Latin name of the genus and species of the plant claimed: Chrysanthemum x morifolium.
Varietal denomination: ‘CIDZ0107’.
The present invention comprises a new Chrysanthemum, botanically known as Chrysanthemum x morifolium, and hereinafter referred to by the variety name ‘CIDZ0107’.
‘CIDZ0107’ is a product of a planned breeding program. The new cultivar has medium sized lavender double-type inflorescences, compact strong and uniform plant habit, and a flowering response time of 7.5 weeks.
‘CIDZ0107’ originated from a hybridization made in October 2009 in a greenhouse in Gilroy, Calif. The female parent was the unpatented, proprietary plant designated as ‘B1182’, having bronze double-type inflorescences, a larger flower size and slower flowering response when compared to ‘CIDZ0107’.
The male parent of ‘CIDZ0107’ was the unpatented, proprietary plant designated as ‘B3019’, having purple semi-double type inflorescences and more vigorous growth habit than ‘CIDZ0107’.
The seed was sown in March 2011 and the resulting plants were grown in pots in a greenhouse in Gilroy, Calif. ‘CIDZ0107’ was selected as one flowering plant within the progeny of the stated cross in August 2011.
The first act of asexual reproduction of ‘CIDZ0107’ was accomplished when vegetative stem cuttings were propagated from the initial selection in December 2011, in Gilroy Calif.
Horticultural examination of plants grown from cuttings of the plant initiated in December 2011 and continuing thereafter, has demonstrated that the combination of characteristics as herein disclosed for ‘CIDZ0107’ are firmly fixed and are retained through successive generations of asexual reproduction.
‘CIDZ0107’ has not been observed under all possible environmental conditions. The phenotype may vary significantly with variations in environment such as temperature, light intensity and day length.
A Plant Breeder's Right for this cultivar has not yet been applied for. ‘CIDZ0107’ has not been made publicly available prior to the effective filing date of this application, notwithstanding any disclosure that may have been made less than one year prior to the effective filing date of this application by the inventor or another who obtained ‘CIDZ0107’ directly from the inventor.
The following traits have been repeatedly observed and are determined to be basic characteristics of the new variety. The combination of these characteristics distinguishes this Chrysanthemum as a new and distinct variety.
The accompanying photographic drawings show typical flower and foliage characteristics of ‘CIDZ0107’ with colors being as true as possible with an illustration of this type.
The photographic drawings show in FIG. 1 a close-up view of an inflorescence and in
FIG. 2 a flowering plant of the new variety.
The plant descriptions and measurements were taken indoors in Hollister, Calif. in April 2020 on about 11 week old plants. Unrooted cuttings had been planted, 4 plants per pot, in 6 inch pots on Feb. 12, 2020. The plants were pinched and moved to short days on Mar. 4, 2020 to induce flowering.
The aforementioned photographs: FIGS. 1 and 2 were taken of the same plants used for the descriptions and measurements in Hollister, Calif. in April 2020.
Color references are made to The Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart (RHS) 2001.
‘Yopresidio’, U.S.
Plant Pat.No. 13,896
Plant size and habit:
Flowering response:
Flower size:
- Plant:
- Form, growth and habit.—Herbaceous pot-type, stems upright to moderately angled, freely branching, strong and compact growth habit.
- Plant height.—14.0-15.0 cm.
- Plant height (inflorescence included).—20.0 cm.
- Plant width.—33.0-35.0 cm.
- Roots:
- Number of days to initiate roots.—4 days at about 22 degrees C.
- Number of days to produce a rooted cutting.—10-12 days at 22 degrees C.
- Type.—Fine, fibrous, free branching.
- Color.—RHS N155B but whiter.
- Foliage:
- Arrangement.—Alternate.
- Immature, leaf color, upper surface.—RHS 137A.
- Lower surface.—RHS 138A.
- Mature, leaf color, upper surface.—RHS 139A.
- Lower surface.—RHS 137A.
- Length.—7.0-8.0 cm.
- Width.—4.6-5.3 cm.
- Shape.—Ovate.
- Base shape.—Acute.
- Apex shape.—Obtuse.
- Margin.—Palmately lobed; irregularly incised, somewhat serrate.
- Texture, upper surface.—Puberlulent.
- Lower surface.—Puberlulent.
- Color of veins, upper surface.—RHS 139C.
- Color of veins, lower surface.—RHS 137A.
- Pattern of veining.—Palmate.
- Petiole color.—RHS 139A.
- Length.—2.3-2.6 cm.
- Diameter.—0.2-0.25 cm.
- Texture.—Puberlulent.
- Stem:
- Quantity of main branches per plant.—4-5.
- Color of stem.—RHS 138B.
- Length of stem.—10.5-13.5 cm.
- Diameter.—0.4-0.5 cm.
- Length of internodes.—0.5-2.7 cm.
- Texture.—Puberlulent.
- Color of peduncle.—RHS 138A.
- Length of peduncle.—3.5-6.0 cm.
- Peduncle diameter.—0.2-0.25 cm.
- Texture.—Puberlulent.
- Inflorescence:
- Type.—Compositae type, double-type inflorescences borne terminally above foliage, ray florets arranged acropetally on a capitulum.
- Quantity of short days to flowering (response time).—7.5 weeks.
- Natural season flowering.—Not determined for this variety.
- Quantity of inflorescences per plant.—17-24.
- Lastingness of individual blooms on the plant.—4 weeks.
- Fragrance.—Slightly spicy.
- Bud (just when opening/showing color):
- Color.—RHS 77A.
- Length.—1.0 cm.
- Width.—1.0 cm.
- Shape.—Oblate.
- Immature inflorescence:
- Diameter.—6.4 cm.
- Color of ray florets, upper surface.—Closest to RHS 78A.
- Lower surface.—Closest to RHS 77C.
- Mature inflorescence:
- Diameter.—8.0-8.4 cm.
- Depth.—2.5 cm.
- Total diameter of disc.—0.5 cm.
- Receptacle color.—RHS 145B.
- Receptacle height.—0.2 cm.
- Receptacle diameter.—0.6 cm.
- Ray florets:
- Average quantity of florets.—158.
- Color of florets, upper surface.—Closest to RHS 78B.
- Lower surface.—Closest to RHS 77C.
- Length.—3.3-4.1 cm.
- Width.—0.9-1.1 cm.
- Shape.—Eliptical.
- Apex shape.—Mostly cuspidate and a few emarginate.
- Margin.—Entire.
- Texture, upper surface.—Papillose.
- Lower surface.—Papillose.
- Disc florets:
- Average quantity of florets.—25.
- Color of florets.—RHS 7A.
- Length.—0.5 cm.
- Width.—0.1 cm.
- Shape.—Tubular, elongated.
- Apex shape.—Acute, 5 pointed.
- Phyllaries:
- Quantity.—31-36.
- Color, upper surface.—RHS 137B.
- Lower surface.—RHS 137B.
- Length.—0.9-1.0 cm.
- Width.—0.3-0.4 cm.
- Shape.—Lanceolate.
- Apex shape.—Acute.
- Base.—Fused.
- Margins.—Entire; slightly papery.
- Texture, upper surface.—Glabrous.
- Lower surface.—Puberlulent.
- Reproductive organs:
- Pistil.—1, found on both types of florets.
- Length.—0.5 cm.
- Style color.—RHS 4D.
- Style length.—0.4 cm.
- Stigma color.—RHS 4B.
- Stigma shape.—Bi-parted.
- Ovary color.—RHS 155C but more translucent.
- Stamens.—4, found on only the disc florets.
- Color of filaments.—RHS 155C.
- Length filaments.—0.2 cm.
- Anther color.—RHS 12A.
- Anther length.—0.15 cm.
- Anther shape.—Oval.
- Color of pollen.—RHS 12A.
- Pollen amount.—Scant.
- Fertility/seed set.—Has not been observed to date.
- Disease/pest resistance.—Has not been observed to date.