"Design of a CRT with a Nearly Flat Glass Face Plate and a Non-Glass Funnel Using Finite-Element Analysis" to Jain et al, Proceedings of the Society for Information Display (SID), vol. 27/4 (1986), New York, N.Y., USA. |
"Recent Improvements in the 21AXP22 Color Kinescope" by R. B. Janes, L. B. Headrick, J. Evans. RCA Tube Division, Lancaster, Pa., pp. 143-145. |
"The CBS-Colortron: A Picture Tube of Advanced Design" by N. F. Flyer, W. E. Rowe, C. W. Cain, Proceedings of the I-R-E, Jan., pp. 326-334. |
"Phosphor-Strip Tricolor Tubes" by E. O. Lawrence, pp. 89-91. |
"Frit-Sealed Metal--Glass CRTs with Near-Flat Faceplates" by Peter Seats, Thomas Electronics, Inc., Wayne, N.J., SID 84 Digest, pp. 342-344. |