The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory course on Frontiers and Techniques in Plant Science provides opportunities for a diverse group of early career scientists to learn about the latest developments and methods in plant research. This three-week immersion course provides training in the cutting-edge techniques used in modern research on model and crop plants. The course has a long tradition of exposing students to new ways of thinking about plant research and to new approaches in plant research. Students who complete this course will be prepared to join the next generation of innovative scientists in the plant research community. <br/><br/>Frontiers and Techniques in Plant Science is a well-established course on current research and techniques in plant biology. This course consists of a rigorous lecture series, hands-on laboratory experiences and informal workshops. The course provides training in plant genetics and molecular biology, genomics and synthetic techniques, as well as analytical, computational and interdisciplinary approaches to plant research. The course instructors are chosen based on their expertise and substantial contributions to plant research. The participants are a diverse group of early career scientists who benefit from the intensive laboratory-based coursework and substantial opportunities for networking with leaders in the field of plant research. Past participants have reported a high satisfaction with the course, and long-term follow-up studies indicate that the course has a long-lasting impact on the careers and research directions of participants.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.