Elliptic.
- Apex.—Broadly acute.
- Base.—Attenuate.
- Margin.—Entire, Ciliate.
- Surface.—Puberulent.
- Surface pubescence.—Present.
- Pubescence color.—RHS 155A.
- Venation.—Arcuate.
- Venation color.—Upper surface: RHS 145B. Lower surface: RHS 145A.
- Length.—2.0 cm to 4.0 cm.
- Width.—0.8 cm to 2.0 cm.
- Color.—Upper surface: RHS N137B. Lower surface: RHS 147B.
- Fragrance.—Absent.
- Attachment.—Sessile.
- Flowers:
- Natural flowering season.—Continuous flowering from spring through autumn and year round in a greenhouse environment.
- Flowering habit.—Single flowers.
- Flower type.—Determinate inflorescence.
- Flowering requirements.—A minimum of light sun is required.
- Number of flowers per plant.—100.
- Number of buds per plant.—200.
- Duration of flowers.—6 days.
- Corolla.—Smooth texture.
- Shape.—Funnel form.
- Fragrance.—Absent.
- Pedicel length.—2.2 cm.
- Pedicel diameter.—0.13 cm.
- Flower buds:
- Surface.—Smooth.
- Length.—2.4 cm.
- Diameter.—0.6 cm.
- Shape.—Irregular to oblong.
- Color.—RHS 36A (limbs) and RHS 154B (throat).
- Peduncle:
- Length.—2.0 cm to 3.0 cm.
- Diameter.—0.1 cm.
- Color.—RHS 144A.
- Texture.—Puberulent.
- Anthocyanin color.—RHS N187A.
- Flower description:
- Flower depth.—3.0 cm.
- Flower tube length.—1.8 cm.
- Flower tube diameter.—1.0 cm.
- Flower throat diameter.—0.7 cm.
- Flower diameter.—3.3 cm.
- Pedicel color.—RHS 144A.
- Calyx.—Funnel-shaped, salver form.
- Sepals:
- Quantity per flower.—5.
- Texture.—Densely glandular pubescent.
- Shape.—Lanceolate.
- Apex.—Narrowly acute.
- Margin.—Entire, Ciliate.
- Length.—1.0 cm.
- Diameter.—0.4 cm.
- Sepal color.—Upper surface: RHS 137A. Lower surface: RHS N137C.
- Petals:
- Shape.—Abcordate.
- Length.—1.8 cm.
- Apex.—Truncate.
- Margin.—Entire.
- Base.—Fused in the tube.
- Pubescence.—Absent.
- Texture.—Upper surface: Glabrous. Lower surface: Glandular pubescent, dense along venation.
- Lobe length.—1.5 cm.
- Lobe width.—1.8 cm.
- Color.—Lobe color: Upper surface: Star shaped marking and large color transition to corolla tube. Main color is RHS 73D from margin to transition; main color at transition to corolla tube is RHS 59A (near marking) to N66A (distal). Vein lobe color is RHS 177B. Lower surface: RHS 69B with veins colored RHS 200A. Corolla tube color: Inner: RHS 13A. Outer: RHS 13C.
- Fragrance.—Absent.
- Reproductive organs:
- Stamen number.—5.
- Anther color.—RHS 11B.
- Anther shape.—Bilobed, ovoid.
- Anther length.—Approximately 0.1 cm.
- Filament color.—RHS 1C.
- Filament length.—Approximately 0.9 cm.
- Pollen color.—RHS 10D.
- Pollen amount.—Abundant.
- Ovary.—Placenta arrangement: Ovate. Pistil number: 1. Pistil length: 0.9 cm. Stigma color: RHS 145B. Stigma shape: Funnel. Stigma length: Approximately 0.1 cm. Style length: 0.7 cm. Style color: RHS 150C.
- Fruit/seed set: None observed.
- Disease/insect resistance: None observed.
‘KLECA17029’ is distinguished from its parents as described in Table 1:
Comparison with Parental Lines
Female parent
Male parent
‘Banana Chocolate’
Lobe color,
Light pink with
Orange yellow
Dark violet
a purple ring
with a chocolate
and yellow star
brown center
‘KLECA17029’ is most similar to the calibrachoa plant named MINIFAMOUS NEO ‘Apricot Red Splash’ (also known as ‘KLECA17020’, Plant patent application Ser. No. 15/998,125). Differences between the two varieties are described in Table 2:
Comparison with Similar Variety
Commercial line
Plant vigor
Slightly above medium
Earliness in
Two days later than
Two days earlier than
Lobe color,
Light pink with a
Yellow-orange with larger
upper surface
purple ring and
red ring and smaller yellow
yellow star