PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT The University of Chicago Medicine Comprehensive Cancer Center (UCCCC) is one of only two NCI- designated Cancer Centers in Illinois and is a major referral center for patients with cancer throughout the Midwest and the nation. The UCCCC catchment area includes five surrounding counties in Illinois (Cook, Will, DuPage, Lake) and one county in Northwest Indiana (Lake). Our catchment area has a sizable population of underserved minorities (19% African Americans, 22% Hispanic and 8% Asian Americans) and demonstrates a significant cancer burden, other related health care disparities in chronic disease burden (e.g., obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, tobacco use), screening, and significant barriers due to adverse social determinants of health (e.g., poverty, insurance status, transportation). To address these gaps, the Community Health Educators (CHE) become critical connectors for the UCCCC to integrate underserved communities into research and identify better ways to bring evidence-based cancer control efforts to these communities. The UCCCC NON-CHE program is the only NON-CHE site in Illinois and one of the only programs conducting all three education initiatives. The CHE team is diverse and is able to provide education that is community specific but also bilingual (English/Spanish/Mandarin/Cantonese). The CHE team plans to expand partnerships to allow extended reach to our defined catchment area and the wider state efforts across Illinois using many of the web based /online adaptations the team has adapted due to COVID-19. Given the demographics and catchment data on disparities in cancer screening, incidence and mortality, the CHE team efforts will continue to focus on recruiting minority participation in all three NON-CHE initiatives: Clinical Trials (CT), Screen to Save (S2S), and HPV specifically in African American, Asian and Hispanic communities in the catchment area and Illinois. The options will include: 1) in person education sessions (when COVID-19 restrictions allow), 2) live webinar-based education sessions, and 3) online self-study education sessions using the Trainual platform will be created and hosted for independent study. All sessions will include appropriate consents and pre/post surveys. 150-200 participants with completed surveys for each initiative are anticipated as a minimum during the first 18 months of the grant period. The CHE program is fully integrated into the UCCCC COE programming and long-term strategic plan to ensure sustainable efforts. We expect that our CHEs will continue to be central to research and education/outreach efforts at the UCCCC and will continue to lead key COE initiatives. CHE will continue to develop sustainable partnerships and secure funding to continue community education in these key target initiatives areas as they align with disparities in our catchment area and with community and UCCCC mutually defined goals. Specific Aims Aim1: Expand community health educator (CHE) cancer control education and outreach effort Aim 2: Implement and evaluate NON-CHE education initiatives in the three target subjects (S2S, CT and HPV) across multiple platforms to maximize accessibility, reach and sustainability Aim 3: Promote education and participation in biobanking, screening and therapeutic clinical trials Aim 4: Accelerate colorectal cancer screening and HPV vaccination education and linkages to care Aim 5: Strengthen collaborations with key NCI-sponsored academic, research, community and regional partners Aim 6: Develop a comprehensive curriculum for community health workers (CHW) on cancer screening and clinical trial participation to promote a sustainable model for CHE-led community education efforts