A more complete understanding of the invention may be obtained from the detailed description that follows.
FIG. 1: View of the exterior of the mechanism with the cover closed. The front (1) of the mechanism housing that encompasses the top cover (2) where the latch (5) is contained. Screws (4) that attach the front (1) of the mechanism to the back (3) part of the device. The front of the mechanism comprises an inverted “L” shape. The back of the mechanism comprises three sides (back and two sides). The female portion of the seatbelt is encompassed by both sections.
FIG. 2: A side view of the front (1) of the inverted “L” shape mechanism showing the screw holes (2) and the hinge (3) for the cover (4). A view of the side (5) of the second part of the mechanism.
FIG. 3: The male section (1) of the seatbelt (not part of the invention) that is inserted into the mechanism (2) without being obscured by the device. The seatbelt release button (3) on the top of the female section (5) of the pre-existing seatbelt device. The dotted line (4) demonstrating the closed cover mechanism preventing access to the release button (3). A view of the entire mechanism (6) encompassing the female portion of a seatbelt device.
FIG. 4: A view of the top section (1) of the mechanism with the pre-existing seatbelt release button (2) on the female seatbelt device. The mechanism's cover (4) in an open position. The pre-existing insertion location for the male part of a seatbelt.
FIG. 5: A view of the top section (1) of the mechanism with the cover (3) closed preventing access to the seatbelt release button. The sliding locking and/or unlocking latch (4) that is gripped to open and close the mechanism's cover. The area (2) where the male portion of the seatbelt is inserted showing the cover (3) of the mechanism stopping before it obstructs the location where the male part (2) of a seatbelt is inserted.
FIG. 6: The pre-existing female (1) seatbelt device (dotted line area) with the three-sided back (2) of the mechanism. When (2) is attached to the front (3) of the mechanism, the invention encompasses the female seatbelt device.