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Crossley F.A. and Mondolfo L.F., (Dec. 1951), Transactions AIME, Mechanism of Grain Refinement in Aluminum Alloys, pp. 1143-1148. |
Guzowski M.M., Sigworth G.K., and Sentner D.A., (Apr. 1987), Metallurgical Transactions A, vol. 18A, The Role of Boron in the Grain Refinement of Aluminum with Titanium, pp.603-619. |
Jones G.P. and Pearson J., (Jun. 1976), Metallurgical Transactions B, vol. 7B, Factors Affecting the Grain-Refinement of Aluminum Using Titanium and Boron Additives, pp. 223-234. |
McCartney D.G. (1989), International Materials Reviews, vol. 34, No. 5, Grain Refining of Aluminum and its Alloys Using Inoculants, pp. 247-260 (no month given). |
Arnberg L., Bacerud L., and Klang H., (Jan. 1982), Metals Technology, Production and Properties of Master Allowys of Al-Ti-B Type and their Ability to Grain Refine Aluminum, pp. 1-6. |
Marcantonio J.A. and Mondolfo L.F., (Feb. 1971), Metallurgical Transactions, vol. 2, Grain Refinement in Aluminum Alloyed with Titanium and Boron, pp. 465-471. |
Banerji A. and Reif, W., (Dec. 1986), Metallurgical Transactions A, vol. 17A, Development of Al-Ti-C Grain Refiners Containing TiC, pp. 2127 to 2137. |