This invention relates to quantization and data embedding methods and systems.
Watermarking refers to the process by which a digital image has a mark embedded in it. Embedded watermarks can indicate such things as the owner of the image, the entity to which the image was distributed, and the like. Not surprisingly, watermarked images can come under attack by unscrupulous individuals who desired to steal or otherwise use the image in an unauthorized manner. There are many different ways that these individuals can use to attack a watermark. Thus, it becomes important to design watermarking systems with an appreciation of the types of attacks that can be waged against watermarked images.
Accordingly, this invention arose out of concerns associated with providing improved watermarking systems and methods.
Methods and systems for quantization and data embedding are described. In at least some embodiments, a transform is applied on an image that is to be watermarked and statistics associated with the image are computed. The computed statistics are quantized using a symmetric lattice, and a watermark is computed using the lattice quantized statistics. The watermark is then inserted into the image.
In the illustrated and described embodiment, a class of symmetric lattices that are suitable for quantization and data embedding purposes is introduced. As will be demonstrated below, for an arbitrary dimension n, symmetric lattices admit a linear (in n) time algorithm for quantizing a given vector to the nearest lattice point. The proposed lattice construction includes the well-known An lattices as a special case. Such lattices are discussed in J. H. Conway and N. J. A. Sloan, Sphere Packings, Lattices and Groups, Springer-Verlag, 1988. As an application of the proposed lattice construction, a given signal is mapped into a suitable pseudo-randomly formed statistics vector, which is subsequently quantized using a symmetric lattice.
As will be appreciated by the skilled artisan in view of the discussion in this document, the quantized statistics vector can be used for identification or authentication purposes. Accordingly, this document discusses a consideration of the task of data embedding in signals via designing the embedded mark, such that the statistics vector of the mark-embedded signal is the lattice-quantized version of the statistics vector of the unmarked signal. In conjunction with these embedding activities, a measure is defined and referred to as the yield. The yield is the ratio of the packing radius to the covering radius of the lattice. The inventive approach derives the optimal symmetric lattice in the sense of yield. The effort for constructing larger dimension lattices is motivated by the design of watermarking systems that are resistant to estimation attacks. See, e.g. M. K. Mihcak, R. Venkatesan, and M. Kesal, “Watermarking via Optimization Algorithms for Quantizing Randomized Statistics of Image Regions,” Proceedings of the 40th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Monticello, Ill., October 2002; M. K. Mihcak, R. Venkatesan, and T. Liu, “Watermarking via Optimization Algorithms for Quantizing Randomized Image Characteristics,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Special Issue on Secure Media, November 2003.
The larger the dimension of the ambient space, the smaller is the effectiveness of such estimation attacks, which under suitable assumptions can be precisely characterized. As examples of estimation attacks, the reader is referred to M. K. Mihcak, R. Venkatesan, and M. Kesal, “Cryptanalysis of Discrete-Sequence Spread Spectrum Watermarks,” Proceedings of 5th International Information Hiding Workshop (IH 2002), Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, October 2002; and S. Voloshynovskiy, S. Pereira, T. Pun, J. J. Eggers and J. K. Su, “Attacks on Digital Watermarks: Classification, Estimation-based Attacks and Benchmarks,” IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 39, No. 8, pp. 118-127, August 2001. For design examples which are robust to estimation attacks, the reader is referred to M. K. Mihcak, R. Venkatesan, and M. Kesal, “Watermarking via Optimization Algorithms for Quantizing Randomized Statistics of Image Regions,” Proceedings of the 40th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Monticello, Ill., October 2002; M. K. Mihcak, R. Venkatesan, and T. Liu, “Watermarking via Optimization Algorithms for Quantizing Randomized Image Characteristics,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Special Issue on Secure Media, November 2003.
In the discussion that follows, the following notation will be used. Lowercase boldface letters denote real vectors and uppercase boldface letters denote real matrices. Subscripts denote individual elements of these vectors or matrices. For instance ai and Aij denote the i-th element of a real vector a and the (i, j)-th element of a real matrix A respectively. In the discussion that follows, an assumption is made that vectors are column vectors and the Euclidean norm is the used metric unless otherwise specified.
The discussion first starts with presentation of symmetric lattices and a quantization algorithm in the section entitled “Symmetric Lattices and A Linear-Time Quantization Algorithm” just below. Following presentation of this material, a section entitled “Mark Embedding” describes how the quantization algorithm is applied in the context of watermarking.
Symmetric Lattices and A Linear-Time Quantization Algorithm
In this section, the class of symmetric lattices is defined. A linear-time quantization algorithm is given for the class the optimal symmetric lattice for data embedding applications in the sense of yield is found.
It should be noted that the symmetric lattice with α=½ in n-dimensions is known as the An lattice in the literature (up to a scaling factor). These lattices have several optimality properties. For a detailed comprehensive discussion, the reader is referred to Chapters 1 and 6 in J. H. Conway and N. J. A. Sloan, Sphere Packings, Lattices and Groups, Springer-Verlag, 1988. It should be appreciated and understood that in Equation 2.1 above, the symmetric lattice is defined to have the same angle α for i distinct from j. It is also possible, for i distinct from j, to select each angle α from a probability distribution concentrated around α, with α as the mean. Doing so, one can expect the algorithms to perform similarly on average. Further weakenings can be made to make the angle to be concentrated to be around different alphas for each distinct pair of i, j. It is to be appreciated that one can publish this lattice by applying a unimodular transform to the basis of the lattice.
In the next two sub-sections, the first sub-section describes an algorithm for constructing a lattice matrix Ln(α). The second subsection describes an algorithm for quantization to a symmetric lattice Ln (α).
An Algorithm for Constructing Ln(α)
The first step in constructing a symmetric lattice Ln (α) is to, without loss of generality, pick v1 such that v11=1 and vi1=0, 2≦i≦n. Next, v2 is generated such that v12=α, v22={square root}{square root over (1−α2)} and vi2=0, 3≦i≦n. Now, for each i, 3≦i≦n, given vi−1, generate vi as follows:
Now, all of the {vi}i−1n are combined to form Ln(α) More specifically, enumerated steps 1-4 collectively define individual rows of the lattice matrix Ln(α). Performing these steps n times defines an n-dimension lattice matrix.
It should be noted that it is straightforward to construct Mn (α) using the following rule: For all 1≦i ≦n, the (i, j) entry of Mn (α) is equal to {square root}{square root over (α)} if j=1, −{square root}{square root over (1−α)} if j=i+1, and 0 everywhere else 1<j<n+1. Furthermore, it can be shown that the rows of both Ln(α) and Mn(α) satisfy (2. 1) above.
An Algorithm for Quantization to Ln(α)
Assume now that we are given an input vector x1εn+1 of size 1×n to be quantized to Ln(α). Here, [·] denotes rounding to nearest integer operator. In accordance with the illustrated and described embodiment, Ln(α) and Mn(α) are generated as described above. Next, the input vector x1 is mapped into the n+1 dimension to provide x2 as follows:
Now, x3 is generated such that:
Having found x3, x4 is computed such that x4i=[x3i]1≦i≦n+1. Now, the difference between x4 and x3 is computed to provide f=x4−x3 and q is calculated as follows:
Depending on the value of q, processing can take different paths. That is, q can be equal to, greater than, or less than 0. In each of these instances, processing to arrive at a quantized output is performed somewhat differently.
Processing when q=0
In the event that the computed value of q=0, the quantization output {circumflex over (x)} in n+1 is generated as follows:
Given the quantization output in n+1, the quantization output in n is now computed as follows:
{circumflex over (x)}MnT(α)L(α)−T
Processing when q>0
In the event that the computed value of q>0, the quantization output x in n+1 is generated as follows:
Processing when q<0
In the event that the computed value of q<0, the quantization output {circumflex over (x)} in n+1 is generated as follows:
Lemma 2.1 The algorithm correctly outputs the closest vector to the given vector x1.
A proof outline of this Lemma is as follows. If q=0 note that x4 is already the lattice vector in n+1 space. Moreover, x4 is co-ordinate wise closest to x3. This proves the claim for the case when q=0. In the case where q>0, then we need to subtract q from the sum of all the co-ordinates. The first co-ordinate could be special because α may not be equal to 1−α. Accordingly, the algorithm tries all possibilities with respect to the first co-ordinates. Suppose the algorithm subtracts t from the first co-ordinates, then the algorithm needs to subtract an additional q−t from the other co-ordinates. Note that the penalty, in terms of L2 norm, of subtracting 2 from any co-ordinate (not the first) is more than subtracting 1 from two different co-ordinates (again not the first) which were rounded up. Accordingly, it is better to decrease 1 from q−t different co-ordinates. Again the co-ordinates which are rounded up the most gives us the lowest penalty, in terms of L2 norm, if they are rounded down. This is precisely what the algorithm does. A similar argument applies to the case of q<0.
A proof outline of the above is as follows. Let us first find out the yield for the case of Ln (0.5). We will then show that the yield of Ln (0.5) is an upper bound on the yield for any other Ln. Instead of Ln, it is more convenient to work with Mn. Note that the minimum attack distortion to move to another lattice cell is half the length of the shortest non-zero lattice vector. The length of the shortest non-zero lattice vector is 1 (at least two co-ordinates have to be non-zero). So, the norm of the minimum attack noise to move to another lattice cell is 1/2. Next, we compute the maximum embedding distortion induced by lattice quantization. Assume that n+1 is even. Asymptotically, this assumption is insignificant. A careful technical analysis shows that the worst vector to round is {square root}{square root over (0.5)}(−0.5,+0.5,−0.5, . . . ,+0.5) in n+1 space in the L2 norm sense. In that case, every coordinate is rounded by at least {square root}{square root over (0.5)}/2. Hence, the maximum embedding distortion would be {square root}{square root over (0.5(n+1))}0.5. This gives the yield of {square root}{square root over (2/(n+1))}. Note that this is 41% more than the orthogonal lattice (i.e., the symmetric lattice for α=0), which is the case of scalar quantization.
Now, we prove that the yield for α=½ is an upper bound on the yield for 0<α<1, α≠½. For this, it is sufficient to show an upper bound on the “minimum attack distortion to move to another lattice cell” and a lower bound on the “maximum embedding distortion in lattice quantization” and show that the bounds are attained by α=½. We divide our task in two parts, first α<0.5, and then α>0.5, still working in n+1 space.
If α<0.5, one can choose one of the rows of Mn as an upper bound on the shortest non-zero lattice vector. Half of it is an upper bound on the “minimum attack distortion to move to another lattice cell”, whose norm is ½. Next, we take −0.5({square root}{square root over (α)}),+0.5({square root}{square root over (1−α)}),−0.5({square root}{square root over (1−α)}), . . . ,+0.5({square root}{square root over (1−α)}) as a vector to be rounded to the nearest lattice point. We compute the minimum distortion needed to quantize this vector to the nearest lattice point and that will be a lower bound on the maximum embedding distortion. Coordinate-wise, the minimum distortion needed is 0.5{square root}{square root over (1−α)} except for the first coordinate for which the minimum distortion is 0.5{square root}{square root over (α)}. So, we get 1/{square root}{square root over (α+n(1−α))} as an upper bound on the yield for 0<α<½. The supremum of 1/{square root}{square root over (α+n(131 α))} in 0<α<½ is {square root}{square root over (2/(n+1))}, which is the yield of Ln (0.5).
If α>0.5, one can choose the difference of the first two rows of Mn as an upper bound on the shortest non-zero lattice vector. Half of this is {square root}{square root over ((1−α)/2)}. We take the same vector −0.5({square root}{square root over (α)}),+0.5({square root}{square root over (1−α)}),−0.5({square root}{square root over (1−α)}), . . . ,+0.5({square root}{square root over (1−α)}) to compute a lower bound on the maximum embedding distortion. Again, using the same method, we get {square root}{square root over (2/(n+(α/(1−α))))} as an upper bound on the yield. This upper bound is smaller than the yield we computed for the case of as 0.5. Hence the proof outline.
Mark Embedding
The problem of mark embedding is also termed “watermarking” in the literature. Within the class of watermarking problems, we consider the verification problem, i.e., the receiver makes one of the following two decisions: The received signal is watermarked or not watermarked. We do not consider the decoding problem, where the receiver α-priori knows the presence of embedded information and tries to decode it.
In the discussion below, an embedding algorithm is provided and an assumption is made that a secret key K is shared by both the embedder and the receiver. K, which should be unknown by the attacker, is used as the seed of a secure pseudo random number generator (PRNG) in the randomized steps of the is algorithm described just below. Hence, the randomized steps of the algorithm described below indeed looks random to the attacker. However, the randomized steps are known by both the embedder and the receiver. In the discussion that follows, the algorithm is stated for descriptions for grayscale images of size 512×512; however, it should be noted that an extension of this algorithm can easily be designed for other types of signals, such as colored images of various sizes and audio signals.
Embedding Algorithm Overview
Given an image I, step 100 applies a transform to the image. In the illustrated and described embodiment, a 3-level discrete wavelet transform is applied on the image. Let S (size n×n) denote the low frequency subband for both the horizontal and vertical directions. Step 102 computes pseudo-random linear statistics associated with the image. In the illustrated and described embodiment, this step computes statistics a (size m×1) from S. An example of how this can be done is described in detail in
Computation of Pseudo-random Linear Statistics
Step 202 generates pseudo-random weights associated with each region. In the illustrated and described embodiment, for each square i, 1≦i≦m, the method first forms a matrix Pi (size li×li) such that Pjki is independently generated from unit-variance 0-mean Gaussian distribution, 1≦j,k ≦li. The method next projects Pi to the subspace spanned by all size li×li matrices that are bandlimited to frequency 0<fweight<1, let {tilde over (P)}i be the outcome of the projection. Then the method scales each {tilde over (Pjki)}, 1≦j,k<li such that the L2-norm of the outcome is N. Let Qi be the size li×li matrix obtained by scaling.
Step 204 forms a pseudo-random statistics transformation matrix. This step effectively prepares a linear operator transformation matrix for computation of the pseudo-random linear statistics described below. In the illustrated and described embodiment, for each square i, the method initially generates an all-0 matrix R (size n×n). The method then forms Ri by replacing the i-th square entries with Qi (via using li and (locxi, locyi) in the replacement). The method then re-orders elements of Ri to form a 1×n2 vector ri; where ri forms the i-th row of T (size m×n2)
Having formed the pseudo-random statistics transformation matrix T, step 206 computes pseudo-random linear statistics a using the transformation matrix. This step effectively computes the linear statistics using both the location and weights of the selected regions. In the illustrated and described embodiment, the pseudo random linear statistics are found by a=Ts, where s (size n2×1) is formed by re-ordering elements of S.
The process described above embellishes the processing that was previously described in connection with step 102 in
Lattice Quantization of Statistics
As noted above,
Accordingly, step 300 computes a scaling parameter of each cell of the lattice. Given the distortion constraint β and the lattice parameter α, the method finds Δ (the scaling parameter of each cell of the lattice). In one embodiment, a codebook look-up method is used in order to find Δ to match a given β and α. In the present example, the codebook is prepared offline.
Step 302 pseudo-randomly generates a translation vector. In the illustrated and described embodiment, a translation vector t is generated, where ti is a realization of uniform distribution in [0, 100], 1≦i≦m.
Step 304 computes quantized statistics using the scaling parameter and the translation vector. In the illustrated and described embodiment, quantized statistics are given by b=Rm(a/Δ+t, α)−t, where Rm (·,α) refers to a quantization algorithm for the unit-cell symmetric lattice Lm(α) of dimension m and parameter α; the class of symmetric lattices and a quantization algorithm Rm(·,α) was explained in detail above.
Having lattice quantized the pseudo-random linear statistics, the process now computes a watermark using the quantized pseudo-random linear statistics. This aspect of the process is explored in the next sub-section.
Computation of Watermark
Step 400 computes the quantization noise in the statistics domain. In the illustrated and described embodiment, the quantization noise in this domain is given as q=b−a, where a constitutes the previously-computed pseudo-random linear statistics and b constitutes the quantized statistics computed just above.
Step 402 then computes the quantized noise in the discrete Wavelet transform (DWT) domain. In the illustrated and described embodiment, given q, the method computes the quantization noise W (size n×n) in the DWT domain as follows. First, the method generates the projection matrix D (size k×n2) for the subspace that is orthogonal to the subspace spanned by all size n x n matrices that are bandlimited to frequency 0<fwm<1 (k is uniquely determined given fwm).
Having generated the projection matrix D, the quantization noise in vector form w (size n2×1) is given by
w={tilde over (T)}T({tilde over (T)}{tilde over (T)}T)−1{tilde over (q)},
where (·)T is the transpose operator, {tilde over (T)}T[TTDT] (size m+k×n2), {tilde over (q)}T[qT0T](size m+k×1), 0 is the all-0 vector of size k x 1. The method then re-arranges w in order to obtain size n×n W.
In the presently-described example, W constitutes the computed watermark that is to be embedded in the image.
Embedding the Watermark
Having computed the watermark as noted above, the process next embeds the watermark in the image. In the illustrated and described embodiment, this is accomplished as follows. The watermarked DWT-LL subband is given by X=S+W, where S constitutes the image I after having the above-described 3-level discrete wavelet transform applied. Applying the inverse DWT to the combination of X and other unchanged subbands from step 100 in
Additional Considerations and Remarks
It can be shown that the quantization noise in vector form w={tilde over (T)}T({tilde over (T)}{tilde over (T)}T)−1{tilde over (q)} is the unique solution to the following optimization problem:
We would like to find w in the DWT domain such that it satisfies both Tw=q and Dw=0 (the second constraint imposes a “smoothness” constraint on w in some sense and is important for perceptual purposes). The solution given by w={tilde over (T)}T({tilde over (T)}{tilde over (T)}T)−1{tilde over (q)}, is the minimum L2-norm quantization noise that satisfies both of these constraints. We assume that {tilde over (T)} is full-rank, which is almost always satisfied in practice according to our experiments.
We discovered that computing U−1(U{tilde over (T)}{tilde over (T)}T) could be costly when k+m is large and k>>m. In this case, the following result is useful:
where A11 is m×m, A22 is n×n, A12 is m×n, A21 is n×m, m≠n in general, we have
where B=(A11−A12A22−1A21)−1, C=(A22−A21A11A12)−1, assuming A11 and A22 are both invertible.
Applying this result to U, we obtain:
where B=(A11−A21TA21)−1, C=(In−A21A11−1A21T)−1, A11=TTT and A21=DTT since rows of D are orthogonal byconstruction.
Next, we provide a mark detection algorithm that is “blind”, i.e., the detection algorithm assumes presence of the key, but not the unmarked source. We assume that the secret key K is known at the detector. As in the embedder, K is used as the seed of a pseudo-random generator in the randomized steps of the algorithms. The algorithmic description is given just below.
First, given an input image I′, follow the exact same steps 100, 102, 104 in
Note that in the detection algorithm, the L2 distance of the statistics vector of the received signal to the nearest lattice point is used as the decision statistics. It can be shown that this detection rule is optimal in the sense of probability of error for an AWGN attack channel; this is a standard result from detection theory.
Experimental Results and Discussion
We experimentally compared different types of symmetric lattices for the watermarking problem in the sense of operational probability of error. In our experiments, we used randomly chosen images from an image database of size 4000 with randomly chosen keys. For each chosen image and key, we computed the distance to the nearest lattice point (i.e., the value of d given in the detection part of the “Mark Embedding” section above) for the cases of watermarked and un-watermarked images.
In practice, thresholding is applied to the distance d which yields the decision of “waternarked” or “unwatermarked” at the detector. It can be shown that this detection rule is optimal in the sense of probability of error for memoryless attacks with identical distribution.
We carried out experiments for a total of 5000 trials (i.e., 5000 randomly chosen image and key pairs are used to produce results). The quantization parameter Δ is chosen such that the watermarking distortion (in the L2 sense) is approximately the same (and equal to a user-specified value) for all cases. In
Exemplary System
In this example, marking component 702 comprises a transform component 704, a linear statistics generator 706, a lattice quantizer 708, a watermark generator 710 and a watermark embedder 712. It is to be appreciated and understood that while each of these components is illustrated as a separate component, such need not necessarily be the case in practice.
In operation, digital images are received into system 700 and are processed to provide watermarked images. In the present example, transform component 704 is configured to operate in a manner that corresponds to the processing described in step 100 of
Once the image is marked with a suitable watermark, the image can be received and processed by a watermark receiver 714 as described above. The watermark receiver typically comprises a component of an application such as Windows® Media Player.
The illustrated and described embodiments provide improved watermarking and data embedding systems and methods that are resistant to several natural signal processing transforms that can be effected such as those used by commercial products for manipulating images, videos and audio signals by users as well as malicious attacks.
Although the invention has been described in language specific to structural features and/or methodological steps, it is to be understood that the invention defined in the appended claims is not necessarily limited to the specific features or steps described. Rather, the specific features and steps are disclosed as preferred forms of implementing the claimed invention.