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The entirety of this application, specification, claims, abstract, drawings, tables, formulae etc., is protected by copyright: © 2021 Donald L. Baker dba android originals LLC. The (copyright or mask work) owner has no objection to the fair-use facsimile reproduction by anyone of the patent document or the patent disclosure, as it appears in the Patent and Trademark Office patent file or records, but otherwise reserves all (copyright or mask work) rights whatsoever.
This application continues U.S. NP patent application Ser. No. 16/985,863 (Baker, filed Aug. 5, 2020), and, in regard to humbucking pair signals from matched-coil electromagnetic stringed instrument pickups, continues in part U.S. Pat. Nos. 9,401,134 (Baker, 2016), 10,217,450 (Baker, 2019), 10,380,986 (Baker, 2019), 10,810,987 (Baker, 2020), and 11,011,146, and in part U.S. NP patent application Ser. No. 16/16,509 (Baker, filed Oct. 10, 2018 ), all filed by this inventor, Donald L. Baker dba android originals LC, Tulsa Okla., USA.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
See the references cited.
This invention describes a refinement to components and circuits disclosed in U.S NP patent application Ser. No. 16/985,863, namely potentiometers with special resistance profiles to be used in improved circuits for mixing humbucking pair signals derived from electromagnetic musical instrument vibration sensors, or pickups. The pots and circuits together produce orthogonal functions used to mix humbucking pair signals in close physical simulations of linear vector additions, and correct in part for amplitude variations due to signal phase cancellations. These pot circuits may also be of use in other fields, such as angular control and feedback in robotic and prosthetic arms.
Brigham, E. Oran, 1974, The Fast Fourier Transform, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 252p
U.S. Pat. No. 4,175,462, Simon, Nov. 27, 1979, System for selection and phase control of humbucking coils in guitar pickups
U.S. Pat. No. 5,140,890, Elion, Aug. 25, 1992, Guitar control system
U.S. Pat. No. 6,111,186, Krozack, et al., Aug. 29, 2000, Signal processing circuit for string instruments
U.S. Pat. No. 7,601,908, Ambrosino, Oct. 13, 2009, Programmable/semi-programmable pickups and transducer switching system.
U.S. Pat. No. 9,196, 235, Ball, et al., Nov. 24, 2015, Musical instrument switching system
U.S. Pat. No. 9,401,134, Baker, Jul. 26, 2016, Acoustic-electric stringed instrument with improved body, electric pickup placement, pickup switching and electronic circuit
U.S. Pat. No. 9,640,162, Ball, et al., May 2, 2017, Musical instrument switching system
U.S. Pat. No. 10,217,450, Baker, Feb. 26, 2019, Humbucking switching arrangements and methods for stringed instrument pickups
U.S. Non-Provisional patent application (NPPA)16/156,509, Baker, filed Oct. 10, 2018, Means and methods for obtaining humbucking tones with variable gains
U.S. Pat. No. 10,380,986, Baker, Aug. 13, 2019, Means and methods for switching odd and even numbers of matched pickups to produce all humbucking tones
Baker, Donald L., 2020, Sensor Circuits and Switching for Stringed Instruments, humbucking pairs, triples, quads and beyond, 2020, © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-23123-1, available at Springer dot com and Amazon dot com, 231p
U.S. NP patent application Ser. No. 16/985,863, Baker, Aug. 5, 2020, Humbucking pair building block circuit for vibrational sensors
U.S. Pat. No. 10,810,987, Baker, Nov. 20, 2020, More embodiments for common-point pickup circuits in musical instruments
U.S. Pat. No. 11,011,146, Baker, May 18, 2021, More embodiments for common-point pickup circuits in musical instruments—Part C
Most of the patents in prior art dealing with electromagnetic guitar pickups address electro-mechanical switching systems, of which there are too many to cite. Even those which use digital controls for analog circuits (Simon, U.S. Pat. No. 4,175,462, 1979; Ambrosino, U.S. Pat. No. 7,601,908, 2009) are essentially switching circuits. Krozack (U.S. Pat. No. 6,111,186, 2000) is an outlier in processing the signals of separate strings with filtering circuits.
All of the background development of this invention is contained in one set of intellectual property, which is reviewed now. In U.S. Pat. No. 9,401,134 (2016), Baker disclosed a guitar with four matched single-coil pickups and a mechanical switching system which produced 10 humbucking signals. In U.S. Pat. No. 10,217,450 (2019), Baker investigated all the possible switched series-parallel combinations of single-coil pickups, with up to five pickups, and introduced the concept of a humbucking triple circuit, made of three matched pickups (
The pot gang Pgc simulates a pseudo-sine function, U, which is simply a linear function from −1 at x=0 to +1 at x=1, namely, U=2x−1. The pot gangs Pga & Pgb with resistor RB and the buffer, BUFF1, of gain, G, simulate a pseudo-cosine function, S, where the origin of the pseudo-cosine is taken to be the middle of the pot rotation at x=0.5. Math 1 shows the circuit equations, e1 & e2, for the circuit comprised of the resistor, RB and the pot, P, with the voltages, Vc, V1 and Vw as marked in
The plane of coefficients (S,U) describes a range of tones, due to the physical combination of signals, as in the combination, S(A+B)−U(B+C), where the variables A, B & C are taken as the signals from a North-up (N-up), a South-up (S-up) and an N-up pickup respectively. The signal for (−S,−U) is merely the inverted phase of the signal for (S,U), and the signal for (2S,2U) is merely the same as (S,U), but with an amplitude the square root of (22+22) times higher, or 2.828 times higher. The human ear does not easily tell the difference between a signal and its inversion, if at all. The difference tends to become more noticeable if the signal passes through a nonlinear distortion, such as a guitar pedal or tube amp, before it reaches the human ear. Ignoring any phase cancellation between the signals of A, B and C, which is addressed in this invention, the distance from the origin (0,0) to (S,U) determines the amplitude of the output signal. Therefore, requiring that (S2+U2=1) has some value. Designing electronic controls that closely simulates this relationship avoids creating duplicate tones, to which many switched pickup systems are prone. Casting out inverted signals means that we only need a half-circle in the (S,U) plane, which makes the electronics much simpler and cheaper. If necessary, the signal can always be inverted at the final output.
Usually, sine and cosine are used as the orthogonal functions in this type of application, but they are hard to reproduce with simple electronics. Note S(x) in
Now it may be useful to consider developed humbucking pair theory in more general terms. In general, for J number of matched single-coil pickups, J>1, there are J−1 number of possible humbucking pair signals, which can be controlled by J−2 number of dual-gang pickups, like P1 and P2 in
In Sensor Circuits and Switching for Stringed Instruments (2020), Baker disclosed in Chapter 7 that the normalized signal output of every series-parallel pickup circuit can be expressed as in Math 2, though not in those exact terms. If K is even, then the circuit can be humbucking. If K is odd, then it cannot. If all the Pi are the same hum signal, and if K is even, then the signs of ai can be arranged or changed to produce Vo=0. But this is impossible when K is odd.
If the K terms are dropped and only the summation numerator is considered, the number of distinct equations of this type for J number of matched single-coil pickups is surprisingly limited. For J=2, 3, 4 and 5, the total number of equations without considering K are 1, 2, 4 and 11, respectively. The number of equations that can represent humbucking circuits are 1, 1, 3 and 8, respectively. Things may get more complicated for six or more pickups. There are, of course, more possible circuits with different tones than the number of numerator summations, because pickups can be switched around to different positions in both the circuit and the equations. That is another story in itself
The main differences between circuits with the same numerator summation series, like the difference between series and parallel pairs of the same pickups, are the signal amplitude and lumped circuit impedance, which interacts differently with the same tone circuit. So if circuits with the same summation series feed directly into a preamp with a high input impedance without any tone circuits, they may have different amplitudes, but will have the same spectral and tonal content. The human ear is nonlinear and may perceive the same signal at different amplitudes as different tones.
Now consider Math 3, 4 & 5. First remember that humbucking circuits do not depend upon which magnetic pole is up or which way a pickup coil is wound. If all of the pickup magnets were suddenly de-magnetized, a proper humbucking circuit would still be humbucking. If a coil were actually reverse-wound, the effect of the reverse winding could be nullified by reversing the coil terminals. Let Pi be a pickup signal, and consider that it is a string vibration signal implicitly multiplied by +1 for an N-up pickup, and by −1 for an S-up pickup. And if there are no vibrating strings, then consider it to be a hum signal. If Pi are all the same hum signal and all the ai sum to zero, then the series in Math 3 describes a humbucking circuit.
Math 3 shows how the summation in Math 2 corresponds to the summation of a set of (n−1) humbucking pair signals, (Pi−Pi+1) with coefficients, bi. Math 4 shows how all the individual coefficients a, relate the coefficients bi. Math 5 solves Math 4 for the individual coefficients bi in terms of ai, demonstrating that the solution for bn−1 proves that the sum of the ai coefficients is zero, fully consistent with a humbucking circuit. So for every humbucking set of ai, there is a humbucking set of bi, showing that every series-parallel humbucking circuit can be expressed as a linear sum of humbucking pair signals.
Now consider
This invention simplifies the circuit in
The previous circuit in this set of intellectual property in stringed instrument, which linearly combines two humbucking pair signals, did not adjust for phase cancellations between the signals, which affect the final output. Nor did the angle generated by the orthogonal functions, S(x) and U(x), related to arctan(S/U), change linearly with x, producing potentially faster tonal variations at the ends of the pot rotation that in the middle. This second part may or may not be a practical problem for the user, but it is not intellectually satisfying. Further, the part of the circuit that produces the pseudo-cosine function, U(x), with pot rotation, x, is more complicated than necessary, using two gangs on a pot instead of just one. The same three pot gangs, either with linear or modified resistance tapers, can be used both to produce orthogonal functions for signal mixing, and to compensate for amplitude variations due to phase cancellations.
Writing this Specification like an engineering tutorial has several purposes: 1) it fulfills the mandate of patents to provide enough information to recreate the invention; 2) it assures potential licensees that the invention has been thoroughly engineered and justified; and 3) it makes it harder for patent trolls and infringers to dispute or misappropriate the work.
In U.S. Pat. No. 10,380,986 (2019) and U.S. Pat. No. 10,810,987 (2020), Baker disclosed that three matched single coil pickups switched in a simple circuit can produce three humbucking pairs and three humbucking triples. If we take an N-up pickup next to the neck of a standard-sized electric guitar, Nn, another N-up pickup next to the bridge, Bn, and an S-up pickup midway between them, Ms, we may call the string vibration signals, N, −M and B, respectively. The available switched humbucking signals are: N−B, N+M, M+B, N+(M−B)/2, B+(M−N)/2 and M+(N+B)/2, or any of their inverts, which are not counted here as separate tonal signals.
For this experiment we need a measurement of tone, even a crude one. Tone is commonly held to be very subjective in the human ear, and this inventor is not aware of any recognized physical measures. So here we will use the mean frequency of six strings on a prototype guitar, tuned to the standard EADGBE, and strummed individually in the sequence, 6-5-4-3-2-1-6-5-4-3-2-1, one-half to one second between picks, open fret, midway between the neck and the bridge. The spectral amplitudes are obtained by feeding the circuit output into a computer microphone input while running a shareware Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) program, Simple Audio Spectrum Analyzer v3.97c, © W. A. Speer 2001-2016, www_dot_techmind_dot_org. The program was used with the following settings:
This produced 2048 frequency bins of about 4 Hz each, from 0 to 7996 Hz. The export files in MSDOS txt format had headers giving the sample rate, number of windows of 4096 samples and total length of the signal in seconds (i.e., 139 windows, 17.792 second), notation of the Hanning window used, and zero-weighting. There followed two columns of comma-separated data, the frequency of the FFT bin in Hz, fn, and the average amplitude of the signal, S1, in each bin in dBFS, or the decibels as related to the full scale of the computer sound board input at zero dB.
Math 6 shows the calculations made in a spreadsheet program from those data. First Sn, is converted from exponential dB data to a linear relative voltage, Vn. Probability function of the spectrum, Pv(f1), is calculated by dividing each bin signal voltage by the total of all the bin voltages. Said another way, this is the relative strength of each bin signal compared to the total signal. Then the mean frequency, mean.f, is calculated by multiplying the frequency of each bin by the relative strength of each bin. Higher moments are calculated as shown, but are presentations here as the square root of the second moment and the cube root of the third moment, so that both will be in dimensions of frequency (Hz). This was done for a total of 6 humbucking pickup combinations, shown in Table 2
The fact that the out-of-phase humbucking pair (N−B) has the highest mean frequency and the lowest relative amplitude is not surprising. Nor is the fact that all the circuits with the highest mean frequencies also have out-of-phase signals. And the humbucking signals with all the pickups in-phase have the lowest mean frequencies. The relative amplitudes range from 1.56 to 0.80, a factor of 1.95 to 1. It is not clear to this inventor how the root second and third moments can be used, so they will be ignored. Clearly, more work needs to be done on defining usable physical measures of tone.
We take A, B & C to indicate both the pickups and their signals. The plus signs on the coils again indicate the relative hum phase, to emphasize that the circuits are humbucking. The plus signs also indicate relative string vibration signal phases when the pickups are N-up. When a pickup is S-up, the string signal phase is reversed. In both Figures, the fully-differential amplifiers, U1 & U2, should have gains of 2, so that the plus output of U1 is V1=(A−B), the plus output of U2 is (B−C), and the minus output of U2 is −(B−C). We start with the case of a linear pot, P, with three gangs, Pga, Pgb and Pgc. The pot gang a, Pga, forms the pseudo-sine signal on the wiper voltage, Vwa, according to Math 7. The output of the buffer, BUFF1, with a gain of one, is VQ=Vwa=Q(x)(B−C)=(2x−1)(B−C) for a linear pot. As before, the origin of the function Q(x) is at x=½, making it a pseudo-sine function instead of pseudo-cosine.
Vwa=(2x−1)(B−C)=Q(B−C) Math 7:
where 0≤x≤1, the fractional pot rotation
Resistor, RB, pot gang b, Pgb, and buffer, BUFF2, with a gain of forms the pseudo-cosine function, R(x). In the case of a linear pot, where the pot taper is f(x)=x, Math 8 shows the solution. With a linear taper, the counter-clockwise end of pot rotation is usually taken to be x=0, with the clockwise end at x=1. Therefore the resistance of pot P, of value P ohms, between the counter-clockwise end and the wiper is x, and between the wiper and the clockwise end is (1−x). The equation e1 in Math 8 is the circuit equation by the rule that all current which flows into a node must also flow out, since nodes can neither generate nor sink current.
As before, Q(x) is a fixed linear function, but the shape of R(x) can be changed slightly by changing the resistance value of wither RB or P. Since the pot is relatively expensive, with many fewer values to choose, we fix it for this exercise at 10 kΩ. Here, we minimize one of two measures of the deviation in the radius of (Qi,Ri) in the Q-R-plane, erri=SQRT(Qi2+Ri2)−1, over all the values xi for which they are calculated from Math 8. Most computer spreadsheets have an optimizing tool such as “Solver” or “What If”, that will minimize an objective function on one or more parameters, such as RB.
Here we have defined Q(x)=2x−1, with Q(0)=−1, Q(½)=0 and Q(1)=1, with R(x)≥0. So the rotation of (Q(x),R(x)) through the QR-plane starts at (−1, 0), goes clockwise, and ends at (1, 0), the opposite of the standard mathematical angle, which is zero at (1, 0) and goes counter-clockwise. This explains the “1−” in Math 9. The arctangent is defined in the right-half plane or (Q,R), not the upper-half, so the adjustment to get it there is necessary for Qi<0. Also the arctangent is not defined for Q=0, when (Q,R)=(0,1), so the value of ½ is entered. QRroti is the normalized rotational angle in the (Q,R)-plane, measured clockwise from (Q,R)=(−1, 0), calculated as if (Q,R) were a point in the (x,y)-plane. Because Q and R are not sine and cosine, QRrot is not x, but approximates x. It is distorted from x, as shown in the positions of the 40 points on the graph of R(xi) in
Table 3 shows the results of the error measures for RB=1451, 1500 and 1708 ohms. They are not all that different. For RB=1451 ohms, the minimized maximum deviation of radius error is ±0.0232, and the RSS radius error is the largest at 0.0948. For RB=1708 ohms, the RSS radius error is 0.0785 and the maximum deviation in radius error is −0.0283, but the separation of deviation errors is 0.0411 instead of 0.0464. The average of 1451 and 1708 is 1579.5 ohms, and 1500 ohms is the closest 10% tolerance value. As the table shows, it makes a reasonable compromise.
There may be more latitude in setting RB than the gain, G (Math 8), of Buff2 in
The variable-gain summing circuit about op-amp U3 in
Recall from
We can see that the first pair is Q(N−B) & R(M+N), and the next to last choice is Q(M+N) & R(N−B), and that they are different because when Q=0, the signal R(M+N) is in the middle of the pot range for the first pair, and R(N−B) is in the middle of the range for the next to last pair. Consider now the switched humbucking pairs and triples in Table 2, using the humbucking pair (N−B) and (M+N). The Humbucking Signal has the form: aN+bM+cB, which we set equal to Q′(N−B)+R′(M+N). We use Q′ and R′ because they are not yet in a form which sits on a unit radius half-circle in (Q,R)-space. Math 10 shows the conversions for Table 2 and the humbucking pair signals (N−B) and (M+N). The calculation of QRrot in Math 10 is equivalent to Math 9.
Q and R have been defined so that Q can be less than zero as a pseudo-sine function, but as a pseudo-cosine function, R cannot. So if the conversion would produce R<0, then the signs of both Q and R are reversed. Reversing the signs of Q and R merely reflects the output signal Q(N−B)+R(M+N) through the origin from the lower-half plane to the upper-half.
Table 5 shows the results. Note that to save space, Q and R in Table 5 are expressed to only two decimal places. When this is applied to the other 5 humbucking pair combinations in Table 4, Q′ and R′ will be various combinations of 0, ±½, and ±1, which can produce a range of QRrot, as shown in Table 6.
So QRrot can be 0, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.50, 0.65, 0.75, 0.85 and 1.00 to 2 decimal places. But QRrot is not x, the fractional pot rotation. It is the result of the fractional pot rotation, in the linear gang equations of Maths 7 & 8, applied to either Math 9 or Math 10. The actual amount of pot rotation, x, that produces QRrot has to be calculated, using those equations, generally using a “Solver” or “What If” spreadsheet tool or computer program to find the value of x that fits with the coefficients Q and R derived from humbucking pair and triple signal equations. Table 7 shows the conversion for QRrot to x for Maths 7-10 in
The values for x in Table 7 have to be used in the rotation of the pot gang, Pgc, in the gain circuit about U3 in
The right-hand circuit using U3 in
The gain of Vo/V2 must always be greater than 1 for the circuit to work, and has to be at least 2 to bring back VHB in full force. We can accomplish this by setting a desired target output of Vo=2>VHB=1.56, and solving for the best fit by changing RF, R1 and R2, using the seven data (x, VHB) points in Table 8, where VHB is taken to be the Relative Amplitude. In this case, we take an objective function of the sum of squares of the percentage variation of Vo from 2, or SUMSQ((Voi−2)/2), and change RF, R1 and R2 to obtain a minimum. Using any other optimizing measure is left as an exercise for the reader. Results will vary with the objective function. We will find that, because the curves in
In this example, the QRrad numbers from Table 7 have been neglected. The values of Relative Amplitude from Table 2 are used directly instead of being corrected by multiplication by the values of QRrad.
Note that the Gain is roughly parabolic in
Choosing different combinations of humbucking pairs in Table 4 to use with Q and R to create a composite tone mainly changes the order of occurrence of the switched tones from Table 2 as the pot in
Tables 10-15 show the results of computing Q and R from the humbucking circuit signals in Table 2, expressed as aN+bM+cB, using Table 9 and Math 10, for the QR forms: Q(N−B)+R(M+N), Q(N−B)+R(M+B), Q(M+B)+R(N−B), Q(M+B)+R(M+N), Q(M+N)+R(M+B) and Q(M+N)+R(N−B). The minus signs in the first column, HB Circuit, indicate that the original value of R was negative and that the signs of both Q and R were changed to put the (Q,R) point in the upper-half plane. The results have been sorted so that the QRrot and x columns always increase going down. These results show how the mean frequency, Fmean, and relative amplitude, RelAmp, values from associated with the humbucking circuits in Table 2 distribute along the fractional linear pot rotation, x, because of the associations of humbucking pairs with Q an R in Tables 4 & 9.
Table 16 gives the associations of QR-forms to variables in
This illustrates the value of actually plotting the results of using pickups on a guitar before designing circuits, and having at least a rough estimate of how those pickups with work with those circuits.
Table 17 shows the results of fitting
So for at least two different approaches, using either Q(N−B)+R(M+B) or Q(M+B)+R(N−B), gain compensation in the summer stage, U3+components, works to overcome output variations due to string signal phase cancellations. The Q(N−B)+R(M+B) setup has the smallest error and puts the brightest tone at both ends of the pot rotation. The Q(M+B)+R(N−B) setup has the next smallest error and improvement, and puts the brightest tone at the middle of the pot rotation.
For 4 or more pickups, original combinations of humbucking pairs using the circuit in
The consequences of the nonlinearities of angular rotation, QRrot, in the circuits in the pseudo-sine and pseudo-cosine circuit produced by pot gangs Pga and Pgb in
All of the pot taper functions presented here are of the form in Math 13, except for some variations in conditions on the first derivative with respect to x. Even the linear taper fits the general definition. And all have a form of symmetry. Start with f(0)=0, f(0.5)=0.5 and f(1)=1. For a variable, u, such that 0≤u≤0.5, the line passing from (0.5−u,f(0.5−u) to (0.5+u,f(0.5+u) will always pass through (0.5,f(0.5))=(0.5,0.5). For clarity, the Claims will assign the taper function f(x) to Pga, g(x) to Pgb and h(x) to Pgc. But they are all of this general quality, of which Math 13 is a subset. Sometimes will be all the same function, as in the previous sections, where they were all f(x)=g(x)=h(x)=x, the linear taper.
For k=1 in Math 13, f1(x)=f2(x)=x, the linear pot already addressed, which means that Q(x)=2f(x)−1=2x−1. We will try k=2, 3 & 4, as shown in Maths 14-17. The first condition in Math 13, f1(0)=0, means that a0=0. That leaves 5 other conditions which can be used to reduce the number of unknown coefficients, ai and bi, to terms involving just a few unknown coefficients, to be used as one or more parameters with RB, in the method using Maths 7, 8 & 9 to get from Table 2 to Table 3. In Math 14, one can use all five remaining conditions, in which a symbolic math solution package leaves b0 as the controlling parameter, or use only four of the remaining conditions, as was done here, and solve for a1 as the controlling parameter.
For k=2:f1(x)=a1x+a2x2, f2(x)=b0+b1x+b2x2
Using a1 as parameter, solves to:
2(x)=a1−1+(4−3a1)x+2(a1−1)x2 Math 14.
Provided: 0≤a1<1
For k=3:f1(x)=a1x+a2x2+a3x3, f2(x)=b0+b1x+b2x2+b3x3
Using a1 & b0 as parameters, solves to:
1(x)=a1x+(3−3a1+b0)x2 +(2a1−2b0 −2)x3
2(x)=b0+(a1−4b0)x+(5b0−3a1+3)x2+(2a1−2b0−2)x3 Math 15.
Provided: 0≤a1<1, b0<1−a1
For k=4:
Using a1, a2, b0& b1 as parameters, solves to:
2(x)=b0+b1x+(a1+3−11b0−4b1)x2+(18b0+5b1−3a1−2)x3 +(2a1−8b0−2b1)x4 Math 16.
Provided: 0≤a1<1, 6b0+b1<2−a1
For k=4, a,3=b3=0:
Using a1 & b0 as parameters, solves to:
In each of Maths 14-17, the resulting equations for f1(x) and f2(x) are verified to meet the conditions. Substituting f(x) for x in Maths 7&8 for the linear pot gangs produces Q(x) and R(x) for the nonlinear pot gangs. A spreadsheet was calculated and tabulated for each of the equations in Math 7&8, and Maths 14-17. The pot value was set to P=1, and RB and the indicated parameters in Maths 14-17 were set up accordingly. The first column calculated x from 0 to 1 in 40 steps of 0.025. The next columns, respectively, calculated f(x), Q(x), R(x), RadErr, QRrot and RotErr, where RadErr is the radius error, SQRT(Q2+R2)−1, QRrot is the QR-plane rotation of (Q,R), as calculated as in Math 9, and RotErr is QRrot(x)−x. The maximum, minimum and sum-squared values of RadErr and RotErr were calculated. The objective function to be minimized by the parameters is ObjFunct=SUMSQ(RadErri)+MAX(RotErri)+ABS(MIN(RotErri), i=0, 40. Table 18 below shows these results. The numbers in bold print are the variable parameters.
The Figures and Table make it clear that there is a huge improvement, mostly in the rotational error, going from Maths 7&8 to Math 14, with a reduction in the Objective Function of 8.8 times. But the improvements going from Math 14 to Maths 15-17 are relatively variable and minor. Therefore, it is reasonable to be satisfied with corrections in Math 14. When the standard potentiometer accuracy tolerance in electric guitar pots is ±10% or ±20%, it may be asking a bit much to distinguish between Math 14 and Math 16.
If the pot gangs Pga and Pgb don't have to have the same taper functions, another possibility arises.
We can start to understand pot gang Pgb in
Let h(x) be the taper function for pot gang Pgc, primarily for use in the Claims, and then realize that it will often be one of the previously defined functions. Also, in these cases, the values of QRrad in Table 21 are ignored, and not used to correct the values of Relative Amplitude in Table 2, which are directly taken as the values for VHB. Using Maths 11 & 12, the linear pot gang has already been fitted to the summation-compensation circuit about U3 in
That being said, there are three nonlinear pot gang tapers to consider for the gain curves. The first gang taper is the f(x) S-curve defined in Maths 13 & 14 for the pot with all three gang tapers the same, using scaled values of P=1, RB=0.16339, and a1=0.20573, listed in Table 18, used in
But before these pot tapers can be used in fitting the compensation gain, to get results like Tables 10-15 & 17, we need to have transformations stating the distortion between QRrot and x, as with Table 7 for the linear pot gangs. For the first nonlinear taper, Table 21 shows the results of substituting f(x) for x in Math 7 for Q(x) and Math 8 for R(x) and Math 10 for QRrot. A Solver or What If spreadsheet tool is used to fit x to produce the values of QRrot derived in Tables 5-7. For the second and third non-linear tapers, which use the U1, U2, Buff1 & Buff2 circuits in
For comparison,
Tables 23-25 below show results similar to Table 17, for the three nonlinear taper functions used in pot gang, Pgc, in the summer/compensator circuit in
Maths 21 & 25-27 pick RF and R1 to assure that h(0)=0, h(0.5)=0.5 and h(1)=1 in
For the P-90 pickup used here, 0.80≤Vhb≤1.56. Suppose we want all seven outputs from the U3 circuit, for the Vhb=RelAmp*QRrad=RelAmp*SQRT(Q2+R2), to show at the output of U3 as Voset=2. For this example, we use Vhb=Q(x)(N−B)+R(x)(M+B), from Tables 2 & 11, where we have measured values of RelAmp for the six humbucking pairs and triples from switched circuits. As
The next column is hpi, calculated from the values of Gni, RF, R1 and P, according to Math 29, followed by columns of hfiti, hpfiti and hperri. The columns of Refiti, Gfiti and Vofiti, according to Math 30. The xi column is copied to the hpfiti column for starting values. Then in each row, i, a Solver or What If spreadsheet tool is used to vary hpfiti to drive hperri to zero. The resulting values of Vofiti then equal Voset to within an error of about 1.e−5. The plot of hfiti versus xi, as shown in
It turns out that it is not so clear and easy to fit h(x)=aix+a2x2+ . . . aNxN by minimizing an objective function. It is easy to end up with negative slopes in h(x), which are physically impossible in an analog pot taper, at least by current technology. Or no solution at all. Other mathematical methods exist for fitting piecewise polynomial or bezier curves to known points that might be employed. The question remains as to whether or not a pot maker can match the curves for the right price.
A prominent maker of commercial and guitar pots responded to a query about its estimated price and minimum quantity for an order of special-order pot with custom tapers. It's standard pots would run $1 to $3 each, custom taper pot would run up to three times as much, and the minimum order could be 20 k, for a possible total order of up to $180,000. It was clearly referring to single-gang pots, not three-gang. A few years ago, surface-mount device digital pots with 256 taps, common values of 10 k, 50 k and 100 k, with serial digital input controls could be bought for $0.70 to less than $3.00 each in minimum orders of 1 each. To the practical limits of its repeatability and accuracy, any digital pot can have any taper in software, even non-physical tapers. It remains to integrate a micro-controller or microprocessor into a guitar to take advantage of this flexibility. Others claim to have done so, including Elion (U.S. Pat. No. 5,140,890, 1992), and Ball, et al. (U.S. Pat. No. 9,196,235, 2015; U.S. Pat. No. 9,640,162, 2017), but without addressing this particular situation.
If the micro-controller or micro-processor that drives the digital pots has sine and cosine functions in it math processing unit (MPU), then they can be used directly both in driving digital pots in this application, or in calculating FFTs of both single sensors and humbucking pair signals, as Baker discussed in previous publications and patent applications. But the previous NPPA from which this continues, 16/985,863 (Baker, Aug. 5, 2020), sine and cosine were approximated by a four-function-plus-square-root MPU. The functions developed here don't require a square root function to approximate sine and cosine.
Using a1 as parameter
where 0≤x≤1 is the fractional pot rotation
1(x)=a1x+2(1−a1)x2, 0≤x≤0.5
2(0.5+u)=0.5+f1(0.5−u), 0≤u≤0.5, 0.5≤(x=0.5+u)≤1
1(x)=(2−a1)x+2(a1−1)x2, 0≤x≤0.5
2(0.5+u)=g1(0.5−u), 0≤u≤0.5, 0.5≤(x=0.5+u)≤1
1(x)+g1(x)=2x, Q(x)+R(x)=4x−1 Math 33
Reconsider Maths 7, 13, 14, 19 & 20 recast as Math 33, with a change to the definition of g2(x).
Using a1 as parameter
where 0≤x≤1 is the fractional pot rotation
1(x)=(2(1−a1)x+a1)2x−1, 0≤x≤0.5
2(0.5+u)=−Q1(0.5−u), 0≤u≤0.5, 0.5≤(x=0.5+u)≤1
2(0.5+u)=R1(0.5−u), 0≤u≤0.5, 0.5≤(x=0.5+u)≤1 Math 34.
In the previous invention, NP patent application Ser. No. 16/985,863, the pseudo-sine and -cosine functions required the four basic calculator functions plus square root. This invention needs only the four basic math functions, plus, minus, multiply and divide, to calculate the piecewise-polynomials used as orthogonal functions instead of sine and cosine. This allows a wider range of available micro-controllers and micro-processors to be used. And depending upon what accuracy in spectral analysis is truly needed to make a credible and audible distinction between tones, these piecewise-polynomial pseudo-functions might also be used in Fourier Transforms, both forward and inverse.
Using a1 as parameter
apcos(x)=1−2f(x), 0≤x≤0.5
apsin(x)=2(2x−f(x)), 0≤x≤0.5 Math 35.
Math 35 shows the functions in Math 33 & 34 reconfigured to produce an approximate sine, apsin, and an approximate cosine, apcos, as plotted for one-quarter cycle in
∴f(x)=1−4x2 Math 37.
Following work done in NP patent application Ser. No. 16/985,863, it is possible to get a better fit using an approximating polynomial in terms of x, x2 and x4. Math 38 shows the derivation, and Math 39 shows the expansion from a quarter-cycle to a full cycle. For a2=−4.896, making a4=3.584, the error in apsin(x) and apcos(x) is about ±0.00092, considerably better than for Math 36.
∴Using a2 as parameter
f(x)=1+a2x2−(16+4a2)x4 Math 38.
Using a2 as parameter
To recap, this invention presents circuit embodiments using a 3-gang pot to mix and compensate two signals, to produce an output of approximately uniform volume, despite amplitude variations due to phase cancellations between the two signals. One gang, Pga, physically simulates a pseudo-sine function, Q(x). A second gang, Pgb, physically simulates a pseudo-cosine function, R(x). Where 0≤x ≤1 is fractional pot rotation, the angular origin of functions sit at the center of the pot rotation, x =0.5 The part of the circuit with Pgb has two embodiments. The first embodiment uses a resistor, RB, in series with the wiper, compensated by the gain of a buffer amplifier. The second embodiment uses a gang with a center-tapped input and no series resistor, with the wiper connected to a unit-gain buffer amplifier.
The third gang, Pgc, modifies the gain of a summer/compensator op-amp, U3, in one of either two configurations. One configuration puts the gang in a circuit between the op-amp output and minus input, to produce the highest gain at x=0.5. The second configuration puts the gang between the minus input and signal ground, to produce the lowest gain at x=0.5. The Pgc circuit has two embodiments. One has two different resistors, R1 & R2, connected to the end terminals of the pot, then connected to each other, forming with gang Pgc a variable resistor between the pot wiper and the R1-R2 connection. The other connects the end terminals of gang Pgc together, and connects a single resistor, R1, to either the pot wiper or the end terminals, forming with Pgc a variable resistor.
The physical pot taper functions, f(x) for Pga, g(x) for Pgb and h(x) for Pgc, can be the same or different, can be linear, piecewise-polynomial or segmented straight lines between known points. The resistors, gains and taper functions are chosen and designed to minimize three things: 1) the error between the vector (Q(x),R(x)) and the unit vector in the QR-plane; 2) the error between x and the normalized angular rotation of vector (Q(x),R(x)), that rotation being from 0 at (−1,0) to ½ at (0,1) to 1 at (1,0); and 3) the amplitude variations in the combined output signal due to phase cancellations between the two input signals, to produce a constant amplitude with the rotation of the pot at the output of the summer/compensator. These circuits can also be cascaded to add more matched pickups in electric guitars.
In reality, the preferred embodiment is the one that can produce the least radial, rotational and amplitude error at the price one can best afford. This invention allows a patent licensee to start with linear pots and move up with market demand. Otherwise, if price is no object, the last example presented here, with near-perfect output amplitude, looks to be the best.
Here, pot tapers have been shaped to provide the closest physical approximations one can get sine and cosine functions in the manipulations of gains in the circuits. This work and previous work done on U.S. NP patent application Ser. No. 16/986,863, suggest better approximations for approximate sine and approximate cosine functions, or “apsin” and “apcos”. These can be used in three digital pots in and equivalent mixing circuit, driven by programmable processors with simple four-function math processing units (MPUs). These must be considered because of the much larger expense of making and buying custom-taper three-gang potentiometers. Digital pots cost little or no more and can even have non-physical tapers, determined by software. Digital pots driven by a programmable processor also offer what mechanical pots cannot, the ability of the user to put a particular sequence of favorite tones in whatever order the user likes, using a digital user interface.
These apsin and apcos functions can also be optimized and used to generate FFT spectral analyses of the input signals. Two embodiments are provided. One takes a quarter-cycle fit to apcos, using a second-order polynomial with one fitting parameter, and generates all four quarter-cycles of both apcos and apsin. Its error in fitting cosine and sine is about ±2.1 percent The other uses a fourth-order polynomial with one fitting parameter to generate all four quarter cycles of apcos and apsin from one quarter-cycle of apcos. Its error in fitting cosine and sine is about ±0.092%. Both embodiments have been optimized by varying the fitting parameters so that the extreme +error equals the extreme −error across the entire cycle of the functions. With a good complex-value FFT analysis of the input signals, the output for any point in the mixing process can be predicted and used to design the gain curve in the summer/compensator stage.
Along with NP patent application Ser. No. 16/985,863, this invention provides a usable pathway to investigate the linear mixing of humbucking pair signals in electric stringed instruments. A licensee can use an inexpensive linear 3-gang pot to see what it is like to get the outputs for all the possible switched humbucking circuits using three hum-matched sensors. Then, if that looks and sounds good, the licensee can consider whether to invest in custom three-gang potentiometers, or to invest in putting a micro-controller or micro-processor into a guitar to take advantage of the ability to order favorite tones to the user's preference. The licensee can also investigate using more hum-matched pickups, up to the number that will fit underneath the strings. For J number of hum-matched (generally single-coil, but also dual coil humbucking) pickups, there are J−1 number of humbucking pairs and J−2 number of necessary three-gang controls, whether mechanical or solid-state digital.
This application continues U.S. NP patent application Ser. No. 16/985,863 (Baker, filed Aug. 5, 2020), and, in regard to humbucking pair signals from matched-coil electromagnetic stringed instrument pickups, continues in part U.S. Pat. Nos. 9,401,134 (Baker, 2016), 10,217,450 (Baker, 2019), 10,380,986 (Baker, 2019), 10,810,987 (Baker, 2020), and 11,011,146 (Baker, 2021), and in part U.S. NP patent application Ser. No. 16/156,509 (Baker, filed Oct. 10, 2018), and claims the benefit of U.S. PPA 63,213,909, (2021), all filed by this inventor, Donald L. Baker dba android originals LC, Tulsa Okla., USA.