Although, great progress has been made during recent years in the battle against most aspects of the illegal narcotics trade, clandestine drug manufacturing and processing activities are now publicly recognized as portions of our national crime problem that continue to expand despite law enforcement's efforts. In fact, the problem presented by these illegal clandestine drug laboratories may be the fastest growing segment of crime in America today; and undisputedly, it has negatively affected and endangered many people . . . and many others are suffering harm even now who may have no idea of the dangers awaiting them within their own home.
The crime of clandestine drug manufacturing and processing has primarily developed over the last three decades. Over the last decade, the development of the internet has dramatically increased the development and distribution of the illegal, “do-it-yourself” drug manufacturing enterprise by disseminating drug manufacturing technology and made available a variety of narcotics chemistry recipes to the general public.
Methamphetamine (or meth) labs are one such type of clandestine laboratory operation that has grown rapidly during the last decade in part because of the internet's influence and the fact that demand for such drugs has continued to rise as well. However, the demand for meth has not been met by a few large clandestine labs, as was the case in the previous decades, but rather over the last decade, this demand has been satisfied by many clandestine labs dispersed across the nation in both rural and metropolitan areas alike. This clandestine drug manufacturing trend is most certain to continue its rapid rate of growth as more demand for illegal narcotics and more criminal ingenuity combine to create new dangers and problems for our nation.
When an illegal drug manufacturing operation, or clandestine drug laboratory, is seized by law enforcement all containerized drugs and chemical substances, discovered at the crime scene, are taken by the authorities. Generally, whatever chemicals may have spilled, absorbed, or have otherwise been released, are simply left behind. This residual contamination issue is a serious unchecked problem from both a human health and safety standpoint as well as from an environmental perspective.
In most scenarios where a clandestine drug lab is being operated, the suspect lab operator is not the owner of the property where the crime is being committed. Illegal drug labs are typically located on properties that are owned by others and are either being rented or trespassed upon by the perpetrator. In the vast majority of these situations, the crime scene property is chemically contaminated to some degree by the clandestine drug manufacturing process and is not properly remediated. Therefore, the unabated contamination issue remains and continues to present a danger to the safety and health of future occupants and to the community.7
There are two affected groups of individuals within the class of victims, which are most severely impacted by this problem:
It is anticipated that these affected groups will either be the end user or customer to this invention or be the object of a service or benefit by a customer or end user to this Kit.
Unique Dangers
It is widely known that many of the individual chemicals typically involved in clandestine methamphetamine manufacturing process not only cause cancer, but also lead to other serious health effects and/or birth defects.6 These carcinogens and toxic mixtures, over time, impact those who have been chronically exposed; and the latency period of many such exposure related illnesses may not actually manifest themselves into symptoms that are easily medically detectable for years to come. Then once revealed, the innocent victim is seriously endangered because the damage has advanced into a more progressive, life threatening disorder.
Despite multiple warnings from a variety of Government agencies, drug lab crime scenes throughout the majority of the United States are most often neither restricted nor monitored after the point of seizure. Generally, property owners at their own discretion are left to fend for themselves and determine the necessity and extent of whatever, if any, cleanup activities are to be conducted. Many times, new tenants are moved in as soon as possible with little or no cleanup activity taking place, whatsoever.
Today, one of the most publicly provoking aspects of this problem is the debuting crisis of “Drug Endangered Children,” or DEC. In recent years, bio-monitoring studies have overwhelmingly concluded that innocent children are the most seriously impacted by the physical and chemical hazards associated with living in a residence that either is, or was, used as a clandestine drug laboratory. In fact, of the children tested thus far in these various studies, a substantial percentage have demonstrated elevated levels of toxic substances in their bloodstream.5 This development raises the priority of this problem to a crisis level.
Of those children tested, who have lived in homes containing clandestine drug laboratories, over 40% have demonstrated elevated levels of toxic substances in their bloodstream according to a California Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement research study.6 Other sources, such as the U.S. Dept. of Justice, have published similar findings, which also demonstrate a rising trend of blood borne toxins discovered in these Drug Endangered Children.7 The problem is indeed serious and warrants serious consideration on behalf of the many innocent victims involved.
In 2005, the EPA released new findings and proposed cancer risk management guidelines, which reveal strong evidence that changes its previously assumed position that cancer risks to children were no greater than to similarly exposed adults. In their newly published findings, the EPA has stated that “children two years old and younger are ten times more vulnerable than adults to certain chemicals and that children between the ages of two and sixteen are three times more vulnerable to certain chemicals.”25
It is not an unlikely assumption to project that potentially today more children are being placed at risk of cancer due to the methamphetamine crisis than any other known environmental hazard within our nation. Karen P. Tandy, Administrator of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration was quoted in a National Jewish Medical and Research Center article as saying, “The high levels of toxins dispersed during meth manufacturing expose innocent and unwary citizens to poisons that can be silent killers. ”26
U.S. Department of Justice's National Drug Intelligence Center recently released its annual report titled, “The National Drug Threat Assessment 2006” wherein it declares that the clandestine laboratory problem, “continues to jeopardize the safety of citizens, adversely affect the environment, and strain law enforcement resources. Children, law enforcement personnel, emergency responders, and those who live at or near methamphetamine production sites have been seriously injured or killed as a result of methamphetamine production. Chemical waste from methamphetamine laboratories has killed livestock, contaminated streams and soil, and destroyed vegetation.”1
Unique Challenges
The problem is unique; in that, the chemicals associated with clandestine drug manufacturing vary widely from application to application due to the illegal nature of the enterprise. Many chemicals are quite volatile and have odors that are offensive enough to warn occupants of the presence of a hazard. Other chemicals may be present in these situations, which continually release vapors into the indoor air at or below olfactory threshold levels whereas a normal person's sense of smell will not be sensitive enough to warn them of the potential dangers.
It is widely known that many of the individual chemicals typically involved in clandestine methamphetamine manufacturing process cause cancer and other serious health effects as well as birth defects. The nature of this crime is also such that many different kinds of chemicals are combined into an infinite variety of mixtures with a wide range of toxic exposure consequences that are impossible to accurately predict and many are very difficult to detect and identify using standard toxic chemical monitoring protocol.
Need for This Invention
The issue of toxic hazards facing innocent citizens nationally due to the illegal past drug manufacturing acts of others, is a complex, highly variable, ever-changing puzzle of obstacles that encompasses many problems in the areas of logistics, legalities, and economic constraints. It is a national problem without a solution. It has been a cause without a crusader.
This invention is a legitimate necessity to fulfill a national need and will make it possible for relief and remedy measures to reach those who are harmed by this crime. Furthermore, this Clandestine Lab Home Test Kit invention allows the customer or end user to decide how much accuracy and precision they can afford since they are, more often than not, forced to bear the burden of discovery. The concept offers customers a general screening option and either a piece of mind or a healthy concern for whatever said screening may have revealed.
In most situations, the average citizen is:
Obviously, the current tenants to these problem properties and the owners of these properties are at an incredible disadvantage. The unique nature of a danger that may or may not be easily detectible, and even more difficult to communicate and quantify, has rendered a great injustice onto the shoulders of these innocent victims.
Application Scenario
The particular arrangement of any given clandestine laboratory defies most attempts categorize and classify according to a standard; in as much as, the variability of the illegal drug making process and chemistry is as diverse as the human imagination. However, most operations include a “cook” process of some sort and therein lies the primary mechanism of contaminate transport within a structure. Mishandling of chemical related substances including spilling and/or dumping of such materials is the other predominant mode of contaminate distribution observed at clandestine laboratory sites. Accordingly, the Clandestine Lab Home Test Kit is designed as a tool for discovering contaminates related to the “cooking” and mishandling processes relative to a past or present clandestine narcotics manufacturing or processing activities.
The “cook” mechanism in a drug lab releases steams, aerosols, vapors, and gases into the atmosphere. Some of these chemicals substances precipitate or settle out as a film upon the surfaces of the structure as well as upon items of real and personal property. Other chemical substances are absorbed into the structural materials themselves as well as into items of both real and personal property.
The Clandestine Lab Home Test Kit, in its various configurations, is designed to answer a progression of customer or end user questions?
In its basic or Q1 configuration the Kit is designed to answer the first question by investigating surface deposit residues for narcotics related precipitates or films and also provides for air sampling to yield evidence of absorbed chemical substances that may be volatilizing or desorbing from the property itself or from objects within the structure. The other Kit configurations and variations thereof are designed to provide a means and method for more detailed investigation activities pursuant to the Kit's comprehensive assessment purposes.
U.S. Patent Documents
Other Publications:
Currently, there are no comprehensive screening or measurement technologies available for the average citizen to assess the impact of this particular type of hazard presented by illegal drug manufacturing activities. In fact for this unique application, there are also no comprehensive screening kits available to professional investigators in the law enforcement or public health fields. The Clan-Lab Home Test Kit invention offers a system, a protocol, a method, and an apparatus collectively designed to address this need and national problem with an innovative solution.
Present EPA recommended analytical criteria for the identification of unknown chemical substances in both ambient air concentrations and surface residues represents the ideal, this Clandestine Lab Home Test Kit invention is designed to satisfy the “real” and provide an economical alternative to current industrial hygiene methods that may be applied toward the evaluation of such properties. In reality, both the price and complexity of the “one size fits all”, or ideal, analysis have effectively separated an estimated quarter of a million innocent citizens from any analysis relief at all and the associated hazards of this national scale problem have continued to impact and harm many innocent citizens for over a decade now. The Clandestine Lab Home Test Kit is a fresh attempt to establish a new technological invention and, in doing so, lay the foundation for a new field of science related to the identification and abatement of the nationally dispersed and escalating problem caused by illegal drug manufacturing acts.
This invention differs from all prior art environmental investigative techniques; in that, this invention has various quantitative and qualitative components with a designed flexibility incorporated into the process. Additionally, this invention, by design, benefits from perpetual research toward the analysis of subject properties and will identify local, regional, and nation trends in clandestine manufacturing and processing chemistry.
The only so-called drug lab home test kits being promoted today are based upon a calorimetric indicator principle; whereas, a reagent solution is applied to a sample of the suspected narcotic substance and a color change occurs from the chemical reactions thereof. The single or multiple reagent kits are effective and useful as a field expedient method for qualification determination of raw narcotics substances, but have limited utility in identifying residual narcotics substances in trace amounts that may still be harmful to human life and health. Additionally, these reagent only kits are not effective standalone devices to be used for ascertaining the airborne contamination levels and surface chemical deposits typically associated with past or present illegal clandestine drug manufacturing or processing activities.
This invention does not rely upon calorimetric indicator solutions to identify narcotic substances; rather this invention only includes calorimetric tests at a customer or end user's request to help identify suspicious solid or liquid substances. The calorimetric indicator tests rely upon having a substantial portion of narcotic's residue in order to facilitate the desired reaction. Trace quantities of narcotic substances, such as a methamphetamine residue left upon walls and other interior dwelling surfaces after an illegal drug manufacturing act has taken place, do not allow for identification via the colorimetric indicator process. Conversely, Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) technology, Ion Track technology and Gas Chromatograph Surface Ionization Detector (GC-SID) are capable of detecting residues in the picogram to nanogram range.
Currently Smiths Detection ( manufactures an IMS IonScan Technology based product known as the Sabre 4000. Likewise, Scintrex Trace Corporation ( manufactures another portable narcotics detection device known as the N2000, which operates off the GC-SID technology. Each of these devices is portable and was developed for drug interdiction and law enforcement purposes to detect minute quantities of narcotics substances. These devices are advantageous for giving the user an almost instantaneous reading at the scene of the investigation effort. Unfortunately, these devices are expensive and are relatively rare in commercial application outside of official government use. Additionally, these portable devices are subject to error and malfunction when taken into contaminated atmospheres such as those that may be presented by an illegal drug lab operation.
The Phase Zero Environmental Assessment (U.S. Pat. No. 5,419,209) consisted of a system an protocol designed for the environmental assessment of residential properties; yet the patent contains no mention of evaluating properties for past or present evidence or impact associated with drug manufacturing or processing activities upon residential properties.
Additionally, the Phase Zero kit was prepared for use by “environmental home inspectors” using EPA testing methodology and conventional industrial hygiene apparatus. Conversely, the Clan-Lab Home Test Kit was designed for use by normal citizens of average intelligence; whereas, the training needed to conduct said test does not come from special schools or classes, but by audio-visual training media included in said Kit. Furthermore, the Clan-Lab Home Test Kit is not limited to established sampling methodology or equipment; rather, said Kit was specially prepared to comprehensively provide all training, equipment, materials, and documentation necessary for performing a regimen of sampling activities unique to this application
This invention consists of an all-inclusive kit comprised of individual components necessary to evaluate gaseous, liquid, and solid substance residues relative to determining the nature and extent of chemical contamination of subject properties with suspected or known histories of clandestine manufacturing and/or processing of illegal narcotic and toxic substances.
This invention also includes a system and protocol for a comprehensive home test kit to be used to detect, identify, and delineate toxic chemical hazards associated with illegal clandestine drug manufacturing or processing activities.
This Clandestine Lab Home Test Kit invention is the first self-test concept kit of its kind designed to comprehensively evaluate the toxic hazards relative to the residues of illegal drug manufacturing acts. This approach represents a novel technological concept; whereas, regular private citizens are provided within the kit both the training and resources to conduct the tests themselves. This invention further provides a method for giving customers the option of being able to specify the content of custom configured kits via a menu of testing components and costs. Conversely, ambient air sampling and surface wipe tests have been historically conducted exclusively by trained health and safety professionals, industrial hygiene personnel, or other such environmental technicians, all of whom have received specialty training and have been equipped for this manner of on-site sampling and analysis.
This invention extensively utilizes audio-visual media to instruct private citizens as to how to perform the necessary Clandestine Lab Home Test Kit tests. Accordingly, these private citizens are also instructed as to how they can properly return said kit for analysis to a laboratory, which is specially equipped and configured for this manner of analysis. The training formats for this audio visual component will include standard instructional media presentations in both DVD and VHS formats as well as on-line web based video media formats such as presentations prepared using Quicktime, Windows Media, and other such audio visual electronic on-line video presentation formats. Additionally, printed instructional booklets will also be included within the kit configuration for procedural reference and information reinforcement.
It is an object of this invention to provide a system, protocol, method and apparatus for a test kit to be used to identify and/or quantify chemical substances pursuant to the illegal manufacture of controlled narcotic substances as specifically defined by the schedules of controlled substances known as Schedules I, II, III, IV, and V as identified in 21 USC Sec. 812 (TITLE 21—FOOD AND DRUGS CHAPTER 13—DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION AND CONTROL SUBCHAPTER I—CONTROL AND ENFORCEMENT Part B—Authority To Control; Standards and Schedules), and/or a variety of organic and inorganic chemical ingredients, precursors and recursors associated with illegal controlled substance manufacturing or processing activities.
It is another object of this invention to provide a system, protocol and method for incorporating an audio-visual media training component into said Clan-lab Home Test Kit to safely enable average citizens to conduct the various tests and return the kit to a qualified laboratory facility, equipped to analyze the components of said Test Kit and provide a report of the findings thereof.
It is yet another object of this invention to provide a system, protocol, method and apparatus for enabling law enforcement officers, child protection workers, public health officials, medial personnel, representatives of the court systems, home inspectors, health and safety officials, environmental officials, municipal workers, park rangers, academic and research personnel, and other government or military personnel to safely test suspect premises or properties to identify, distinguish, and measure evidence of chemical hazards pursuant to suspected, or known, former illegal drug manufacturing and/or processing activities.
It is yet another object of this invention to provide a system, protocol, method and apparatus for cost effective environmental and safety hazard screening of real estate properties for impact and damage relative to illegal drug manufacturing and/or processing activities and to provide assurances to those individuals who either are currently, or plan to be, in contact with said suspect properties.
It is yet another object of this invention to provide a system, protocol, method and apparatus to assist buyers of real estate property in determining whether or not said properties have been subject to impact and damage relative to illegal drug manufacturing and/or processing activities and as such to provide a mechanism for ascertaining the damages to said properties as well as the cost for the remediation of the toxic contaminants that may have impacted said properties.
It is yet another object of this invention to provide a method and apparatus for collecting contaminates from indoor atmospheres suspected of past or present illegal drug manufacturing and/or processing activities and provide for the extraction of said contaminates through a thermal desorption process and provide for the qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of the same.
Clandestine Laboratory (or Clan-Lab) Home Test
While this invention is satisfied by embodiments in many different forms, there is shown in the drawings and will herein be described in detail, preferred embodiments of the invention with the understanding that the present disclosure is to be considered exemplary of the invention and is not intended to limit the invention to the embodiments illustrated. The scope of the invention will be measured by the appended claims and their equivalents. Additionally, this invention offers other objects and many advantages as will be readily appreciated as said invention becomes better understood by reference to the following description:
The first embodiment of this invention is the Clandestine Laboratory (or Clan-Lab) Home Test Kit, which is comprised by the assortment of components contained therein.
The three major Kit configurations are qualitative (or Q1), quantitative (or Q2) and combination (or Q3). Table 1 outlines the general list of available analytes per given general Kit configuration and an inventory arrangement is included for each said Kit configuration. Typically, an initial property screening will be a more qualitative nature and follow-up testing, if necessary, will include a second battery of testing to be performed upon said subject premises employing either a Test Kit in the quantitative (or Q2) and combination (or Q3) configuration. The availably of information or knowledge of the site suggesting that it was indeed used for clandestine drug manufacturing or processing activities, and/or in the case that distinct evidence of chemical contamination upon said premises is obvious, the end user or customer of said Kit may elect to custom configure a Q3 or combination Kit to expedite the investigation activities to be conducted pursuant to the Kit's purpose.
In a basic format or Q1 configuration (
In the Q1 Kit configuration, the purpose of said Kit is to provide the means, methods, and tools for investigating surface deposit residues for narcotics related precipitates or films and also provides for air sampling to yield evidence of absorbed chemical substances that may be volatilizing or desorbing from the property itself or from objects within the structure. The other Kit configurations and variations thereof are designed to provide the means, methods, and tools more detailed investigation activities pursuant to the Kit's comprehensive assessment purposes.
When circumstances dictate, a combination kit or Q3 configuration can be custom assembled by the Kit provider giving consideration for the user's particular needs and budget. There are many unique embodiments and possible combinations present in the Q3 Kit arrangement. In this manner, a very custom solution can be tailored to the unique challenge of the individual application as opposed to the “one size fits all” approach that may not be practical or affordable to the user.
Table 1 is a summary of Kit configuration inventories and lists a number of elements that can be chosen by a Kit user to qualify, quantify, fingerprint, delineate, and estimate contamination impact due to the alleged influence of clandestine drug manufacturing or processing activities.
The Self-Test Nature of a Comprehensive Home Test Kit
It is another unique embodiment of this invention that this is a home test kit in the sense that it was prepared not only for an industrial hygienist, an environmental specialist or even a health and safety expert, but that an average citizen would have the means of safely being able to sample a premises themselves thus making the benefits offered by this invention available, and affordable to a far greater populace.
By making extensive use of audio-visual media and illustrated documentation, the Clandestine Lab Home Test Kit will safely and efficiently instruct private citizens as to how they can perform the necessary sampling test activities. A key, and extremely valid concern is the health and safety of the Kit user. Obviously, there are situations where entering an area formerly or currently used as a clandestine lab operation may endanger a person's life and health. The instructional training media and documentation included in said Kit will strongly assert and reinforce the message that if danger signs are observed and/or expected the Kit user is to cease immediately all sampling efforts and contact appropriately trained professionals for assistance. However, it should also be noted that such instances are the rare exception and not the rule for clandestine laboratory operations. In fact, it is anticipated that many users of said Kit may actually already be residing or otherwise occupying a premises and have a valid concern for the safety of themselves or their family.
It is an assumption that potential Kit users have already visited the site subject to suspicion and thus desire to ascertain whether or not such premises are chemically contaminated and if so, to what degree is the damage distributed upon said premises and how can it be safely removed? The Clan-Lab Home Test Kit offers answers that most persons can afford. Conversely, typical “worst case assumptions” and standard industrial hygiene protocol have placed the price for answers and assistance beyond all, but the most affluent Americans. For this reason on a very tiny fraction of the more than one hundred thousand sites documented thus far in the DEA's Clandestine Laboratory Seizure System database have been assessed for hazards, not to mention the number of sites that are not reported by law enforcement officials into this record system, which many officials estimate only 1 of every 4 sites are actually reported because of the time it takes a law enforcement officer to fill out the four page EPIC/CLSS reporting form.20 When the true scale of this problem is appraised, the potential victim distribution estimates are staggering. It is an urgent objective of this invention to place real relief in the grasp of those who are needlessly suffering because they can't afford the price of conventional scientific protocol.
As long as the Kit's instructions are followed and warnings are heeded, a Kit user or customer is placed in no greater degree of danger than that they would normally face by physically wandering around a suspect property observing sights and smells while they attempt to assess, clean, paint, or deodorize the suspected damages. The time actually required for a user to conduct the necessary sampling activities for the Kit is minimal because the air-monitoring portion of the Kit's testing protocol can operate on an unattended basis until the designated test period has been completed and at such time the Kit user can later return to the premises and retrieve the Kit's remaining articles.
Table 2 outlines the Audio-Visual (AV) Instructional Media Content embodiment of the Clandestine Laboratory (Clan-Lab) Home Test Kit; whereas, the Kit utilizes a recognized learning characteristic approach to effect the dissemination and retention of the desired information and communicate said information in an audio-visual context to the extent that a citizen, of average intelligence, can understand the purpose of the Kit and be able to perform the sampling procedure upon a premises subject to investigation.
The training formats for this audio visual component will include standard instructional media presentations in both DVD and VHS formats as well as on-line, web-based video media formats such as presentations prepared using Quicktime, Windows Media, and other such electronic audio-visual on-line video presentation formats. Additionally, printed instructional manuals will also be included within the Kit a basic procedural reference and reinforcement aid as well as a supplemental information resource.
Narcotics Surface-Deposit Residue Sampling Process
The Clan-Lab Home Test Kit includes a system, protocol, method and materials for instructing an individual of average intelligence in the practice of taking wipe samples from suspect surface areas and returning said samples to the Kit provider or to another specified specialty laboratory location for analysis measurement of trace narcotic residues.
The step-by-step procedure for this aspect of the embodiment is as follows:
In the Narcotics Qualification Process, this invention promotes using a selection of electronic detection methodologies for the analysis of this Kit component. Along with the expected degree of variability in clandestine drug manufacturing chemistry, there is also significant degree of variability in vapor pressure and vapor concentration in illicit narcotic substances. For instance in four major and relatively commonplace drug substances such as methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, and LSD, the vapor concentrations vary by more than eight orders of magnitude. Whereas methamphetamine at normal temperatures has a vapor concentration of over 200 parts per million, heroin only has a vapor concentration of 1 part per trillion. Likewise, LSD has a vapor concentration only slightly higher than heroin and cocaine is only a fraction of one part per billion.
The nature of clandestine drug manufacturing introduces a wide degree of homemade drug recipes, which contributes to variability even within the same type of narcotic substance. As a general consideration, it is recognized that a temperature increase of 9° F. or 5° C. will approximately double the amount of vapor that is present at equilibrium above a solid compound at or near room temperature. In effect, this means that when the ambient temperature rises by heating an object that is suspected of containing illicit drugs an increasing amount of vapor will be present for detection. This invention varies from other narcotics wipe sample approaches by using several type of drug detection apparatus and benefiting from the accuracy one detection methodology has over another in the investigation of a given narcotic substance.
One skilled in the art of electronic drug detection practice will appreciate this invention's flexibility and novelty by not restricting its analytical resource selection to that of one technology provider. This novel approach to investigating narcotic wipe samples results represents a new and useful improvement to any singular electronic detection methodology by yielding fewer false positive results and thus adds an element of quality assurance confirmation; in that, some samples will be processed by more than one detection methodology (given the particular type of suspected clandestine laboratory chemistry thus indicated by other evidence and samples taken from the premises subject to the investigation effort).
The narcotics detection technology chosen by this invention is based upon the selective ion mobility principle; whereas, one or more of the following drug detection technologies will be employed to ascertain the identity of the potential narcotics residues collected upon said wipe sample tests as per this aspect of the Narcotics Qualification Process. The analytical test protocol will employ one or more of the following detector types:
In instances where the end user requests a quantitative analysis of the narcotics detection wipe samples a Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrophotometer (GCMS) may be employed either acting solely or in conjunction with one of the previously identified detection technologies; whereas, an optional Doplant or Carrier Gas may be employed to a sure that the detector is functioning appropriately and that the suspected narcotics substance peak signature is contextualized to a standard. In this scenario, the Kit user will be provided with a template to be taped or affixed to said area being sampled to restrict the sample to a given dimension, which will expressed in a units of contaminate detected per given square area format.
Airborne Residual Chemical Concentration Testing
The Clan-Lab Home Test Kit includes a system, protocol, method and materials for instructing an individual of average intelligence in the practice of taking samples from suspect indoor air atmosphere and returning said samples to the Kit provider or to another specified specialty laboratory location for analysis measurement of airborne residual chemical concentration or contamination residues.
The step-by-step procedure for this aspect of the embodiment is as follows:
The Vapotrap Capsule represents a novel device, system, and method for qualifying and/or quantifying chemical substance concentrations from an atmosphere.
The device can absorb and/or absorb airborne contaminants and gasses through the diffusion process from either a normal, static convectional airflow or the device can be used with a forced flow of air being introduced into said capsule. Obviously, the static mode of sampling is simpler to perform and takes a long sampling period than the more efficient vented method.
The Capsule device itself consists of a breathable mesh bag or pouch with a sealing mechanism to prevent its contents from becoming displaced. In a typical configuration, the Vapotrap Capsule contains three to five smaller capsules or sub-pods, each containing a pre-measured unit of adsorbent or absorbent media. In like manner, the subpods are constructed of a natural or synthetic porous mesh material to allow for unrestricted ventilation within the adsorbent and/or absorbent medias contained therein; whereas, each mesh packet or pod has a sealing component to:
The specific content of the Vapotrap Capsule is dictated by the physical and chemical parameters of the application; whereas, the use of various types of media can more effectively capture and retain a wider range of chemical substances than any single media can accomplish. This adsorption performance flexibility is very effective for monitoring airborne contaminants related to past or present clandestine laboratory activity, given the enormous range of diverse chemical ingredients, which are known to be used in this unique and dangerous criminal enterprise.
The Vapotrap Capsule is generally comprised of at least two or more sub-capsules (or subpods), each being individually filled with a certain type, grade and mesh size of separate elements of adsorbent and/or absorbent medias specially selected by the Kit provider based upon information that may have been provided by the end user, law enforcement, and/or regionally observed trends in clandestine drug chemistry. The composite Capsule unit serves the purpose of collecting airborne contaminants from either a static or forced airflow within a structure's interior or indoor atmosphere and includes at least two or more of the following components:
The isotherm capacity for any particular media form is the numerical coefficient of its relative adsorption strength. There are a number of factors that influence a media's capacity to adsorb or absorb chemical compounds. The media itself for instance, even within various grades of the same media substance there is a substantial variability per given chemical. Activated carbon for instance, is available in a variety of grades with different properties, pore sizes, and affinities for adsorption of contaminants. Other factors also come into play in the adsorption process such as the type and concentrations of chemicals present in the atmosphere, the temperature and relative humidity, as well as the time allotted for the testing episode or residence time.
From an activated carbon perspective, it is generally recognized that chemical compounds are good candidates for adsorption provided that they have a molecular weight above 50 and a boiling point greater than 50° C. The nature of clandestine drug manufacturing is such that many different types of compounds are blended, cooked and synthesized by “cookers” with little or no chemistry background and most often with a reckless disregard for consequences that themselves or others may have to face for their acts. Accordingly, the supplies of ingredients range from whatever they can buy off the shelf or steal from commercial or industrial sources; therefore, no hard and fast rules apply to the clandestine drug manufacturing process and activated carbons alone do not possess the capacity and flexibility necessary to keep pace with this problem.
In today's information age, an illegal drug recipe or manufacturing technique can theoretically be published on an internet website one week and be put into practice on worldwide basis within a matter of days. The novelty of the approach presented in this embodiment of using multiple adsorption medias in a sub-pod arrangement is such the composite adsorption capsule can be reformulated rapidly enough to meet the elusive challenges presented by this unique hazard and problem to society.
Another advantage to the embodiment of this invention is its ability to be formulated with a media selection to account for the range of temperature anticipated for the sampling event. At a given airborne chemical concentration, temperature changes from 32° F. to 140° F. can impact the adsorption capacity of some medias several orders of magnitude. The vapor pressure of a chemical substance is always a function of temperature and increases exponentially with increasing temperature. Again because of the unusual characteristics of the application pursuant to the intent of this invention, sampling temperature cannot always be adjusted to the ideal; whereas, this invention can be custom prepared for whatever range of temperatures are anticipated to be premises subject to investigation.
Still another advantage to the embodiment of this invention is its ability to benefit from the dynamics of one media's ability to retain and preserve a certain chemical compound over that of another. For instance, many times activated carbon will adsorb a given reactive solvent substance, such as acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, or styrene, and in doing so will begin to catalyze its decomposition. By incorporating other adsorption medias into the Vapotrap capsule, such as organic polymer medias for example, this type of catalyzation does not occur at significantly measurable levels and the true airborne contaminant ratios subject to the investigation effort will be reported without being as dramatically distorted as an adsorption based assessment solely dependant upon using activated carbon media alone. Therefore, it is another embodiment of this invention that multiple grades and types of adsorbent and absorbent compounds are used in unison to more effectively capture, preserve, and retain chemical substances and effectively release said substances during a subsequent extraction, measurement, and analysis process.
It is a well known fact, that the clandestine laboratory issue is an unsolved national problem that has hazardous impact potential that is as yet undefined. Several legislative initiatives are underway at present trying to stimulate the development of science and gain an understanding of these problems. One such example can be referenced in a recently introduced bill (H.R. 798 & S.2019) otherwise known as the “Methamphetamine Remediation Research Act of 2005” which seeks to “provide for a research program for remediation of closed methamphetamine production laboratories, and for other purposes.”
One such embodiment of this invention is that significant portions of the aforementioned problem can be discovered and solved and while the problem being studied in unison. It is an inherent characteristic of this invention that it has an ability to benefit from the perpetual research opportunities offered as a synergistic bonus to the immediate advantage the Clandestine Laboratory (or Clan-Lab) Home Test Kit presents as an economical solution that is made available to the general public at large. As a means of determining hidden hazards presented by past or present clandestine manufacturing or processing activities, the Clan-Lab Home Test Kit can perform its primary function and develop, by means of the component embodiment presented in the Vapotrap Capsule, a significant amount of strategic scientific information about the national impact this manner of crime is causing. Whereas, the Vapotrap Capsule offers opportunities to study a problematic adsorption application that has, through its wide variety of clandestine chemistries, defied the conformity necessary for predictive adsorption modeling and has thus allow the problem to evade scientific understanding for over a decade while hundreds of thousands of innocent persons have been impacted to some degree.
The Vapotrap Capsule, when used as a static monitoring device or when specific conditions relative to the particular investigation so warrant, the returned Capsule assembly is prepared for analysis as follows:
Although the Vapotrap Capsule can be used as a static monitoring device, which simply adsorbs chemical substances by diffusion through normal indoor convectional air currents, the dynamics of moving a flow of ambient air through the medias contained therein is more efficient process when forced ventilation is applied. The Vapotrap Canister offers a variety of embodiment advantages as a component to the Clan-Lab Home Test Kit (
The Canister device itself (
First, a chamber (
Second, one or more lids or sealing mechanisms (
Third, an inlet and outlet valve assembly (
Fourth, a pump, hose, and hose attachment fitting assembly (
Another embodiment of this invention is the flexibility of being able to configure a lower cost, lower weight capsule assembly apparatus, which assembled from synthetic plastic and/or fiber substrate materials and performs essentially the same in a sampling mode. Conversely, analytical processing of this variation is accomplished by opening the Canister at the receiving laboratory facility; whereas, the said Capsule assembly content is then emptied from said Canister and transferred into a heat resistant Canister assembly (made of metallic components) which is then placed in a heating source holster assembly (
The Vapotrap Canister assembly is prepared for laboratory analysis by:
(m) purging the remainder of the Extraction, Chiller, Measurement, and Analytical systems with high temperature steam and/or water flow for cleaning prior to processing another sample Canister assembly for analysis.
The present application claims priority from U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/690,953 filed Jun. 17, 2005, entitled “Clan-Lab Home Test Kit—A novel concept and method for sampling and analyzing suspect properties to determine qualitative and quantitative evidence of chemical hazards pursuant to suspected, or known, former illegal drug manufacturing activities.”
Number | Date | Country | |
60690953 | Jun 2005 | US |