This is a proposal to renew the CChIPS center, an I/UCRC hosted by the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) with the University of Pennsylvania serving as its university partner, overseen by a University Policy Committee. The scope of the research projects that have been undertaken and will continue during the renewal fall into the following categories:<br/>-Injury biomechanics, mechanisms, and tolerance. <br/>-Technological solutions - design, development and testing. <br/>-Human interaction with and behavior related to safety technology. <br/>-Education and promotion of safety. <br/>-Evaluation and cost effectiveness of safety devices or behavior modification programs <br/><br/>This proposal seeks support for phase two (the second five years) of the I/UCRC for Child Injury Prevention Studies (CChIPS), led by The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. The center was established in 2005 and is completing the first five years as an I/UCRC with a focus on the prevention of injuries to children and youth in traffic accidents. Numerous outstanding research products have been disseminated, including findings, educational materials, computational models and intellectual property. The center faculty and particularly the Center Director are exceptionally well-qualified to perform research in this field. The planned research for the next five years represents expansion of the current work into areas recently identified in the 40 plus projects conducted up to this point, as well as extension into research related to sports injury. The new theme encompasses sports injury prevention, concussion prevention and treatment and rehabilitative and surgical devices for injury treatment.<br/><br/>CChIPS serves as the facilitator, to conduct and disseminate industry-relevant, scientifically complex research. As the only national platform for cooperative industry-university research on child injury prevention science and engineering, CChIPS is uniquely positioned to address critical issues facing the automotive industry regarding the future of safe transport of this population. Results from CChIPS are disseminated through technical meetings, intellectual property, and through development and support of web sites suitable for the general public. The research team is gender diverse and inclusive. The participation by companies in a number of sectors clearly demonstrates the broad relevance and significant impact of the work.