To advance the science on social factors associated with the well-being – defined broadly to include social, economic, physical, psychological, and relational dimensions – of new populations, in this project social scientists are convened to present their research on new populations in the United States and influences on their well-being. With sustained levels of new populations to the country, it is crucial to promote scientific knowledge on their well-being as their population is critical for the sustenance, prosperity, and health of the nation. Representing advances in this area across a variety of disciplines – including anthropology, education, criminal justice, sociology, and economics – the scholarship presented at this convening will be published in peer-reviewed journals to enhance public knowledge on the barriers and promoters to the well-being of new populations, thereby benefiting US society. Specific efforts will be undertaken to recruit scholars from under-represented backgrounds and institutions of varying research capacities, to add a diversity of perspectives to the field.<br/><br/>Making sound decisions rooted in empirical evidence concerning new populations requires that we create spaces that amplify academic work on the subject, while also creating opportunities for the public to engage with this scholarship in consumable forms. In this conference, a collaborative effort between the George Washington University and the University of South Florida, participants present high-impact research on the well-being of new populations and take part in applied workshops on best practices for communicating that research to decision makers and the public-at-large. The intellectual merit of the conference includes its interdisciplinary and translational orientation to the application of empirical research. The translational workshops prepare a cohort of scholars with the knowledge and skills to bring empirical insights on publicly engaged scholarship on the well-being of new populations beyond the academy into decision making spaces.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.