Quantum information processing is at the threshold of having a significant impact on technology and society in the form of providing unbreakable security, ultra-high-precision distributed sensing, and potentially exponential speed up on many computing applications. Most of these applications rely on what is termed shared entanglement between pairs and groups of users that gives rise to Albert Einstein referred to as “spooky action at a distance”. A critical component needed to pass this threshold is a distributed infrastructure in the form of a world-wide quantum network to distribute entanglement to users. Our research project is focused on enabling such an infrastructure. It focuses on challenges that arise due to the need to share a quantum network among different users and the need to protect the network against loss and noise that is present in the environment. Its goal is to develop algorithms and protocols that allow efficient and fair sharing of the network among users, and that protects against noise <br/>inherent in the network.<br/><br/>The goal of the project is a fully informed study of the design and operation of quantum networks combining physical-layer device noise models with the ground-up development of higher-layer network protocols. Our project will: (i) develop new path selection and link-level entanglement allocation algorithms for flows; (ii) develop resource allocation protocols optimized for device quality metrics, such as quantum memory coherence times; and (iii)develop strategies for masking the effects of and reducing the amount of classical communication required by quantum networking protocols. Another goal is to inspire undergraduate and graduate students from underrepresented groups to study and perform research in quantum information topics.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.