Domus, Rassegna Product Survey, 786, Oct. 1996, pp. 133, 136, 144. |
Material relating to Herman Miller Ergon Chairs Catalog, undated, bearing designation "Interiors Apr. 1976, p. 7". |
Steelcase Improved ConCentrx/454 Catalog, undated bearing mark "RECEIVED Mar. 11, 1997 Group 290". |
"MD-800 New", Manufacturer: Tokaikosyo, dated 1995. |
"VR Chair Hyper", Manufacturer: Daikoku-Denki, Published 1996. |
"MD1000 Parlor Chair", Tokai, undated. |
"AXE 300E", GAP Japan, undated. |
"Series PZ", Manufacturer: Sanwa-Seisakusyo, dated prior to 1995. |
"SensorSeat AXE 600" Parlor Chair, undated. |
Materials (24 pages with the first page being black with a "fan of playing cards with chairs" positioned in the upper left corner), undated. |