Project Summary/Abstract The long-term goal of the Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) in Matrix Biology is to establish, enhance, and actively advance a multidisciplinary research center focusing on improving our understanding of the role of the extracellular matrix in development, health, and disease, and contributing to the prevention, treatment, and cure for diseases of high priority. We propose to increase access to and use of shared instrumentation within the COBRE Core facilities through the purchase of a Zeiss Axio Observer 7 Live Cell Imaging system. This new live cell imaging system will support the investigators that have coalesced around the thematic focus of matrix biology. Investigators within the COBRE in Matrix Biology are diverse with respect to the primary disciplines that they represent, including biology, chemistry, physics, materials science, computer science, mechanical and biomedical engineering, and electrical engineering. Strong institutional support provided newly remodeled laboratory space and personnel to support the use through training, maintenance, and assistance for new users. The live cell imaging system will be located within new laboratory space for shared core facilities to support investigators from across campus. The enhanced core facilities will allow investigators to carry out more sophisticated experiments that address how cells respond to their environment through their extracellular matrix. Results will be disseminated through peer review publication in scientific journals and presentations at national research conferences. The acquisition of the new instrument will facilitate the achievement of our overarching goals which are to: 1) enhance and grow upon the critical mass of investigators established around the thematic multidisciplinary focus of matrix biology, 2) enhance biomedical research core capabilities, 3) grow research collaborations with existing programs, and 4) enhance research training opportunities. Upon successful completion of the proposed aims, we will have strengthened and enhanced the critical mass of investigators with shared priorities in understanding the role of the matrix in development and disease. Shared core facilities will be enhanced and will support the needs of more investigators as they follow a mentored career development plan. The multidisciplinary team science nature will continue to grow to include additional investigators across our institution.