Cathepsin L, its prepro form and the corresponding propeptide from ciliates


  • Patent Grant
  • 6733995
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Thursday, October 18, 2001
    22 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, May 11, 2004
    20 years ago
The invention relates to the isolation of the prepro form of cathepsin L, of its leader sequence, of cathepsin L and of the affiliated propeptide from ciliates, in particular Paramecium, to the use of these peptides and to a process for preparing cathepsin L from ciliates.


1. Field of the Invention

The invention relates to the isolation of the prepro form of cathepsin L, of its leader sequence, of cathepsin L and of the affiliated propeptide from ciliates, in particular Paramecium to the use of these peptides and to a process for preparing cathepsin L from ciliates.

2. Description of the Related Art

The finding that propeptides of different proteases can, after they have been liberated by activation of the protease zymogens, act as protease inhibitors is known. For example, once splitting-off has taken place, the propeptide of

Pseudomonas aeruginosa

elastase attaches to elastase and thereby gives rise to inactivation of the enzyme (Kessler & Safrin, 1994, J. Biol. Chem., 269, 22726). The propeptides of papain and of papaya proteinase IV act selectively as inhibitors of the mature papaya proteases and of the related B and L cathepsins from rat liver (Taylor et al., 1995, Biochem. Soc. Trans., 23, 80). The propeptides of other cathepsins can also act as protease inhibitors. Thus, the synthetically prepared propeptide of human procathepsin D inhibits bovine cathepsin D (Vagner et al., 1993, Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun., 58, 435).

Cathepsin L, a protease, plays an important role in various syndromes. First, this enzyme is probably of crucial importance for the invasiveness of tumors and the formation of metastases (Pike, 1991, Dissertation Abstr. Intern., 53, 4645). This protease can also be involved in the penetration of pathogenic bacteria or parasitic protozoa into the host tissue. Cathepsin L is also involved in the degradation of bone matrix. This enzyme therefore appears to be a rewarding target in connection with the treatment of osteoporosis (Pharma Japan, September 1995, 1468, 23).

Finally, it may be mentioned that cathepsin L is also involved in the development of inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.

The identification of suitable cathepsin L inhibitors could represent an important step in the development of suitable preparations for the therapy of the said diseases. Furthermore, it would be very advantageous to have a suitable source for isolating relatively large quantities of cathepsin L. This is because the enzyme could be employed in screening systems for finding suitable protease inhibitors. Over and above this, it could be employed, for example, in wound ointments, where it could catalyze the degradation of necrotic tissue.


The present invention consequently relates to a cathepsin L prepro form which can be obtained from ciliates, preferably from Paramecium, particularly preferably from

Paramecium tetraurelia

, and to the DNA sequence encoding such a protein.

The invention furthermore relates to a cathepsin L from ciliates, preferably from Paramecium, particularly preferably from

Paramecium tetraurelia

, and the affiliated DNA sequence, to a process for its preparation from ciliates, and to its use for preparing a pharmaceutical for treating wounds.

The cathepsin L according to the present invention can furthermore be used for identifying suitable inhibitors, for example by means of so-called molecular modeling.

Furthermore, the present invention provides a cathepsin L propeptide, and its DNA sequence, from ciliates, preferably from Paramecium, particularly preferably from

Paramecium tetraurelia.

The propeptide of the cathepsin L from ciliates is a highly specific inhibitor of this cathepsin L and is consequently suitable for preparing pharmaceuticals for treating inflammatory diseases, metastasizing tumors, bacterial infections, infections with parasitic protozoa, or osteoporosis.

The present invention furthermore provides a presequence, corresponding to the leader sequence or signal ef the sequence of the cathepsin L from ciliates, preferably from Paramecium, particularly preferably from

Paramecium tetraurelia

, which presequence is translated into the corresponding leader sequence or signal sequence when recombinant peptides or proteins are expressed, thereby resulting in the secretion of the recombinantly expressed peptides or proteins from the ciliate cells.

The present invention is clarified below and with the aid of examples.


FIG. 1

is a graph depicting the results of inhibition tests comparing the percent inhibition of the 30 kDa cathepsin L isozyme versus the concentration of cathepsin L-propeptide (nM).

FIG. 2

is a DNA sequence which encodes the prepro form of cathepsin L and the associated amino acid sequence for the protein with 313 amino acids having a molecular weight of 35,031 Da.

The present study describes, for the first time, the isolation of two proteases of the cathepsin L subfamily from the ciliate Paramecium (Protista). Sequencing of the cloned cDNA demonstrates that while conformity with previously described cathepsin L form from Mammalia and Protista is at most 30%, the characteristic cathepsin L motifs are present both in the prepro region and in the actual enzyme. The pro region encodes a segment of 86 amino acids in length which exhibits the typical ERFNIN motif (SEQ. ID. No. 14). The pro region was expressed in

E. coli

. The isolated propeptide efficiently (in the nanomolar region) inhibited the Paramecium cathepsin L. By contrast, other cysteine proteases, for example papain and mammalian B, G and H cathepsins were not inhibited even at propeptide concentrations of 13 μM. The propeptide is consequently an effective and specific inhibitor or cathepsin L. Based on these data, it should be possible to develop a potent and highly specific inhibitor for chemotherapeutic use in the treatment of the abovementioned syndromes.


Cathepsin L Assay


P-Phosphorylase a (approx. 5×10


cpm/min) was used as substrate. A test mixture (30 μl) contained 10 μM substrate, 12 mM Tris/HCl (pH 7.0), 50 μM EDTA, 10 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 5 mM caffeine and 6.7 μg of BSA. The reaction was stopped, after incubating at 30° C. for 10 minutes, by adding 200 μl of trichloroacetic acid (20% w/v). The radioactivity of the non-precipitable peptides was determined in the supernatant following centrifugation. One unit of enzyme activity corresponds to the quantity which liberates 1 μmol of soluble



Purification of the Cathepsin L

Mass cultures of the ciliate Paramecium tetraurelia were used as the source. Cathepsin L can be obtained both from the cells and, in large quantities, from the culture medium, since the cells also secrete the enzyme.

All the purification steps were carried out at 4° C. The cells were homogenized in 50 mM Tris/HCl (pH 7.0), 5 mM EDTA using a French press. Cell debris were removed by centrifugation (23,000×g, 60 min; 100,000×g, 60 min). The supernatant was loaded onto a DEAE Sepharose® column which was equilibrated with 20 mM Tris/HCl (pH 7.0). About half the protease activity eluted with the flowthrough. The column was washed with 250 mM NaCl. The remaining protease activity was eluted with 450 mM KCl. After that, the active fractions were purified through a Sephacryl® S-100 HR column. The protease eluted at approximately 27 kDa. The pooled active fractions were subsequently loaded onto a mono Q column. Elution was carried out using a linear gradient (60 ml of from 100 to 350 mM NaCl). Two active proteases (30 kDa and 33 kDa) were separated in this step. Purity was examined by means of SDS-PAGE. When using


P phosphorylase a as substrate, the pH optimum of the two isozymes was 6.5; the temperature optimum was 56° C. Sulfhydryl protease-specific inhibitors (e.g. cystatin, leupeptin and TLCK) reduced the activity drastically. On the other hand, inhibitors which were specific for serine proteases (aprotinin), metalloproteases (EDTA) and Asp proteases (pepstatin) had no inhibitory effect. The digestion pattern obtained with phosphorylase and BSA indicated that the two proteases were endoproteinase isozymes.

Amino Acid Sequencing

The proteins were blotted out of the SDS gel onto a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane, and the corresponding 30 kDa and 33 kDa bands were cut out. For the sequencing of protein fragments, the proteins were cleaved with BrCN (350 μg (10 μg of protein)) prior to the SDS-PAGE. The sequencing was carried out on an Applied Biosystems sequencer. The NH


terminus of the 30 kDa band is: GAEVDWTDNKIKVKYPAVKNQ (SEQ. ID. No. 1), while that of the 33 kDa band is: GAEVDXTXNK (X is unresolved) (SEQ. ID. No. 2). The sequencing of the BrCN fragments also showed that identical enzyme proteins were involved, with the proteins possibly only being processed differently. In this case, the following sequence was determined for both the proteins: DSAFEYVADNGLAEAKDYPYYASD (SEQ. ID. No. 3). Comparison with the EMBL gene bank using the FASTA program did not indicate any correspondence with known proteins as far as the NH


terminus was concerned; on the other hand, alignment of the internal 24 mer peptide demonstrated unambiguous correspondence with 19 different cysteine proteases.

Amplification and Subcloning of Cathepsin L

Oligonucleotides were prepared on the basis of the amino acid sequencing and taking into account ciliate codon usage. The primers employed were: primer 1 (sense) 5′-GCGGGGTACCGGWGCHGAAGTHGAYTGGACWGA-TAAYAARAARG-3′ (SEQ. ID. No. 4), deduced from the NH


-terminal peptide GAEVDWDNKKVK (SEQ. ID. No. 5) and primer 2 (antisense) 5′-TARTANGGRTARTCYTTNGCYTC-3 (SEQ. ID. No. 6), deduced from the internal peptide sequence EAKDYPYY (SEQ. ID. No. 7). The PCR was carried out in a Perkin-Elmer Thermal Cycler (30 cycles, at 94° C., 55° C. and 72° C. for 1 min in each case). Using these primers, a fragment of 275 bp in length was amplified from a Paramecium cDNA library. Sequencing this DNA fragment provided unambiguous evidence of its similarity to cathepsin L. Thus, the PCR fragment contained the two strongly conserved regions GCNGG (SEQ. ID. No. 8) and CGCSWA (SEQ. ID. No 9). Two clones having inserts of 1.3 kB were identified in the cDNA library using the 275 bp fragment. Sequencing these clones indicated that they contained identical open reading frames which encoded a protein of 313 amino acids having a calculated molecular weight of 35,031 Da (FIG. 2). The deduced amino acid sequence was in agreement with that determined by means of Edman degradation.

The conserved ERFNIN motif (SEQ. ID. No. 14) in the propeptide EX










N (SEQ ID No. 15) and EX










N (SEQ. ID. No 16) characterizes the enzyme as H or L cathepsin. Whereas cathepsin H is characterized as an exoprotease, cathepsin L is classified as an efficient endoprotease. The identification as endoproteases of the proteases which are described here suggests that they are in fact forms of cathepsin L. The correspondence of the Paramecium cathepsin L to different mammalian forms is at most 35% (Tab.1) The correspondence is also only 30% when compared with the Tetrahymena cysteine protease.


Cathepsins and proteases as

% identity with

compared with



Paramecium cathepsin L

accession No.


pro regions

Rat L type




Tetrahymena cysteine





Rat H type




Rat S type




Human B type




cDNA Library Screening


P-labeled PCR fragments were used to screen the cDNA library for corresponding clones. The two clones which were identified in this way were analyzed by Southern blotting. Both the clones encoded an identical preprocathepsin L protease.

Bacterial Expression of the Cathepsin L Propeptide

The cloned gene contains a potential propeptide region from AA −1 to −86. The open reading frame contains five universal TAA stop codons, which encode Q in Paramecium. Before being expressed, they were changed into CAA (encodes Q) by means of site-directed mutagenesis.

The DNA fragment containing the propeptide region was amplified by PCR and introduced, for expression, into the heat-inducible vector pEV41C, which additionally contained a hexa-His tag. The primers which were used for the PCR were 5′-AGGTCGTCATATGAATCTTTATGCAAATTGG (sense) (SEQ. ID. No 10) and 5′-ATCCTCGAGTCACTTGTATTGGAAGTTAG (antisense) (SEQ. ID. No. 11). Following transformation, the propeptide was expressed in

E. coli

strain 2136. Expression was induced by adding LB


medium which had been preheated to 42° C.

After harvesting, the cells were homogenized and the cell debris was removed by centrifugation. The supernatant was purified on an Ni affinity column (Qiagen). The protein was eluted using 20 mM Tris/HCl (pH 7.5), 8,6% glycerol, 200 mM NaCl and 500 mM imidazole. As expected, a protein having a size of 13.6 kDa was eluted under these conditions.

In an inhibition test, the propeptide inhibited the 30 kDa cathepsin L isozyme from Paramecium by 50% at a concentration of only 60 nM (FIG.


). Other proteases (papain, human liver cathepsin H, bovine kidney cathepsin B and leukocyte cathepsin G) were not inhibited even at propeptide concentrations of 13 μM.


#             SEQUENCE LISTING


<210> SEQ ID NO 1

<211> LENGTH: 20

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Paramecium tetraurelia

<400> SEQUENCE: 1

Gly Ala Glu Val Asp Trp Thr Asp Asn Lys Ly

#s Val Lys Tyr Pro Ala

  1               5 

#                 10 

#                 15

Val Lys Asn Gln


<210> SEQ ID NO 2

<211> LENGTH: 10

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Paramecium tetraurelia

<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (1)..(10)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Xaa represents any amino 


<400> SEQUENCE: 2

Gly Ala Glu Val Asp Xaa Thr Xaa Asn Lys

  1               5 

#                 10

<210> SEQ ID NO 3

<211> LENGTH: 24

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Paramecium tetraurelia

<400> SEQUENCE: 3

Asp Ser Ala Phe Glu Tyr Val Ala Asp Asn Gl

#y Leu Ala Glu Ala Lys

  1               5 

#                 10 

#                 15

Asp Tyr Pro Tyr Tyr Ala Ser Asp


<210> SEQ ID NO 4

<211> LENGTH: 44

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: variation

<222> LOCATION: (1)..(44)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: nucleotide ′w′  can

# be either of the

      nucleotides ′a′ or ′t′

<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: variation

<222> LOCATION: (1)..(44)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: nucleotide ′h′ can 

#be either of the

      nucleotides ′a′ or ′c′ o

#r ′t′

<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: variation

<222> LOCATION: (1)..(44)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: nucleotide ′r′ can 

#be either of the

      nucleotides ′a′ or ′g′

<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: variation

<222> LOCATION: (1)..(44)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: nucleotide ′y′ can 

#be either of the

      nucleotides ′c′ or ′t′

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 

#Sequence: primer 1

<400> SEQUENCE: 4

gcggggtacc ggwgchgaag thgaytggac wgataayaar aarg   


# 44

<210> SEQ ID NO 5

<211> LENGTH: 12

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Paramecium tetraurelia

<400> SEQUENCE: 5

Gly Ala Glu Val Asp Trp Asp Asn Lys Lys Va

#l Lys

  1               5 

#                 10

<210> SEQ ID NO 6

<211> LENGTH: 23

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 

#Sequence: primer 2

<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: variation

<222> LOCATION: (1)..(23)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: nucleotide ′n′ can 

#be either of the nucleotides

      ′a′, ′c′,′g′ or ′t


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: variation

<222> LOCATION: (1)..(23)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: nucleotide ′r′ can 

#be either of the nucleotides

      ′a′ or ′g′

<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: variation

<222> LOCATION: (1)..(23)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: nucleotide ′y′ can 

#be either of the nucleotides

      ′c′ or ′t′

<400> SEQUENCE: 6

tartanggrt artcyttngc ytc           


#                23

<210> SEQ ID NO 7

<211> LENGTH: 8

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Paramecium tetraurelia

<400> SEQUENCE: 7

Glu Ala Lys Asp Tyr Pro Tyr Tyr

  1               5

<210> SEQ ID NO 8

<211> LENGTH: 5

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Paramecium tetraurelia

<400> SEQUENCE: 8

Gly Cys Asn Gly Gly

  1               5

<210> SEQ ID NO 9

<211> LENGTH: 6

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Paramecium tetraurelia

<400> SEQUENCE: 9

Cys Gly Ser Cys Trp Ala

  1               5

<210> SEQ ID NO 10

<211> LENGTH: 31

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 



<400> SEQUENCE: 10

aggtcgtcat atgaatcttt atgcaaattg g        


#          31

<210> SEQ ID NO 11

<211> LENGTH: 29

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 



<400> SEQUENCE: 11

atcctcgagt cacttgtatt ggaagttag         


#            29

<210> SEQ ID NO 12

<211> LENGTH: 1276

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Paramecium tetraurelia

<400> SEQUENCE: 12

cattattagc agtcggttta atgatgttgt tgggagccag cctctacttg aa

#caacacat     60

aagaagtatc tgatgaaatc gatacagcaa atctttatgc aaattggaaa at

#gaaatata    120

acagaagata taccaactaa agagatgaaa tgtacagata caaggttttc ac

#agacaacc    180

ttaactacat cagagctttc tatgaaagtc cagaagaagc cacattcact tt

#ggaattga    240

atcaatttgc tgatatgagc taataagaat ttgcttaaac ctatttgagc ct

#caaagttc    300

caagaacagc caaacttaat gccgccaatt ctaacttcta atacaagggt gc

#agaagtcg    360

attggactga caataagaag gttaagtatc cagctgttaa gaactaagga tc

#atgcggtt    420

catgctgggc cttctctgca gtcggagcac ttgaaatcaa cacagacatt ga

#actcaaca    480

gaaaatacga attatctgaa taagatttgg ttgactgctc aggaccatat ga

#caatgatg    540

gatgcaatgg tggatggatg gattctgctt ttgaatatgt tgctgacaac gg

#tttggctg    600

aagctaaaga ttatccatac actgctaaag atggaacctg caagacctca gt

#taaaagac    660

catacactca cgtctaagga ttcaaggata ttgactcatg cgatgaatta gc

#ctaaacaa    720

tctaagaaag aacagtcgct gttgccgtcg atgccaatcc atggtaattc ta

#cagaagtg    780

gtgtcctctc caaatgtact aaaaacttaa atcacggagt cgtccttgtt gg

#tgtttaag    840

ctgatggagc ttggaagatt agaaactcat ggggatctag ttggggagaa gc

#tggtcaca    900

tcagacttgc cggaggtgat acttgcggta tctgtgctgc tccatctttc cc

#aattttag    960

gatgaagact ttgattattc atacatcaat ttacaacaat attagttatt tt

#taaactta   1020

agaaagactc ttgctgatgt tatcagtgaa ggattgaaaa aagtaggcac tc

#tctaattg   1080

ggaggaggag ctgcatcaaa tgctccagct aaggcctaag ctccagctgc tg

#ccaaataa   1140

gaggcaccaa agccagttga aaaggcccca gaaccagaag aagacgttga ca

#tgggtggt   1200

ttgtttgact gattatacat tttagtacat tcatatacat atattaaata tt

#ttatcata   1260

aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaa             



#  1276

<210> SEQ ID NO 13

<211> LENGTH: 314

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Paramecium tetraurelia

<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (1)..(109)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: The position numbers for 

#this sequence

      correspond to -108 to 205 of F

#igure 2.

<400> SEQUENCE: 13

Met Met Leu Leu Gly Ala Ser Leu Tyr Leu As

#n Asn Thr Gln Glu Val

  1               5 

#                 10 

#                 15

Ser Asp Glu Ile Asp Thr Ala Asn Leu Tyr Al

#a Asn Trp Lys Met Lys


#             25     

#             30

Tyr Asn Arg Arg Tyr Thr Asn Gln Arg Asp Gl

#u Met Tyr Arg Tyr Lys


#         40         

#         45

Val Phe Thr Asp Asn Leu Asn Tyr Ile Arg Al

#a Phe Tyr Glu Ser Pro


#     55             

#     60

Glu Glu Ala Thr Phe Thr Leu Glu Leu Asn Gl

#n Phe Ala Asp Met Ser


# 70                 

# 75                 

# 80

Gln Gln Glu Phe Ala Gln Thr Tyr Leu Ser Le

#u Lys Val Pro Arg Thr


#                 90 

#                 95

Ala Lys Leu Asn Ala Ala Asn Ser Asn Phe Gl

#n Tyr Lys Gly Ala Glu


#           105      

#           110

Val Asp Trp Thr Asp Asn Lys Lys Val Lys Ty

#r Pro Ala Val Lys Asn


#       120          

#       125

Gln Gly Ser Cys Gly Ser Cys Trp Ala Phe Se

#r Ala Val Gly Ala Leu


#   135              

#   140

Glu Ile Asn Thr Asp Ile Glu Leu Asn Arg Ly

#s Tyr Glu Leu Ser Glu

145                 1

#50                 1

#55                 1


Gln Asp Leu Val Asp Cys Ser Gly Pro Tyr As

#p Asn Asp Gly Cys Asn


#               170  

#               175

Gly Gly Trp Met Asp Ser Ala Phe Glu Tyr Va

#l Ala Asp Asn Gly Leu


#           185      

#           190

Ala Glu Ala Lys Asp Tyr Pro Tyr Thr Ala Ly

#s Asp Gly Thr Cys Lys


#       200          

#       205

Thr Ser Val Lys Arg Pro Tyr Thr His Val Gl

#n Gly Phe Lys Asp Ile


#   215              

#   220

Asp Ser Cys Asp Glu Leu Ala Gln Thr Ile Gl

#n Glu Arg Thr Val Ala

225                 2

#30                 2

#35                 2


Val Ala Val Asp Ala Asn Pro Trp Gln Phe Ty

#r Arg Ser Gly Val Leu


#               250  

#               255

Ser Lys Cys Thr Lys Asn Leu Asn His Gly Va

#l Val Leu Val Gly Val


#           265      

#           270

Gln Ala Asp Gly Ala Trp Lys Ile Arg Asn Se

#r Trp Gly Ser Ser Trp


#       280          

#       285

Gly Glu Ala Gly His Ile Arg Leu Ala Gly Gl

#y Asp Thr Cys Gly Ile


#   295              

#   300

Cys Ala Ala Pro Ser Phe Pro Ile Leu Gly

305                 3


<210> SEQ ID NO 14

<211> LENGTH: 6

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Paramecium tetraurelia

<400> SEQUENCE: 14

Glu Arg Phe Asn Ile Asn

  1               5

<210> SEQ ID NO 15

<211> LENGTH: 19

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Paramecium tetraurelia

<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (1)..(19)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Xaa represents any amino 


<400> SEQUENCE: 15

Glu Xaa Xaa Arg Xaa Xaa Val Phe Xaa Xaa As

#n Xaa Xaa Xaa Ile Xaa

  1               5 

#                 10 

#                 15

Xaa Xaa Asn

<210> SEQ ID NO 16

<211> LENGTH: 19

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Paramecium tetraurelia

<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (1)..(19)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Xaa represents any amino 


<400> SEQUENCE: 16

Glu Xaa Xaa Arg Xaa Xaa Ile Phe Xaa Xaa As

#n Xaa Xaa Xaa Ile Xaa

  1               5 

#                 10 

#                 15

Xaa Xaa Asn

  • 1. An isolated DNA sequence encoding a prepro form of Paramecium tetraurelia cathepsin L wherein the DNA sequence comprises nucleotide sequence regions that encode the amino acid sequence regions represented by (i) positions 43 through 57, inclusive, (ii) positions 110 through 122, inclusive, and, (iii) positions 194 through 201, inclusive, of SEQ. ID. No 13.
  • 2. An isolated DNA sequence comprising the sequence of SEQ. ID. No. 12.
  • 3. An isolated DNA sequence comprising the sequence complementary to the sequence of SEQ. ID. No. 12.
  • 4. An isolated DNA sequence comprising a nucleotide sequence that encodes the Paramecium tetraurelia cathepsin L signal sequence having the amino acid sequence represented by positions 1 through 22, inclusive, of SEQ. ID. No 13.
  • 5. An isolated DNA sequence comprising nucleotide positions 1 to 86 of the sequence of SEQ. ID. No. 12.
  • 6. An isolated DNA sequence comprising the sequence complementary to the sequence as claimed in claim 5.
  • 7. An isolated DNA sequence comprising nucleotide positions 21 to 86, inclusive, of the sequence of SEQ. ID. No. 12.
  • 8. An isolated DNA sequence comprising the sequence complementary to the sequence as claimed in claim 7.
  • 9. The isolated DNA sequence as claimed in claim 7, wherein all TAA codons are replaced with a codon selected from the group consisting of CAA and CAG and specifying the amino acid glutamine.
  • 10. The isolated DNA sequence as claimed in claim 9, wherein all TAA codons are replaced with CAA codons.
  • 11. An isolated DNA sequence comprising a nucleotide sequence that encodes the Paramecium tetraurelia cathepsin L propeptide having the amino acid sequence represented by positions 23 through 109, inclusive, of SEQ. ID. No 13.
  • 12. An isolated pro region-encoding DNA sequence comprising nucleotide positions 87 to 347, inclusive, of the sequence of SEQ. ID. No. 12.
  • 13. An isolated DNA sequence comprising the sequence complementary to the sequence claimed in claim 12.
  • 14. The isolated DNA sequence as claimed in claim 12, wherein all TAA codons are replaced with a codon selected from the group consisting of CAA and CAG and specifying the amino acid glutamine.
  • 15. The isolated pro region-encoding DNA sequence as claimed in claim 14, wherein all the TAA codons are replaced with CAA codons.
  • 16. An isolated DNA sequence comprising nucleotide positions 348 to 1276, inclusive, of the sequence of SEQ. ID. No 12.
  • 17. An isolated DNA sequence comprising nucleotide positions 348 to 965, inclusive, of the sequence of SEQ. ID. No 12.
  • 18. The isolated DNA sequence as claimed in claim 17, wherein all TAA codons are replaced with a codon selected from the group consisting of CAA and CAG and specifying the amino acid glutamine.
  • 19. The isolated DNA sequence as claimed in claim 18, wherein all the TAA codons are replaced with CAA codons.
  • 20. A process for preparing a cathepsin L propeptide which comprises expressing the propeptide-encoding DNA sequence of claim 14 in a heterologous expression system.
  • 21. The process as claimed in claim 20, wherein the expression system is E. coli.
  • 22. The process as claimed in claim 21, wherein a DNA sequence comprising nucleotide positions 87 to 347, inclusive, of the sequence of SEQ. ID. No. 12, wherein all the TAA codons are replaced with CAA codons, is introduced into E. coli using a heat-inducible vector.
  • 23. A process for preparing a cathepsin L which comprises expressing a cathepsin L-encoding DNA sequence comprising nucleotide positions 348 to 965, inclusive, of the sequence of SEQ. ID. No 12 in a heterologous expression system.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
196 19 366 May 1996 DE

This application is a divisional of application U.S. Ser. No. 08/981,957, filed on Apr. 13 1998, now allowed, which was filed pursuant to 37 CFR §371 from international application PCT/EP97/02388, filed on May 9, 1997 now U.S. Pat No. 6,312,935, and now published as WO 97/43425, which in turn claims priority to German application 196 19 366.4, filed May 14, 1996.

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Number Name Date Kind
6312935 Kiy et al. Nov 2001 B1
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