1. Field of the Invention
This invention is concerned with the casting technologies for primarily improving macrosegregation defects in unidirectionally solidified castings which possess columnar dendrite structure consisting of polycrystalline grains (so called DS material) or dendrite structure consisting of a single crystalline grain (so called Monocrystal or SX material), and in the remelting-processed ingots such as Electroslag Remelting (ESR) and Vacuum Arc Remelting (VAR).
2. Description of the Related Art
A. Unidirectionally Solidified Castings
Typical examples of unidirectionally solidified castings in the technical field of this invention are turbine blades used in aircraft jet engines, power plant gas turbines, and so on.
Presently, the mechanism of the formation of freckles has qualitatively been considered as follows: One of the main features of Ni-base superalloys is that they possess γ′ phase (intermetallic compound called gamma prime whose basic composition is Ni3 (Al, Ti) which precipitates coherently with γ matrix. And generally speaking, the higher the volume fraction of γ′, the higher the high temperature strength. However, as solidification proceeds in an alloy containing such elements as Al, Ti and W lighter than Ni, the interdendritic liquid density is decreased with increased solute concentrations of these lighter elements. Therefore, when solidifying such alloy in the direction opposite to gravitational direction, the liquid density at the bottom of mushy zone, i.e., at the roots of dendrites becomes relatively smaller compared to that at the liquid-mushy phase boundary, i.e., at dendrites tips. Such alloy is called “solutally unstable” against convection in this description. On the other hand, the temperature at the roots of dendrites is lower than that at dendrite tips, and therefore it does not give rise to convective flow due to density difference: Thus ‘thermally stable’. If the solutal instability is larger than the thermal stability, inversed density profile forms, and the liquid phase in the mushy zone induces upward flow due to this density difference, thus leading to the formation of channel segregation (or so called freckles). Also, dendritic growth tends to break down and misoriented grains are likely to form. This kind of alloy is called ‘upward type of buoyancy’ in this description. It has been understood that the freckles formed in Ni-base superalloy blades are caused by the above-mentioned upward flow due to liquid density difference within the mushy zone.
Despite that a vast amount of efforts have been paid to improve these casting defects by optimizing casting parameters such as sustaining temperature in the radiation heating zone, withdrawal rate, radiation cooling rate, etc. or by adjusting alloy compositions so as to add heavier elements than Ni (for example Ta), it still remains insufficient. Thus, a novel technology to eliminate the above-mentioned defects is highly wanted at present.
The remelting processes for ingot making such as ESR and VAR are characterized by relatively shallow shapes of melt pool and mushy zones. In the above-mentioned unidirectional solidification, the solidification from the side wall of mold is retarded. On the other hand, these remelting processes differ in the point that the solidification proceeds from the side wall of mold as well (usually water-cooled copper mold is used). It is well known that the freckles (channel segregation) and other macrosegregations take place in Ni-base superalloy ingots produced by ESR and VAR (for example, refer to Ref. (2)), and that these macrosegregation defects can occur in the alloys of ‘downward type of buoyancy’ where interdendritic liquid density increases as solidification proceeds, as well as in the aforementioned alloys of ‘upward type’ of buoyancy.
In order to reduce these defects, various attempts have been being undertaken ranging from regulating cooling conditions so as to form as shallow a melt pool depth as possible (especially useful for downward type alloys of buoyancy) to increasing cooling rate, to setting proper melting rate, or to adjusting chemical compositions. However, as the cross-section of the ingots become larger, the formation of these macrosegregation defects is unavoidable. Thus, an innovative technology is strongly desired capable of constantly producing large cross-section ingots with less macrosegregation which are used in Ni-base superalloy turbine disks, Fe-base alloy turbine rotors for power plant and so on.
This invention is concerned with unidirectional solidification process and remelting processes such as ESR and VAR, and provides with casting technologies for producing high quality castings and ingots without such macrosegregation defects as freckles caused primarily by the liquid flow within the mushy zone during solidification. With special attention paid to the above-mentioned liquid flow phenomena within the mushy zone, this invention has clarified for the first time that the interdendritic fluid flow with extremely low velocity can be suppressed by exerting high magnetic field onto the whole mushy zone, and thereby the formation of the macrosegregation defects such as freckles can be eliminated.
A. Mechanism for the Formation of Macrosegregation
It is well known that various types of macrosegregation including freckles are caused by the interdendritic liquid flow within the mushy zone during solidification. The driving forces for this fluid flow are contraction on solidification, difference in interdendritic liquid density, external force such as electromagnetic force, etc: Among them the convective flow (not exactly convection) due to the difference in the liquid density is particularly important in this invention. It depends on alloy compositions whether the alloy exhibits upward type or downward type or the mixture of these two types of buoyancy (the mixture type is such that the liquid density first decreases as solidification proceeds and then increases again or vice versa), and macrosegregation takes place inherent to the casting process.
B. Suppressing Effects of Fluid Flow by the Application of Magnetic Field
The principles of suppressing effects of fluid flow by the use of static magnetic field is briefly described as follows.
Taking vector notation from the Ohm's law of Magnetohydrodynamics,
J=σ(E+v×B). (1)
Where, σ is electric conductivity of molten metal (1/Ωm), v is flow velocity vector of molten metal (m/s), B is externally applied magnetic flux density vector (Tesla), E is induced electric field strength vector (V/m) and J is induced electric current density vector (A/m2).
From the continuity of electric current field,
∇·J=0 (2).
Denoting φ(V) as electric potential,
E=−∇φ (3).
Then, the electromagnetic force vector (Lorentz force) f (N/m3) is given by the outer product of J and B as
f=J×B (4).
These are well known equations.
Substituting Eqs. (1) and (3) into Eq. (2), Eq. (5) is obtained.
∇·(σ∇φ)=∇·σ(v×B) (5)
Solving Eq. (5) with respect to φ, obtaining J from Eqs. (1) and (3), and then the Lorentz force, i.e., electromagnetic braking force vector f can be calculated from Eq. (4). However, v needs to be calculated from the numerical analysis including momentum equation to be described afterward. The liquid flow field and the electromagnetic field are highly interacted or coupled with each other.
C. Method of Solidification Analysis
The outline of the simulation system for solidification (system name CPRO) will be described bellow which was developed by this inventor to analyze solidification phenomena. The physical variables for describing solidification phenomena are defined by temperature, compositions of alloy elements redistributed in the liquid and solid phases during solidification (take n for the number of elements), liquidus temperature of the relationship between temperature and volume fraction solid, and liquid flow velocity (3 vector components) and pressure of liquid in the bulk liquid and mushy zones. These are called the physical variables in macroscopic scale in this description.
The governing equations corresponding to these n+6 variables are shown in Table 1.
It is known that the fluid flow in the mushy zone is described by Darcy's law, Eq. (6) (refer to p. 234 of Ref. (3)). The Darcy's flow is included as one of the resisting force terms in the momentum equations of Table 1.
In Eq. (6), the vector V denotes the interdendritic flow velocity, μ the viscosity of liquid, gL the volume fraction liquid, K the permeability, P the pressure of liquid phase, X the body force vector such as gravity and centrifugal force. Furthermore, note that X includes the electromagnetic baking force introduced in this invention as well. K is determined by dendrite morphology and given by Kozney-Calman equation (Ref. (4)) as
where, Sb is the surface area of dendrite crystals per unit volume (i.e. specific surface area), and the dimensionless number f has been found to have the value of 5 by the fluid flow experiment using porous media. The permeability K is obtained by the morphological analysis during dendrite growth in microscopic scale: Considering that solidification is one of diffusion-controlled processes in liquid and solid phases, and assuming that dendrite crystals are modeled to consist of cylindrical branches and trunks, and half-sphere tips, Sb can be obtained by solving the diffusion equations of solute elements in the liquid and solid phases. In doing so, no anisotropy of K by dendritic orientation is assumed.
Since the above macroscopic variables are interacted with each other, and moreover deeply coupled with the microscopic dendrite growth, the iterative convergence method was employed to obtain the solution. The details of this numerical method have been described in this inventor's patents (refer to Ref. (5)). In addition, the influences of the above-mentioned electromagnetic braking force by magnetic field have been incorporated into the numerical method. Thus, it has become possible to completely analyze the solidification phenomena with the effects of the electromagnetic braking force taken into account. Here, it has been assumed that the solid phase, i.e., the dendrite network within the mushy zone does not move.
Schematic diagram of a conventional unidirectional solidification apparatus is shown in
Assuming non-equilibrium solidification (i.e. no solid diffusion, complete liquid diffusion), the relationship between temperature and vol. fraction solid calculated for Ni-10 wt % Al alloy is shown in
In general, expressing interdendritic liquid density as a function of alloy compositions in the liquid C1L, C2L, and temperature T (refer to ρL equation of Table 3), ρL is given by
ρL=ρL(C1L,C2, . . . , T) (8).
The result of ρL by Eq. (8) calculated for Ni-10 wt % Al is shown in
The partition number of elements for the ingot is 2059 (29 in radial dir.×71 in axial dir.). The computational results are shown in
The freckles of the above-mentioned ingot with no magnetic field exerted are caused by the fluid flow pattern within the mushy zone.
As the magnetic field intensity in the axial direction is increased, the flow in the radial direction is suppressed and the channel flow at the O.D. is eliminated, resulting in no macrosegregation. The flow pattern when Bz=10 Tesla is shown in
In order to investigate the influences of magnetic field directions on the formation of freckles, calculations were done for square ingots. The dimensions of cross section were determined to have the equivalent cross-sectional area to that of the Specific Example 1, i.e., 60 mm square. All other casting parameters are the same as those of round ingot (refer to Table 2). Computations were performed for ¼ cross-sections considering the symmetricity. The number of elements for the ingot is 23004 (18 in X dir.×18 in Y dir.×71 in Z dir.).
The macrosegregations of the conventional ingot with no magnetic field are shown in
Next, an example of the case that uniform static magnetic field is exerted in horizontal direction (Y dir.) is shown in
C. Macrosegregation of Unidirectionally
The configuration of the real turbine blades mentioned in the Background Art is fairly complicated partially with thin-wall thickness (for example, refer to
Furthermore, the application of uniform magnetic field in width direction (X dir.) or in thickness direction (Y dir.) yielded almost identical results as in the case applied in the axial direction (not shown for brevity).
Next, the influences of casting conditions and the shape of blade were investigated. With respect to the casting conditions, the withdrawal rate of the mold was reduced down to 1.667 mm/min from 5 mm/min of Table 2; and the temperature of the susceptor was held at 1773K, ε (emissivity) in the radiation heating region 0.05, ε (emissivity) in the radiation cooling region 0.02, h (heat transfer coefficient) at the bottom 0.001 cal/cm 2 sec° C. so that the temperature gradient in solidification range became about 45° C./cm at the middle of the blade length (these conditions match with practical operating range, and were set here for the convenience of computations). When the mold was withdrawn at the above-mentioned constant rate, the temperature gradient became about 50° C./cm for the former half period and decreased to about 25° C./cm for the latter half period. In addition, single crystal selector, etc. necessary for the production of SX material were omitted.
Moreover, considering that the cross-section of real turbine blade has curvature, that inner core is buried within blade wall thickness region, and thus that the wall thickness is not uniform, a taper was padded for the cross section (hereafter called tapered ingot. The ingot with no padding is called straight ingot). And the influences of the change in the wall thickness were investigated with the wall thickness at the center of the cross-section set 6 mm and those at both ends 3 mm. The ¼ symmetric cross section was taken for computation. The inner core was neglected. The computation was also done for the case that the blade length was doubled (252 mm long). The above casting parameters were applied as to the straight blade with 126 mm long (number of elements 6390) and tapered blade with 126 mm long (number of elements 5751). With respect to the straight blade with 252 mm long (number of elements 12780), ε in the radiation cooling region was set 0.01 and the rest of all the other parameters were set the same as above.
The computational results are shown in
In the tapered ingot of 126 mm long, the freckles tend to take place more markedly in the inside, particularly in thick-walled region. The profile of the mushy zone and the interdendritic liquid flow at the central vertical section, after 1005 sec from the start of withdrawal is shown in
The magnetic fields of Bz=0.5, 1.0, 3.0 and 5.0 Tesla were exerted in the axial directions for the above-mentioned three ingots (the results not shown for want of space). In either of them, the freckles disappeared at Bz=0.5 Tesla, and at Bz=3 Tesla the macrosegregations of Al in the product region were improved to the level of 9.95 to 10.04 (wt %) except for the top of the ingot where shrinkage takes place and for the bottom connecting to seed crystal or single crystal selector.
As above stated, the site of the formation and the morphology of freckles vary depending on casting parameters such as heating/cooling conditions, withdrawal rate, and the shape of blade. However, in any of these cases, it was clarified that the macrosegregations can be suppressed by exerting strong magnetic field.
Superalloy Ingot
The chemical compositions and physical properties used for computations are given in Table 3. The chemical compositions and the relationships between temperature vs. liquidus compositions and temperature vs. solidus compositions respectively in the multi-component system of IN718 were reproduced from
Van Den Avyle, et al. reported in the aforementioned Ref. (2) that freckles formed in the middle of radial direction and ‘central’ freckles formed at the center in remelting-processed IN718 and Alloy 625 Ni-base superalloys ingots respectively. In these remelting processes, the depths of the mushy zone tend to deepen toward the center because of heat extraction from the side, leading to channel segregation even in the case of downward type alloy of buoyancy like IN718. The chemical compositions of IN718 studied in this description are regarded approximately equal to those of the Alloy 625 rather than those of the IN718 of Ref. (2). In the light of Ref. (2), the dimensions of ingots and the casting parameters were set as shown in Table 2. The re-melted molten droplets were cast into static mold at constant melting rate. In real operations, the heat transfer at ingot-water cooled copper mold boundary is greatly influenced by air gap formation, etc., and so it is very difficult to establish accurate thermal boundary conditions. Therefore, for the convenience of computation, instead of the water-cooled mold, fictitious hot plate and cylinder were placed at the bottom and at the O.D. of the ingot respectively. These plate and cylinder were assumed made of the same material as ingot. And the heat transfer coefficients at the bottom and at the O.D. of this fictitious mold were adjusted so that the solidification mode such as mushy zone profile become realistic in reference to the above Ref. (2). Furthermore, the correction factor α of the specific surface area of dendrite Sb was set 0.6 in accordance with the freckle formation in Ref. (2).
The number of elements for ingot is 4800 (40 in radial dir.×120 in axial dir.).
The computational results are shown in
Thus, in the above Specific Examples 1 to 4, it was concretely shown that the macrosegregations were caused by the interdendritic liquid flow within the mushy zone and that their flow patterns were the most critical factors.
More importantly, this inventor has shown for the first time that the extremely slow interdendritic fluid flow responsible for the formation of macrosegregation can be suppressed by exerting high magnetic field onto the whole mushy zone, and thereby made it clear that the macrosegregations such as freckles can essentially be eliminated. Despite that the electromagnetic braking effect on molten metals has long been recognized, there has been no literature, to the best of this inventor's knowledge, showing that the macrosegregation can be eliminated by the application of magnetic field.
Bellow, the electromagnetic braking effects by this invention will be discussed along with the key points of this invention.
(1) Now, take an electromagnetic fluid that flows at a constant velocity V in traverse direction (suppose X dir.) perpendicular to the direction of the gravity. When exerting a magnetic field B in the direction perpendicular both to V and gravity, the electromagnetic braking force is given by fx=−ρB2v, provided that E of the aforementioned Eq. (1) is regarded as 0 because the electric conductivity a of metals are generally high. In such a case, the momentum equation is expressed as
Integrating the above equation with the initial condition of V=Vo at time t=0,
where, the units are V (m/s), σ (1/Ωm), B (Tesla), ρ (Kg/m3) and t (sec) respectively. From Eq. (10), it is understood that V decays exponentially with time, and that the higher the σ and the lower the ρ, the lower the V. For example, taking σ=106, ρ=7300 and B=0.1 becomes V/Vo=exp (−0.14t). From this, V/Vo=0.5 after t=2.15 sec, and further V/Vo=0.25 after t=4.3 sec. Also, taking σ=5×106, ρ=2700 and B=0.1 for Al alloy, V/Vo=exp(−1.9t); again V/Vo=0.5 after t=0.15 sec, and further V/Vo=0.25 after 0.3 sec. From these rough estimates, it can be understood that low magnetic field as low as B=0.1 Tesla can effectively suppress molten metal flow within bulk liquid pool.
Next, taking electromagnetic braking force f (EMB force) as X in Eq. (6) and defining π as the ratio of f to the Darcy's flow resistant force vμgL/K (refer to Eq. (6)), π is given by
π is a dimensionless number representing EM braking effect on the interdendritic fluid flow within the mushy zone. f is given by f=σ(−Δφ+v×B)×B from Eqs. (1) and (4). For the convenience of discussion, consider the same situation as above described, i.e., the EMB force is exerted against an uniform flow in traverse direction within the mushy zone. Then Eq. (6) becomes
It is seen from the above equation that for a flow of V>0, EMB force (−σB2v) acts in the opposite direction to the flow (in the opposite direction to pressure gradient force −∂P/∂x(>0)). Thus, it acts as a braking force (for a flow of V<0, it similarly acts as brake). Solving Eq. (12) with respect to V yields the following equation.
Regarding v0 as the velocity with no magnetic field in the above equation and using π defined in Eq. (11), the ratio V/Vo is given as follows.
Thus, V decays hyperbolically with increasing π. In real casting processes, K and gL change depending on the location and the time. Here, using typical values of these parameters in the above Specific Examples 1 to 4, π were calculated for the values of B when the segregations such as freckles were suppressed. The results are shown in Table 4 (as to the unit conversion of σB2, note 1 T2/Ωm=10−3 dyn·sec/cm4).
In the case of the Specific Example 1, π=0.05 B2: From this, taking Bz=5 Tesla, π=1.25 so that V is reduced to V/Vo=0.44; and taking Bz=10 Tesla, π=5.0 so that V is reduced to V/Vo=0.17. From Table 4, however, there are large discrepancies in the values of π to suppress segregation. As will be discussed in the next paragraph (2), since the configurations and the degrees of segregation differ in individual cases, it is difficult to determine the values of π necessary t suppress the segregation. Despite that, it would be a useful parameter. For example, below B=1 Tesla, π<<1 meaning there is almost no suppressing effect on segregation.
(2) The main factors for determining the interdendritic liquid flow pattern within the mushy zone in real casting processes are as follows.
I. Buoyancy force due to liquid density difference ΔρL within the mushy zone (i.e. ΔρLgr where gr is the acceleration of gravity)
II. Mushy zone profile
III. Permeability K determined by dendrite morphology (refer to Eq. (7))
ΔρLgr is a driving force to cause convective flow in the mushy zone and is determined by the chemical compositions of the alloy. There are upward type and downward type of buoyancies along with the mixture type of these two. The factors II and III are determined by the cooling condition in each casting process. Thus, there exist a variety of cases. To take a couple of examples, the most important factor for the formation of freckles in unidirectionally solidified turbine blade of upward type alloy of buoyancy is ΔρLgr (factor I). And thus the freckles take place above a certain value of ΔρL or ΔρLgr. On the contrary, the contribution from the factors II or III is relatively small. In the case of ingot making via remelting process for downward type alloy of buoyancy, if the mushy zone profile is flat or considerably shallow, macrosegregation does not occur regardless of the factor I or III. However, in the Specific Example 4, the profile of the mushy zone was inclined to the direction of gravity and therefore the downward flow was induced due to the factor I (downward buoyancy), resulting in the central segregation. Even in this case, as the diam of ingot is reduced with reduced K, segregation is unlikely to take place. [The smaller the dendrite arm spacing (DAS), the smaller the K. In general, as DAS becomes smaller with increased cooling rate, the convective flow due to the factor I vanishes and channel segregation or freckles does not occur.]
Therefore, as another dimensionless number to evaluate the effect of EMB force, it is useful to define the ratio of EMB force to buoyancy. That is
The value of the dimensionless number φ calculated for average rough values of V and the required values of B are shown in Table 4 (note the unit conversion of σB2).
From the above discussions (1) and (2), it is understood that while low magnetic field less than 1 Tesla (say 0.1 Tesla) is sufficient to suppress high speed flow in bulk melt region (generally, the order of 10 cm/s in remelting processes), high magnetic field is required to suppress extremely slow interdendritic flow within the mushy zone (typically, the order of 10−2 to 10−4 cm/s).
As a rough guideline to evaluate the magnitude of the high magnetic field, the dimensionless numbers π or φ defined respectively by Eq. (14) or Eq. (15) are meaningful: In practice, by knowing the limiting empirical values πc or φC necessary to suppress segregation for individual alloy systems and casting processes, B can be determined so as to satisfy π≧πC or φ≧φC. It is economical to evaluated πC or φC in scaled down experiments, where the numerical analysis described in this description can be very useful.
From the above Specific Examples, it has been shown that regarding relatively small sized turbine blades having thin wall thickness, the magnetic fields above approximately 0.5 Tesla can effectively improve the defects such as freckles and misoriented grains. [It is well known that solidification interface morphology changes from flat to cell and further to dendrite as the value of G/R is decreased (G is the temperature gradient in liquid phase at the interface, R is the moving rate of the interface), and it has been considered that in the case of SX ingot, single crystal growth breaks down below a certain value of G/R to form foreign crystal, i.e., misoriented grain structures (For example, see Ref. (15)). It is also known that grain structure coarsens with the application of magnetic field during solidification, which means that the misoriented grains are not likely to take place. This is considered attributed that the stable single crystal growth is promoted by the application of magnetic field and thereby suppressing the liquid flow.]
On the other hand, in the case of large sized remelted ingot, the magnetic field of at least 1 Tesla would be necessary. However, as already stated, these lower limit values of the magnetic field are just rough guidelines on the condition of optimized casting parameters, and change depending on individual cases. They are also subject to quality requirement.
(3) The suppressing effect on the liquid flow within the mushy zone does not depend on the directions of the magnetic field. Hence, the most suitable configuration may be employed for individual processes. Yet, note that in the above all examples, the ingot-mold boundaries were all electrically insulated. Although uniform static magnetic fields were applied in the above computations, they do not need to be rigidly uniform.
(4) The schematic diagram when exerting static magnetic field for unidirectional solidification is shown in
In short, this invention is aimed at the method and apparatus for unidirectional solidification of castings and ingots, where solid, mushy and bulk liquid zones are made to form and then solidification is done by moving these zones from one end to the other. Thus, it is obvious in principle that this invention can be applied to all directional solidification processes. Real unidirectionally solidified turbine blades posses complicated shapes. Ref. (11) describes a technology to make single crystal structure (SX) in thin blade region and polycrystalline columnar dendrite structure (DS) in platform region. This invention can be applied to such a mixed grain structure as well. It is also possible, as already mentioned, to apply to the cases where solidification is done in horizontal direction perpendicular to gravity or in the opposite to gravity (i.e. from up to down). Some of the DC coils 5 used in this invention are shown in
(5) Generally in remelting processes such as VAR and ESR, strong electric current flows through the mushy zone and interacts with externally applied magnetic field to generate electromagnetic force (Lorentz force). This is not desirable. Therefore, it is necessary to employ an alternative method that does not flow electric current in the ingot. One of such examples is shown in
Another desirable example is shown in
In summary, the following configurations are possible:
ESR+High Magnetic Field
VAR+High Magnetic Field
VAR+Slag Refining+High Magnetic Field, etc.
(6) It is well known that the solid-liquid interface morphologies during solidification of alloy can be determined by the aforementioned parameter G/R based on the theory of constitutional undercooling. In the production of true single crystal such as semiconductor Si, G and R are respectively independently controlled (be it Bridgeman's method or Czochrolski's method); and by increasing G with decreasing R (thus increasing G/R), the flat interface (or stable interface) can be obtained. [In general the amounts of the alloying elements contained in these true single crystals are extremely small, and no mushy zone exists (or not allowed). Hence, they are totally different from the dendrite structures having mushy zone (be it DS or SX material) defined in this description.]
It is known that the redistribution of alloy compositions in growth direction of single crystal is greatly changed by the convection of liquid in front of the flat interface (For example, refer to p. 42,
Ref. (12) discloses a technique to reduce a large change in solute composition(s) distribution in growth direction of single crystal semiconductor, which is caused by convection of liquid in front of the flat interface. In this technique, the crystal is grown from a starting material with non-uniform solute distribution to obtain more uniform single crystal. Furthermore, it aims to produce the single crystal with more uniform composition(s) by growing in the opposite direction to once grown direction or by exerting magnetic field (about 0.2 Tesla) to suppress the convection. Thus, this technique of Ref. (12) intends to suppress the convection in front of the growing flat interface in true single crystal growth with no mushy zone. Hence, it is different from this invention.
Ref. (13) discloses a single crystal growth technique by Bridgeman's method to obtain better crystal(s) with as less a number of crystals as possible. In this technique, a material having the positive change of magnetic susceptibility at the melting point of liquid-solid transition (i.e. the magnetic susceptibility of solid is higher than that of liquid) is used. And by applying the magnetic field during growth, thereby enhancing the energy barrier for the formation of nuclei, the number of crystals can be reduced. Thus, the technique by Ref. (13) is different from this invention.
As G/R is decreased, the stable flat interface growth breaks down with solid intruding into liquid phase, thus resulting in cellular structure. As G/R is further decreased, the dendrite structure results. In the case of cellular growth, the mushy zone consists of cells and liquid phase, and so this invention can be applied. Thus, by applying high magnetic field and thereby suppressing the intercellular liquid flow, it is possible to obtain cellular structure without segregation.
(7) Ref. (14) discloses a technique for reducing macrosegregation of Al-alloy continuous castings by exerting the magnetic field of maximum 0.15 Tesla onto the molten metal pool. [In continuous casting, the liquid flow rate within the melt pool is the order of 10 to 100 cm/s. As abovementioned in the items (1) and (2), the magnetic field as low as 0.1 Tesla can effectively suppress such high speed flow, but it can not induce the braking force against the extremely slow liquid flow within mushy zone.] There is no word in this reference concerning the mechanism for reducing the macrosegregation. Furthermore, grain refiners have been added in all the experiments done in this reference. This point deserves attention. With respect to the suppressing effect on the macrosegregation in the case of Ref. (14), this inventor considers as follows: As a result of reduced convection within the bulk liquid pool by the applied magnetic field, the grain refining effect was enhanced compared with the case of no magnetic field. And thus, grain structure became that of finer equiaxed grains leading to less macrosegregation in the central region of the ingot.
[In general, one of the objectives to add grain refiners is to obtain finer equiaxed grain structure and thereby to reduce segregation. However, the vigorous convection in the liquid pool increases the chances of the cohesion/coalescence/coarsening of grain refiners and therefore decreases the refining effect. Then, it is thought that exerting magnetic field reduces such chances caused by the vigorous convection and retains the refining effects.] Thus, it is an indispensable condition to use the grain refiners together with the magnetic field. And as a result of enhancing grain-refining effect, the macrosegregation was indirectly reduced. If an inappropriate magnitude of magnetic field is applied for the case with no grain refiners, the reduced convection within the liquid pool is likely to develop coarsened columnar grain structure and the central macrosegregation may contrarily worsen.
On the other hand, the essence of this invention is that the macrosegregation such as freckles can completely be eliminated in unidirectional solidification (where in principle grain refiners must not be used) or remelting processes by exerting. the magnetic field onto the whole mushy zone with the magnitude necessary to suppress the extremely slow interdendritic liquid flow. The viewpoint of this invention is thus totally different from that of Ref. (14), and hence different in terms of casting process, exerting region and the magnitude of the magnetic field.
It has been clarified from the above Specific Examples 1 to 3 that by exerting high magnetic field, it is possible to completely eliminate the macrosegregation such as freckles observed in DS or SX Ni-base superalloy castings practically in use at present. Many of these alloys are of upward type of buoyancy. This invention can effectively be applied to even stronger buoyant alloys (with large ΔσLgr within mushy zone) which are not unidirectionally castable because of severe segregation. This means that this invention enhances the freedom of alloy selection, or opens the possibility to develop stronger alloys at elevated temperatures (for example, the vol. fraction of γ′ can be increased to an upper limit).
It has been shown in the Specific Example 4 that this invention is effectively applied to the remelting-processed ingot of downward type IN718 alloy of buoyancy, but it is also apparent from the Specific Examples 1 to 3 to be applicable to usual alloys of upward type of buoyancy. Thus, this invention enables it possible to make large diam remelted ingots of upward buoyancy type.
Finally, the benefits of this invention can be summarized as follows:
1. The macrosegregation such as freckles can completely be eliminated.
2. The melting off of dendrites due to convective liquid flow can be prevented, which makes it possible to grow perfect mono-crystals (SX) without misoriented grain defects.
3. As a result of these benefits, it will become possible to develop new types of alloys where the volume fraction of γ′ can be increased to a maximum limit.
Also, on the production of the ingots by remelting processes, it will become possible to cast conventionally uncastable upward type alloys of buoyancy (generally the liquid density is lower than that of downward type) as well as the downward type alloys of buoyancy.
Thus, this invention makes it possible to produce unidirectionally solidified castings such as high quality turbine blades or remelting-processed ingots, which greatly contributes to the safety of important mechanical components and to the energy conservation by enhancing the efficiency of gas turbine engines. Considering the present situation that high magnetic field can be obtained at relatively low cast owing to the recent progress in superconductive technology, there seems no barrier to realize this invention. Therefore, the industrial merits are very high. In this description, two types of Ni-base alloys were examined as shown in the Specific Examples. However, it is apparent in principle that the similar benefits can be obtained for all alloy productions: For example, directionally solidified AlTi base alloy turbine blades, low alloy steels, etc. as well as all Ni-base alloys.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/JP2006/309133 | Apr 2006 | JP | national |
This is a Continuation Application of PCT Application No. PCT/JP2007/059353, filed Apr. 24, 2007, which was published under PCT Article 21(2) in English. This application is based upon and claims the benefit of priority from prior International Application No. PCT/JP2006/309133, filed Apr. 25, 2006, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | PCT/JP2007/059353 | Apr 2007 | US |
Child | 12288805 | US |