EIA-0075506<br/>Alok Chaturvedi<br/>Purdue University<br/><br/>CISE Next Generation Software: An Agent Based Modeling Framework for Scalable Interdependent Markets and Organization<br/><br/>ERP systems are ubiquitous in the world of business. They are the source of competitive advantage that many companies enjoy today. Yet, the process of installing and using them is time consuming, frustrating and costly, and often businesses are not able to capture the full value inherent in such systems. We propose the construction of a scalable, agent based, virtual test bed for ERP systems. The system that is proposed is called SEAS or Synthetic Environments for Analysis and Simulations. When fully developed, SEAS used in conjunction with existing ERP systems will be helpful in creating a unified view of the business organization and its relation to the market mechanism. Users will be able to better understand the complexities and usefulness of ERP systems<br/><br/>SEAS will enable researchers from around the world to create virtual firms, consumers and regulators. Using the SEAS system we plan to model an actual industry, (for example the PC industry) to use it to examine the following issues:<br/><br/>The reconfiguration of the enterprise landscape as a result of electronic commerce-including questions of dis-intermediation, and the reconstruction of the supply chain.<br/>The creation computational models of competitive and cooperative behavior in a variety of market settings involving the calibration of artificial agents against human players.<br/><br/>SEAS will also be used for teaching Economics and Management at all levels including high school, undergraduate, graduate and continuing education.