Given the persistent challenge of racial inequity in STEM, there is a clear need for new models that spur and sustain racial equity change. Successful departmental team-based change efforts demonstrate that change can be created and sustained at the meso level of an institution (i.e., departments, centers, and units as the focus for change). This project will bring together experts in institutional change and experts in advancing racial equity with the goal of combining existing, well tested change models to produce a new, racial equity focused model of change in higher education—the Equity Departmental Action Team (EDAT) model. This model will focus on shifting departmental cultures in ways that benefit, and are grounded in the experiences of, those with historically marginalized racial and ethnic identities. This project will advance the scholarship of racial equity by developing, testing, and refining the EDAT model with STEM departments at a Minority Serving Institution and disseminating the model through partnership with national higher education associations.<br/><br/>This project will take place in two major phases: 1) development of the Equity Departmental Action Team (EDAT) model, and 2) pilot of the EDAT model in STEM departments at a Minority Serving Institution, the University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver). The development of the new EDAT model will draw from existing change programs, including the Departmental Action Team (DAT) model and the Dialogues and Change Agent programs. It will integrate multiple theories from systems change, social justice change, social psychology change agency, and intergroup contact. Research activities will focus on both the process and impact of the EDAT model. The project will use surveys, focus groups, interviews, and participant journaling to explore the following research questions. RQ1: To what extent do Foundational Experiences prepare EDAT members for racial equity work? RQ2: What strategies do EDATs deploy when engaging in racial equity work? RQ3: To what extent do EDATs integrate racial equity into departmental culture? Research and program evaluation will be conducted simultaneously with the EDAT implementation so the model can be iteratively refined throughout the project. Dissemination of the model will take place in collaboration with partners from the American Association of Colleges and Universities and the Coalition of Urban Serving Universities - Association of Public and Land-grant Universities.<br/> <br/>This collaborative project is funded through the Racial Equity in STEM Education activity (EDU Racial Equity). The activity supports research and practice projects that investigate how considerations of racial equity factor into the improvement of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and workforce. Awarded projects seek to center the voices, knowledge, and experiences of the individuals, communities, and institutions most impacted by systemic inequities within the STEM enterprise. This activity aligns with NSF’s core value of supporting outstanding researchers and innovative thinkers from across the Nation's diversity of demographic groups, regions, and types of organizations. Programs across EDU contribute funds to the Racial Equity activity in recognition of the alignment of its projects with the collective research and development thrusts of the four divisions of the directorate.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.