Abstract <br/><br/>Objective: This project seeks to formulate a clear and consistent interpretation of <br/>optical dynamics so that field interactions with matter can be confidently modeled in a <br/>manner previously impossible. Such will enable educators to teach modern <br/>electrodynamics with confidence and allow for the development of applications involving <br/>electromagnetic fields. In pursuit of this goal, the specific aim of the proposed project is <br/>to answer, within the framework of classical electrodynamics, the questions ?how do we <br/>express with confidence the dynamics of complex material systems subject to <br/>optical/electromagnetic forces?? and ?how are the various models of electromagnetic <br/>forces and momentum interrelated?? This new interpretation will be applied to evaluate <br/>emerging and proposed technologies. <br/><br/>Intellectual Merit: This research will provide the background necessary for modeling <br/>complex systems where electromagnetic fields are used for self-assembly and in situ <br/>control of photonic structures and will additionally benefit biology and medicine where <br/>optical forces are currently used to probe the mechanical properties of living cells. <br/>Applications focus on efficient and sustainable use of resources and include the use of <br/>optical matter for fabricating nanophotonic structures for various applications. <br/><br/>Broader Impacts: This grant will assist in advancing technology developments in <br/>Arkansas through a collaborative effort with other grants and contracts to build regional <br/>centers of excellence, which will promote new innovation while encouraging small <br/>business development. This work also proposes to improve how engineering education <br/>treats field interactions with matter, an approach that will have a fundamental impact on <br/>the preparedness of next generation engineers.