Provided is a method for treating a peripheral nervous system damage or injury, or for regenerating peripheral nervous system tissue that involves administering to a subject in need thereof a vector that comprises polynucleotide sequences that encode a modified vascular endothelia growth factor (VEGF) and a fibroblast growth factor (FGF2) and further a polynucleotide that encodes resistance to kanamycin. A gene-therapeutic structure encoding modified vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF) and (FGF-2) is also provided. The gene-therapeutic structure can be administered directly to a damaged nerve and paraneural tissues both in intraoperative and post-operative period to stimulate peripheral nerve regeneration. The structure and method significantly advance existing methods for reconstructive treatment for damaged peripheral nerves.
Field of Invention

The present invention is in the field of medicine and more specifically in the fields of neurosurgery, traumatology and maxillofacial surgery as applied to treatment of peripheral nerve injuries. These injuries are effectively treated with engineered recombinant nucleic acids. One example of such an engineered recombinant nucleic acid is a plasmid that encodes and expresses vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF2) when contacted with or transformed into a tissue.

Discussion of the Background

About 3-10% of the population sustains peripheral nervous system injuries [1-3]. Peripheral nerve injuries are a common cause of occupational disability and such injuries not only incapacitate numerous workers or working age individuals, but reduce the quality of life. Rehabilitation of a peripheral nerve injury can require a prolonged period of treatment including periods of a year or longer. Photographs of peripheral nervous system injuries and their symptoms are shown by the Figures.

Existing methods for treating peripheral nervous system injuries depend on the extent and nature of the injury in a particular individual including a mechanism of the injury, extent of the peripheral nervous system defect, distance from the location of the injury of the peripheral nerve to the innervated area, and the time elapsed between the injury and surgical intervention.

One type of the reconstructive treatment involves reconnection of the incised nerve ends by means of the end-to-end anastomosis. Peripheral nerve injuries are often accompanied by the formation of prolonged defects, thereby rendering this approach inapplicable. In such cases, autologous nerve grafting is the most appropriate option for repairing prolonged nerve defects. A nerve that is less functionally significant can be used as an autologous graft. Another treatment involves replacement of a peripheral nervous system tissue defect with various structures that create conditions for peripheral nerve regeneration, such as a tubular structure that is designed to replace an extended tissue defect and foster peripheral nerve regeneration. However, despite the advances in reconstructive techniques to restore the peripheral nerve integrity only a partial recovery of the function of an innervated extremity usually occurs even under the most favorable conditions.

These limitations of conventional modes of treating peripheral nervous system injuries necessitate a further search for new methods that enhance results of standard reconstructive treatment, reduce morbidity, disability and generally improve quality of patient's life.

One concept under study involves use of growth factors to induce regeneration of a peripheral nerve. This concept has resulted from the accumulation of knowledge about the roles various growth factors play in the natural process of peripheral nerve health, growth, and regeneration [4].

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is one of the well-studied growth factors that affect recovery of peripheral nerves. VEGF is one of the main regulators of angiogenesis and vasculogenesis. It is a disulfide-bound dimeric glycoprotein having an average molecular weight of 34-42 kDa. VEGF-A is a specific mitogen for endothelial cells (ECs) and induces their proliferation, activation, differentiation and formation of EC capillary tubules. These capillary tubules are further remodeled into mature blood vessels. VEGF also induces expression of antiapoptotic proteins and increases survival of ECs. Serious defects and improper development of the cardiovascular system occurs in animals where genes encoding VEGF have been deleted. These defects may be fatal.

A human VEGF is encoded by a gene located on the chromosomal locus 6p21.3. The coding region comprises about 14,000 bps. VEGF has several isoforms including VEGF 121, VEGF 145, VEGF 148, VEGF 165, VEGF 183, VEGF 189, and VEGF 206. These isoforms result from the alternative splicing of VEGF mRNA which consists of 8 exons. Different isoforms of VEGF have biochemical differences in the ability to bind heparin- and heparan-sulphate which permits them to traffic to different extracellular locations. Differences in biochemical properties or extracellular trafficking of human VEGF-A isoforms are attributable to the alternative splicing of exons 6 and 7, because all transcripts of the human VEGF-A gene contain exons 1-5 and 8.

VEGF had long been considered only as an inductor of angiogenesis and as a potential therapeutic agent for treatment of different disorders accompanied by tissue ischemia. However, new data on VEGF's neuroprotective properties for neurons of both the peripheral and central nervous systems have been obtained [5, 6]. VEGF stimulates proliferation of Schwann cells, astrocytes, microglia, and cortical neurons [7-10]. A significant increase of expression of VEGF and Flt-1 (VEGF type II receptor) in the lumbar spine in response to an injury was shown in a rat sciatic nerve crush injury model [11]. The axonal sprouting that manifests as the increased axon number in the conduit per a unit of the cross section area was observed when VEGF was used as a part of the matrigel filling in the conduit [12].

The use of VEGF-loaded poly-lactic acid microspheres in an autologous vein graft in a model of trauma with an extensive defect of fibular and tibial nerves was found to improve the nerve functional index and to increase the number of myelinated fibers in the graft [13].

VEGF has been shown to induce Schwann cell division and migration in a graft towards distal parts that correlates with the increased number of capillaries and myelinated fibers [14].

Introduction of VEGF in combination with a Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) into cavernosal bodies in a rat cavernous nerve injury model resulted in the recovery of the lost innervation and erectile function [15].

FGF is another growth factor that induces neurogenesis. FGF induces Schwann cell proliferation and migration in a peripheral nerve injury [16].

In experiments using animal models, it was shown that blocking receptors for FGF, Fgfr1 and Fgfr2, caused neuropathy of non-myelinating sensory fibers and significant impairment of the thermal pain sensitivity [17].

The use of bone marrow-derived stem cells in a peripheral nerve injury model resulted in increased FGF expression that induced migration and proliferation of Schwann cells [18].

In a thoracic spinal cord injury model, the use of FGF in a sciatic nerve graft promoted the improvement of the upper extremity motor function [19].

Therapeutic applications of growth factors, such as VEFG and FGF, were known to have a number of limitations. After the administration into the injury site the growth factors undergo rapid degradation and, therefore, their constant concentration cannot be maintained to achieve the desired therapeutic effect [20].

Gene therapy using vectors that express growth factors like VEGF had previously been performed. There are two main trends in gene therapy: (i) use of viral vectors and (ii) use of non-viral vectors. These different trends generally operate through different mechanisms of gene transfer. The use of viral vectors in the clinical setting, despite their high transfection activity, is limited due to the risk of insertional mutagenesis and potential induction of the inflammatory response and toxicity.

A safer method of gene transfer is based on the use of plasmid DNA. In a model of musculocutaneous nerve repair with end-to-end and end-to-side anastomosis, intraoperative administration of a DNA plasmid comprising a vegf gene into a distal region resulted in the significantly increased number of myelinated fibers per a unit of the cross-section area of the region distal to the anastomosis site that correlated with a significant increase of the VEGF concentration in Schwann cells [21].

A gene-therapeutic construction could be injected paraneurally. In a sciatic nerve injury model, plVEGF was administrated intramuscularly and was combined with a hyaluronic acid film sheath which covered the anastomosis site in order to reduce severity of the scarring. The drug intramuscular injection was accompanied by a significant increase of the muscular response amplitude and the increased number of myelinated fibers distal to the anastomosis site against their use as monotherapy [22].

The study performed by Wang F. et al. demonstrated a plVEGF dose-dependent effect when the gene therapeutic construction was given intraneurally after the end-to-end suturing of sciatic nerve stumps. The use of a higher dosage resulted in the most pronounced increase of neurophysiological parameters and a lesser decrease of the calf muscle weight index [23].

Synergism in action of some factors has been uncovered. For example, combined use of a VEGF gene-coding plasmid and a plasmid encoding the C—CSF gene in a sciatic nerve injury model demonstrated a more pronounced increase in the number of myelinated fibers and capillaries in the region distal to the end-to-end anastomosis, maintenance of more neurons in the spinal ganglia as well as the early recovery of the motor function [24]. However, only a part of the cells is transfected with plasmid DNA when using gene therapeutic agents in vivo. Consequently, the probability that a cell is transfected simultaneously with two different gene therapeutic constructions is reduced. The efficacy of a combination of genetic sequences of two growth factors having a synergistic action in one plasmid has been demonstrated in an animal model of the spinal cord contusion injury.

During this experiment it had been shown that when 40 μg of a VEGF and FGF2 gene containing plasmid were directly injected into the spinal cord, there was a significant increase of the capillary number in the sections made at 1.5 cm from the trauma core. Based on the behavior test data, the recovery of the motor function significantly improved as compared to the control group of animals that were not given the plasmid containing VEGF and FGF2 genes. Based on the results obtained in this experiment, it had been concluded that application of the double cassette plasmid improves spinal cord vascularization and reduces the area of destruction of the spinal gray and white matter [25].

The use of gene therapeutic constructions comprising VEGF and the basic fibroblast growth factor to improve sciatic nerve recovery has been described in [26]. Patent RU 2459630 C1 “Stimulation Technique for Neuroregeneration with Genetic Constructions” describes a method of the post-traumatic regeneration of the rat spinal cord when injecting a double-cassette plasmid pBud-VEGF-FGF2.

Spinal cord and peripheral nerves exhibit significant differences in the regenerative potential. Consequently, the results described above have given no indication as to whether the treatment of a peripheral nerve injury with a plasmid expressing both VEGF and FGF2 could be effective in repairing peripheral nerve injuries. This is due to the fact that the mechanism of a contusion injury significantly differs by pathogenesis and a degree of severity from a trauma accompanied with neurotmesis which is more specific for peripheral nerves and prevails in the total structure of their injuries. Moreover, as mentioned above, the type or extent of regenerative or recuperative effects of applying particular growth factors, or a combination of growth factors, to damaged peripheral nervous system tissue are substantially unexplored.

Keeping in mind these problems with protein-based therapies and uncertainties regarding responsiveness of peripheral nerve injuries to a nucleic-acid based therapy, the inventors have developed nucleic-acid based vectors that express growth factors such as VEGF and FGF2 and initiated studies to determine whether incorporation of these growth factors into a complex therapy of a peripheral nerve repair could be effective. As shown herein, a better, more reliable, and more effective treatment of peripheral nerve injuries is possible using a nucleic acid-based therapy.


Accordingly, one object of the present invention is to provide a method for treating a peripheral nervous system damage or injury, or for regenerating peripheral nervous system tissue, comprising administering to a subject in need thereof a vector that comprises polynucleotide sequences that encode vascular endothelia growth factor (VEGF) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF2).

In one embodiment, the vector comprises FGF2 encoding nucleotides at positions 699-1166 and VEGF165 encoding nucleotides at positions 3723-4298 of SEQ ID NO: 1 and resistance to kanamycin nucleotides at positions 1469-2511 of SEQ ID NO: 1. In another embodiment, the vector is pBud(Kan)-VEGF-FGF2 (SEQ ID NO: 1).

Another object of the present invention is to provide a vector comprising polynucleotide sequences that encode vascular endothelia growth factor (VEGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF2), and resistance to kanamycin. In one embodiment, the vector has SEQ ID NO: 1 and comprises FGF2 encoding nucleotides at positions 699-1166, VEGF165 encoding nucleotides at positions 3723-4298 of SEQ ID NO: 1, and resistance to kanamycin nucleotides at positions 1469-2511 of SEQ ID NO: 1.

Another object of the present invention is to provident genetic sequences encoding modified VEGF and FGF-2 that are delivered into tissue using the recombinant plasmid pBud(Kan)-coVEGF165-coFGF2. In one embodiment, the vector pBud(Kan)-coVEGF165-coFGF2 has SEQ ID NO: 4.

Another object of the present invention is to provide a cell that has been transformed with the vector.


The patent or application file contains at least one drawing executed in color. Copies of this patent or patent application publication with color drawing(s) will be provided by the office upon request and payment of the necessary fee.

A more complete appreciation of the invention and many of the attendant advantages thereof will be readily obtained as the same becomes better understood by reference to the following detailed description when considered in connection with the accompanying drawings, wherein:

FIG. 1 provides the repeated approach. The entire sciatic nerve with an autologous graft is visualized. Results after injection of plasmid pBud(Kan)-VEGF-FGF2.

FIG. 2 shows a view of the upper extremity prior to surgery. Post-traumatic and post-operative indented irregular scars are seen on the anterior and posterolateral surfaces of the lower, middle, and upper third of the right upper arm.

FIG. 3 shows lack of active movements in the middle phalanges of fingers 2-5.

FIG. 4 shows the impaired prehension function by all fingers.

FIG. 5 shows high-grade atrophy of the hand muscle within a zone innervated by the median and ulnar nerves and the ability to oppose finger 1 to finger 2 only.

FIG. 6 shows injection of the recombinant plasmid pBud (Kan)-VEGF-FGF2 into the repaired nerve into the suture zone and also proximally and distally over the length of 10 cm.

FIG. 7 shows application of fibrin glue to prevent leakage of the recombinant plasmid.

FIG. 8 shows atrophy of hand and forearm muscles. Nail changes: hypoplastic. Secretory function (sweating): decreased. Figure demonstrates post-surgical improvement in patient's condition.

FIG. 9 shows a hook grasp (a purse handle). Figure demonstrates post-surgical improvement in patient's condition.

FIG. 10 shows a fist grasp. Figure demonstrates post-surgical improvement in patient's condition.

FIG. 11 shows tip prehension (finger Figure demonstrates post-surgical improvement in patient's condition.

FIG. 12 shows tip prehension (finger Figure demonstrates post-surgical improvement in patient's condition.

FIG. 13 shows tip prehension (finger I-IV). Figure demonstrates post-surgical improvement in patient's condition.

FIG. 14 shows a diagram of electromyography results for the thenar muscle group. Based on the electromyography results the thenar muscle response amplitude had increased over the year from 0 mV to 5 mV and almost achieved the value of the contralateral extremity.

FIG. 15 shows electromyography findings for the hypothenar muscle group.

FIG. 16 A, B, C—show the mmunofluorescence analysis of VEGF and FGF2 expression in genetically modified HEK293T cells 48 hours after transfection by fluorescence microscopy. A) Staining with primary antibodies to FGF2 and secondary antibodies conjugated to the fluorescent label Alexa-488. B) Staining with primary antibodies to VEGF and secondary antibodies conjugated to the fluorescent label Alexa-555. C) Staining with a fluorescent dye DAPI and matching the fluorescence of FGF2 and VEGF. Scale: 50 μm.

FIG. 17 shows a 7 cm defect of a median nerve replaced by a sural nerve.

FIGS. 18 and 19 show injection of the recombinant plasmid pBud (Kan)-coVEGF-coFGF2 into the grafted nerve into the suture zone and also proximally and distally over the length of 10 cm.

FIG. 20 shows application of fibrin glue to prevent leakage of the recombinant plasmid.

FIG. 21 shows a cylindrical grip. Figure demonstrates post-surgical improvement in patient's condition.

FIG. 22 shows a hook grasp (a purse handle). Figure demonstrates post-surgical improvement in patient's condition.

FIG. 23 shows a fist grasp. Figure demonstrates post-surgical improvement in patient's condition.


The present invention is used in medicine, preferably in neurosurgery, traumatology and maxillofacial surgery, and in treatment of peripheral nerve injuries.

As used herein the words “a”, “an” and the like generally carry a meaning of “one or more”, unless stated otherwise.

A goal of the inventors' research has been to create, based on their experience in the development of gene therapeutic agents, an effective product for treating patients with peripheral nerve injuries. For this purpose, the inventors have developed various gene therapeutic constructions that differ from each other by the number of encoded transgenes and the transgenes, as well as by the nucleotide sequences of the same transgenes.

In one embodiment, an object of the present invention is to provide an improved or enhanced method for reconstructive treatment involving delivery of a therapeutic polynucleotide construct into or in the vicinity of a damaged peripheral nervous system tissue. An example of this embodiment is the delivery of genetic sequences encoding VEGF and FGF-2 into such tissue using the recombinant plasmid pBud(Kan)-VEGF-FGF2. In another embodiment, genetic sequences encoding modified VEGF and FGF-2 are delivered into such tissue using the recombinant plasmid pBud(Kan)-coVEGF165-coFGF2.

An object of the present invention is to provide a method for treating a peripheral nervous system damage or injury, or for regenerating peripheral nervous system tissue, comprising administering to a subject in need thereof a vector that comprises polynucleotide sequences that encode vascular endothelia growth factor (VEGF) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF2).

A range of the injected plasmid could be from 200 to 500 μg per nerve in 2.5 ml of a physiologic saline solution. The ranges include all values and subranges therebetween, including 250, 300, 350, 400, and 450 μg per nerve in 2.5 ml of a physiologic saline solution and any amount in between.

The vector could be administered in vivo. In another embodiment, the vector is administered to a site of the peripheral nervous system damage or injury or to a tissue to be regenerated. In a different embodiment, the vector is administered to a site of the peripheral nervous system damage or injury at a site proximal or distal to the peripheral nervous system damage, or at sites proximal and distal to said damage. The vector could be administered intra-, peri- and/or paraneurally.

In yet another embodiment, the vector is contacted with a neuron or a Schwann cell, astrocyte, microglia and/or neuron.

In one embodiment, the subject has neurotmesis. In another embodiment, the subject has a diastatic peripheral nerve damage. In a different embodiment, the subject has peripheral nerve damage other than neurotmesis or diastatic peripheral nerve damage. The subject could be human or animal.

In one embodiment, the vector comprises a polynucleotide sequence that encodes resistance to kanamycin.

In another embodiment, the vector comprises FGF2 encoding nucleotides at positions 699-1166 and VEGF165 encoding nucleotides at positions 3723-4298 of SEQ ID NO: 1. The vector further could comprise resistance to kanamycin nucleotides at positions 1469-2511 of SEQ ID NO: 1. In yet another embodiment, the vector is pBud(Kan)-VEGF-FGF2 that has SEQ ID NO: 1.

In another embodiment, a vector comprises codon optimized polynucleotide sequences that encode vascular endothelia growth factor (coVEGF) and codon optimized fibroblast growth factor (coFGF2), and resistance to kanamycin. In one embodiment, the vector is pBud(Kan)-coVEGF165-coFGF2 that has SEQ ID NO: 4. In one embodiment, the vector comprises coFGF2 encoding nucleotides at positions 699-1166 and coVEGF165 encoding nucleotides at positions 3723-4298 of SEQ ID NO: 4. The vector further could comprise resistance to kanamycin nucleotides at positions 1469-2511 of SEQ ID NO: 4.

A different object of the present invention is to provide a cell that has been transformed with the vectors.

Having generally described this invention, a further understanding can be obtained by reference to certain specific examples which are provided herein for purposes of illustration only and are not intended to be limiting unless otherwise specified.

Comparative Example 1. Treatment of Diastatic Peripheral Nerve Injury with VEGF/FGF2 Gene Therapy

An animal model of a diastatic peripheral nerve injury was used to evaluate effects of gene therapy with the plasmid vector encoding both VEGF and FGF2 described by Masgutov [26].

Test animals (rats), were divided into three groups: (i) intact group, (ii) a test group where a gene therapeutic construction was administered, and (iii) a control group where a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution was injected instead of the gene therapeutic construction.

In test group (ii) a total dose of 45 μg of a gene therapeutic construction was directly injected equally into distal and proximal ends of an autologous nerve graft. In control group (iii) a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution was injected into these locations instead of the gene therapeutic construction.

The evaluation criteria of the regeneration dynamics of the peripheral nerve included neurophysiological parameters such as the nerve conduction velocity and the muscle response amplitude as well as the histological examination findings such as the number of myelinated fibers and the capillary network density.

On day 56 following the injection of the plasmid construction, the neurophysiological parameters in the test group (ii) were superior to those in the control group (iii); however, they were significantly inferior to those in the intact animals of group (i).

A histological examination revealed that myelinated fiber numbers per unit of the cross-section area of the graft were significantly higher in the experimental group (ii) compared to the control group (iii). However, no effective recovery of the extremity function was observed. These experiment results show that the use of plasmid-based constructions containing genetic sequences of growth factors provides a stimulating effect on the regeneration of peripheral nerves.

Example 1. Construction and Evaluation of Vector Encoding VEGF and FGF2 in Animal Model

The inventors have sought to determine whether the effect observed in Comparative Example 1 was attributable to the construction of the used plasmid. The inventors have engineered a new plasmid encoding VEGF and FGF2 which replaced the tag sequences in the prior vector with a gene encoding kanamycin resistance. Among other constructs, plasmid pBud(Kan)-VEGF-FGF2 (SEQ ID NO: 1) was constructed. This plasmid has been engineered to include a sequence encoding resistance to kanamycin at nucleotides 1469-2511 of SEQ ID NO: 1; cDNA of a gene encoding FGF2 at nucleotides 699-1166 in SEQ ID NO: 1; cDNA of the gene encoding VEGF165 at nucleotides 3723-4298 in SEQ ID NO: 1; and the Kozak sequence at nucleotides 695-698 and 3719-3722.

The rat animal model of a peripheral nerve injury substantially as described in Comparative Example 1 was used to evaluate the effect of administering the new plasmid constructs, including plasmid pBud(Kan)-VEGF-FGF2 (SEQ ID NO: 1). Gene therapeutic constructions were administrated intraneurally immediately after the peripheral nerve suturing. The results were evaluated after 60 days following the surgical intervention and therapeutic constructs administration. Of all the plasmid DNAs that were used, the best results were obtained for the plasmid pBud(Kan)-VEGF-FGF2 (SEQ ID NO: 1) containing genetic sequences of FGF2 and VEGF. The results for the plasmid pBud(Kan)-VEGF-FGF2 are depicted by FIG. 1. Based on these favorable non-clinical results, the inventors evaluated whether peripheral nerve regeneration could be attained in the clinical setting using the gene therapeutic construction pBud(Kan)-VEGF-FGF2 (SEQ ID NO: 1), as described below.

Example 2. Clinical Evaluation of Regenerative Effects of pBud(Kan)-VEGF-FGF2 (SEQ ID NO: 1)

Patient B., born in 1985, was admitted to the trauma center of the Republic Clinical Hospital of MoH of the Republic of Tatarstan on Apr. 4, 2011, with the diagnosis of sequelae of the median and ulnar nerve injury in the middle third of the right upper arm as shown by FIG. 2. From the patient's history, it was known that in 2009 the patient had a glass cut of the middle third of the upper arm, with the median and ulnar nerves damaged.

The median and ulnar nerves were sutured end-to-end immediately after the injury. However, both motor and sensitivity functions were completed absent in the immediate post-operation period. A course of rehabilitation therapy had produced no visible results.

After 7 months, in 2010, neurolysis of the median and ulnar nerves was performed due to the lack of positive changes in the motor and sensitivity functional recovery. Slight changes in nerve regeneration were observed in the post-operative follow-up, namely, complete lack of sensitivity, at the same time, the motor function appeared which was characterized by the mild bending of the injured hand and fingers. It was decided to perform a surgical treatment.

Prior to surgery, on Apr. 21, 2011, the patient had an examination with the following results:

Trophic Disturbances

    • a) skin status: normal color, decreased fingers' temperature, increased feeling of chillness;
    • b) atrophy of the hand and forearm muscles, as compared to the normal arm: more than 2 cm as shown by FIGS. 2 and 3.
    • c) nail changes: hypoplastic; and
    • d) secretory function (sweating): decreased.

Sensitivity Testing in the Patient in the Autonomous Zone of Innervation by the Nerve:

Kinds of Sensitivity
Brief Description





Sense of two-dimension space


Sense of pressure

Sense of weight

Motor function recovery

Distinct contractions without movements in joints

Motor Function Testing

Sensitivity recovery

Lack of sensitivity within the nerve autonomous zone

Hand prehension patterns: the hand is unable to perform any type of prehension (FIG. 3-4).

Diagnosis: the injury of the median and ulnar nerves in the middle third of the forearm sustained 2 years ago. The status post suturing and neurolysis of the median and ulnar nerves are shown in FIG. 5.

A surgery was performed on Apr. 26, 2011, including neurolysis of the median and ulnar nerves with the intraneural administration of plasmid pBud(Kan)-VEGF-FGF2 (SEQ ID NO: 1) containing the vegf and fgf-2 genes.

The surgery was conducted under the nerve block anaesthesia. Following triple treatment of the surgical field, an arcuate incision was made on the inner surface of the right upper arm. The median and ulnar nerves were isolated with technical difficulties. The suture lines had been found. There were no neuroma signs observed; however, the nerves were involved in a scar-forming process and adhered to the surrounding tissue.

The plasmid pBud(Kan)-VEGF-FGF2 was injected with an insulin needle, 250 μg per nerve in 2.5 ml of a physiologic saline solution. The injection was administered into the suture zone and also proximally and distally over the length of 10 cm (FIG. 6). After that 2 ml of the two-component fibrin glue TISSUCOL® was applied to the isolated nerves (FIG. 7).

The post-surgical case included hemostasis, wound suturing, placement of a rubber tube drainage, and application of an antiseptic dressing and a plaster cast. A re-examination was performed one month after the surgery.

The results of the physical examination dated on May 25, 2011, are presented below:

Trophic Disturbances

a) skin status: normal color;

b) atrophy of the injured hand and forearm muscles, compared to the normal arm: more than 2 cm (FIG. 8);

c) nail changes: hypoplastic; and

d) secretory function (sweating): decreased.

Sensitivity Testing in the Patient in the Autonomous Zone of Innervation by the Nerve:

Kinds of Sensitivity
Brief Description


Hot - absent

Cold - distal phalanges of

fingers 1, 2

Fingers 1, 2 - distal phalange


Sense of two-dimension space

(Moberg pickup test)

Sense of pressure

Sense of weight

Sensitivity recovery

Recovery of deep pain sensitivity within the nerve

autonomous zone

Motor Function Testing

Motor function recovery

Distinct contractions without movements in joints

Hand prehension patterns: the hand is unable to perform any type of prehension.

A regular examination was performed in 6 months after the surgery. The results of the physical examination dated on Nov. 15, 2012, are presented below:

Trophic Disturbances

    • a) skin status: of normal color;
    • b) atrophy of the hand and forearm muscles, compared to the normal arm: moderate (1-2 cm) and severe (more than 2 cm);
    • c) nail changes: within normal limits; and
    • d) secretory function (sweating): normal.

Sensitivity Testing in the Patient in the Autonomous Zone of Innervation by the Nerve:

Kinds of Sensitivity
Brief Description

Present, including distal

phalanges of all fingers

Hot - distal phalanges of finger

1, middle phalanges of fingers 3,


Cold - distal phalanges of

fingers 1, 3; distal phalanges of

fingers 2, 4, 5

Fingers 1, 3 - distal phalange,

middle phalange 2, 4, 5

finger 1 - 10 mm

finger 2 - 30 mm

finger 3 - 20 mm

finger 4 - 30 mm

finger 5 - 30 mm

Sense of two-dimension space
Identifies large objects (a box of

(Moberg pickup test)
cigarettes, glue, tube for blood

collection), a pencil, glue tube

Sense of pressure

Sense of weight

Sensitivity recovery

Recovery of surface pain and tactile sensitivity within the entire

autonomous zone with complete hyperpathia disappearance

Motor Function Testing

Motor function recovery

Mild movements in joints (useful recovery)

Hand Prehension Patterns:

1) cylindrical grasp—YES;

2) spherical grasp—YES;

3) hook grasp (a bag handle)—YES;

4) first grasp—YES;

5) tip prehension

    • a) terminal opposition—YES;
    • b) subterminal opposition—NO;

6) lateral prehension

    • a) pinch grip—NO;
    • b) scissor grip—“cigarette”—NO.

A year after the surgery, the patient had a regular examination. The results of the physical examination dated on Apr. 20, 2012, are presented below:

Trophic Disturbances

    • a) skin status: of normal color;
    • b) atrophy of the injured hand and forearm muscles, compared to the normal arm: moderate (1-2 cm);
    • c) nail changes: within normal limits; and
    • d) secretory function: within normal limits.

Sensitivity Testing in the Patient in the Autonomous Zone of Innervation by the Nerve:

Kinds of Sensitivity
Brief Description

Present, including distal

phalanges of all fingers

Hot - distal phalanges of fingers

1 and 3, middle phalanges of

fingers 4, 5

Cold - distal phalanges of

fingers 1, 3; distal phalanges of

fingers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Fingers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - distal


finger 1 - 5 mm

finger 2 - 5 mm

finger 3 - 10 mm

finger 4 - 5 mm

finger 5 - 10 mm

Sense of two-dimension space
Identifies large objects (a box of

(Moberg pickup test)
cigarettes, glue, tube for blood

collection), as well as small

objects (rubber, button, coin,


Sense of pressure

Sense of weight

Sensitivity recovery

Recovery of surface pain and tactile sensitivity within the entire

autonomous zone with complete hyperpathia disappearance, but

with some recovery of two-point discrimination within the

autonomous zone (from 12 to 15 mm)

Motor Function Testing

Motor function recovery

Movements with overcoming some resistance

Hand Prehension Patterns:

1) spherical grasp—YES;

2) spherical grasp—YES;

3) hook grasp—YES (FIG. 9);

4) first grasp—YES (FIG. 10);

5) tip prehension: (FIG. 11-13)

    • a) terminal opposition—YES;
    • b) subterminal opposition—YES;

6) lateral prehension

    • a) pinch grip—YES;
    • 6) scissor grip—YES.

These clinical results show that the extremity function was significantly improved one year after the intraneural administration of the gene-therapeutic construction containing a plasmid expressing VEFG and FGF2. The improved functional state of the extremity was manifested as the decreased severity of the trophic disturbances, as the development of various sensitivities within the area of innervation of the median and ulnar nerves, and as a significant improvement of the motor function. Based on the electromyography results the thenar muscle response amplitude had increased over the year from 0 mV to 5 mV and almost achieved the value of the contralateral extremity (FIGS. 14 and 15).

An animal model and clinical results show that a plasmid that expresses two growth factors, VEGF and FGF2, provides a more effective induction of the peripheral nerve regeneration that prior plasmid constructs.

The efficacy of using a gene therapeutic construction to improve results of surgical treatment of peripheral nerve injuries has been determined and demonstrated by the present inventors in the above described experiments and clinical observations. While not being bound to any particular mechanism, the inventors believe that the achieved clinical effects when using the plasmid pBud(Kan)-VEGF-FGF2 (SEQ ID NO: 1) were likely obtained due to the combination of these two growth factors. However, a full understanding of the influence of genetic constructs requires further studies.

Example 3. Codon Optimization

(A) Codon optimization is based on the degeneracy of genetic code when the most commonly used synonymous codons of degenerate genetic code are used as optimal codons. The higher the frequency of occurrence of a codon used to encode an amino acid in the body the more rapidly it could be translated by ribosomes due to the high intracellular concentration of tRNA recognizing such codon. To optimize the codon composition of VEGF165 and FGF2 genes, the OptimumGene® algorithm was used, which takes into account various factors affecting gene expression levels such as codon shift, GC composition, CpG dinucleotide content, secondary mRNA structure, tandem repeats, restriction sites that can interfere with the cloning, premature polyadenylation sites, additional minor ribosome binding sites, etc. All these optimizations can result in increased target transgene transcription, mRNA stability and translation.

The nucleotide sequences of mRNA of VEGF165 gene (GeneBank #AF486837.1, 576 bp) and FGF2 gene (GeneBank #DD406196.1, 468 bp) were used as a template for the codon optimization. The codon usage bias in VEGF165 and FGF2 genes was changes by upgrading the codon adaptation index (CAI) from 0.81 to 0.87 and from 0.77 to 0.87, respectively. The GC content and unfavorable peaks have been optimized to prolong the half-life of mRNA. Stem-Loop structures that impact ribosomal binding and stability of mRNA were disturbed. In addition, the applied optimization process has screened and successfully modified the negative cis-acting sites as listed in the introduction. As a result of the codon optimization, the amino acid sequences of FGF2 and VEGF165 genes have not changed and were 155 and 191 amino acid residues, respectively.

De novo synthesis of codon-optimized VEGF165 and FGF2 cDNAs and subsequent subcloning into plasmid pBud (Kan)-coVEGF165-coFGF2 was performed by GenScript® (USA).

(B) A functional activity of the obtained genetic construct was confirmed by the analysis of transgenes expression in vitro.

A genetic modification (transfection) of HEK293T cells with plasmid pBud(Kan)-coVEGF165-coFGF2 was performed using TurboFect® transfection reagent (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., USA) according to the procedure recommended by the manufacturer. To evaluate efficiency of transfection plasmid vector pEGFP—N2 (BD Biosciences Clontech, Germany) expressing the green fluorescent protein GFP was used as a positive control.

To evaluate expression of VEGF165 and FGF2 in the transfected HEK293T cells immunofluorescence and xMap Luminex® (multiplex) assays were performed.

Immunofluorescence analysis of the expression of VEGF165 and FGF2 in the genetically modified HEK293T cells was performed 48 hours after transfection using a standard protocol using specific antibodies to VEGF (VEGF Antibody (A-20), #sc-152, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.) and FGF2 (FGF-2 Antibody (N-19), #sc-1390, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.). Results were analyzed by fluorescence microscopy on an inverted AxioOberver®.Z1 fluorescence microscope (Carl Zeiss, Germany) using AxyoVision Rel® software. 4.8. Immunofluorescence analysis of the HEK293T cells transfected with plasmid pBud (Kan)-coVEGF165-coFGF2 has revealed a positive reaction with specific antibodies to the vascular endothelial growth factor and the fibroblast growth factor (FIG. 16).

A level of secretion of VEGF and FGF2 by the genetically modified HEK293T cells was determined using Bio-Plex Pro™ Human Cytokine 27-plex Assay (BioRad) xMap Luminex® multiplex assay kit on the Luminex®200™ multiplex analyzer. The concentrations of FGF2 and VEGF in a conditioned medium of HEK293T cells transfected with plasmid pBud(Kan)-coVEGF165-coFGF2 were 825.21 pg/ml and 2145.8 pg/ml, respectively.

Concentration of
Concentration of

FGF2, pg/ml
VEGF, pg/ml




Without plasmid

Example 4. Clinical Evaluation of Regenerative Effects of pBud(Kan)-coVEGF165-coFGF2 (SEQ ID NO: 4)

Patient M., born in 1979, was admitted to the trauma center of the Republic Clinical Hospital of MoH of the Republic of Tatarstan in October 2014, with the diagnosis of sequelae of the median nerve injury in the middle third of the right upper arm.

From the patient's history, it was known that in December 2013, the patient had a knife cut of the middle third of the upper arm, with the median nerve damaged. Primary surgical treatment of the wound without suture of the median nerve was performed in the ambulance hospital in the patient's place of residence. In 10 months, the patient came to the clinic.

At the time of admission, there was a complete loss of function of the median nerve—lack of flexion of 1 and 2 fingers, lack of sensitivity. With palpation, there was a sharp soreness in the field of a trauma with characteristic “shooting” pain. Prior to surgery, on Oct. 20, 2014, the patient had an examination with the following results:

Trophic Disturbances:

a) skin status: normal color, decreased fingers' temperature, increased feeling of chillness;

b) atrophy of the hand and forearm muscles, as compared to the normal arm: more than 2 cm.

c) nail changes: hypoplastic; and

d) secretory function (sweating): decreased.

Sensitivity Testing in the Patient in the Autonomous Zone of Innervation by the Nerve:

Kinds of Sensitivity
Brief Description





Sense of two-dimension space


Sense of pressure

Sense of weight

Sensitivity recovery

Lack of sensitivity within the nerve autonomous zone

Motor Function Testing

Motor function recovery

Distinct contractions without movements in joints

Hand prehension patterns: the hand is unable to perform any type of prehension.

Diagnosis: the injury of the median nerve in the middle third of the forearm sustained 10 months ago.

A surgery was performed on Oct. 21, 2014, including a 7 cm defect autonerve grafting by sural nerve (FIG. 17) of the median nerve with the intraneural administration of plasmid pBud(Kan)-coVEGF165-coFGF2 (SEQ ID NO: 4) containing the VEGF165 and FGF2 genes.

The surgery was conducted under the nerve block anaesthesia. Following triple treatment of the surgical field, an arcuate incision was made on the inner surface of the right upper arm. The median nerve was isolated with technical difficulties. There were neuroma signs observed and the nerve was involved in a scar-forming process and adhered to the surrounding tissue.

The plasmid pBud(Kan)-coVEGF165-coFGF2 was injected with an insulin needle, 250 pg in 2.5 ml of a physiologic saline solution. The injection was administered into the graft zones and also proximally and distally over the length of 10 cm (FIG. 18, 19). After that 2 ml of the two-component fibrin glue TISSUCOL® was applied to the isolated nerves (FIG. 20).

The post-surgical case included hemostasis, wound suturing, placement of a rubber tube drainage, and application of an antiseptic dressing and a plaster cast. A re-examination was performed one month after the surgery.

The results of the physical examination dated Nov. 21, 2014, are presented below:

Trophic Disturbances:

a) skin status: normal color;

b) atrophy of the injured hand and forearm muscles, compared to the normal arm: more than 2 cm;

c) nail changes: hypoplastic; and

d) secretory function (sweating): decreased.

Sensitivity Testing in the Patient in the Autonomous Zone of Innervation by the Nerve:

Kinds of Sensitivity
Brief Description


Hot - absent

Cold - distal phalanges of fingers

1, 2

Fingers 1, 2 - distal phalange


Sense of two-dimension space

(Moberg pickup test)

Sense of pressure

Sense of weight

Sensitivity recovery

Recovery of deep pain sensitivity within

the nerve autonomous zone

Motor Function Testing:

Motor function recovery

Distinct contractions without movements in joints

Hand prehension patterns: the hand is unable to perform any type of prehension.

A regular examination was performed in 6 months after the surgery. The results of the physical examination dated Apr. 20, 2015, are presented below:

Trophic Disturbances:

a) skin status: of normal color;

b) atrophy of the hand and forearm muscles, compared to the normal aim: moderate (1-2 cm) and severe (more than 2 cm);

c) nail changes: within normal limits; and

d) secretory function (sweating): normal.

Sensitivity Testing in the Patient in the Autonomous Zone of Innervation by the Nerve:

Kinds of Sensitivity
Brief Description

Present, including distal phalanges of

all fingers

Hot - distal phalanges of finger 1,

middle phalanges of fingers 3, 4

Cold - distal phalanges of fingers 1,

3; distal phalanges of fingers 2, 4, 5

Fingers 1, 3 - distal phalange, middle

phalange 2, 4, 5

Finger 1 - 10 mm

Finger 2 - 30 mm

Finger 3 - 20 mm

Finger 4 - 30 mm

Finger 5 - 30 mm

Sense of two-dimension
Identifies large objects (a box of

space (Moberg pickup test)
cigarettes, glue, tube for blood

collection), a pencil, glue tube

Sense of pressure

Sense of weight

Sensitivity recovery

Recovery of surface pain and tactile sensitivity within the entire

autonomous zone with complete hyperpathia disappearance

Motor Function Testing

Motor function recovery

Mild movements in joints (useful recovery)

Hand Prehension Patterns:

1) cylindrical grasp—YES;

2) spherical grasp—YES;

3) hook grasp (a bag handle)—YES;

4) first grasp—YES;

5) tip prehension

a) terminal opposition—YES;

b) subterminal opposition—NO;

6) lateral prehension

a) pinch grip—NO;

b) scissor grip—“cigarette”—NO.

A 1 year after the surgery, the patient had a regular examination. The results of the physical examination dated Oct. 26, 2015, are presented below:

Trophic Disturbances:

a) skin status: of normal color;

b) atrophy of the injured hand and forearm muscles, compared to the normal arm: moderate (1-2 cm);

c) nail changes: within normal limits; and

d) secretory function: within normal limits.

Sensitivity Testing in the Patient in the Autonomous Zone of Innervation by the Nerve:

Kinds of Sensitivity
Brief Description

Present, including distal phalanges of all


Hot-distal phalanges of fingers 1 and 3,

middle phalanges of fingers 4, 5

Cold-distal phalanges of fingers 1, 3;

distal phalanges of fingers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Fingers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-distal phalange

Finger 1-5 mm

Finger 2-5 mm

Finger 3-10 mm

Finger 4-5 mm

Finger 5-10 mm

Sense of two-
Identifies large objects (a box of cigarettes,

dimension space
glue, tube for blood collection), as well as

(Moberg pickup test)
small objects (rubber, button, coin, dip)

Sense of pressure

Sense of weight

Sensitivity recovery

Recovery of surface pain and tactile sensitivity within the entire

autonomous zone with complete hyperpathia disappearance, but

with some recovery of two-point discrimination within the

autonomous zone (from 12 to 15 mm)

Motor Function Testing

Motor function recovery

Movements with overcoming some resistance

Hand Prehension Patterns:

1) spherical grasp—YES (FIG. 21);

2) hook grasp—YES (FIG. 22);

3) first grasp—YES (FIG. 23);

4) tip prehension:

a) terminal opposition—YES;

b) subterminal opposition—YES;

5) lateral prehension

a) pinch grip—YES;

6) scissor grip—YES.

These clinical results show that the extremity function was significantly improved one year after the intraneural administration of the gene-therapeutic construction containing a plasmid expressing VEFG165 and FGF2. The improved functional state of the extremity was manifested as the decreased severity of the trophic disturbances, as the development of various sensitivities within the area of innervation of the median nerve, and as a significant improvement of the motor function.

The in vitro experiments and clinical results show that a plasmid that expresses two growth factors, VEGF165 and FGF2, provides a more effective induction of the peripheral nerve regeneration that prior plasmid constructs.

The efficacy of using a gene therapeutic construction to improve results of surgical treatment of peripheral nerve injuries has been determined and demonstrated by the present inventors in the above described experiments and clinical observations. While not being bound to any particular mechanism, the inventors believe that the achieved clinical effects when using the plasmid pBud(Kan)-coVEGF165-coFGF2 (SEQ ID NO: 4) were likely obtained due to the combination of these two growth factors. However, a full understanding of the influence of genetic constructs requires further studies.

All publications, patent applications, patents, and other references mentioned herein are incorporated by reference herein in their entirety. Further, the materials, methods, and examples are illustrative only and are not intended to be limiting, unless otherwise specified.

Numerous modification and variations on the present invention are possible in light of the above teachings. It is therefore to be understood that within the scope of the appended claims, the invention may be practiced otherwise than as specifically described herein.


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  • 1. A method for treating a peripheral nervous system damage or injury, or for regenerating peripheral nervous system tissue, the method comprising administering to a subject in need thereof an effective amount of a vector that comprises polynucleotide sequences that encode a vascular endothelia growth factor (VEGF) and a fibroblast growth factor (FGF2), wherein the vector comprises FGF2 encoding nucleotides at positions 699-1166 and VEGF165 encoding nucleotides at positions 3723-4298 of SEQ ID NO: 4.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, for treating a peripheral nervous system damage or injury.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, for regenerating peripheral nervous system tissue.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, wherein the vector is administered in vivo.
  • 5. The method of claim 1, wherein the vector is administered to a site of the peripheral nervous system damage or injury or to a tissue to be regenerated.
  • 6. The method of claim 1, wherein the vector is administered to a site of the peripheral nervous system damage or injury at a site proximal or distal to the peripheral nervous system damage, or at sites proximal and distal to said damage.
  • 7. The method of claim 1, comprising administering the vector intra-, peri- and/or paraneurally.
  • 8. The method of claim 1, comprising contacting the vector with a neuron or a Schwann cell, astrocyte, microglia and/or neuron.
  • 9. The method of claim 1, wherein the subject has neurotmesis.
  • 10. The method of claim 1, wherein the subject has a diastatic peripheral nerve damage.
  • 11. The method of claim 1, wherein the subject has peripheral nerve damage other than neurotmesis or diastatic peripheral nerve damage.
  • 12. The method of claim 1, wherein the subject is human.
  • 13. The method of claim 1, wherein the vector further comprises a polynucleotide sequence that encodes resistance to kanamycin.
  • 14. The method of claim 1, wherein the vector comprises resistance to kanamycin nucleotides at positions 1469-2511 of SEQ ID NO: 4.
  • 15. The method of claim 1, wherein the vector is pBud(Kan)-coVEGF165-coFGF2 having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO: 4.
  • 16. A vector comprising polynucleotide sequences that encode vascular endothelia growth factor (VEGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF2), and resistance to kanamycin.
  • 17. The vector of claim 16 that comprises FGF2 encoding nucleotides at positions 699-1166 and VEGF165 encoding nucleotides at positions 3723-4298 of SEQ ID NO: 4.
  • 18. The vector of claim 16 having SEQ ID NO: 4.
  • 19. A cell that has been transformed with the vector of claim 16.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
2014137218 Sep 2014 RU national

This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/460,668, filed Mar. 16, 2017, which is a continuation of application PCT/RU2015/000545, filed Aug. 27, 2015, which claims priority to application RU2014137218, filed Oct. 16, 2014, all of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entireties.

Continuations (1)
Number Date Country
Parent PCT/RU2015/000545 Aug 2015 US
Child 15460668 US
Continuation in Parts (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 15460668 Mar 2017 US
Child 15652792 US