Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
1. The field of endeavor to which the invention pertains involves ‘Tobacco and Smokers' Supplies or Accessories’.
2. People who smoke cigars outdoors often find that cigars do not consistently stay lit on windy days. The invention protects a cigar from the wind to promote an environment for the cigar to stay lit and burn consistently.
3. When golfers smoke cigars, they typically set their cigars down when taking a shot, and prefer to place them on a support of some kind for protection from moisture and contaminants that may be present on the ground or on other surfaces. The invention prevents a lit cigar from touching the supporting surface upon which the cigar is place while the cigar is not being smoked.
4. The lit end of a cigar can accidentally touch clothing or other surfaces and cause a burn or ash mark. The invention can guard against this occurrence.
1. The invention suspends a lit cigar within a tubular shield to protect it from wind and other elements, and shall promote an environment for the cigar to stay lit and burn consistently.
2. By virtue of its design, the invention prevents the cigar from touching the supporting surface upon which the invention is placed while the lit cigar is not being smoked.
3. Additionally, the invention can guard the lit end of a cigar from accidentally touching a person's clothing and other surfaces.
4. During use in cool weather, the invention can provide warmth to the smoker's hand while the smoker grips the exterior surface.
1. A hollow tube shall be used as the protective ‘shield’. The outside diameter shall be approximately 1.6 inches, and the length approximately 4.0 inches, with the tail end tapered at an angle of approximately 30 degrees. The wall thickness of the shield shall be less than 0.10 inches. Size of the shield shall allow adequate separation and ventilation between the shield and cigar.
2. A compressible ‘retention ring’ with an outside diameter of approximately 1.6 inches by ¾ inches thick shall be used to suspend a lit cigar within the tubular shield.
3. The retention ring shall be slipped over the head (unlit end) of the cigar. The retention ring shall then be slipped into the shield along with the cigar. The lit end of the cigar should be positioned near the tail of the shield. As the cigar is smoked, the user shall push the cigar further into the shield to keep the lit end near the shield's tail. The cigar shall be removed from the shield prior to the lit end reaching the retention ring.