The overall objective of this CAREER proposal is to integrate beam physics research at Cornell University's Laboratory of Elementary Particle Physics (LEPP) with undergraduate research, education, and outreach in the Physics Department at Alfred University. The research objective is to expand our knowledge of the interrelationship between accelerator beam dynamics and the performance of storage rings, specifically the Cornell Electron-Positron Storage Ring (CESR). This novel approach to accelerator research will encompass remote operation of sophisticated beam diagnostic equipment to measure the beam dynamics and correlate with important accelerator parameters. <br/><br/>The objectives of the outreach and educational components of this project are to: i) provide undergraduate students with the opportunity to work on a research project at a large user facility with sophisticated state-of-the-art equipment that will provide them with valuable research skills in experimental physics and reinforce their knowledge of classical and modern physics; ii) develop a laboratory for light optics and fast imaging systems whose equipment can be used at Cornell, Alfred or potentially at other universities; and iii) provide a location for high school students to learn about accelerators as an outreach to the local community and a recruiting tool for prospective physics majors at Alfred University.