This Ideas Lab project represents a pivotal stride towards inclusivity and advancement in semiconductor technology, leveraging a consortium of seven Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). This partnership, led by Central State University, with Alabama A&M University, Coppin State University, Fayetteville State University, Hampton University, Meharry Medical College, and North Carolina A&T State University, is strategically designed to tackle persistent national challenges that limit access to advanced technological resources and opportunities for underserved communities. By enhancing the research infrastructure and educational capabilities across these institutions, the project aligns with the U.S. National Science Foundation's mission to promote the progress of science and contribute to national prosperity and welfare for all. The project will foster educational diversity, support interdisciplinary research collaborations, and develop a technical workforce ready to address future technological challenges of national concern as addressed by the CHIPS and Science Act in 2022, thereby ensuring broad societal benefits and extending opportunities within the high-tech industry to a more diverse population.<br/><br/>Technically, the project is structured around four groundbreaking research thrusts: i) From Artificial Intelligence in Quantum Materials to Automation in Semiconductor Manufacturing, ii) Biomimetic Waste Remediation in Semiconductor Manufacturing, iii) Wide-bandgap Inorganic Semiconductors, and iv) Organic/Inorganic Semiconductor Integration and Packaging. These areas represent the forefront of innovation in semiconductor technology and provide a framework for a transformative educational model. By leveraging the combined strengths and resources of the seven participating HBCUs, the project aims to build a comprehensive network that enhances the collective research capacity and educational prowess of these institutions. Furthermore, the initiative will establish a sustainable online platform and repository to share resources and knowledge widely, ensuring the longevity and impact of the project extend well beyond the immediate academic community. This effort will further elevate the participating HBCUs and contribute significantly to the national and global advancement in semiconductor technologies. This project is co-funded by the NSF CISE Research Expansion Programs (CISE MSI), which provides research funding for institutional capacity building efforts for minority-serving institutions across the nation.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.