Paper No. 84-Application of Vacuum in Die Casting for Quality Improvement Westinghouse Electric Corp., Nov. 16-19, 1970. |
Paper No. 1272-Vertical Die Casting Machines Kent A. Mulholland, Oct. 16-19, 1972. |
Paper No. 86-Squeeze Casting I.I.T. Research Institute Nov. 16-19, 1970. |
Paper No. G-T77-011--The Influence of Injection Cycle on Casting Quality Part I--The Effect of Shot Velocity and Timing on Die Venting and Casting Porosity, CSIRO-University of Melbourne, Jun. 6-9, 1977. |
Paper No. G-T77-012--The Influence of Injection Cycle on Casting Quality Part II--The Effect of First Stage Conditions on Cavity Fill and Casting Porosity, CSIRO-University of Melbourne, Jun. 6-9, 1977. |
Paper No. G-T83-061--Development and Application of Verticl Pressure Die Casting Process Toyota Motor Corporation, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1983. |
Squeeze Cast Diesel Pistons M. F. McGuire, Sep. 1979. |
Heat Treating of Nonferrous Metals ASM Committee on Heat Treating of Aluminum Alloys, no date. |
Development of Medium Pressure Diecasting process (MP Process) Tokyo Light Metal Mfg. Co., Ltd., no date. |
Squeeze Casting For Disc Brake Calipers SAE Technical Paper Series, Feb. 26-Mar. 2, 1990. |
Development of Aluminum Alloy Roller Type Valve Rocker Arm by Casting and Forging Technique SAE Technical Paper Series, Feb. 27-Mar. 3, 1989. |
Heat Treating Aluminum American Machinist Special Report No. 635, Oct. 6, 1989. |
Problems in Conventional Casting UBE Industries, Inc., no date. |
Development of HVSC and Its Features UBE Industries, Inc., no date. |
Paper No. G-T81-062--Vertical Die Casting Machine for Squeeze Casting UBE Industries, Ltd., Jun. 1-4, 1981. |
Weingartner flyer no date. |
Die Casting Machines Japanese Abstract WO 80/01655, Aug. 21, 1980. |
Die Casting Method and Apparatus Japanese Abstract WO 80/01656, Aug. 21, 1980. |
Die Casting Method Japanese Abstract WO 80/01657, Aug. 21, 1980. |
Die Casting Method Japanese Abstract WO 80/01658, Aug. 21, 1980. |