Clock distribution network planning and method therefor


  • Patent Grant
  • 6305001
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Thursday, June 18, 1998
    26 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, October 16, 2001
    22 years ago
A method for planning the clock distribution network in the conceptual design phase of an ASIC device is provided herein that comprises partitioning the technology-independent description of the device into partitioned groups based on the clocking time of the clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups. In addition, a clock budgeting plan is generated by creating target timing groups and assigning each of the partitioned groups to one of the target timing groups based on the clocking time of the clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups. The clock recipients in each of the target timing groups clock at a substantially same time and clock recipients in different target groups clock at different times. The clock distribution network is created based on the clock budgeting plan such that the clock distribution network provides a clock signal to clock recipients in each of the target timing groups in a manner that the clock recipients in each of the target timing groups are clocked together at a substantially same time.


1. Field of the Invention

This invention relates generally to clock distribution network planning for ASICs, and in particular, to methods and computer-aided design tools for planning the clock distribution network in the conceptual design phase of the ASIC devices to reduce clock skew, ground bounce, VDD noise and idle clock cycle time.

2. Description of the Related Art

The routing and distribution of the clock to elements of an integrated circuit, or more specifically, an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC), is an important factor to consider in the design of ASICs. To take an analogy, for instance, the clock of an ASIC may be seen as the heart and blood flow of a human body, whereas the clock routing and distribution of an ASIC may be seen as the arteries and veins of a human body. Just like the human body requires that the arteries and veins be properly distributed in order for each organ to function properly and together with other organs, the clock routing and distribution of an ASIC should be designed so that the clock-receiving elements function properly and together so that the intended functions of the ASIC are achieved. One of the intended functions of clock recipient elements of an ASIC, for example, is to propagate data to an intended functional destination of an ASIC.

Referring to

FIG. 1

, a simple prior art chain of D-type flip-flops


is shown, wherein the D flip-flops (D


-Dn) are shown sequentially cascaded together to propagate data from a data input to a data output. As it is conventionally known of these types of data-propagating chains of D-type flip-flops, the Q-output of one of the flip-flops in the chain is coupled to the D-input, of the next flip-flop in the chain in the direction in which data propagates. Thus, in the example shown in

FIG. 1

, the Q-output of flip-flop D


is coupled to the D-input of flip-flop D


; the Q-output of flip-flop D


is coupled to the D-input of flip-flop D


; and so on. The chain of D flip-flops are driven by a common clock source


by way of a clock distribution network


. In the example shown in

FIG. 1

, the clock distribution network


includes an input for the clock source


situated near the flip-flip D


, and extends therefrom parallel with the flip-flops in the direction of data propagation, and includes a branch to each of the clock inputs of the flip-flops in the chain



In operation, a clock pulse or triggering edge of the clock causes each of the D flip-flops in the chain


to propagate data from its D-input to its Q-output. Each consecutive clock pulse or triggering edge causes the data to move further down the chain of flip-flops. In the example shown in

FIG. 1

, per every clock pulse or triggering edge, data at the D-inputs of flip-flops D


-Dn propagates to the Q-outputs of the flip-flops D


-Dn, respectively. If there are no delays between the Q-outputs and the D-inputs of consecutive flip-flops in the chain


, then per every clock pulse or triggering edge, data at the D-inputs of the flip-flops propagates to the D-inputs of the next flip-flops in the chain


. It is desired that the clock pulse or triggering edge of the clock occur at the same time (or are in-phase) at the inputs of all the flip-flops, in order for the data as a whole to propagate together down the chain



The problem with the data propagating chain


is that with the clock distribution network


shown in

FIG. 1

, the triggering edge or pulse of the clock does not reach all the clock inputs of the flip-flops at the same time. This results in the data not properly propagating as a whole through the chain; a condition generally termed in the art as “clock skew.” To illustrate the problem of clock skew, assume that the time delay for data to propagate from the Q-output of a flip-flop to the D-input of the next flip-flop in the chain is given by ΔT


. Also, for this example, because the clock distribution network


shown in

FIG. 1

requires the clock to propagate a longer length to reach the clock inputs of the flip-flops down the chain


, assume that the time difference of clock at the clock inputs of consecutive flip-flops is given by ΔT



Given the above assumptions for the example, if the time delay ΔT


for the data to propagate from the Q-output of flip-flop D


to the D-input of flip-flop D


is more than the time difference ΔT


of the clock at the clock inputs of such flip-flops, then triggering edge of the clock it the clock input of flip-flop D


will clock the current data at its D-input to its Q-output before the next data (the data that propagated through flip-flop D


) propagates to the D-input of flip-flop D


. This is the desired result, that the next data does not propagate to the D-input of the next flip-flop before that flip-flop is clocked for the current data.

However, with the clock distribution network


shown in

FIG. 1

, problems occur for flip-flops down the chain


. For instance, the time delay of the clock to reach the clock input of flip-flop D


is given by 2ΔT


. Assume now that the time delay ΔT


is smaller than the time delay 2ΔT


, then the data that propagated through flip-flop D


will reach the data input of flip-flop D


before it is clocked. Thus, instead of the current data propagating through flip-flop D


for that triggering time, the next data propagates through flip-flop D


, thereby, losing the current data for flip-flop D


. This results in the data as a whole improperly propagating down the chain


. Thus, it is desirable that the clock distribution network be designed so that the flip-flops, or more generally, the clock recipient elements be clocked at substantially the same time to reduce or eliminate the effects of clock skew.

Referring now to

FIG. 2

, a block diagram of a prior art clock distribution network


formed on an ASIC substrate


is shown that reduces or eliminates the problem of clock skew. The prior art clock distribution network


reduces the clock skew problem by attempting to cause the phase of the clock signal at the clock inputs of all the clock recipient elements in the ASIC to be substantially the same. The clock distribution network


is generally referred in the relevant art as a “balanced clock tree,” and therefore, will be referred to as such hereinafter.

The balanced clock tree


shown in

FIG. 2

includes a main buffer


for receiving a clock signal from a clock source


, and used as an initial driving stage for supplying the clock signal to the clock recipients of the ASIC. The output of the main buffer


is coupled to an H-shaped conductive tree structure


that is used as an initial conduit for the clock to propagate through to reach the clock recipients. The H-shaped conductive tree structure


includes an initial entry wide conductive line


(or entry conductive line, for short) having a first end coupled to the output of the main buffer


and a second opposite end connected to the middle of the mid-section conductive branch


of H-tree conductive structure. The ends of the mid-section conductive branch


connect to the middle of the outer conductive branches




of the H-tree conductive structure


. Each of the ends of the outer conductive branches




is coupled to a buffer tree-network


, which is, in turn, coupled to the clock recipients



The H-tree conductive structure


including the entry conductive line


are designed so that the phase of the clock signal as it is split by the H-tree structure are substantially the same at the ends of the outer conductive branches




, or alternatively, at the points in which the buffer tree-networks


connect to the H-tree structure. This is accomplished by forming the H-tree structure


on a substrate


that has substantially uniform dielectric constant, and by having the same conductive line lengths from the output of the main buffer


to the ends of the outer conductive branches




, or alternatively, at the points that the buffer tree-networks


connect to the H-tree structure.

For instance, in the example balanced clock tree


shown in

FIG. 2

, the clock signal generated at the output of the main buffer


initially undergoes a phase shift of Δφ


as it propagates through the entry conductive line


. When the clock signal encounters the mid-section conductive line


of the H-tree structure


, it splits the clock signal into two clock signals, each propagating towards respective outer conductive lines




. The two clock signals each undergo a phase shift Δφ


after propagating through the mid-section conductive line


of the H-tree structure


since the length of the mid-section line is the same on both sides of the entry conductive line



When the two clock signals reach the outer conductive lines




, they both split into four clock signals, each propagating towards respective ends of the outer conductive lines, or alternatively, towards the points in which the buffer tree-networks


connect to the H-tree structure


. When the clock signals reach these points from the middle of respective outer conductive lines




, they would have undergone a phase shift Δφ


. Thus, the phases of the clock signals at the respective buffer tree-network are substantially the same since they would have all undergone a total phase shift of:









Referring now to

FIG. 3

, a schematic and block diagram of a prior art buffer tree-network



FIG. 2

is shown. The buffer tree-network


provides for further levels of driving stages for driving the clock signal to each of the clock recipients


of the ASIC. Like the H-tree conductive structure


, the buffer tree-network


is also designed to distribute the clock signal so that the phases of the clock signal at the clock inputs of all the clock recipients are substantially the same.

In more detail, the buffer tree-network


may comprise of one or more levels of parallel buffers. In the example shown in

FIG. 3

, there are N-levels of parallel buffers. The level




are the first level of buffers which initially drives the clock signal that is received at the ends of the outer conductive lines




of the H-tree conductive structure


. If there are two levels of buffers in the ASIC, then the output of the level


buffers are coupled to the inputs of the level




. If there are more than two levels of buffers in the ASIC, then the outputs of the buffers at one level are coupled to the inputs of the buffers at the consecutive level. In other words, the output of a buffer at one level is coupled to the inputs of several buffers in the next level, and so on to meet the ASIC clock signal load.

The buffer tree-network


further includes a clock routing network for each level of parallel buffers. For instance, a level


clock routing network


is included that routes the clock signal from the ends of the outer conductive lines




of the H-tree conductive structure


to the inputs of the level




. If there are two levels of buffers, then a level


clock routing network


is included for routing the clock signal from the outputs of the level




to the inputs of the level




. If there are more then two levels of buffers, then there is a clock routing network for each level of buffers for routing the clock signal from the output of buffers at one level to the inputs of buffers at the consecutive level.

Each of the clock routing networks routes the clock signal to the inputs of the next level buffers in a manner that the phases of the clock signals at such inputs are substantially the same. For instance, level


clock routing network


routes the clock signal from the ends of the outer conductive lines




to the inputs of the level




in a manner that the phases of the clock signals at the inputs of the buffers are substantially the same. The level


clock routing network likewise routes the clock signals from the outputs of the level




to the inputs of the level




in a manner that the phases of the clock signals are substantially the same at the inputs of the level


buffers; and so on, in the same manner for all other clock routing networks pertaining to the other levels of buffers



The level


clock routing network


, which is shown in more detail in

FIG. 3

than the other clock routing networks, is used herein as an example of one manner of routing the clock signals so that their phases at the inputs of the buffers at one level are substantially the same. The other levels of clock routing network can be routed in such a similar manner. In one manner, the level


clock routing network


attempts to equalize the clock signal phase at the buffer input by having the conductive line lengths from the ends of the outer conductive lines




of the H-tree conductive network


to the inputs of the level


buffers to be substantially the same. For instance, the conductive line length from node


(the point in which the level


clock routing network


connects to the H-tree conductive structure


) to the inputs of buffers






which are taken off of nodes




′ are substantially the same, and results in a phase shift of the clock signal given by:













Similarly, the conductive line lengths from node


to the inputs of buffers






are substantially the same, and produces a phase shift of the clock signal given by:











In order for the phase of the clock signal to be the same at the inputs of buffers












, the following relationship holds:







Thus, if the ASIC layout permits, the clock routing networks can be designed to provide substantially the same conductive line lengths from the point at which the H-tree conductive structure


connects to the level


clock routing network to each input of the level




. The same technique can be used for the other clock routing networks, such as level


clock routing network


, so that the conductive line lengths from the output of one of the i'th level buffer to the inputs of the level (i+1) buffers are all substantially the same.

Sometimes, however, it may be difficult because of layout reasons to provide a conductive line of a sufficient length to equalize the clock signal phases at the inputs of the buffers. To illustrate this, assume for example that the phase shift from node


to the input of the buffer



is of sufficient length to provide the proper phase of the clock signal at the buffer's input. That is, the phase shift of the clock signal from node


to the input of buffer



is given by:







In order for the clock signal phase at the input of buffer



to be equalized with the clock signal at the inputs of buffers












, the following relationship holds:













Also assume that the conductive line length between node


and the input of the buffer



is of insufficient length to cause the clock signal to undergo the proper phase shift. Specifically, because of layout reasons, assume that the conductive line between node


and the input of the buffer



cannot be made any longer in order to produce the desired phase shift of the clock signal. In other words, the following relationship holds:





To solve this problem of an insufficient conductive line length, a current load


is connected to the output of buffer



. The effects of the current load


on the clock signal causes it to undergo an additional phase shift Δφ


because it effects the buffer driving response. In order to equalize the clock phase at the output of the buffer



with that of the outputs of the other buffers of the same level, the current load is made of sufficient size that the additional phase shift Δφ


results in the clock phase at the output of buffer



to be equalized with the others. In other words, the following relationship holds:

















Therefore, by varying the length of the conductive lines to each of the input of the buffers and also employing current loads when the conductive lines cannot be made any longer because, for example, of layout reasons, the clock routing networks can be designed to provide substantially the same phase of the clock signal at the output of the buffers of the same level. This can be done for all levels of buffers so that the phases of the clock signal at the output of the N'th level buffers are substantially the same. This is assuming, of course, that each of the buffer in the buffer tree-network


causes the clock signal to undergo substantially the same phase shift.

Referring now to

FIG. 4

, a schematic diagram of a group of clock recipients


, or more specifically, a chain of D flip-flops (D




) is shown, wherein the flip-flops are driven by one of the N'th level buffers of the buffer tree-network


by way of a recipient clock routing network


. The clock routing network


is similar to the clock routing networks of the buffer tree-network


in that it routes the clock signal from the output of one of the N'th buffers to the clock inputs of the clock recipients (D flip-flops D




) so that the phases of the clock signal at each of the clock inputs of the clock recipients are substantially the same. In the example shown in

FIG. 4

, this can be done by designing the clock routing network so that the following phase-shift relationship holds:













In summary, the balanced clock tree


routes the clock signal in an ASIC in a manner that the phases of the clock signals at the clock inputs of the clock recipients are substantially the same. This is done by providing an H-tree conductive structure


for providing the initial distribution of the clock signal from the ASIC clock input to the inputs of the buffer tree-networks


in a manner that the phases of the clock signal thereat are substantially the same. The buffer tree-network


includes clock routing networks (e.g.,




) for providing the clock signal to the buffers in a manner that the phases of the clock signal at the output of each of the buffer within one level are substantially the same. Another similar clock routing network is provided at the output of the last level of buffers so that the clock signal is provided to the clock input of the clock recipients in a manner that the phases of the clock signal thereat are substantially the same. This type of clock distribution reduces the adverse effects of clock skew.

Although the balanced clock tree


is useful for reducing clock skew problems, there may be disadvantage to it when the number of clock recipients in an ASIC becomes large. One disadvantage of the balanced clock tree is that when the number of clock recipient becomes large, problems such as ground bounce and V


noise results. This is because a large number of clock recipients are being clocked at substantially the same time. The result is that it takes a relatively large current to clock all those clock recipients at substantially the same time. This large current causes the ASIC ground to jump in voltage during clocking; a condition known as ground bounce. The same large current during clocking also results in the V


voltage supply to drop during clocking of the clock recipients, which causes noise on the V



Another disadvantage is that it becomes increasingly difficult to layout or balance the clock distribution network when the number of clock recipient becomes large. Many ASIC design ECAD systems perform the layout and the balancing of the clock distribution network during the physical design stage of design, which may prove to be too late for effective balancing of the clock distribution network when the number of clock recipient becomes very large.

Furthermore, another disadvantage of the prior art clock distribution network and the design method is the possibility of unused cycle time. For example,

FIG. 5

shows registers






with logic blocks




which form the data propagation paths between the registers. Logic block


is placed in between registers




, and the logic block


is placed in between registers




. For illustration purposes, the following facts are assumed. The data propagation path between the registers




requires 5 ns of clock cycle time to transmit the data from register


to register


, and the data propagation path between registers




, which is the longest data path in the ASIC, requires 7 ns of clock cycle time to transmit the data from register


to register


. Since the data propagation path between registers




requires 7 ns of clock cycle time, the chip level clock cycle time has to be at least 7 ns in order to match the delay in the data propagation path between registers




, which is the longest data propagation path in the ASIC. If the chip level clock cycle time is shorter than 7 ns, then the data from register


would not have enough time to reach register


for the proper propagation of the data because the data propagation path between registers




takes at least 7 ns to travel. Because the prior art clock distribution network


reduces the clock skew problem by attempting to clock the clock recipients at the same time by causing the phase of the clock signal at the clock inputs of all the clock recipient elements in the ASIC to be substantially the same, the chip level clock cycle time has to be at least as long as the delay in the longest data propagation path in the ASIC for proper data propagation. In the example shown above, 2 ns of clock cycle time is wasted for registers




because the data propagation path between registers




takes 7 ns while the data propagation path between registers




takes only 5 ns of clock cycle time. Registers




have to wait idly for additional 2 ns until register


receives its data from register



Therefore, there is a need for methods and computer-aided design tools for planning the clock distribution network in the conceptual design phase of the ASIC devices to reduce clock skew, ground bounce, VDD noise and idle clock cycle time, and avoid the difficulty of balancing the clock distribution network in the latter stages of the ASIC design.


It is an object of the present invention to provide methods for planning the clock distribution network in the conceptual design phase of the ASIC devices and computer-aided design tools implementing the methods, which obviate for practical purposes the above mentioned limitations.

According to an embodiment of the invention, a clock distribution network for an integrated circuit is designed by partitioning the technology-independent description of the integrated circuit into partitioned groups based on the clocking time of the clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups. In addition, a clock budgeting plan is generated by creating target timing groups based on the number of distinct switching or clocking times of the clock recipients in the partitioned groups and assigning each of the partitioned groups to one of the target timing groups based on the clocking time of the clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups. The clock recipients in each of the target timing groups clock together at a substantially same time and clock recipients in different target groups clock at different times. The clock distribution network is then created based on the clock budgeting plan such that the clock distribution network provides a clock signal to clock recipients in each of the target timing groups in a manner that the clock recipients in each of the target timing groups are clocked together at a substantially same time.

In particular embodiments of the present invention, maximum allowable data propagation times between the clock recipients are calculated based on the assigned target timing group of each of the clock recipients, and the logic blocks forming the data propagation paths are modified based on the calculated maximum allowable propagation times. Generally, the logic blocks are modified by adding an extra logic level or by reducing the number of gates in the logic blocks. In addition, the clocking or switching time of the clock recipients is changed by switching the clock recipients from one target timing group to another target timing group or by creating a new target timing group for the clock recipients changing the switching time, and such changing of the clocking time may modify the data propagation time between the clock recipients, the clock budgeting plan, and, consequently, the technology-independent description. A gate-level description of the circuit is generated from the modified technology-independent description, and the gate level descriptions of each of the clock recipients are mapped into an appropriate target timing group in the clocking budgeting plan. The clock distribution network is then created based on the possibly modified clock budgeting plan such that the clock distribution network provides a clock signal to clock recipients in each of the target timing groups in a manner that the clock recipients in each of the target timing groups are clocked together at a substantially same time.

Other features and advantages of the invention will become apparent from the following detailed description, taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings which illustrate, by way of example, various features of embodiments of the invention.


The above-mentioned objects and other objects and features of the invention and the manner of attaining them will become apparent, and the invention itself will be best understood by reference to the following description of the preferred embodiments of the invention taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, wherein:

FIG. 1

is a schematic and block diagram of a prior art chain of D fliplops having data clocked therethrough by a common clock source, shown for the purpose of describing the effects of clock skew.

FIG. 2

is a schematic and block diagram of a prior art balanced clock tree used for reducing the effects of clock skew.

FIG. 3

is a schematic and block diagram of a prior art buffer network or tree as an element of the prior art balanced clock tree of

FIG. 2

, wherein the buffer network or tree distributes the clock signal to clock recipient elements in a manner that it reduces clock skew.

FIG. 4

is a prior art chain of D flip-flops being driven by one of the buffers of the buffer network or tree of

FIG. 3

, wherein the clock signal distribution from the buffer output to the inputs of the flip-flops are configured to reduce clock skew.

FIG. 5

is a diagram showing registers and logic blocks forming the data propagation paths between the registers.

FIG. 6

is a flow diagram for illustrating integrated circuit design according to a preferred embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 7

is a breakdown of a clock budgeting plan according to a preferred embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 8

is a diagram showing clock recipients and a logic block forming a data propagation path between the clock recipients.

FIG. 9

is a clock distribution network created based on a clock budgeting plan according to a preferred embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 10

is a block diagram of a general-purpose computer system, representing one suitable computer platform for implementing the methods of the invention.


FIG. 6

illustrates a flow diagram for providing an overview of ASIC chip design according to preferred embodiments of the present invention. It should be understood that the description contained herein are in terms of a suite of software “blocks” that can be run on any suitable computer system.

In step


, an IC system design specification is prepared. The preparation in step


consists of system or device specification and may include functional specifications of subsystem elements, timing specifications and I/O requirements, and power, package and interface requirements. At this initial step of the design cycle, the desired system design is described in the highest level of abstraction.

In step


, a technology-independent description is produced by formulating a behavioral description of the circuit's desired behavior in a high-level hardware description language (HDL), such as VHDL or Verilog-HDL. Instead of being formulated in a behavioral description, the technology-independent description can also be formulated in a register-transfer level (RTL) description of the circuit in terms of predesigned functional blocks, such as memories and registers. The technology-independent description consists of functional description of the design and all of its subsystem elements that satisfy the IC design specification prepared in step



In step


, the technology-independent description formulated in step


is functionally partitioned into separate modules that will make the overall synthesis, analysis and verification tasks more manageable. The partitioning process consults technology files containing packaging, I/O capabilities and other technology-dependent information to optimally partition the design.

After the technology-independent description has been functionally partitioned into separate modules in step


, step


creates a clock budgeting plan by partitioning the technology-independent description into separate, distinct groups based on the switching or clocking time of the clock recipients (e.g., flip-flops, registers, latches, etc.) in each of the partitioned groups, creating distinct target timing groups based on the number of distinct switching or clocking times of the clock recipients in the partitioned groups, and assigning each of the partitioned groups to one of the target timing groups based on the switching or clocking time of the clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups. In other words, the technology-independent description is partitioned by clustering or grouping clock recipients which switch or clock at the same time such that the clock recipients in each of the target timing groups switch or clock at the same time while the clock recipients in different target timing groups switch at different times. For example, if one group of clock recipients is clocking at time t1 and another group of clock recipients is clocking at time t2, the group of clock recipients clocking at t1 is assigned to target timing group t1, while the group of clock recipients clocking at t2 is assigned to target timing group t2 different from target timing group t1. Thus, the clock budgeting plan is generated by assigning a certain target timing group to a group of clock recipients which clock at the same time and assigning another target timing group to another group of clock recipients which clock at the same time but at a different time from the clock recipients in other target timing groups. Therefore, clock recipients in one target timing group switch or clock at a different time from clock recipients in another target time group.

Generally, the number of target timing groups is initially equal to the number of distinct switching or clocking times of the clock recipients in the partitioned groups. However, that number may change later depending on the possible design changes. The clock budgeting plan lists each of the partitioned technologyindependent descriptions under an appropriate target timing group. Since the clock budgeting plan is generated based on the switching time of the clock recipients, the partitioned target time groups may or may not correspond to the functionally partitioned modules created in step



Furthermore, the clock recipients in each of the target time groups can be further divided into sub-groups based on the functionality, locality or other constraints imposed by the designer. For example, one group of clock recipients used in multiplication may switch at the same time as another group of clock recipients used in signal processing. Since the both groups switch at the sametime, the clock recipients in the both groups will be placed under the same target timing group. However, because each group of clock recipients is used for different functions, it may be more convenient to divide each group into separate sub-groups within the same target timing group.

FIG. 7

shows a break down of a clock budgeting plan


with target timing groups








in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. Target timing group


is further divided into sub-groups






based upon any one of the various constraints mentioned previously (e.g., functionality).

FIG. 7

also shows relative time line


with target timing groups








placed under relative time markers of 0, 1.5 ns, 2 ns and −2 ns, respectively. Clock budgeting plan


shows that the clock recipients in target time group


switch or clock at a relative time of 0 while the clock recipients in groups






switch at a relative time of +1.5 ns, +2.0 ns and −2.0 ns, respectively. In other words, the clock recipients in group


switch or clock 1.5 ns after the clock recipients in group


, and the clock recipients in group


switch 2 ns after the clock recipients in group


, whereas, the clock recipients in group


switch 2 ns before the clock recipients in group


, which means that the clock recipients in group


switch 4 ns after the clock recipient in group


and so on. The clock recipients in sub-groups






, which are part of the target timing group


, all switch at the same time (i.e., at the relative time of 0). It should be noted that the clock budgeting plans in preferred embodiments of the present invention are not limited to the numbers and target timing groups illustrated in

FIG. 7

, but can include many other different combinations of target timing groups depending on the design specification of the ASIC chip.

In addition to relative timing, clock budgeting plan


discloses information regarding maximum allowable data propagation times between different groups of clock recipients. Assuming for illustration purposes that the chip level clock cycle time is 10 ns, clock budgeting plan


discloses the following about the maximum allowable data propagation time. As discussed above, group


switches 1.5 ns after group


or its sub-groups






. This means that on a given incoming clock cycle time of 10 ns, the maximum allowable data propagation time from the clock recipients in group


to clock recipients in group


is 11.5 ns because the clock recipients in group


switch 1.5 ns after the clock recipients in group


(10 ns of clock cycle time when clock recipients in both groups are able to receive data +1.5 ns delay time=11.5 ns). In other words, the logic block forming the data propagation path between the clock recipients in group


and group


has to allow the data from group


to propagate through the block to group


within 11.5 ns. Similarly, the maximum allowable data propagation time from clock recipients in group


to clock recipients in group


is 10.5 ns since clock recipients in group


switch 0.5 ns after the clock recipients in group


. The same fact holds true for other data propagation times. On the other hand, the maximum allowable data propagation time from clock recipients in group


to clock recipients in group


(i.e., the data is going from group


to group


) is 8.5 ns because the clock recipients in group


switch 1.5 ns earlier than the clock recipients in group


. Similarly, the maximum allowable data propagation time from group


to group


is only 8 ns since group


switches 2 ns before group


. The above example illustrates the following important fact: the chip level clock cycle time can be made shorter than the longest data propagation time by utilizing a clock budgeting plan. In the prior art circuits and methods, the chip level clock cycle time had to be at least as long as the longest data propagation time because all of the clock recipients had to switch at a same time. However, in preferred embodiments of the present invention, the chip level clock cycle time can be made shorter than the longest data propagation time by creating a clock budgeting plan which partitions the technology-independent description into separate target timing groups and allowing clock recipients in different target timing groups to switch at different times. As a result, the clock budgeting plan allows the designer of the ASIC to have the option to plan and create data propagation paths that take longer than the chip level clock cycle time. Consequently, the overall speed of the ASIC chip can be increased because the chip level clock cycle time can be made shorter than the longest data propagation path.

The clock budgeting plan offers other advantages in addition to shorter chip level clock cycle time.

FIG. 8

shows clock recipients


which is a part of target timing group


, clock recipients


which is a part of target timing group


and a logic block


which forms the data propagation path that receives data from clock recipients


and transmits the data to clock recipients


. Logic block


can be a multiplier, an adder, a signal processor or any other types of logic gate blocks. As stated above, because clock recipients


switch or clock 1.5 ns after clock recipients


, the maximum data propagation time from clock recipients


to clock recipients


is 11.5 ns, instead of being equal to the chip level clock cycle time of 10 ns. Therefore, extra 1.5 ns has been gained in the data propagation time. Consequently, the extra 1.5 ns gives the designer the flexibility or the option of adding more logic levels to logic block


or adding more functionality to logic block


because the designer has extra 1.5 ns of data propagation time. For example, if logic block


is a multiplier, the designer can add an adding function to logic block


. In addition to adding more functionality, the designer can realize same functionality with fewer number of gates. For example, if logic block


is a very fast multiplier with 10,000 gates, the designer can instead employ a slower multiplier with fewer number of gates such as a multiplier with 5000 gates because the data has extra 1.5 ns to propagate through logic block


. The same fact holds true for logic blocks between other clock recipients such as the logic block that forms the data propagation path from the clock recipients in target timing group


to the clock recipients in target timing group



In addition to the above mentioned advantages, the clock budgeting plan offers the designer extra flexibility of easily modifying the design of the ASIC. The clock budgeting plan can be modified by shifting clock recipients in one target timing group to another target timing group to gain extra data propagation time. For


example, the clock recipients in sub-groups




shown in

FIG. 7

switch at the same time, which means that the data propagation time from sub-group


to sub-group


has to be less than or equal to the chip level clock cycle time of 10 ns. However, if it is determined that the data propagation path from sub-group


to sub-group


needs to be longer than the clock cycle time in order to accommodate more logic levels or to decrease the number of gates used, for example, sub-group


can be moved from target timing group


to another target timing group that switches after target timing group


such as target timing groups




. Instead of switching to another target timing group, a new target timing group, which clocks after target timing group


, can be formed for the clock recipients in sub-group


. On the other hand, if the designer wants to increase the processing speed of a particular operation and the data path between the clock recipients used in the operation takes less time than the chip level clock cycle time, the designer can move the clock recipients in one target timing group to another target timing group that switches before the present target timing group. The designer is able to manipulate the clock budgeting plan in order to increase or decrease the data propagation time between the groups of clock recipients so that the desired behavior of the ASIC is achieved. However, it may be necessary to modify the technology-independent description if any change is made to the clock budgeting plan or to the logic blocks forming the data propagation paths between the clock recipients. It is again noted that the preferred embodiments of the present invention are not just limited to the numbers and examples given above which are used for illustrative purposes.

Referring back to

FIG. 6

, the resulting technology-independent description, which may have been modified by manipulating the clock budgeting plan, is simulated in step


to ensure that it conforms to the desired behavioral description.

In step


, a gate-level, technology dependent description is synthesized based on the technology-independent description from step


by preferably running an automated synthesis tool on the technology-independent description. During step


, physically realizable gates and clock recipients such as flip-flops, latches and registers are selected from a pre-defined library


and are interconnected in a manner so as to satisfy the relationships and to perform the processing defined by the technology-independent description. Preferably, step


utilizes pre-defined user design constraints


which have been formulated in an effort to enhance the feasibility of the design, particularly with respect to problems which might otherwise not be discovered until later in the design cycle. The gate level description is usually given in the form of a net list from which a device can be automatically physically created.

In step


, after each of the clock recipients is specifically identified in step


during the gate-level description synthesis, each of the clock recipients is exactly mapped into an appropriate target timing group in the clock budgeting plan. For example, in

FIG. 7

, clock recipients which switch at a relative time of 0 are included in target timing group


, so any clock recipients identified in the gate-level description as switching at a relative time of 0 are listed under target timing group


. If flip-flops identified as f


, f


and f


switch at a relative time of 0, the flip-flops are listed under or mapped into target timing group


. Every identified clock recipients in the gate-level description is mapped into an appropriate target timing group in the clock budgeting plan. Therefore, the clock budgeting plan will list every identified clock recipients under an appropriate target timing group based on the switching or clocking time of the clock recipients.

In gate-level verification step


, a computer simulation is run to test the circuit design synthesized during gate-level synthesis step


. The goals of this simulation are to determine whether all performance criteria have been met and whether any timing or other circuit errors will occur in response to a variety of different input signals and conditions. Upon completion of gate-level verification step


, the netlist from the gate-level description is provided to physical design step



It should be noted that while the foregoing design cycle is preferred, variations of the foregoing may also be used, as will be apparent to those skilled in the art. In addition, although the foregoing design process is described and shown in

FIG. 6

as being purely sequential, many times one or more of the steps will need to be repeated. That is, if the design is found to be unfeasible at one step, an earlier step might need to be re-executed to correct the problem. For example, it might occur that in step


a gate-level description can not be generated to satisfy the technology-independent description requirements using the available technology library, while at the same time maintaining the user's design constraints. In this case, the technology-independent description and the clock budgeting plan may need to be redesigned in order to achieve a feasible design. Finally, within a given step testing will very often be performed in order to verify that the design is feasible and meets all required criteria.

In physical design step


, the netlist generated in step


and verified in step


is mapped to information for physically implementing the corresponding circuit on an IC die. The objective of physical design is to determine an optimal arrangement of devices in a plane or in a three-dimensional space, and an efficient interconnection or routing scheme between the devices to obtain the desired functionality. One goal of physical design step


is to implement the design using minimum chip area. Other factors considered during physical design include thermal generation, power/ground noise, electromagnetic effects and the number of metal layers available for wire routing. Upon completion of physical design, the design is again tested for feasibility.



produces a set of design files in an unambiguous representation known as an intermediate form that describes the layout. The design files are then converted into pattern generator files that are used to produce patterns called masks by an optical or electron beam pattern generator.

During step


, a clock distribution network for the circuit is also created based on the clock budgeting plan. The clock distribution network uses segmented clock signal distribution method for clocking different clock recipients at different times as described in co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/934,418, titled “Segmented Clock Distribution Network and Method Therefor”, which application is incorporated herein by reference as though set forth herein in full.

The clock budgeting plan includes a listing of all of the clock recipients such that each of the clock recipients is listed under an appropriate target timing group based on the clocking time of the clock recipients, as discussed above. The clock distribution network is created based on the clock budgeting plan such that the clock distribution network provides a clock signal to clock recipients in each target timing group in a manner that the clock recipients in each target timing group are clocked together at a same time. For example, the clock distribution network provides a clock signal to a first group of clock recipients in a manner that the first group of clock recipients is clocked together at a time T


, for example, while the clock signal is provided to a second group of clock recipients in a manner that the second group of clock recipients is clocked together at a time T


that is different than the time T


when the first group of clock recipients is clocked. The clock distribution network can be easily implemented because the clock budgeting plan has already separated the clock recipients in the ASIC into distinct target timing groups.

The advantage of the above segmented clock signal distribution method using the clock budgeting plan over the prior art is that when the ASIC includes a relatively large number of clock recipients, substantial reduction in ground bounce and VDD noise are achieved if the clock recipients of the ASIC are not all clocked at the same time. With the prior art method, as explained earlier, a balanced clock tree is incorporated in an ASIC so that all the clock recipients of the ASIC are clocked at substantially the same time. The main concern for the prior art method of clocking all clock recipients of an ASIC at substantially the same time is reduction of clock skew. However, as the number of clock recipients in an ASIC grows to a relatively large number, the current required to clock all the clock recipients of an ASIC becomes relatively large. The large source current for the ASIC causes a voltage rise of the ASIC ground during clocking, which results in the adverse effect of ground bounce. Also, this large surge of source current during clocking also adversely affects the V


supply source to the ASIC, thereby causing VDD noise. In addition, as the number of clock recipients grow in an ASIC, the design and layout of the balanced clock tree becomes increasingly difficult.

So, by dividing the clock recipients of the ASIC into a plurality of target timing groups which are each clocked at a distinct time, the amount of current required during any clocking of a group is substantially less. The less current required for clocking results in a substantial reduction in ground bounce and V


noise. In addition, if a balanced clock tree is used for routing the clock signal to one of the groups of clock recipients of the ASIC, then the design and layout of the balanced clock tree is not as difficult because that particular group of clock recipients consists of only a portion of the total clock recipients in the ASIC. In other words, less clock recipients, easier to design and layout a balanced clock tree. Including smaller balanced clock tree for each group of clock recipients, from a design standpoint, is much easier than including a large balanced clock tree for total clock recipients of an ASIC.

The preferred manner of achieving the difference in the timing of the clocking for the first and second groups of clock recipients is by providing the clock signal to the clock input of the clock recipients in the first group in a manner that it cycles at a relative phase different than that of the clock signal at the clock input of the second group of clock recipients. The preferred manner of having the clock signal cycles at a different relative phase at the clock input of each of the groups of clock recipients is by either delaying or phase-shifting the clock signal prior to it being applied to one of the groups of clock recipients. The delaying and phase-shifting, for example, can be performed by a conventional buffer or a driver. Also a small balanced clock tree can be used for each group of clock recipients so that the clock recipients for each group are clocked at substantially the same time. This reduces clock skew problems within each group. It shall be understood that the method can be applied to more than two groups of clock recipients, whereby each group are clocked at different times.

Referring now to

FIG. 9

, a clock diagram of a clock distribution network


implemented by using a clock budgeting plan in accordance with a preferred embodiment is shown. The clock distribution network


is particularly useful for routing the clock signal of an ASIC and is typically formed on the ASIC substrate


. The clock distribution network


may include two or more groups of clock distribution network and recipients, such as clock distribution groups






shown in

FIG. 9

for illustration purposes. Each of the clock distribution groups, which are derived from the target timing groups in the clock budgeting plan, includes a group of clock recipients and a smaller clock distribution network for routing the clock signal thereto in a manner that the clock recipients within a group are clocked at substantially the same time in order to reduce clock skew. Each of the clock distribution group includes a common clock input for receiving the clock signal applied to the ASIC.

The clock distribution network


further includes a main buffer or driver


for initially receiving the clock signal and providing an initial driving stage for the clock signal. The output of the buffer or driver


is coupled to the clock input of the clock distribution group I


and to the input of a second buffer or driver


. The output of the second buffer or driver


is coupled to the clock input of the clock distribution group II


and to the input of a third buffer or driver


. The output of the third buffer or driver


is coupled to the clock input of the clock distribution group III


and to the input of yet another buffer if more clock distribution groups are needed.

In operation, each of the buffer or driver




causes the clock signal at their respective input to undergo a delay or phase shift as it is produced at their respective outputs. For this example, assume that the line length between the buffers and the clock input of the clock distribution network are negligible and do not affect the phase of the clock signal. Assuming that the relative phase of the clock signal at the output is given by a reference phase of φ


, then the relative phase of the clock signal at the output of buffers or drivers




are φ


and φ


, respectively, due to the phase shift of the clock signal caused by the buffers or drivers. As a result of these phase shifts, the clock signal at the clock inputs of clock distribution groups I, II and III (






) have relative phases of φ


, φ


, and φ


. If the relative phases φ


, φ


, and φ


are different, the clock recipients within each of the distribution groups will be clocked at different times. This results in the reduction of ground bounce and V


noise. Although the preferred manner of achieving the delay or phase shift in the clock signal is by use of buffers or drivers, it shall be understood that other devices that causes delays or phase shift in the clock signal may also be used.

Generally, the methods described herein with respect to IC design will be practiced with a general purpose computer, either with a single processor or multiple processors. The methods described herein will also be generally implemented in an ECAD system running on a general purpose computer.

FIG. 10

is block diagram of a general purpose computer system, representing one of many suitable computer platforms for implementing the methods described above.

FIG. 10

shows a general purpose computer system


in accordance with the present invention. As shown in

FIG. 10

, computer system


includes a central processing unit (CPU)


, read-only memory (ROM)


, random access memory (RAM)


, expansion RAM


, input/output (I/O) circuitry


, display assembly


, input device


, and expansion bus


. Computer system


may also optionally include a mass storage unit


such as a disk drive unit or nonvolatile memory such as flash memory and a real-time clock





is coupled to ROM


by a data bus


, control bus


, and address bus




contains the basic operating system for the computer system




is also connected to RAM


by busses




, and


. Expansion RAM


is optionally coupled to RAM


for use by CPU




is also coupled to the I/O circuitry


by data bus


, control bus


, and address bus


to permit data transfers with peripheral devices.

I/O circuitry


typically includes a number of latches, registers and direct memory access (DMA) controllers. The purpose of I/O circuitry


is to provide an interface between CPU


and such peripheral devices as display assembly


, input device


, and mass storage



Display assembly


of computer system


is an output device coupled to I/O circuitry


by a data bus


. Display assembly


receives data from I/O circuitry


via bus


and displays that data on a suitable screen.

The screen for display assembly


can be a device that uses a cathode-ray tube (CRT), liquid crystal display (LCD), or the like, of the types commercially available from a variety of manufacturers. Input device


can be a keyboard, a mouse, a stylus working in cooperation with a position-sensing display, or the like. The aforementioned input devices are available from a variety of vendors and are well known in the art.

Some type of mass storage


is generally considered desirable. However, mass storage


can be eliminated by providing a sufficient mount of RAM


and expansion RAM


to store user application programs and data. In that case, RAMs




can optionally be provided with a backup battery to prevent the loss of data even when computer system


is turned off. However, it is generally desirable to have some type of long term mass storage


such as a commercially available hard disk drive, nonvolatile memory such as flash memory, battery backed RAM, PC-data cards, or the like.

A removable storage read/write device


may be coupled to I/O circuitry


to read from and to write to a removable storage media


. Removable storage media


may represent, for example, a magnetic disk, a magnetic tape, an opto-magnetic disk, an optical disk, or the like. Instructions for implementing the inventive method may be provided, in one embodiment, to a network via such a removable storage media.

In operation, information is input into the computer system


by typing on a keyboard, manipulating a mouse or trackball, or “writing” on a tablet or on position-sensing screen of display assembly




then processes the data under control of an operating system and an application program, such as a program to perform steps of the inventive method described above, stored in ROM


and/or RAM




then typically produces data which is output to the display assembly


to produce appropriate images on its screen.

Expansion bus


is coupled to data bus


, control bus


, and address bus


. Expansion bus


provides extra ports to couple devices such as network interface circuits, modems, display switches, microphones, speakers, etc. to CPU


. Network communication is accomplished through the network interface circuit and an appropriate network.

Suitable computers for use in implementing the present invention may be obtained from various vendors. Various computers, however, may be used depending upon the size and complexity of the OPC tasks. Suitable computers include mainframe computers, multiprocessor computers, workstations or personal computers. In addition, although a general purpose computer system has been described above, a special-purpose computer may also be used.

It should be understood that the present invention also relates to machine readable media on which are stored program instructions for performing the methods of this invention. Such media includes, byway of example, magnetic disks, magnetic tape, optically readable media such as CD ROMs, semiconductor memory such as PCMCIA cards, etc. In each case, the medium may take the form of a portable item such as a small disk, diskette, cassette, etc., or it may take the form of a relatively larger or immobile item such as a hard disk drive or RAM provided in a computer.

Although the present invention has been described in detail with regarding the exemplary embodiments and drawings thereof, it should be apparent to those skilled in the art that various adaptations and modifications of the present invention may be accomplished without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. Accordingly, the invention is not limited to the precise embodiment shown in the drawings and described in detail hereinabove.

  • 1. A method of designing a clock distribution network for an integrated circuit comprising the following steps:partitioning a description of the integrated circuit into separate functional modules; and generating a clock budgeting plan.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein said description is a technology-independent description.
  • 3. The method of claim 1 wherein the step of generating a clock budgeting plan comprises the following steps:partitioning the description of the integrated circuit into partitioned groups based on a clocking time of clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups; creating a target timing group for each distinct clocking time of each of the partitioned groups; and assigning each of the partitioned groups to one target timing group wherein each target timing group has a corresponding relative clock phase that differs from that of every other target timing group for at least one of avoiding ground bounce and Vdd noise, reducing clock cycle time, and increasing data propagation time beyond the chip level clock cycle time.
  • 4. The method of claim 3, wherein the clock recipients in each of the target timing groups clock at a substantially same time and clock recipients in different target timing groups clock at different times.
  • 5. The method of claim 3, wherein the target timing groups are created based on the number of distinct clocking times of the clock recipients in the partitioned groups.
  • 6. The method of claim 3, further comprising the following step:changing the clocking time of the clock recipients by creating an additional target timing group and assigning the clock recipients to the additional target timing group.
  • 7. The method of claim 3, further comprising the following step:dividing the clock recipients in each of the target timing groups into subgroups.
  • 8. The method of claim 3, further comprising the following step:calculating a maximum allowable data propagation time between clock recipients in the integrated circuit based on the assigned target timing group of each of the clock recipients.
  • 9. The method of claim 8, further comprising the following step:modifying designs of logic blocks between the clock recipients based on the maximum allowable data propagation time.
  • 10. The method of claim 9, wherein the designs of the logic blocks are modified by adding an extra level of logic to the logic blocks.
  • 11. The method of claim 9, wherein the designs of the logic blocks are modified by reducing the number of gates in the logic blocks.
  • 12. The method of claim 3, further comprising the following step:changing the clocking time of the clock recipients by switching the clock recipients from one target timing group to another target timing group to achieve a desired behavior of the integrated circuit.
  • 13. The method of claim 12, wherein the changing of the clocking time modifies data propagation times between the clock recipients, the clock budgeting plan and the technology-independent description.
  • 14. The method of claim 13, further comprising the following steps:generating a gate level-description from the modified technology-independent description; mapping the gate-level description of each of the clock recipients into an appropriate one of the target timing groups in the clock budgeting plan; and creating the clock distribution network based on the modified clock budgeting plan.
  • 15. The method of claim 3, further comprising the following step:generating a gate-level description of the circuit from the technology-independent description.
  • 16. The method of claim 15, further comprising the following step:mapping the gate-level description of each of the clock recipients into an appropriate one of the target timing groups in the clock budgeting plan.
  • 17. The method of claim 3, further comprising the following step:creating the clock distribution network based on the clock budgeting plan, wherein the clock distribution network provides a clock signal to clock recipients in each of the target timing groups in a manner that the clock recipients in each of the target timing groups are clocked together at a substantially same time.
  • 18. The method of claim 1, wherein the clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups switch at a substantially same time.
  • 19. The method of claim 1 wherein the step of generating a clock budgeting plan comprises creating data propagation paths between the clock recipients that propagate data in a time longer than a chip level clock cycle time of the integrated circuit.
  • 20. A method according to claim 1, wherein said clocking time of clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups is defined relative to said clocking time of clock recipients in another of the partitioned groups.
  • 21. A method for designing an electronic circuit having a clock distribution network on an integrated circuit die, said method comprising the following steps:generating a hardware description language (HDL) description of the circuit; partitioning the HDL description into partitioned groups based on a clocking time of clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups; and generating a clock budgeting plan.
  • 22. The method of claim 21 wherein the step of generating a clock budgeting plan comprises the following steps:creating target timing groups; and assigning each of the partitioned groups to one of the target timing groups based on the clocking time of the clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups wherein each of the target timing groups has a corresponding relative clock phase that differs from that of every other of the target timing groups.
  • 23. The method of claim 22, wherein the clock recipients in each of the target timing groups clock at a substantially same time and clock recipients in different target timing groups clock at different times.
  • 24. The method of claim 22, wherein the target timing groups are created based on the number of distinct clocking times of the clock recipients in the partitioned groups.
  • 25. The method of claim 22, further comprising the following step:changing the clocking time of the clock recipients by creating an additional target timing group and assigning the clock recipients to the additional target timing group.
  • 26. The method of claim 22, further comprising the following step:calculating maximum allowable data propagation times between clock recipients in the electronic circuit based on the assigned target timing group of each of the clock recipients.
  • 27. The method of claim 26, further comprising the following step:modifying designs of logic blocks between the clock recipients based on the maximum allowable data propagation times.
  • 28. The method of claim 27, wherein the designs of the logic blocks are modified by adding an extra level of logic to the logic blocks.
  • 29. The method of claim 27, wherein the designs of the logic blocks are modified by reducing the number of gates in the logic blocks.
  • 30. The method of claim 22, further comprising the following step:creating data propagation paths between the clock recipients which propagates data in a time longer than a chip level clock cycle time of the circuit.
  • 31. The method of claim 22, further comprising the following step:changing the clocking time of the clock recipients by switching the clock recipients from one target timing group to another target timing group.
  • 32. The method of claim 22, wherein the changing of the clocking time modifies data propagation times between the clock recipients, the clock budgeting plan and the HDL description.
  • 33. The method of claim 22, further comprising the following step:generating a gate-level description of the circuit from the HDL description.
  • 34. The method of claim 33, further comprising the following step:mapping the gate-level description of each of the clock recipients into an appropriate one of the target timing groups in the clock budgeting plan.
  • 35. The method of claim 32, further comprising the following steps:generating a gate level-description of the circuit from the modified HDL description; mapping a gate-level description of each of the clock recipients into an appropriate one of the target timing groups in the clock budgeting plan; and creating the clock distribution network based on the modified clock budgeting plan.
  • 36. The method of claim 22, further comprising the following step:creating the clock distribution network based on the clock budgeting plan, wherein the clock distribution network provides a clock signal to clock recipients in each of the target timing groups in a manner that the clock recipients in each of the target timing groups are clocked together at a substantially same time.
  • 37. A method according to claim 21, wherein said clocking time of clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups is defined relative to said clocking time of clock recipients in another of the partitioned groups.
  • 38. A method for synthesizing an electronic circuit description of a system from a technology-independent description of the system comprising the following steps:partitioning the technology-independent description into partitioned groups based on a clocking time of clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups; and generating a clock budgeting plan by assigning each of the partitioned groups to one target timing group based on the clocking time of the clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups wherein each target timing group has a corresponding relative clock phase that differs from that of every other target timing group.
  • 39. The method of claim 38, wherein the technology-independent description is written in a hardware description language.
  • 40. The method of claim 38, further comprising the following step:creating a clock distribution network based on the clock budgeting plan, wherein the clock distribution network provides a clock signal to clock recipients in each of the target timing groups in a manner that the clock recipients in each of the target timing groups are clocked together at a substantially same time.
  • 41. A method according to claim 38, wherein said clocking time of clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups is defined relative to said clocking time of clock recipients in another of the partitioned groups.
  • 42. An apparatus for synthesizing an electronic circuit description of a system from a technology-independent description of the system comprising:a processor for executing stored program instruction steps; and a memory connected to the processor for storing the program instruction steps wherein the program instruction steps include: partitioning the technology-independent description of the system into partitioned groups based on a clocking time of clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups; and generating a clock budgeting plan.
  • 43. An apparatus for synthesizing an electronic circuit description of a system from a technology-independent description of the system comprising:a processor for executing stored program instruction steps; and a memory connected to the processor for storing the program instruction steps wherein the program instruction steps include: partitioning the technology-independent description into partitioned groups based on a clocking time of clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups; and generating a clock budgeting plan by assigning each of the partitioned groups to one target timing group based on the clocking time of clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups wherein each target timing group has a corresponding relative clock phase that differs from that of every other target timing group.
  • 44. The apparatus of claim 43, wherein the program instruction steps further include creating a clock distribution network based on the clock budgeting plan, wherein the clock distribution network provides a clock signal to clock recipients in each of the target timing groups in a manner that the clock recipients in each of the target timing groups are clocked together at a substantially same time.
  • 45. The apparatus of claim 43, wherein the program instruction steps further include changing the clocking time of the clock recipients by switching the clock recipients from one target timing group to another target timing group.
  • 46. An ECAD system for synthesizing an electronic circuit description of a system from a technology-independent description of the system comprising:means for inputting the technology-independent description of the system; means for partitioning the technology-independent description into partitioned groups based on a clocking time of clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups; and means for generating a clock budgeting plan by assigning each of the partitioned groups to a target timing group based on the clocking time of clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups wherein each target timing group has a corresponding relative clock phase that differs from that of every other target timing group.
  • 47. The ECAD system of claim 46, further comprising:means for creating a clock distribution network based on the clock budgeting plan, wherein the clock distribution network provides a clock signal to clock recipients in each of the target timing groups in a manner that the clock recipients in each of the target timing groups are clocked together at a substantially same time.
  • 48. A method according to claim 46, wherein said clocking time of clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups is defined relative to said clocking time of clock recipients in another of the partitioned groups.
  • 49. Computer-executable process steps stored on a computer readable medium for synthesizing an electronic circuit description of a system from a technology-independent description of the system comprising:inputting the technology-independent description of the system; partitioning the technology-independent description into partition ed groups based on a clocking time of clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups; and generating a clock budgeting plan by assigning each of the partitioned groups to one target timing group based on the clocking time of clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups wherein each target timing group has a corresponding relative clock phase that differs from that of every other target timing group.
  • 50. The computer-executable process steps of claim 49, further comprising creating a clock distribution network based on the clock budgeting plan, wherein the clock distribution network provides a clock signal to clock recipients in each of the target timing groups in a manner that the clock recipients in each of the target timing groups are clocked together at a substantially same time.
  • 51. A method according to claim 49, wherein said clocking time of clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups is defined relative to said clocking time of clock recipients in another of the partitioned groups.
  • 52. Computer-executable process steps stored on a computer readable medium for synthesizing an electronic circuit description of a system from a hardware description language (HDL) description of the system comprising:inputting the HDL description of the system; partitioning the HDL description into partitioned groups based on a clocking time of clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups; and generating a clock budgeting plan by assigning each of the partitioned groups to one target timing group based on the clocking time of clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups wherein each target timing group has a corresponding relative clock phase that differs from that of every other target timing group.
  • 53. A method according to claim 52, wherein said clocking time of clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups is defined relative to said clocking time of clock recipients in another of the partitioned groups.
  • 54. A method of designing an electronic circuit having a clock distribution network on an integrated circuit die comprising the following steps:partitioning a description of the electronic circuit into partitioned groups based on a clocking time of clock recipients in each of the partitioned groups; and generating a clock budgeting plan.
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